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A Trip to

By Blue Team!!
History of Mandalay
Situated along the Ayeyarwady River, in the heart of Central Myanmar
lies Mandalay the second largest city after Yangon. Mandalay serves as
the economic and cultural hub as well as home of the last royal kingdom
of Myanmar.
It was founded by King Min don, replacing Amarapura as the new royal
capital of Konbaung dynasty.
The city grew as a strong city for 26 years before being conquered by
the British Empire.
Mandalay as seen today is Myanmar's blooming cultural center and one
of the country's best religious sites that display astonishing masonry and
architecture. With the unique blend between modern development and
ancient history, plenty of amazing tourist' destinations await here to
surely make you deeply fall in love with the city.
Where to stay in Mandalay?

With the tourism rising in Mandalay, it's not hard to find a hostel
or hotel or guesthouse to stay at with your personal preferences.
From buget accommodations to luxurious accommodations,
Mandalay has it all.

Getting around Mandalay

To get around Mandalay, you can hire a motorbike for a day and explore. this is the cheapest
way possible for motorbike rental but it's definitely not the most comfortable. Motorbikes
usually take 10000 to 12000 kyats per day. If you want to go to a couple of sights in the
city then just take a taxi or grab. In our opinion, grab is better in Mandalay as it is very
cheap, and you don't need to haggle the price.
Just download the app grab and you can get to most locations in the city for only a couple
thousand kyats.
RESIDENCE OF MYANMAR Located just in the heart of Mandalay in the middle of a
moat, Mandalay palace tells the story of last Myanmar
KINGS AT THE MANDALAY king who lived here. Mandalay palace and fort complex
PALACE!!! was more than just royal's quarters, it is a walled city

within Mandalay. Take a walk around the compound and

admire the beautiful palace from up close. The entire city
center of Mandalay is based around the Mandalay palace

so renting bikes to get to Mandalay palace is the best

option. You can also wander around the area of the fort

complex with a bike in the evenings which will probably

make you forget all about your life problems and bring so
much peace and even if it's just for a while.
Awe at the Mahamuni Pagoda!!
Of course it's not a splendid trip to Mandalay without time visiting Mahamuni pagoda. The
Mahamuni Buddha temple is located southwest of Mandalay and is known to be major
pilgrimage site for Buddhists. Inside the temple exists the most highly revered Buddha
image in Myanmar named Mahamuni Buddha image. Once you look at the Buddha image,
admiration stretches out of your soul as well as you may grasp the sacred Buddha image
with the mind even closing your eyes.

The image is covered with royal costumes

consisting of bra manic cords around the image
chest. It is decorated with jewelry, rubies and
sapphires and also crowded, If you arrive there
at dawn, you can see wash ritual, a daily basis.
After the ritual is finished, the used towel is
returned to the devotees and pilgrims are
allowed to take the towel to their home. Most
of all do this as protective accessory.
Traditional Dessert

Myint Myint Khin

It's called the world's largest book! but do not go looking for a large sized book in the temple complex. What catches
the eyes when you first enter the complex is the string temple building with a glided exterior giving the look of a
golden temple. There are stark white stupas surrounding the main pagoda in long rows. Beneath the pinnacles and
inside the stupa lies 730 marble tablets. 720 tablets contain the body of the tripitaka. The 730th tablet describes
the creation of the entire spectacle. It is said that if you read 8 hours a day, it would take a year to complete
reading all that is written in the tablets. It's also listed as one of UNESCO world heritage sites.
Mandalay Hill

No trip to Mandalay would be complete without a visit to Mandalay hill where

the city gets its name. Located in the northeastern part of Mandalay, the 240
m hill can be seen from many places in Mandalay, It's the landmark of the city
and a must go place. There are stairs to climb up to the hilltop and an
impressive array of masonry work lines almost every visible inch of these
stairways. 1729 steps to the summit if you choose to walk the stairways or you
can take a taxi or tuk tuk and escalator. We would suggest you to visit during
the sunset to get a breathtaking view of the entire city and feel crazy about
how hazy the city is above there.
You can't imagine a trip to Mandalay without U Bein Bridge
which is obviously one of the most iconic sites in all of Myanmar
and it stretches from Mandalay to Amarapura. The bridge is made
of wood and famous for being the longest teak bridge in the
world, spanning over 1.2 kilometers. Visiting U Bein Bridge during
sunset is the best time to go but be prepared for a crowd. It'll be
the busiest time of day but the views are amazing and shouldn't
be missed. Walk across the bridge in the late afternoon and enjoy
the nice sunset. If you don't fancy walking across, then you can
rent a fishing boat here and dive underneath the bridge to see it
from a completely different angle. However, it's an enchanting
almost magical place as it dances with the sun every evening to
the delight of thousands of spectators. When the setting sun
silhouettes the bridge, it occupants to provide a spectacular
shadow theatre of Myanmar Life.
According to mythology, it is said that if two lovers hold their hands and walk to the end of
the bridge, they will never be apart and will be together for the rest of their lives.

beauty of

Credit- SHIN Captures

Blue Team!!

Credits to - Google, Pinterest, Canva

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