Stqa 2019 Merged

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(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100

N.B. : (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

1. a} Draw the data flow graph of folloWingcode~ (10)

public static double ReturnAverage(intv~lue[], intAS,int MIN, iptN1AX){
int i, ti, tv, sum;
double av;
i = 0; ti = 0; tv = 0; sum = 0;
while (ti < AS && value[i] != -999) {
if (value[i] >= MIN && value[il<= MAX) {
sum = sum + value[i];
if (tv> 0)
av = (double )sum/tv;
av = (double) -999;
return (av);

b) Explain dynamic unit testing. (10)

la) Draw the contolflow graph of Q 1. a )code. And show branch coverage (10)
b) Explain the following terms. (10)
i)verification ii)validation iii)error iv)fault v)defect.
3.a)Describe the difference between black box and white box testing with the (10)
help of example.
b)Explain the characteristic of automated test cases. (10)
4. a)Explain McCall's quality factors and criteria. (10)
b)Explain boundary value analysis with the help of example. (10)
5.a)Explain the mutation testing with the help of example. (10)
b)What is the objectives of acceptance testing? Explain different types of (10)
acceptance testing.
6.a)Describe the differ~nce between unit testing and integration testing. (10)
b)Explain the characteristic of testable requirements; . (10)
'. .
7.a)Explain ISO 900 1:2000 requirements. (10)
b)Explain test design preparedness matrix with the help of example. (10)
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Con. 2840-09. So t:'+vJ~ T~+-i'~ VR-4323


(3 Hours) [Total Marks: 100

N.B. : (1) Question No.1 is compulsory.

(2) Answer any four questions out of remaining six questions.

1. (a) Explain the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) with neat diagrams. 10
(b) Discuss the quality of a Software test process. 10
Is QC sometimes acts as a feedback to QA? Explain on what conditions.
What exactly does a software tester Do ?

2. (a) What different types of risks are associated with testing projects? Explain 10
how risks are prioritised ?
(b) What is the work bench concept and how it is organized fo~software testing? 10

3. (a) (i) Explain test harness, test case, test scenario. 5

(ii) Explain test strategy, test plan and quality plan. 5
(b) What are the factors while selecting a Software testing tool? Explain. 10

4. (a) Consider the following statements about early test design :- 5

(i) early test design can prevent fault multiplication
(ii) faults found during early test design are more expensive to fix
(iii) early test design can find faults
(iv) early test design can cause changes to the requirements
(v) early test design normally takes more effort.
(1) i, iii & iv are true; ii & v are false
(2) iii & iv are true; i, ii & v are false
(3) i, iii, iv & v are true; ii is false
(4) i & ii are true; iii, iv & v are false
Explain your selection.
(b) What is a Test Case? 15
Design a Test Case where the Test objective is:"To check whether the entered
Username and the Password are valid or not".

Con. 2840- VR-4323-09. 2

5. (a) What is the benefit of Automation? What testing should be automated? 10

, What testing should not be automated? '

(b) What are the types of defects? Explain defect tracking system. 10

6. (a) Explain Test Plan. Prepare Master Test Plan and Detailed Test Plan. 10
(b) How does a client and server environment affect testing? 10
How can a world wide web sites be tested?

7. Write short notes on :- 20

(a) Static and dynamic testing.
(b) Software testing strategies.

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