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Physical Activity Towards Health FITness

Movement Competency Training/ Movement Enhancement

Aspects of Fitness
 Physical Fitness- involves the performance of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the
body (workout).
 Social Fitness- ability to engage in a productive interaction in a society (socializing).
 Emotional Fitness- defined as the state of how well you can control your emotion (control
of emotion, temper).
 Mental Fitness- is defined as a state of well-being and having a positive sense of how we
feel, think, and act (Mental health).

Components of Fitness: Health-related Fitness

 Cardiovascular/ Cardiorespiratory Endurance- a measure of how well the heart, lungs,
and muscles perform during physical activity (stamina}.
 Muscular Endurance- It is the ability of the body to work for an extended amount of time
(durability of the body).
 Muscular Strength- the amount of force you can put out or the amount of weight you can
 Flexibility- the ability of your joints to move freely (moving without restriction).
 Body Composition- refers to the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in your body.
 Ectomorph- long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle (Less fat).
 Mesomorph- typically strong and solid, not overweight or underweight.
tend to have a medium frame. (Rip, Balance)
 Endomorphs- have a higher percentage of body fat and less muscle mass.

Components of Fitness: Skill-Related Fitness

 Agility- quickness of movement.
 Speed- quickness of movement over a period of time, usually has a starting point and a
destination with a time watch.
 Power- maximal effort of force.
 Balance- state of equilibrium. Ability to stay upright or stay in control of body
 Coordination- coordination of movement and physical senses. Ability to move two or
more body parts under control, smoothly and efficiently.
 Reaction- Time- time of reaction. It refers to the speed at which a person responds to an
external stimulus (e.g. light heat, usually sound).

Types of exercises

Dynamic Exercise Static Exercise

-Changing of position/place to another -Stay in position

-Locomotor -Non-locomotor
-Usually does during warmup (warm-up -Cooldown
helps in conditioning our body before
games, exercises, etc.)

REMINDER: Practical Activity on Wednesday

(Sept. 21, 2022) regarding Dynamic and Static Exercise.

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