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Karnaugh Map (K-Map)

We must find expressions with the fewest possible variables for several digital
circuits and practical issues. Without requiring any Boolean algebra theorems, we can
quickly minimize Boolean expressions of 3, 4, or more using the K-map. Depending on the
requirements of the issue, K-map can take one of two forms: sum of products (SOP) or
product of sums (POS). We fill the grid of the K-map with 0s and 1s before solving it by
creating groups. K-map is a representation that looks like a table but provides more
information than TRUTH TABLE.

The Use of Karnaugh Map

Let's utilize the Karnaugh map we created using Venn diagrams now that we have
it. Compared to Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps reduce logic functions more rapidly and
simply. By "reduce," we mean "simplify," which means fewer inputs and gates.

To reduce expenses by omitting components, we prefer to reduce logic to its

simplest, least expensive form. The fewest number of gates with the fewest inputs per gate
is what we mean by lowest cost. Once they are familiar with this method, most students
prefer to use Karnaugh maps for logic simplification over Boolean algebra.

Above, we display five separate objects that all just represent the same
thing—a random 2-input digital logic function—in a different way. Prior to logic
gates, a truth table, a Karnaugh map, and a Boolean equation, there is relay ladder

. The key idea is that they are all equivalent. Two inputs A and B may be
either 0 or 1, high or low, open or closed, or True or False, depending on the
situation. There are 22 x 4 input combinations that result in an output. All five of
the aforementioned examples fit this. These four outputs may be observed on a
lamp in the relay ladder logic, on a logic probe on the gate diagram. These outputs
may be recorded in the truth table, or in the Karnaugh map. Look at the Karnaugh
map as being a rearranged truth table.

The Boolean equation's output may be calculated using the rules of Boolean
algebra and then transferred to a truth table or Karnaugh map.

Which of the five logical descriptions that are equal should we use? whichever is
most advantageous for completing the task.

The results of a truth table match the entries of a Karnaugh map exactly. The
A=0, B=0 inputs result in an output, starting at the top of the truth table.

Note that the A=0 row and B=0 column intersection in the top left corner of the
Karnaugh map at the A=0, B=0 cell address corresponds to the same output. At
comparable K-map positions, the other truth table outputs,, from inputs AB=01, 10,
and 11 are located.

With the help of earlier rectangular Venn diagram-like Boolean areas, we

demonstrate the neighboring 2-cell sections in the 2-variable K-map in the example

In the upper left K-map below, cells and are shown as being next to one another as
ellipses. This is not the case, according to the preceding truth table. Between them, there is
a different truth table item (). In order to provide a pattern that immediately stands out to
us, cells with any common Boolean variables need to be close to one another. This takes us
full round to the purpose of structuring the K-map into a square array.

They share the Boolean variable B' for the cells and. B=0 (the same as B') for cells
and in the column above enables us to know this. Comparing this to the Venn diagram in
squares above the K-map. A similar line of reasoning shows that β and δ have Boolean B
(B=1) in common. Then, α and β have Boolean A’ (A=0) in common. Finally, χ and δ have
Boolean A (A=1) in common. Compare the last two maps to the middle square Venn

To sum up, we're seeking for cells that share Boolean variables. We can notice this
similarity because to the way the Karnaugh map is set up. Let's attempt some illustrations.


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