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Argumentation and Debate

Name: Redel Riano



1. In some circumstances, martial law is beneficial for However, martial law is ALWAYS detrimental to over
brief periods of time IF the ruler has good intentions, is time, the nation and its people. The world has changed
very skilled at assessing the mood of the populace, and because of this to a system of checks and balances in
is an excellent administrator. In these circumstances, he democracy
need not worry about the public's opinion or the
opinions of powerful people and can do what is best for Consequently, martial law is in effect everywhere.
the populace. However, such individuals are difficult to Never considered as a remedy. I wonder why. Some of
find, and it is almost impossible that even if such us consider such fixes. (Dictatorship, martial law, and
individuals are discovered, they won't become autocracy)to the issues we face today.
corrupted after experiencing such absolute power.

2. Put an end to crime. If a nation is covered with a There should be no martial law imposed unless
multitude of detrimental factors things still have a Common law enforcement has violated down (for
negative impact on society, the leader is under pressure instance, in conflict zones), and so Soldiers are urged to
to impose martial law. This is done to stop any criminals maintain order as opposed to police officers. Since
from endangering the security and society is being solders lack the necessary training, Their duty is
violated with impunity. The society occasionally needs frequently interpreted heavily handed (or blatantly
the law, while ensuring that crime rates can abusive). Most The nuances of a good legal system are
considerably descend and protect the the good of cautions about the privilege of quiet being lost, access
society. to counsel, prompt justice, and a jury trial, and so on.
Essentially, martial law getting people off the is the only

3. Imprave peace:Martial Law proclamation would When martial law is in effect,the military commander of
mean that peace is the main goal so that it will provide an area or country has unlimited authority to make and
a measure for the society to live in peace.All society enforce laws.Martial law Is justified when civilian
want peace in their community because they want to authority has ceased to function,is completely absent,or
have the chance to elevate their socio-economic has become ineffective.
lifestyle.The leader must have to do an immediate
action so that their community will be free from any
sorts of disturbances that might risk the state of peace
that their people have.

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