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Meenu Mariya Antony

Dr. Kekhronguu Dazo


10 August 2022

Sense of Alienation: Ernest Hemingway

According to many experts, Ernest Miller Hemingway is the most important author in American

literature from the 20th century. His writing is often regarded as one of the most avant-garde in

20th-century literature. Hemingway writes on what he has experienced and knows. He writes

with integrity, clarity, and directness. The major goal of the current research is to conduct a

thorough examination of alienation in a number of Ernest Hemingway works. The four

Hemingway books—The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and

The Old Man and the Sea—that will be the subject of this study.

  His life's love was writing, and he never engaged in any type of falsification or cheating.

Hemingway used the topic of violence and death to demonstrate that although life is full of

sorrow and misery, it is no match for a man with bravery and an iron will. The war had a

profound emotional and psychological effect on Hemingway. His decline in mental health most

likely started following his involvement in World Wars I and II. The individual also has his own

weapon to defend the worth of his existence amid a world of suffering and failure. The

definitions of estrangement have changed throughout time and can contradict one other. In the

past, it may have meant, in a good sense, becoming alienated from a finite life in the world in

order to reach a higher state of contemplation, ecstasy, or connection.

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Sigmund Freud did not clearly address the idea of alienation in the psychoanalytic theory that

emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, but other analysts have since. Alienation has

always been a common topic in literature, but it really began to gain traction in the 20th century

as people began to migrate away from nature and into the world of machines.

Although conventional by today's standards, the concept of alienation is not universal

since it can have very varied connotations and tonalities depending on whether it is used to a

member of society, a member of oneself, or a disenfranchised group of people. All of history

must be seen as a result of the basic alienation from which humanity is unable to escape.

Oppression is not alienation. All conduct and ideologies must thus project themselves into the

element of the other and return to their proponents as alienated and alienating due to the other's

supremacy in the pair of other and same, the objective's priority, and other.

The alienated person is also completely outside of alienation, he regains himself in his pure

subjectivity. He is also alienated in the mode of having to be so, wholly in his ideas and wholly

outside of them. This is the dominant alienation in modern society. But both in its form and in its

extent the modern alienation differs from that of preceding time. It has now become much more

intensified and broader, and has actually turned into a prevalent trend. But both in its form and in

its extent the modern alienation differs from that of preceding time.

It has now expanded significantly and strengthened, becoming a widespread trend in

the process. who rings the bell for: It is celebrated because human togetherness is a constructive

force. More terrifying than the fear of dying is the true "horror" of the human situation.

Hemingway is known for his portrayals of alienated, hypermasculine, submissive, devoted, and

self-sacrificing male heroes. Jordan feels isolated as a person before he meets Maria. He travels
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alone, shows no signs of having a family, and only hangs on to one or two buddies, whom he

freely acknowledges he doesn't know all that well.

In For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway captivates the realism of war through his own

eyes. Drawing from his own observation and experiences as an ambulance driver, Hemingway

shows the psychological damage of war through the destruction of human lives, uncommitted

relationships, and lack of confidence.

The Old Man and the Sea Here the hero is alienated from human society and is left alone on the

wide sea for three days and night. It was especially easy to notice the alienation in this novel.

This was because throughout the whole novel, Santiago was alone. He fished alone, he lived

alone, and the villagers didn’t pay much heed to him. He wasn’t alienated in a bad way, and he

didn’t seem to mind that he was often alone. During this time, he does not feel alone end

establishes his solidarity with the world of nature around him. This feeling enables him to bear

his ordeal more easily.

He develops a sense of kinship with the animals of the water and the air as a result of

his solitude. He considers the hawksbills, green turtles, and flying fish to be his brothers and

loves them all. Even the enormous and foolish-looking loggerheads caught his attention. The

only marine life that aroused his hatred was the scavenging shark and Portuguese men-of-war.

The Old Man was overjoyed to see a weary warbler resting on his line and sought to spread a sail

for his comfort. He thought that birds had the worst lives of all animals and felt sorry for the

unfortunate thing. Even the marlin he had captured and dubbed his brother felt sympathy for


In 1954, Hemingway earned the Nobel Prize for his novel The Old Man and the Sea. The major

theme of Hemingway's life and work is nature. The best aspects of Hemingway's writing are his
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superb nature descriptions and his emphasis on the tight connection between nature and

humanity. Eco-ethics, a field that combines ecology with ethics, examines how humans should

treat the natural world ethically.

The most self-actualized characters in Hemingway's work, like Santiago, rely less on

the contemporary world's new principles than they do on the timeless virtues of bravery,

community, love, humility, and dependency. The most self-actualized characters in Hemingway's

work, like Santiago, rely less on the contemporary world's new principles than they do on the

timeless virtues of bravery, community, love, humility, and dependency. He is not just a well-

known expert in the literary community. He gained a lot of readers, the esteem of literary critics,

and, last but not least, the Nobel Prize for Literature thanks to his writing prowess. Hemingway's

writings have been the subject of much scholarly study in an effort to identify their uniqueness

and allure. Hemingway's writing style, language, topics, or hero types have all been the subject

of these analyses. Hemingway is still a well-liked author now, despite the fact that many of these

studies clarified why audiences had embraced his writings throughout their original time periods.

The consequences are so diverse because a person's perspective of others changes when they feel

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Works Cited:

“Ernest Hemingway.” Visit the Main Page,


Sparknotes, SparkNotes,

Sparknotes, SparkNotes,

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