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Evolution of Nursing

Civil war (10
years after
Crimean Theory Era
Research era
war) 1980s-1990s
1950s- 1970s

Mid 19th Century Beginning of 20th Century 21st Century

1893 Graduate
World’s Fair Education Era
1854 1950s-1970s Theory Utilization
Crimean Era

Curriculum Era
Nursing emerged as a profession in the mid-19th century. Historians credit Florence Nightingale, a well-educated woman from Britain, as the
founder of modern nursing.

 1854, during the Crimean War, the British government requested Nightingale’s aid at a military hospital in Turkey. Within weeks of her
small team arriving, the mortality rate of British soldiers fell dramatically. Nightingale’s accomplishments impressed the public and
ultimately helped convince the Western world of the dignity and value of educated nurses.
 10 years after the Crimean War and during the Civil war a volunteer named Mary Ann Bickerdyke became significant. She accompanied
the army of Union Gen. William T. Sherman. After the 1863 Battle of Lookout Mountain in Tennessee, Bickerdyke cared for 2,000 troops
on her own.
 1893,the first national gathering of nurses at the World’s Fair in Chicago. Followed by the publication of of the first edition of the American
Journal of Nursing (AJN) in 1900.
 1900s- 1940s- Beginning of the Curriculum Era. When courses are taught in nursing programs. Emergence of standardized curricula for
diploma programs. When nursing starts to have a specialized knowledge and higher education.
 1950 to the 1970s- Research era, beginning of inquiries regarding focus for nursing research, role for nurses and what to research.
Problem studies and studies of
Nurses. The aim is theory-based studies for unified knowledge.
 1950 to the 1970s- Graduate education era. During this time focus is to find out What knowledge is needed for nursing practice? Carving
out an advanced role and
basis for nursing practice. Established the idea that nurses have an important role in quality health care. The focus is for graduate education on
knowledge development.

 1980 to the 1990s- Theory era: Questions about how frameworks guide research and practice emerge. There are many ways to think
about nursing. Nursing theoretical works clearly focus on the patient.These theories guide nursing research and practice.
 21st century Theory utilization era. In this era we ask the question: What new theories are needed as evidence for quality care?
Nursing theory guides research, practice, education, and administration.Middle-range theories are from quantitative or qualitative approaches.
Nursing frameworks are the knowledge (evidence) for quality care.
References: Mckenna H., Majda, P., Murphy F. Nursing Models, Theories and Practice 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd(2014).
McEwen M., Evelyn W., Theoretical Basis for Nursing 5th Ed. Wolters Kluwer Health(2019).

How the Evolution of the Nursing Profession Benefits Nurses & Patients Alike.

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