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3. Swindling (Estafa)
Mones - Bill of Rights
4. Altering boundaries or landmarks
5. Brigandage
Concept of a Bill of Rights 6. Arson
- It is a declaration and enumeration of a
person’s rights and privileges which the Section 2 - The right of the people to be
Constitution is designed to protect against secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
violation by the government or by effects against unreasonable searches and
individuals. seizures of whatever nature and for any
- It is a charter of liberties for the individual purpose shall be inviolable, and no search
and a limitation upon the power of the warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
State. except upon probable cause to be
determined personally by the judge after
Section 1 - No person shall be deprived of examination under oath or affirmation of
life, liberty, or property without due process the complainant and the witnesses he may
of law, nor shall any person be denied the produce, and particularly describing the
equal protection of the laws. place to be searched and the persons or
things to be seized.
2. Homicide 1. PERSON – the protection applies to
3. Giving Assistance to suicide everybody, to citizens as well as
4. Infanticide and Abortion aliens in the Philippines whether
5. Parricide – Killing of family accused of crime or not.
members/illegitimate 2. HOUSES – the protection is not limited
to dwelling houses but extends to a
CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY: garage, warehouse, shop, store,
1. Kidnapping and Serious illegal office and even a safety deposit
detention vault.
2. Unlawful arrest 3. PAPERS AND EFFECT – they include
3. Slavery sealed letters and packages in the
4. Inducing minor to abandon his home mail.
5. Exploitation of Child Labor
6. Services rendered under compulsion 1. SEARCH WARRANT – an order in
in payment of debt writing issued in the name of the
people of the Philippines, signed by
CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY: a judge and directed to a peace
1. Robbery officer, commanding him to search
for certain personal property and except upon lawful order of the court.
bring it before the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired
2. WARRANT OF ARREST – is a written except in the interest of national security,
order issued by the judge to arrest a public safety, or public health, as may be
person or take him into custody to provided by law.
make him answer for an offense in
violation of a law. Section 7 - The right of the people to
information on matters of public concern
Section 3 shall be recognized. Access to official
(1) The privacy of communication and records, and to documents and papers
correspondence shall be inviolable pertaining to official acts, transactions, or
except upon lawful order of the decisions, as well as to government research
court, or when public safety or order data used as basis for policy development,
requires otherwise, as prescribed by shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
law. limitations as may be provided by law.

(2) Any evidence obtained in violation Section 8 - The right of the people, including
of this or the preceding section shall those employed in the public and private
be inadmissible for any purpose in sectors, to form unions, associations, or
any proceeding. societies for purposes not contrary to law
shall not be abridged.
Section 4 - No law shall be passed abridging
the freedom of speech, of expression, or of Section 9 - Private property shall not be
the press, or the right of the people taken for public use without just
peaceably to assemble and petition the compensation.
government for redress of grievances.
Section 10 - No law impairing the obligation
Section 5 - No law shall be made respecting of contracts shall be passed.
an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof. The free exercise Section 11 - Free access to the courts and
and enjoyment of religious profession and quasi-judicial bodies and adequate legal
worship, without discrimination or assistance shall not be denied to any person
preference, shall forever be allowed. No by reason of poverty.
religious test shall be required for the
exercise of civil or political rights. Section 12
(1) Any person under investigation for
Section 6 - The liberty of abode and of the commission of an offense shall
changing the same within the limits have the right to be informed of his
prescribed by law shall not be impaired right to remain silent and to have
competent and independent Section 14
counsel preferably of his own (1) No person shall be held to answer for
choice. If the person cannot afford a criminal offense without due
the services of counsel, he must be process of law.
provided with one. These rights
cannot be waived except in writing (2) In all criminal prosecutions, the
and in the presence of counsel. accused shall be presumed
innocent until the contrary is proved,
(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, and shall enjoy the right to be heard
intimidation, or any other means by himself and counsel, to be
which vitiate the free will shall be informed of the nature and cause of
used against him. Secret detention the accusation against him, to have
places, solitary, incommunicado, or a speedy, impartial, and public trial,
other similar forms of detention are to meet the witnesses face to face,
prohibited. and to have compulsory process to
secure the attendance of witnesses
(3) Any confession or admission and the production of evidence in
obtained in violation of this or his behalf. However, after
Section 17 hereof shall be arraignment, trial may proceed
inadmissible in evidence against him. notwithstanding the absence of the
accused provided that he has been
(4) The law shall provide for penal and duly notified and his failure to
civil sanctions for violations of this appear is unjustifiable.
section as well as compensation to
and rehabilitation of victims of Section 15 - The privilege of the writ of
torture or similar practices, and their habeas corpus shall not be suspended
families. except in cases of invasion or rebellion
when the public safety requires it.
Section 13 - All persons, except those
charged with offenses punishable by Section 16 - All persons shall have the right
reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is to a speedy disposition of their cases before
strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable all judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative
by sufficient sureties, or be released on bodies.
recognizance as may be provided by law.
The right to bail shall not be impaired even Section 17 - No person shall be compelled
when the privilege of the writ of habeas to be a witness against himself.
corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall not
be required.
Section 18 Section 22 - No ex post facto law or bill of
(1) No person shall be detained solely attainder shall be enacted.
by reason of his political beliefs and
aspirations. An ex post facto law is a law that
retroactively changes the legal
(2) No involuntary servitude in any form consequences of actions that were
shall exist except as a punishment for committed, or relationships that existed,
a crime whereof the party shall have before the enactment of the law.
been duly convicted.

Section 19
Leadership Training
(1) Excessive fines shall not be imposed,
nor cruel, degrading or inhuman
Leadership - the ability to motivate people
punishment inflicted. Neither shall
to accomplish goals.
the death penalty be imposed,
unless, for compelling reasons
Characteristics of a Good Leader
involving heinous crimes, the
❖ Good leaders know where they
Congress hereafter provides for it.
want to go and they can motivate
Any death penalty already imposed
people to believe in their vision for
shall be reduced to reclusion
their country, community and family.
❖ Good leaders can make sound
judgements and decisions even
(2) The employment of physical,
during crucial situations.
psychological, or degrading
❖ Good leaders show compassion for
punishment against any prisoner or
their supporters and followers.
detainee or the use of substandard
❖ Good leaders are usually great
or inadequate penal facilities under
orators and persuaders.
subhuman conditions shall be dealt
❖ Good leaders are determined to
with by law.
attain their goals in spite of the
obstacles and problems.
Section 20 - No person shall be imprisoned
❖ Good leaders mean what they say.
for debt or non-payment of a poll tax.
They walk the talk, practice what
they preach and keep their promise.
Section 21 - No person shall be twice put in
❖ Good leaders are bold, willing to
jeopardy of punishment for the same
take the risks, and determined to
offense. If an act is punished by a law and
chase their dreams amid the reality
an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under
of fear and uncertainty.
either shall constitute a bar to another
❖ Good leaders observe self-control
prosecution for the same act.
and order.
Traits of a Leader (Maxwell 1999) Transformational Leadership - occurs when
● Character leaders broaden and elevate the interests
● Charisma of their employees, when they generate
● Commitment awareness and acceptance of the
● Communication purposes and mission of the group, and
● Competence when they stimulate their employees to look
● Courage beyond their own self- interest for the good
of the group
Transactional & Transformational Leadership
Behaviors of a Transformational Leadership
(1) Is articulate in creating compelling
Transactional Transformational
vision of the future
Emphasizes Starts from
corrective action recognition of what (2) Uses stories and symbols to
and mutual the members need
communicate his/ her vision and
exchanges and and the steps
rewards only when toward achieving
performance these needs, and
expectations are relating rewards to (3) Specifies the importance of having a
met. effort. strong sense of purpose and
collective mission
Leaders direct most Leaders trust their
activities by telling subordinates and
each person what give them (4) Talks optimistically and
to do, when to do enough space to enthusiastically and expresses
it, and how to do it. breathe and grow. confidence that goals will be
Based on power He/she lives out
that makes use of values,
(5) Engenders the trust and respect of
rewards and demonstrates
coercion to deliver personal qualities, is his/her followers by doing the right
benefits to approachable and thing rather that simply doing things
members accessible, and right
(patronage), or to accepts pressure to
force or instill as perform.
(6) Instills pride in employees
illustrated by
vote-buying and (7) Talks most about important values
similar methods. and beliefs

(8) Considers the moral and ethical

consequences of decisions
(9) Seeks different perspective when ● Think win-win
solving problems ● Put first thing first
● Begin with the end in mind
(10) Encourages employees to ● Be proactive
challenge old assumptions and to ● Seek first to understand, then to be
think about problems in new ways understood
● Synergize
(11) Spends time teaching and ● Sharpen the saw
Teamwork - the process of working
(12) Considers each individual collaboratively with group of people in
employee’s different needs, abilities, order to achieve a goal
and aspirations
Time Management - the art of arranging,
(13) Is compassionate, appreciative, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting
and responsive to each employee one’s time for the purpose of generating
and recognizes and celebrates more effective work and productivity
each employee’s achievements
Decision making - the process that involves
4 Components of Transformational selecting the most logical choice from
Leadership among two or more options
● Charisma
● Inspirational Motivation CONSIDERATIONS:
● Intellectual Stimulation ● Identification of alternative solutions
● Individualized Consideration ● Evaluation of possible options to
determine which one meets the
Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control decision objectives
(1) A leader should be energetic, ● Selection of the best option after an
sympathetic, friendly, and in-depth evaluation
understanding to ensure the
enthusiastic cooperation of Involvement in decision making
(2) He / She should have confidence in involves compromising various
knowing and doing his/her job to possibilities after all opinions have
gain the confidence of followers. been heard
(3) He / She should be an example to 2. MAJORITY - voting is considered the
followers. most effective way to make a
3. MINORITY - is not consciously (5) Blundering methods include using
organized, but a few powerful rigid procedure that leaves little
personalities dominate the group, room for expressing differing views,
often unconsciously substituting personal opinions for
4. SILENT CONCENSUS adequate information, and
-leads to unanimous decisions disregarding proper consultation or
-rarely applied when tackling important consensus
issues (6) Inadequate leadership restricts the
5. CLIQUE - is a small group whose expression of opinions and discussion
members plan beforehand to get on issues. Leaders fail to provide
their way in decision-making assistance in selecting appropriate
6. HANDCLASP - happens when one methods for decision-making or are
person makes a suggestion and insensitive to the factors that cause
another commends it difficulty in the group
7. ONE-PERSON DECISION - is quickly (7) Clash of interest occurs when
made, but later when the decider different groups or individuals within
needs free or voluntary support from an organization have opposing
others to implement the decision, interests.
he/she might find trouble getting it
8. PLOP - occurs when a group makes Transformational leadership is a
a decision by not making a decision organizational system framework that
at all influences people to come together around
a common vision.
Difficulties in Decision-making
(1) Fear of consequences brings division One of the marks of a good leader is the
and disagreement. ability to listen, learn, and lead his/her
(2) Conflicting loyalties of one person as followers toward the attainment of goals. He
a member of different groups / She is adept in teamwork, time
frequently leads to divided loyalties management, and decision-making.
about decisions
(3) Interpersonal conflicts and personal
differences evoke various feelings
among members, which interfere
with sound decision-making.
(4) Hidden agenda or secret motive
can hinder decision-making for
reasons a members do not share
with the group.
Health Awareness

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