EIT 4 Complex Num

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Using complex numbers in electronics

• A complex number represents a point on the complex

plane, with the vertical axis being the imaginary part of
z (written as Im(z)), and the horizontal axis being the
real part of z (written Re(z))

• The point can also be represented using the length |z|

of the line from the origin to the point and the angle q
this line makes with the positive horizontal axis
Using complex numbers in electronics
• Algebraic form of complex number
• z = a + jb
• where a and b are real numbers and j = √-1
• j*j = – 1 j*(– j)= 1 (– j)*(– j) = – 1 1/j = –j
• Re(z) = a
• Im(z) = b
• Trigonometric form of complex number
• z = |z|(cosq + j sinq)
• where
• |z| = √ a2 + b2
• q = tan–1(b/a)
Using complex numbers in electronics
• With the Taylor expansions for sine, cosine, and the

• Exponential form of complex number:

z = |z|ejq
• where e= 2.7828…
Using complex numbers in electronics
• If we have a complex number of the form z = a+jb,
then the complex conjugate z∗ of this number is
defined as: z∗ = a−jb

Using complex numbers in electronics

• Multiplying any complex number by its complex

conjugate gives a real number equal to the magnitude
• z z* = (a + jb)(a – jb) = a2 – j2b2 = a2 + b2 = |z|2

• Complex conjugate of z = |z|ejq takes the form:

• z* = |z|e−jq

Using complex numbers in electronics
• If we have two complex numbers of the form z1 = a1 + jb1
and z2 = a2 + jb2 then the multiplication is given by:

• z1z2 = (a1 + jb1)(a2 + jb2) = (a1a2 – b1b2) + j(a1b2 + a2b1)

• and the division is given by:

Using complex numbers in electronics

• If we have two complex numbers of the form

z1 = |z1|ejq1 and z2 = |z2|ejq2 then the multiplication is
given by:

• z1z2 = |z1|·|z2|ej(q1 + q2)

• and the division is given by

z1 |z1| j(q1 – q2)
• z = e
2 |z2|
• The natural logarithm of z = |z|ejq is given by:

• Ln(z) = Ln(|z|) + jq

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