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table {
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<center><h1>1st Quarterly Evaluation in Computer (The Application
<h2> HTML Elements</h2>
We all know that an HTML Element is defined by a start tag. the content and an
end tag.
Under this section, you will see the most common and some of the basic HTML
<b>Paragraph Element</b>
<br> The tag for a paragraph is < p >
<br> Using this tag will make your text or your content be displayed like a
<p> This is an example of a paragraph.</p>
<b>Headings or Headers</b>
<p> This part is accompanied with codes < h1 > to < h6 > in which h1 is the
largest and h6 is the smallest.</p>
<h1> H1 (LARGEST HEADING)</h1>
<h2> H2 (SECOND LARGEST)</h2>
<h3> H3 (THIRD LARGEST)</h3>
<h4> H4 (FOURTH LARGEST)</h4>
<h5> H5 (FIFTH LARGEST)</h5>
<h6> H6 (tiniest heading)</h6>
<b>Break Line</b>
<p>^ This empty space above this section is the function of Break Line. ^ </p>
<b> HR ELEMENT </b>
<p> As you can see above, there is a long line. This is the main function of
Horizontal Line tag.</p>
<p> This tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page. </p>
<h2> Text Formats </h2>
<b> Bold </b>
<br>It makes a text or a section bold.
<b>This is an example of a bold text</b>
<i> Italicized </i>
<br>It makes a text or section italic.
<i> This is an example of italized text</i>
<p> Type Attribute </p>
<br>used to specify the type of button for < button > elements. It is also used in
the < input > element to specify the type of input to display. For embed elements
like link, object, script, source, and style used to specify the Internet Media
<p> Type Attribute </p>
<input type="datetime-local">><--- The input tag's 'type' attribute may have
created this date and time display.
<p><b> Href Attribute </b></p>
<p>The 'href' attribute, when combined with the 'a' element, may result in the
creation of a link; the link below will take us to the "YouTube Site."</p>
<a href="">YouTube Site</a>

<h2>JavaScript Arithmetic Operators</h2>

<p>Arithmetic Operators carry out arithmetic operations on the operands. The

following are well-known examples:
Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript

<td>23+6 = 29</td>
<td>23-6 = 17</td>
<td>23*6 = 138 </td>
<td>24*6 = 4</td>
<td>Modulus (Remainder)</td>
<td>20%10 = 0</td>
<td>var p=10;p++;Now p = 11</td>
<td>var r=10;r--;Now r = 9</td>

<h2>Display of Arithmetic Operators</h2>

<li>Addition: a+b
<p id="add"></p></li>

<li>Subtraction: d-e
<p id="sub"></p></li>

<li>Multiplication: g*h
<p id="multi"></p></li>

<li>Division: j/k
<p id="div"></p></li>

<li>Modulus (Remainder): m%n

<p id="mod"></p></li>

<li>Increment: p++
<p id="inc"></p></li>

<li>Decrement: r--
<p id="dec"></p></li>

let a = 23;
let b = 6;
let c = a + b;
document.getElementById("add").innerHTML = c;

let d = 23;
let e = 6;
let f = d - e;
document.getElementById("sub").innerHTML = f;
let g = 23;
let h = 6;
let i = g * h;
document.getElementById("multi").innerHTML = i;

let j = 24;
let k = 6;
let l = j / k;
document.getElementById("div").innerHTML = l;

let m = 20;
let n = 10;
let o = m % n;
document.getElementById("mod").innerHTML = o;

let p = 10;
let q = p;
document.getElementById("inc").innerHTML = q;

let r = 10;
let s = r;
document.getElementById("dec").innerHTML = s;

function msg(){
alert("Steven Lloyd R. dela Cruz from Grade 10-St. Isabel");
<center><input type="button" onclick="msg()" value ="Developed By:"/>




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