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Yea Yint Phone Myint: HELLO I am Yae Yint Phone Myint. We are
from Year 7 Morado.

Yea Yint Phone Myint: In this presentation, we’re going to talk about
our English PBL project which is about “How will learning languages
enhance burmese teenagers and middle-aged life?”

Kaung Khant: And these are the content we are going to talk about -
First we will introduce what is “Language” and other questions?

Second, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of

learning languages and how learning languages will enhance people.

As a third step we will introduce the top 10 most used languages

around the world.

After that we will show our poster.

And last but not least we will be showing our survey questions and
answers of people that we ask.

Phone Myat Maw: Ok let's talk about languages. What is language?.

Languages are system of conventional, spoken manual and written
symbols by means of which human being as member of social groups
and participant in its culture to express themselves

Kaung Khant: Learning new languages is good for you but there are
some important things before learning languages to make it useful. 

So first make realistic, specific goals, for example you are learning
english and don’t make your learning english just to understand what
the actors say. Be more like you are learning it to go to america or
england and get a job.

Second, remind yourself why you are learning this language. Learning
other languages without any goals is just a waste of effort and time.
No matter what kind of languages you can speak. You still have to
speak your own native language in your country.

Third, focus on exactly what you want to learn. Make sure that the
language you are learning is because you love it, not because
somebody is telling you to learn.

Min Thaw Chan: And there are still some difficulties you will face in
learning languages… 

Yea Yint Phone Myint: Now as a second step we are gonna talk about
the disadvantages of Learning languages… and pmm will explain
about how learning languages enhance people.

Phone Myat Maw: So yea… let’s  first talk about the benefits of
learning languages… we finished talking about benefits so now let’s
talk about how learning languages will enhance people…

Min Thaw Chan: Here are the top 10 most used languages around the
world and this is the poster we made and this is the picture of us
sharing our posters.

Yea Yint Phone Myint: And those are the survey questions we created
and asked.

Yea Yint Phone Myint: Say bye bye.

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