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Jonas Darantinao BSCpE101

What is Computer Engineering?

The Computer Engineering is the combination of Electrical Engineering and

Computer Science. Fifty percent (50%) of Electrical Engineering curriculum and
fifty percent (50%) of computer Science curriculum that has in Computer Engineer
Curriculum. They are things that can be done in electrical Engineering for the
basic circuit classes such as Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor circuits and other
activities relative to electrical. Math was behind the manipulation of all of the
activities that Electrical Engineering which can be applied to their electives
subjects. Computer engineering also do have to take multiple years of calculus
and apply it in Electrical Engineering class. The software of Computer Science side
it’s called Programming in C and Java. Java is programming languages that has an
own syntax and rules that need to follow of what the computer wanted to do.
Over all the computer engineering could do the programing, software, hardware
and circuitry. The computer engineering was probably could work at Apple
company can do like software, IOS, system memory, servers etc. The possible
electives of CPE, EE, or even CSC are as follows; computer security, computer
vision, autonomous robot navigation, web development and etc.

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