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Name: Shaira May DS. Salvador Date: 10/11/22

Year & Section: BSBA FM 1C

1. If you are a leader in your own organization, how can you manage it?
Answer: A leader is someone who guides an organization and its people toward a shared
future vision. A leader recognizes the opportunities inherent in organizational change and
takes action to bring that change to fruition. A leader has integrity, credibility, and
inspires others to believe in the organization's ability to change. Knowing oneself is the
first step in becoming a leader in an organization. Second, familiarity with the
organization. Third, cultivate relationships. Fourth, develop a vision. Finally, manage your
team's day-to-day relationships and operations.

2. You are a good leader….

Answer: You are a good leader if you have good observation skills and can also listen.
People speak up when they are confident, so good leaders would note those moments over
time and keep a mental log of where people are most at ease. Many people in today's
workforce are leaving because they do not feel appreciated.

3. Do you think you possess all this characteristics?

Answer: Yes, I believe I possess all of the qualities of a leader. Because the last time we
had a group project in good governance and social and responsibility, the project was to
create a video about good governance, and my groupmate said you are the leader. So, the
first thing I do is call a meeting for all of us to discuss our plans for our video. The end
result is stunning, and everyone agrees.

4. What does good governance mean to you?

Answer: Good governance is defined as mobilizing a country and its citizens in the best
possible direction. It necessitates societal unity and motivates citizens to achieve political
objectivity. In other words, it ensures that all of the state's resources are used
appropriately for the benefit of its citizens, resulting in long-term development.

5. What can we do for good governance?

Answer: To achieve good governance, citizens, educationists, scholars, social workers,
political activists, lawyers and media personnel have to come forward and engage
themselves with monitoring public institutions and ensuring the delivery of judicious social
services. They must engage with policymaking institutions while designing public policies.

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