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Cagayan De Oro City

Syllabus for Online Learning

I. COURSE TITLE : SSE8 - World History 2

Prerequisite Subject/s : None


III. COURSE DESCRIPTION : The course guides the students to demonstrate an understanding of the global overview to various human
experiences, patterns of development and connections among peoples, societies and nations. It also leads the
students to demonstrate an understanding on topics related to industrial revolution, scientific and commercial
revolution, world wars, and issues in modern world to contemporary periods.


At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers can:

CO1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the global overview to various human experiences, patterns of development and
connections among peoples, societies and nations;

CO2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding on topics related to industrial revolution, scientific and commercial revolution, world
wars, and issues in modern world to contemporary periods; and

CO3. apply critical and creative thinking on the issues in modern world to contemporary period.

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes
week + 1 hour (only the Course Four-Pronged Integration Expected Output /
Topics Learning Outcomes
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (Process Questions) Assessment
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.)

Synchronous: At the end of these weeks, the preservice Recitation Through a Debate
I. Introduction teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: (“Was the Reformation a
A. Connecting Hemispheres Excellence / Competence. Mistake?”)
1. European Renaissance and a. describe how Italy became the birthplace of How can we show our competence by
Reformation CO1, CO3 the Renaissance and how the humanism means of studying history? Written Quiz
a. Italy: Birthplace of became the central theme of the
the Renaissance Renaissance; Social Integration: Recitation By tracing the
b. Humanism b. explain how the Renaissance revolutionize Cultural Understanding is a needed expansion of different
Week 1 & 2 c. Martin Luther and the arts; behavior during globalization. How can empires in India using map or
the Reformation c. recognize the works of great Renaissance understanding the history of the Muslim globe
artists and identify the contributions of the World Expansion allows the development
2. The Catholic Counter Northern Renaissance movement; of a Cultural Understanding?
Reformation d. examine the causes of the Reformation;
e. describe how Martin Luther led the Subject Across Discipline:
Reformation and how the Catholic Church In History, the origins of subjects are
B. The Expansion of the Muslim World
responded to the Protestant movement; and studied in order to explain why they occur.
a. The Ottomans Build a Vast
CO1 f. explain how England became a Protestant Why is learning the history of Christianity
b. Cultural Blending in the nation and how the Reformation and important to study today?
Ottoman Counterreformation led to holy wars in
c. The Mughal Empire in India Europe; Biblical Scripture:
g. describe the expansion of Islam using a WHy should we equally respect someone
map or globe; how the Turks established regardless of their race and origin?
the Ottoman Empire; how powerful Islamic
sultans spurred the dramatic expansion of Galatians 3:28 ESV
Islam and the different cultural elements There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
which blended in the Ottoman Empire; and neither slave nor free, there is no male
h. explain how conquests and cultural and female, for you are all one in Christ
interaction fueled the development of the Jesus.
Safavid empire; the emergence of the
Mughal Empire in India and how the Mughal
emperors unified a vast empire with
different nationalities
Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Topics Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.)
asynchronous) Assessment/Output)

At the end of these weeks, the preservice Recitation By tracing and

Synchronous: teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value: explaining the routes of the
C. Age of Exploration Excellence / Courage. European navigation and that
a. Europeans Explore the East a. explain the mains reasons why How does Courage reflect the explorers of enabled them to explore other
b. China Limits European CO1 Europeans catapulted themselves in the the olden times? parts of the world
Contacts forefront of the Age of Exploration and
c. Japan Returns to Isolation how advancements in science and Social Integration: Recitation By tracing and
technology enabled Europeans to explore Trade and Exportation is evidence of discussing route of
other parts of the world; globalization brought by the past. How did Christopher Columbus in his
Asynchronous: b. trace the routes of European navigators the past explorations evolve into the trade discovery of America
D. The Atlantic World during the early stage of the Age of and exploration today?
a. Spain Builds an American Exploration by drawing maps; Written Quiz
Empire c. discuss the emergence of the trading Subject Across Discipline:
b. European Nations Settle in CO1 empires in the Indian Ocean; In Economics, Imports and Exports are a
North America d. explain the contributions of the Age of manifestation of global trade. How does
c. The Atlantic Slave Trade Exploration to human interaction and the this global trade impact the economic
d. The Columbian Exchange and
life of the Japanese during the Tokugawa status of a country?
Week 3 & 4 Global Trade
e. point out the advantages and Biblical Scripture:
disadvantages of feudal Japan’s closed What should we do when we get afraid of
door policy; the unknown?
f. trace the route of Christopher Columbus in
his discovery of the Americas in the map; Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV
g. discuss the timeline of the Spanish Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or
conquests of Mexico and other American be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your
nations; God who goes with you. He will not leave
h. describe the expansion of Spanish and you or forsake you.”
Portuguese territories in the New World;
i. differentiate the competing claims of
European powers in North America;
j. describe the arrival and establishment of
settlements of the English in North
k. discuss how the Native Americans
responded to the encroachment of their
lands by the Europeans and the causes of
African slavery;
l. describe the struggles of Africans in their
voyage to the Americas as slaves; and
m. explain how slavery became a pillar of
the economy of the New World and the
impact of the slave trade to the New
Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

At the end of the week, the preservice Recitation

Synchronous: teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value:
E. ABSOLUTISM TO Faith / Nationalism. Written Quiz
REVOLUTION a. explain critically how Europe became a How does the act of revolution reflect the
1. Absolute Monarchs in Europe hotbed of absolutist monarchical rule; nationalism of the people that conducted Presentation of the created
a. Spain’s Empire and b. compare and contrast the styles of it? timeline showcasing the
European Absolutism governance of the absolute monarchs English civil war, restoration
b. The Reign of Louis XIV CO1 of Europe; Social Integration: and revolution
c. Central European c. describe the benefits and drawbacks of Wars and conflict are an effect of power
Monarchs Clash d. having an absolute ruler; struggles and clashing of ideologies and Debate (Provide Rubrics)
Absolute Rulers of Russia d. describe Spain under absolute beliefs. How does War and Conflict today
e. Parliament Limits the monarchy; impact its surroundings and to its people? Presentation of the created
Power of the English e. explain how religious wars and power timeline on the establishment
Week 5 & 6 struggles led to the emergence of Subject Across Discipline: of the United States of
absolute monarchy in France; In Science and Technology, advancement America
f. discuss the political philosophies of the of technology is explained, especially for
2. Enlightenment and Revolution
French writers Montaigne and weaponry and warfare. How does the
a. The Scientific
Revolution Descartes; advancement of weaponry and warfare
b. The Enlightenment in g. examine the policies and lifestyle of impact the wars and revolutions in the
Europe CO2, CO3 Louis XIV of France; past and today?
c. The Enlightenment a. explain how the Scientific Revolution
Spreads became the foundation of modern Biblical Scripture:
d. The American science; Will becoming an upright person prevent
Revolution h. discuss the great discoveries and conflict and power struggles?
inventions during the Scientific
Revolution which still have an impact Job 2:3 ESV
in today’s society; And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you
i. differentiate the two views of government considered my servant Job, that there is
by Hobbes and Locke; none like him on the earth, a blameless
j. describe the five core beliefs of the and upright man, who fears God and
French philosophes; and turns away from evil? He still holds fast
k. discuss the role of women during the his integrity, although you incited me
Enlightenment; against him to destroy him without

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

At the end of these weeks, the preservice Core/Related Value: Recitation

Synchronous: teacher (PST) should be able to: Faith / Nationalism.
3. The French Revolution and How does the act of revolution reflect the Written Quiz
Napoleon a. describe how economic and social nationalism of the people that conducted
a. The French Revolution inequalities in the Old Regime helped cause it? Presentation of the Output -
Begins the French Revolution, the forces of change critique on the old order of
b. Revolution Brings CO2 which brought about the French Revolution Social Integration: France -the timeline of
Reform and Terror and how the French Revolution brought both Reformation is an idea of change and for Napoleon Bonaparte
c. Napoleon Forges an reform and terror to the nation; change.
Empire b. explain the policies of Napoleon as the first Why is reformation important, especially Reflection Paper (on
d. The Collapse of French emperor, the events which led to the when change is deemed necessary? America’s revolts against
Week 7 & 8 Napoleon’s Empire fall of Napoleon’s empire and his own colonial rulers)
e. The Congress of downfall; Subject Across Discipline:
c. discuss the plans of Matternich for Europe In Politics and Governance, change is
after Napoleon’s fall and the political changes evident in order to create a ripple impact
brought about by the convening of the to a country.
4. Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the
Congress of Vienna; How does reformation and change of
a. Latin American Wins d. discuss how Latin American nations fought ways impact the community?
Independence colonial rule;
b. Europe Faces Revolutions CO2, CO3 e. the colonial society in Latin America, and Biblical Scripture:
c. The Emergence of European the reasons why the peoples of the Americas How does transformation of the self reflect
Revolution revolted against their colonial rulers; and goodness?
f. explain how liberal and nationalist uprisings
challenged the old conservative order of Romans 12:1-2 ESV
Europe. I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the
mercies of God, to present your bodies as
a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to
God, which is your spiritual worship. Do
not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewal of your mind,
that by testing you may discern what is
the will of God, what is good and
acceptable and perfect.

Week #
(10 weeks with 5 hours per Course Outcomes Expected Output /
week + 1 hour (only the Course Learning Outcomes Four-Pronged Integration Assessment
academic consultation Outcome Number: e.g. (SMART) (Process Questions) (Brief Description of the
(synchronous and CO1, CO2, CO3, etc.) Assessment/Output)

Synchronous: At the end of these weeks, the preservice Recitation

F. INDUSTRIALISM AND THE teacher (PST) should be able to: Core/Related Value:
RACE FOR EMPIRE Excellence / Competence. Interactive Quiz
1. The Industrial Revolution a. discuss why the Industrial Revolution How does the industrial revolution
a. The Beginnings of started in Britain; manifest the competence of civilization? Presentation of the created
Industrialization b. identify the main inventions which timeline on the development
b. Industrialization in CO2 revolutionized the industrial age; Social Integration: of transportation and
Europe c. explain how inventions spurred War and Conflict still exist nowadays. communication (outputs will
c. Industrialization industrialization; How does war and conflict between be evaluated through a
Week 9 & 10 Spreads d. discuss the advantages and nations impact the people and the Rubric)
d. Reforming the disadvantages brought about by the communities?
Industrial World Industrial Revolution; Recitation/Sharing of opinion
e. describe how the Industrial Revolution Subject Across Discipline: on the viewed documentary
spread; In International Studies, diplomatic
f. explain how military built up, nationalistic relations are observed in order to create Movie Critique (on the movie
feelings and rival alliances set the stage for harmony between nations. Why is “The Schindler’s List” or “The
the First World War; harmony between nations important for Pianist” or other similar
1. The First World War
g. discuss the victories and failures of the the welfare of the citizens? movies related to world war)
a. Marching Towards War
b. Europe Plunges into War League of Nations;
c. The League of Nations h. describe the results of Hitler’s blitzkrieg in Biblical Scripture:
his invasion of European nations; and Why is peace valuable in this time and
2. World War II CO2, CO3 i. discuss the chilling effects of the age?
a. Hitler’s Lightning War Holocaust to civilization.
b. The Holocaust Matthew 5:9 ESV
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they
shall be called sons of God.
Learning Management System/Online Classroom Code :
Social Media Group Chat :
FB Account :
Consultation Schedule : Every Monday and Thursday 10:00 AM to 12:00 NN


Criteria for Grading

Dimensions For Major Subjects of Board Courses
Performance Tasks 50 %
Quizzes, Assignments 20%
Term Examinations 30 %
Total 100 %

I. Introduction
A. Connecting Hemispheres
1. European Renaissance and Reformation
a. Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
b. Humanism
c. Martin Luther and the Reformation

2. The Catholic Counterreformation

B. The Expansion of the Muslim World

a. The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire
b. Cultural Blending in the Ottoman
c. The Mughal Empire in India
C. Age of Exploration
a. Europeans Explore the East
b. China Limits European Contacts
c. Japan Returns to Isolation

D. The Atlantic World

a. Spain Builds an American Empire
b. European Nations Settle in North America
c. The Atlantic Slave Trade
d. The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade

1. Absolute Monarchs in Europe
a. Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
b. The Reign of Louis XIV
c. Central European Monarchs Clash d. Absolute Rulers of Russia
e. Parliament Limits the Power of the English Monarch
2. Enlightenment and Revolution
a. The Scientific Revolution
b. The Enlightenment in Europe
c. The Enlightenment Spreads
d. The American Revolution
3. The French Revolution and Napoleon
a. The French Revolution Begins
b. Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
c. Napoleon Forges an Empire
d. The Collapse of Napoleon’s Empire
e. The Congress of Vienna
4. Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
a. Latin American Wins Independence
b. Europe Faces Revolutions
c. The Emergence of European Revolution


1. The Industrial Revolution
a. The Beginnings of Industrialization
b. Industrialization in Europe
c. Industrialization Spreads
d. Reforming the Industrial World


1. The First World War
a. Marching Towards War
b. Europe Plunges into War
c. The League of Nations

2. World War II
a. Hitler’s Lightning War
b. The Holocaust


1. Lecture/Discussion
2. Brainstorming
3. Simulated discussion -Downloading from the internet of the famous personalities during the Renaissance period and their works
4. Debate “Was the Reformation a Mistake”
5. Panel discussion
6. Reading Primary sources
7. Reporting
8. Map interpretation Tracing the different Empires
9. Map Tracing Tracing how the Europeans reached the East
10. Map interpretation Trace the route of Christopher Columbus in his discovery of America
11. Group Activity Creating a timeline showcasing the English civil war, restoration and revolution
12. Debate “Has Scientific Revolution Ended?”
13. Group Activity Create a timeline on the establishment of the United States of America
14. Individual Activity Writing a critique on the Old Order of France
15. Group Activity Tracing the emergence of Napoleon Bonaparte as ruler of France through a timeline
16. Chart of Leadership Traits of Napoleon Bonaparte
17. Venn Diagram: American Revolution from French Revolution
18. News Reporting The different inventions during the Industrial Revolution
19. Individual Activity Creating a timeline on the development of transportation and communication
20. Individual Activity Make a timeline showing the start of the War to its end
21. Film Viewing The Schindler’s List or The Pianist or other similar movies related to world war
22. Watching of Documentary Watching of Documentary
23. Additional Reading The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, Eleanor Roosevelt


Bentley, J. & Zeigler, H. (2003). Traditions and encounters. New York; McGraw-Hill, Co.

Coffin, J. (2002). Western Civilization, Their History and Their Culture. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc

Coronado, M., Foe J., Parco, C. (2001). Making sense of world history. Makati City: The Bookmark, Inc.

DK. 2018. “Timelines of History: The Ultimate Visual Guide to the Events That Shaped the World”, 2nd Edition

National Geographic. 2018. National Geographic Almanac 2019: Hot New Science - Incredible Photographs - Maps, Facts, Info graphics & More

Philip P. (2017). World history: From the ancient world to the information age. Hardcover.

Usborne Books. 2018. “Timelines of World History. From Stone age to the Millennium”.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Dean, Teacher Education Program

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