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Enter college

 More job opportunities

 Better quality of life
 Growing as a person
 Academic life

Professional success
 Professional area we like
 Good salary
 Good work environment

Be famous
 influence of social media
 hard and long way to go
Travel around the world
 Meet new peoples and
 Discover the world
 Adventure

Be respected by the comunity

 Hidden prejudice
 Racism
 Homophobia

Be brave and face obstacle

 Learn from less good situations
 Grow as a person
Most teenagers dream of going to college and taking a degree. There is
also pressure from society in this regard, saying that if we don't study, we
won't be anyone in life. It’s true that when we enter college we have more
job opportunities and we’ll acquire higher level knowledge, which will
benefit us to have a better quality of life. At university, we’ll grow as a
person. Because we’ll live with people from different places and we'll
establish friendships that can accompany us throughout our lives. We
often hear about the college environment. They say it's a special
environment that marks us for life, such as social interactions and
university life, namely academic practice.

Being successful at a professional level is also a common expectation. We

intend to work in an area that we enjoy, so that going to work is not an
obligation, but something that gives us pleasure. At the same time, we
intend to earn a good salary and be recognized for our value and
commitment to our activity. Being responsible and being part of a team,
where mutual help and good interpersonal relationships exist, is also one
of our goals. A good working environment is essential for full performance
on a professional level. While some of us think about having a "normal"
job, like being a nurse or a policeman, others aspire to big dreams,
wanting to be part of the best, having a job that makes a difference, like
being the leader of a large company or being a professional athlete.

Many teens dream of being famous by having a perfect life. We are a bit
influenced by the celebrities we see on social media, as they only show
the good part, and we’d like to have their prestige and their life. But there
are many teenagers who aren’t influenced. They know that success and
fame is a very difficult and long way to go. While some want to be famous
for being models, actors, entertainers or even singers. Others aspire to
achieve fame in the sport, trying to be Cristiano Ronaldo in various sports,
such as handball, basketball, volleyball or even football.
Many of us want to travel the world. This dream is very common, as it's a
way to meet new people and new cultures and have fun. It's also a way to
get to know all corners of the world and an opportunity to improve our
English. Some are more adventurous, preferring to travel with no
destination and no defined plan. Others prepare the trips in advance
choosing places in special times. This dream isn’t always fulfilled, due to
the lack of money for it, being often postponed over time.

Being respected by society is one of the expectations of all teens.

Nowadays it’s very difficult to earn this respect, because despite being
hidden, there’s still a lot of prejudice. Unfortunately racism is still a very
current topic, where you are discriminated against by your skin color or
culture, not having the right to the same opportunities. Being entitled to
your sexuality is also still difficult to be accepted by the community.
Because there are still prejudiced looks and even insults and violence. The
fact that a person is different from the standard imposed by society, like
the way they dress, or the way they speak and act can be pretexts for
discrimination to occur. Also for the simple fact of being a woman, we may
not have the same job opportunities, like leaders at the local community
level, among others. Despite all these prejudices having evolved positively,
they are still present in people's behavior. Making it difficult to be
respected and accepted by the community

Being brave and facing obstacles is a characteristic that most teenagers

aspire to have in their personality. This feature is very important, because
if a person is not brave, he will always have remorse for what he could
have done and did’nt do out of fear. We have to lift our heads and face
our fears to succeed. Throughout life, obstacles and difficulties arise that
we all want to be able to overcome. We want to learn to deal with less
good situations, managing to take advantage of these experiences. In
order to grow as a person and acquire skills that will help us throughout
In conclusion, it’s important to have dreams and expectations, as they are
the ones that motivate us to do more and better. However we must also
have our feet on the ground and know our limits and that sometimes not
everything is viable.

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