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02 Theme: People and Culture

Lesson 14: Reading Read comments from the public in social networking sites. Real-Life Adaptation

Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Practice A (L.S. 3.1.1) SPM-Oriented Part 5: Matching & Information Transfer Textbook: page 22-23 PL

We interviewed six students on why they want to be involved in community service. Read the texts below and pay
attention to the words in bold and then answer the questions that follow.

Community Service in a Teen’s Life

A – YENNY, 17 years old

I like doing community service. It teaches us how important it is to help others who are in need. There are many
less fortunate people out there who need help. In a way, it connects us with the community by improving the
quality of life and making the world a better place for people to live in.

B – DARSHA, 18 years old

Unit 2

One benefit of community service is it allows me to practise not only good social skills but also build my self-
esteem and empathy. It gives me an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and develop myself. So there is
always room for me to grow.

C – YASMIN, 17 years old

Community service keeps me physically healthy. It makes me active by working to clean up a park, or the beach.
This is good exercise for me and I am able to sleep better at night!

D – ANITA, 16 years old

I believe that community service is a way for students to explore their interests and possibly lead them to a
good career path. Students have an opportunity to learn and discover their passion. It also helps them make
more informed choices.

E – RAMESH, 17 years old

I would say that getting involved in community service can help me reduce stress. When I am working with other
people or helping others, it takes away attention from my own problems and concerns. It makes me feel more
thankful in my day-to-day life.

F – KHENG KHENG, 16 years old

When my younger siblings see me get involved in community work, they will grow up knowing that helping
others is the right thing to do. Perhaps they will follow my footsteps. So, it helps me to be a good role model
for my siblings.

Questions 1 to 4
Which paragraph (A – F) describes the following experiences of community service?

Statements Paragraph
1 It makes me set a good example.
2 It allows me to discover my future interests.
3 It helps me to get connected with the community.
4 It allows me to grow and develop.


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Questions 5 to 8
Complete the notes below using information from the text. Choose no more than one word from the passage for
each answer.

Reasons To Be Involved in Community Service

• If you want to (5) to stay healthy and have a good night’s sleep, then it is a good idea to be
active in community service.
• (6) other people can also take your mind off your own issues.
• One good way to find your (7) and make better choices is to get involved in a community
service project.
• You will serve as an inspiration for others who might not have been involved in community service and
perhaps will emulate your (8) .

Practice B (L.S. 2.1.4) PL

You may use the words in brackets or your own ideas to complete the conversation below. Then, role-play the dialogue.

Student A: Hi, , do you agree that students should join a community service?

Unit 2
Student B: (to respond: agree – benefit) Hi, ,I . This is because
Student A: (to refute opinion: takes – lot of time) .
Student B: (to respond: gain – experience – explore career)

(Unit 3: page 34) (Unit 4: page 48) (Unit 6: page 85) (Unit 7: page 93)
Student A: (to agree: social skills – self-esteem)
Student B: (to explain: help – in need – connect)
Student A: (to suggest: register – member) .
Student B: Okay, let’s go now.

Further practice: (Reading Part 5)


L.S. 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
L.S. 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view


OMG 6 English Form 4 - Unit 2 SE.indd 19 14/12/2021 10:22:30 AM

Lesson 15: Grammar Textbook: page 23-24 Countable and Uncountable Nouns (Quantifiers)

Quantifiers Explanation Example

• some + uncountable / plural nouns are used in
• There are some extra packets of rice for the needy.
affirmative sentences and in questions. We use it
• Would you like to donate some pre-loved toys
to make an offer or ask for something politely.
to the fire victims?
some / any • any + uncountable / plural countable nouns are
• Are there any more extra packets of rice for the
/ no used in questions and to give a negative meaning.
flood victims?
• no (= not any) + uncountable/ plural countable
• There are no more membership application
nouns are used to give a negative meaning in
forms left.
affirmative sentences.
• We use many with plural countable nouns to • I didn’t see many people at the charity event.
ask questions and in negative sentences. • Not much information about the charity event
• We use much for uncountable nouns in was posted on the website.
many / questions and negative sentences. • There is a lot of sponsorship at the event.
much / a lot • We use a lot (of), lots (of) / plenty (of) for • I need to buy a few more things from the
(of) uncountable / plural countable nouns mainly supermarket to be sent to the old folks’ home.
in affirmative sentences. • She cooked a little porridge for the homeless man.
• We use a few with plural countable nouns. • There’s very little time left for us to finish what
Unit 2

• We use little with uncountable nouns. we have planned.

Lesson 21: Grammar Textbook: page 29-30 Past Simple and Past Continuous Tense

Tense Explanation Example

• The community centre was set up four years
To talk about actions that:
ago to help those residents in that area.
Past Simple • happened at a definite time in the past.
• Carol worked as a volunteer to help the
• started and were completed in the past.
orphanage when she was a student.
To talk about actions that: • Madam Meena was preparing dinner for the
• were happening at a specific point of time senior citizens at 7 o’clock yesterday.
in the past; set the scene in a story. • While the rescue team was helping the victims,
• were happening at the same time in the past. the reporters were taking photographs.

Practice A PL Practice B PL

Underline the correct verb for each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the correct quantifiers.
1 Mr Tham always donates (some / lot / no) money to 1 Can you give me advice on how to
charity organisations. organise a fundraising project?
2 We are going to the supermarket to buy (much / any
2 We hope people will buy the raffle tickets
/ a lot of) things for the homeless.
for the fire victims’ charity.
3 The Boy Scouts will have (many / any / much) fun
helping the senior citizens’ home. 3 The volunteers have cleared rubbish at
the old folks’ home.
4 I shouldn’t take (many / much / lot) of your time to
respond to this questionnaire. 4 effort has been put in to collect money to
5 We haven’t served (little / much / any) food yet to help the B40 group in our residential area.
the guest-of-honour at the event. 5 Getting a help from us means a lot to the
6 There were not (many / much / a little) people at lady who lives at the end of the road.
the fundraising event yesterday.
Answer 6 Do you have bottles of mineral water left to
7 There aren’t (many / much / more) information be distributed to the flood victims?
available about the donor.


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Practice C PL Practice D PL

Underline the correct verb for each sentence. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the Past Simple
or Past Continuous tense.
1 Last week, the Interact Club (visit / visited / visiting)
the Sunshine Home to help beautify the place. 1 The charity organisation (has) successfully
2 They (elect / elects / elected) Mr Chang as the raised enough funds to help the homeless.
Chairman of the project to help the needy.
2 Yesterday, I (see) a notice at the canteen
3 As they were (pass / passed / passing) the market, looking for volunteers to help clean the library.
they (see / saw / seeing) two women helping the
blind man to cross the road. 3 Last weekend as the residents
4 The boy (jump / jumped / jumping) into the drain (clean) the park, it (start) to rain heavily.
to save the kitten.
4 Saras (shop) at the mall when
5 The children (were watching / was watching /
the boy (come) to ask her for help.
watching) the men carrying bags of rice into the home.

Practice E SPM-Oriented Part 2: Cloze Text PL

Read the text below and choose the best word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Unit 2
Fresh Fish for the Poor
Each day, Encik Jamal’s family receives about 3 000 kg of fresh fish for their wholesale business. So, businessman
Encik Jamal, (0) decided to have all of them either sold or donated every day when he discovered that (1) ________
people could not afford to buy fish during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Encik Jamal, 38, kickstarted this initiative back in April last year. Customers could buy fish from him for nearly
half the price to be donated to the underprivileged. He said donations came pouring in since the first day he
(2) ________ the initiative. Some people donated about RM10 worth of fish. Some customers (3) ________ to spend
RM1 000 to buy fish for the poor.
His volunteers would then deliver the fish donated by (4) ________ of the customers to those in need. These
include people who (5) ________ in old folks’ homes, single mothers, people with special needs, and low-income
families. It all started when Encik Jamal, who (6) ________ for a company in Banting for over a decade, visited his
family in Kuantan in January last year. Then, the pandemic hit Malaysia and he could not return to Banting.
His family operates a wholesale fish business. Since Encik Jamal could not go back to Banting, he decided to
help with the business. Since then, he found that (7) ________ people could not afford a number of things including
fresh fish. So for the past year, he (8) ________ up to 1 200 kg of fresh fish to needy families to help them cope with
the pandemic.
Eventually, a group of volunteers (9) ________ out to him, asking whether he could donate some fish to an old
folks’ home which (10) ________ less donations due to the movement control order. They brought him to the home
and when he saw the situation there, he tried to think of a way to help them.
His aim is not to make a profit, but to have all of the fish reach families while they are fresh.

0 A decide 3 A willing 6 A was working 9 A reach

B decides B had willing B have worked B reached
C decided C was willing C were working C reaches
D deciding D were wiling D have been working D reaching
1 A a lot 4 A any 7 A no 10 A had gotten
B many B much B any B was getting
C much C some C much C were getting
D a little D little D a lot of D had been gotten
2 A start 5 A lived 8 A were providing Answer
B starts B living B could provided
C started C was living C was providing
D starting D were living D had provide


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Lesson 16: Listening When you need to talk about information and communication technology. Real-Life Adaptation

Practice A (L.S. 1.1.2) SPM-Oriented Part 4: Note Completion Textbook: page 25 PL

A You will hear an interview with Matilda, talking about her experience of being an actress. (Listen without the tapescript)
Track 2.1 B Now, listen again and go to page 142 to read the tapescript. For questions 1 to 10, fill in the missing information
in each numbered space. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

An Interview with an Actor

Matilda is playing a character as Tasha in the movie ‘Tasha the Asian Warrior’. She got to (1) an acting
career after appearing in TV commercials. Tasha’s character was significant to her as she experienced a life of hardship
growing up. Tasha’s bravery is represented in her attitude. Matilda feels that she is as (2) as Tasha. In a
way, Tasha’s character resembles Matilda’s because she is a family-oriented person. Playing the role is not challenging
as Matilda can (3) to the character which is similar to her real-life experience.
According to Matilda, other than memorising the (4) , an actor has to research the
role. He or she also has to maintain punctuality and be professional on the set. An actor needs to be
(5) when there are script changes. Other than that, he or she must possess good interpersonal
Unit 2

skills to engage with other actors. Other useful skills include the ability to (6) and act. A degree
in theatre and acting experience can prove to be helpful as jobs for actors are usually based on auditions where
(7) is essential.
There are several training methods when the other actors are unavailable. Matilda would seek help from her
family and friends to (8) their lines. At other times, she reads her lines and practises her reactions
and (9) on her own and pretends that the actors are with her. When she receives negative
reviews, she will use them to identify areas to improve on. Matilda advised future actors that hard work and
(10) are needed to achieve success. They should not depend on luck only.
(Unit 5: page 66) (Unit 7: page 97) (Unit 8: page 119)

Practice B (L.S. 2.1.1) PL

You may use the words in brackets or your own ideas to complete the conversation below. Then, role-play the dialogue.

Student A: Hello, , would you want to be an actor someday?

Further practice: (Listening Part 4)

Student B: (to respond: affirmative – actor) Hello, . .

Student A: (to ask: get involved – acting) ?
Student B: (to explain: uncle – ventured) .
Student A: Did you expect to be the best actor at a national level competition?
Student B: (to respond: didn’t expect – did best) .
Student A: (to ask for opinion: win – award) ?
Student B: (to respond: hard work – persistence) . I did train a
lot under a good Drama Club advisor.
Student A: How did you train to memorise the script?
Student B: (to explain: not skip – family – read)
Student A: Well, good luck in your journey of becoming an actor.
Student B: Thank you.

L.S. 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
L.S. 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear


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Lesson 17: Speaking Discussion with a friend to justify my opinion. Real-Life Adaptation

Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Practice A (L.S. 2.1.4, 1.1.5) SPM-Oriented Part 3: Discussion Textbook: page 26 PL

You may use the guide (5W1H) in the table or your own ideas to complete the conversation below. Then, role-play
the dialogue.

bold and
keep calm
Common Pronunciation Mistake
Characteristics Word: model
to Have as a
Police Officer Phonetics: [ˈmɒdl]
good Say: mo-dl
dedication to physical
the community fitness Don’t say: mo-del
Explanation: The letter “e” is not a
communication stressed word, so you
skills don’t have to pronounce

Unit 2
(Unit 3: page 39 Guided 1) (Unit 3: page 44) (Unit 4: page 53 Guided 1) (Unit 4: page 58) (Unit 5: page 73)
(Unit 6: page 82) (Unit 6: page 88) (Unit 7: page 98) (Unit 7: page 105) (Unit 8: page 113) (Unit 8: page 120)

Teacher I’d like you to talk about something together for about three minutes. First, you have some time to
look at the task given above. (Allow candidates 20 seconds to prepare.)
Now, talk to each other about the characteristics to have as a police officer.
Candidate A (What is the characteristic to have as a police officer?) (Why do you say so?)

Candidate B (What is the other characteristic?) (Why must you have that characteristic?) (What about having
good physical fitness?)

Candidate A (What is your opinion?) (How does it help?)

Candidate B (What do you think?) (What about the other point?) (How?)
Further practice: (Speaking Part 3)

Candidate A (What do you think of this point?)

Candidate B (What is your opinion?) (What about showing dedication to the community?) (How to serve the

Candidate A (What about the last point?) (Why?)


Candidate B (What is your opinion?)


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Lesson 18 & 19: Writing DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY I would describe a person in a conversation or in writing. Real-Life Adaptation

Practice A (L.S. 4.2.3, 3.1.2) SPM-Oriented Part 2: Guided Writing Textbook: page 27 PL

Your teacher has asked you to write a descriptive essay about someone you know who has a job that you admire.
In your essay, you should write about:
• the description of the person
• the occupation and the responsibilities
• the reasons why the person chose this occupation
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. Write your answer in 125 – 150 words
in an appropriate style.

1 Brainstorming for ideas
Before writing your essay, jot down any ideas that come to mind. Brainstorming will help you generate more
ideas for a topic quickly. You can brainstorm using the 5W1H technique below:
What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Why did it happen? Who was involved? How
did it happen?
Unit 2

2 The benefits of using the 5W1H technique

This is a useful strategy to help you plan your essay. You can also think of what information is needed for your
essay. It helps you to organise your ideas into one coherent plan.
3 How to use the 5W1H technique
Use this technique to connect with the writing topic. It helps you to relate your ideas to the topic given. Then,
write three questions about the topic and answer the questions you have created. Two questions have been
created for you as examples.
Example: 5W1H + a person with a job that you admire
(a) (What/ When/ Where/ Why/ Who/ How) is this person to you?

(b) (What/ When/ Where/ Why/ Who/ How) is this person’s occupation?

(c) (What/ When/ Where/ Why/ Who/ How) ?

(d) (What/ When/ Where/ Why/ Who/ How) ?

(e) (What/ When/ Where/ Why/ Who/ How) ?

4 Useful words or phrases to describe a person’s character.

committed knowledgeable hardworking friendly patient kind-hearted
To help you write a better essay, you may use the given words or your own ideas.



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Practice B (L.S. 4.2.3, 3.1.2) SPM-Oriented Part 2: Guided Writing PL

You may use your answer in Practice A, or the guide (5W1H) given below or your own ideas to complete the essay
outline below. Then, use the answer to write your essay in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style.

Introduction Who is the person with a career that you look up to?

Body 1 What does he/she do for a living?

Elaboration 1 How is his/her personality like?

Elaboration 2 What is/are his/her responsibilities?

Body 2 What is your opinion about his/her career?

Unit 2
Elaboration 1 Why do you think that way?

Elaboration 2 How does he/she commit to this career?

Conclusion What is the reason he/she choosing this occupation?

Hope What is your hope in the future?

Further practice: (Guided Writing)

(Unit 3: page 41) (Unit 4: page 55)


L.S. 4.2.3 Produce an extended plan or draft and modify this appropriately in response to feedback or independently
L.S. 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics


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Lesson 20: Reading I would read a story from a short story, a website or a book. Real-Life Adaptation

Core Civic Value: Mutual Respect

Practice A (L.S. 3.1.2) SPM-Oriented Part 3: Longer Text Textbook: page 28-29 PL

You are going to read an extract from a short story and then pay attention to the words in bold. For questions 1 to
8, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

From then on, Pauline knew the horrible life of Pauline felt emotional. She was hesitant. Should
the very poor. But she played her part to her level she speak to her? Or she shouldn’t? Yes, of course. And
best. The dreadful loan must be paid. She would now that she had paid her debt in full, she would
pay it. They dismissed their maid; they moved to a tell her all. Why not?
new place where no one knew them. They could She went up to her.
not afford even to rent a house; they rented a small
“Good morning, Pandalela.” “How are you?”
room on top of an old building.

Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Pandalela was surprised and did not recognise
She came to know the heavy house chores
her at once. She was astonished to be addressed so
required, the horrible duties of the kitchen. In the
familiarly by this poor woman. She was nervous.
past, she had her maid to do all those work. But
now she had to wash the dishes, scrub the dirty “But - madam - I don’t know…you,” she stammered.
pots and the bottoms of pans. She washed the dirty “I think you must have made a mistake.”
linen, the shirts and the dishcloths, which she hung “No, I am Pauline.”
Unit 2

to dry out on a string. Every morning, she carried the Her friend uttered a cry.
dustbin down to the street, and carried up the pail of
“Oh! ... my poor Pauline, how you have changed!
water, stopping to catch her breath. Dressed like a
My apologies, I could not recognise you.”
poor woman, she went to the fruit stall, to the grocer,
to the butcher, carrying her basket on her arm, trying “Yes, I have fallen on some hard times since I
to bargain for every cent. last saw you, and many difficulties that I had to go
through ... and all because of you! ...”
Her husband worked every evening, doing
accounts for a businessman. He often worked late “Me? How can that be?”
into the night, copying a manuscript at RM5 per “You remember that diamond necklace which I
page. And this life lasted ten years. At the end of borrowed from you to wear to the Ministry event?”
ten years, they had paid off everything, the loans “Yes. Well?”
that they had taken and with the accumulation of
“Well, I lost it.”
“What do you mean? How could it be lost? You
Pauline looked old now. She had become
have returned it to me.”
strong, hard and rough like all the women of
poor households. With her messy hair, with skirts “I bought you another one just exactly like
wrinkled and not ironed and her hands no longer soft it. And we had been paying for it for the last ten years.
and gentle, she talked loudly as she washed the floor It wasn’t easy for us as we had no money. But finally we
with water being spilled and splashed all over the managed to pay for it. It is over, and I am very glad.”
floor. But sometimes, when her husband was at the Pandalela was at a loss for words. She did not
office, she sat down near the window and thought know what to say for a moment.
of that evening long ago at the hall at which she had “You say that you bought a diamond necklace to
been so beautiful and had everyone admiring her. replace mine?”
What would have happened if she had not lost that “Yes, you didn’t notice it? They were very similar.”
necklace? Who knows? Who knows? How strange life
And Pauline smiled with proud and innocent
is, how fickle! How little is needed to ruin or to save
Pandalela was deeply moved and took both her
One Sunday, she went for a walk in Botanica
Park, to relax and to refresh herself after a week’s
of hard work at the factory. Suddenly, she saw a “Oh, my poor Pauline! But the diamond necklace
woman walking with a child. She recognised her that you borrowed from me was an imitation! It was
immediately. It was Pandalela, still young, still worth the most RM50! ...”
beautiful and charming. (Adapted from The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant)


OMG 6 English Form 4 - Unit 2 SE.indd 26 14/12/2021 10:22:34 AM

1 In paragraph 1, why did Pauline use the phrase ‘the 5 Pauline only had the courage to tell Pandalela the
horrible life of the very poor’? truth when she
A To describe her life until the debt was paid. A recognised Pandalela when she was taking a
B To justify she had played her part to her level walk in the park.
best. B had paid off the loan, so Pandalela had no reason
C To explain they had to move to a new place where to be angry with her.
no one knew them. C put the blame on Pandalela for all the hard times
D To rationalise that they had to stay in a rented she had gone through.
small room of an old building. D wanted Pandalela to know how much she had
2 In paragraph 2, the writer uses the phrase ‘…came to suffered for the past ten years.
know the heavy house chores’ to tell us that Pauline 6 Pandalela could not recognise Pauline probably
A had never done any hard laborious work before. because
B enjoyed doing housework without any complaint. A she looked nervous.
C was used to doing a lot of heavy household work. B she looked different.
D preferred to do house chores and dressed like a C she was old and poor.
poor woman. D she was unattractive.
3 In paragraph 3, Pauline’s husband worked hard for 7 Why did Pauline smile with proud and innocent
ten years because happiness?
A he had to pay off the loan. A She had successfully paid off the loan.

Unit 2
B he had to settle the interest B Pandalela was at a loss for words and could not
C he enjoyed copying manuscript. say anything.
D he did accounts for a businessman. C She had managed to buy a similar necklace for
4 In paragraph 4, what was the proof that Pauline’s Pandalela.

(Unit 5: page 62) (Unit 6: page 77) (Unit 7: page 102) (Unit 8: page 117)
life had changed? D Pandalela did not notice the difference between
the necklace.
A She thought of the evening at the hall long ago.
B She was beautiful and everyone would admire 8 What is the purpose of the writer writing this short
her. story?
C She sat down near the window waiting for her A To look back on how life can be beautiful.
husband. B To show how deceptive appearances can be.
D She had become strong, hard and rough like all C To explain how poverty can change a person’s life.
women of poor households. D To describe how a small mistake can hurt a

Practice B (L.S. 2.4.1) PL

Further practice: (Reading Part 3)

You may use the words in brackets or your own ideas to complete the conversation below. Then, role-play the dialogue.

Student A: Hi, . Have you summarised the main points of the short story that Mr Tan asked us to
do last week?
Student B: (to respond: not started) Hi, .
(to ask for information) What are the main points of the summary that you have highlighted?
Student A: (to explain) .
Student B: Okay. And then what else?
Student A: (to elaborate: main point)

Student B: Thank you for sharing the main points of the story. I’d better get on with my own summary before our
next English class.

L.S. 3.1.2 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
L.S. 2.4.1 Summarise the main points of a story, text or plot


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Lesson 22: Listening I would watch a news report or interview about a crime. Real-Life Adaptation

Core Civic Value: Responsibility

Practice A (L.S. 1.1.1) SPM-Oriented Part 2: 3-option MCQ Textbook: page 30 PL

A You will hear Rahman talking about his experience of almost being accused of committing a crime. (Listen without
Track 2.2
the tapescript)
B Now listen again and go to page 142 to read the tapescript and then pay attention to the words in bold. For
questions 1 to 8, circle the correct answer (A, B, or C).

1 What was the main reason Rahman did not continue 5 Rahman was thinking about
his studies? A how to get to Mr. Tan’s factory.
A He did not have enough money. B how to resolve the watch issue.
B He did some odd jobs to earn money. C how the watch had got into the container.
C He wanted to sell scrap metal for a living. 6 What made Rahman almost break down in tears?
2 Why did Rahman stop by the roadside? A The guard had called him a thief.
A To collect scrap metal from Mr. Tan’s house. B The manager had interrogated him.
B To check where the sound was coming from. C The guard said that Rahman had the watch with
C To look for a new and expensive watch. him.
3 What was James doing? 7 What did the manager do?
Unit 2

A He was cutting grass. A He listened to Rahman’s explanation.

B He was teasing Rahman. B He alerted the police about the issue.
C He was throwing empty cans. C He brought Rahman into a room.
4 What did some boys do to Rahman when he used to 8 James only told the truth after
cycle on his rounds? A Mr. Tan solved pieces of the puzzle.
A They made fun of him. B a lot of cross-examination by the police.
(Unit 3: page 38 Guided 2) (Unit 3: page 43) (Unit 7: page 104)

B They ignored him completely. C Mr. Tan found out that he had to be the culprit.
C They stopped laughing at him.

Practice B (L.S. 2.1.4) PL

Get into groups of four and work in pairs. Imagine that you are a witness to a crime scene. You are helping the police
with their enquiries by giving them a description of the following:
You may use 5W1H technique to describe a scene from a movie or a book/ newspaper/ online news that you have read.
Further practice: (Listening Part 2)

Group 1 (Describe the Crime Scene Investigation)

Group 2 (Describe a Car Chase)


L.S. 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics
L.S. 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view


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Lesson 23: Speaking Having a discussion about a topic related to extreme sports. Real-Life Adaptation

Practice A (L.S. 2.1.2, 4.1.4) SPM-Oriented Part 1: Interview Textbook: page 31 PL

Phase 1
Complete the conversation below.

Teacher Good morning to both of you. What’s your name?

Candidate A
Teacher Thank you. And what’s your name?
Candidate B
Teacher Thank you. How are you doing today?
Candidate A
Teacher Where do you live?
Candidate B

Phase 2

Unit 2
Interlocutor selects one/two of the following questions for each candidate. Allow candidates roughly 30 seconds
maximum per question to prepare. Use candidates’ names throughout.
Teacher Now, I’m going to ask you about extreme sports.
What is your favourite extreme sport? {Back-up prompts (if required)} Can you name me one
extreme sport that you would like to try?
Candidate A
Teacher Why extreme sports are becoming popular with many teenagers? {Back-up prompts (if
required)} Do you think teenagers like extreme sports?
Candidate B

Teacher What are some of the risks of doing extreme sports? {Back-up prompts (if required)} How
dangerous are extreme sports?
Candidate A

Teacher Do you think extreme sports are suitable for all people? (Why) {Back-up prompts (if required)}
Do you agree that extreme sports are safe for all to try?
Candidate B

Teacher Do you think extreme sports are expensive? (Why) {Back-up prompts (if required)} Do you
think doing extreme sports costs a lot of money? Why not?
Candidate A

Teacher What is your opinion about people who love extreme sports? Why? {Back-up prompts (if
required)} What do you think about extreme sports?
Candidate B

L.S. 2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes
L.S. 4.1.4 Express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as amusement, anger and regret


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Lesson 24: Writing A STORY I would share a story in a social gathering. Real-Life Adaptation

Practice A (L.S. 4.1.5, 3.1.6) SPM-Oriented Part 3: Extended Writing Textbook: page 32-33 PL

Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a writing competition. The story must have the title:

Model A Scary Experience in Your Life

Essay Your story should include:
• where were you and who were you with?
• how did you find out the truth?
Write your story in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style.


You may use the guide given below or your own ideas to complete the pre-writing.

(A) Beginning of Story

How to hook your reader’s attention? There is no specific formula for this. The following questions may help
you to determine what the hook is.
• Your character(s) can’t be perfect.
Unit 2

• Where does your story take place?

• What sentence or fact makes people sit up and take notice of your story?
• What is the audience going to care about the most, or be most interested in or shocked by?
Lisa and I have not been able to take any pictures of an old abandoned house for our Geography project because
she kept begging me to leave each time she heard a strange sound.
Practice 1(a) Now it’s your turn to write

(B) Middle Events

• What is the event leading up to the conflict?
• How did the character try to accomplish his/her goal?
• To make your story more interesting, include 2-3 challenges the character faces as he/she moves on to the
exciting part of your story. This builds up the tension in the plot before you state what happened.
I opened the front door, with Lisa holding my bag tightly. I noticed a sweet smell in the air. Lisa gasped in
fear upon seeing all the furniture seemed brand new. Despite the weeds outside, everything looked very clean
inside. I asked Lisa, ‘It was a total mess last week, wasn’t it?’
Practice 1(b) Now it’s your turn to write



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(C) Climax
• What is the most interesting part of the story?
• Is there a twist in the story? Did something unexpected happen at the end?
We finally reached my house, panting and legs still shaking from our experience. Mum found us crying in the
living room and asked what happened. Lisa was too shocked to speak, so I had to tell my mother everything,
including the several trips we had made earlier to the building.
Practice 1(c) Now it’s your turn to write

(D) The Ending of the Story

• What is the result of the climax? What are the character’s reactions? Was any mystery solved in the end?

Unit 2
• What is the solution to the problem?
Mum laughed and told us that the old woman must have been Aunt Josephine, the owner of the house. She had
decided to move back into the house that had belonged to her family. She explained that Aunt Josephine used to
sell home-made scented candles and had plenty of them in her house. That explained the sweet smell.
Practice 1(d) Now it’s your turn to write

(E) Conclusion
• How did the story turn out? • How was the problem solved? • What is the moral of the story?
(Conclusion) Eventually, we were invited to the house and were properly introduced to Aunt Josephine. We
apologised for intruding into her property. Luckily, she forgave us. (Moral of the story) We learnt our lesson
to always ask for permission. We should also inform our parents of our whereabouts and what we are doing.
(250 words)
Practice 1(e) Now it’s your turn to write


L.S. 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several paragraphs on familiar topics
L.S. 3.1.6 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of an increased range of genres


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Lesson 25: Writing
Further practice: (Story)
A STORY I would share a story in a social gathering. Real-Life Adaptation

Practice A SPM-Oriented Part 3: Extended Writing PL

(Unit 5: page 70)

Your teacher has asked you to write a story where you felt frightened or threatened.

A Strange Incident at My Home

Your story should include:
• a description of the strange incident
• how the story ends
Write your story in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style.
You may use the guide given below or yours own ideas to answer the question. Then, use the answer to write your story.

Beginning of story A description of the frightening experience

• Who are your characters?
• Where does the story take place?
• What is the story about? What sentence or fact makes the story interesting?
Unit 2

Middle event What is the event leading up to the conflict?

Climax The most interesting part of the story. Is there a twist in the story? Did something
unexpected happen?

Ending of story What is the result of the climax? How did the characters react? Any mysteries solved?

Conclusion How did the story turn out? How was the problem solved? What is the moral of the story?

Other Examples
Examples for Climax
1 In the movie ‘Avengers: Endgame’, the Avengers and Thanos have a raging battle for the ages. Right as we think Thanos
might actually win, Tony is able to steal the Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers. Tony is dying, but the world is saved.
2 In the movie ‘Cinderella’, the prince says he will marry the woman whom fits the glass slipper.
Examples for Moral of the Story
1 Cinderella – Have courage and self-confidence.
2 Beauty and the Beast – The inner beauty is very important.
3 Lion King – Running away will not solve your problem.
4 Ola Bola – Always believe in the impossible.


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Lesson 26: Literature in Action
Practice A (L.S. 5.1.1) PL

Based on the poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, complete the table below.
These three lines from the poem indicate the responsibilities of a soldier. In your own words, describe what the soldiers Charge of
the Light
must do and must not do. Brigade

Theirs not to make reply, 1

Theirs not to reason why, 2
Theirs but to do and die. 3

Practice B (L.S. 5.1.1) PL

Based on the poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, answer the questions below.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Unit 2
Half a league, half a league, Cannon to right of them, 
Half a league onward, Cannon to left of them, 
All in the valley of Death Cannon in front of them 
Rode the six hundred. Volleyed and thundered; 
“Forward, the Light Brigade! Stormed at with shot and shell, 
Charge for the guns!” he said. Boldly they rode and well, 
Into the valley of Death Into the jaws of Death, 
Rode the six hundred. Into the mouth of Hell 
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?  Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
Not though the soldier knew 
Some one had blundered. 
Theirs not to make reply, 
Theirs not to reason why, 
Theirs but to do and die. 
Into the valley of Death 
Rode the six hundred.

What lessons have your learnt from the poem?




4 Answer

L.S. 5.1.1 Explain briefly the feelings and opinions a text provokes in them


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