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Laboratory of Coaching and Sport Performance, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

ABSTRACT to learning factors and to a more optimal transfer of the strength

Tsimahidis, K, Galazoulas, C, Skoufas, D, Papaiakovou, G, gain to running and jumping performance.
Bassa, E, Patikas, D, and Kotzamanidis, C. The effect of KEY WORDS strength, sprint, training, jump
sprinting after each set of heavy resistance training on the
running speed and jumping performance of young basketball
players. J Strength Cond Res 24(8): 2102–2108, 2010—The INTRODUCTION

purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 10-week he concept of combined training has been initially
heavy resistance combined with a running training program on suggested by Verkhoshanski and Tatyan (43),
the strength, running speed (RS), and vertical jump perfor- and it involves high-intensity strength and ballistic
mance of young basketball players. Twenty-six junior basketball training combined in the same session. The effec-
players were equally divided in 2 groups. The control (CON) tiveness of a combined training is attributed to a mechanism
so-called postactivation potentiation. Regarding this mech-
group performed only technical preparation and the group that
anism, the twitch torque, the rate of force development, and
followed the combined training program (CTP) performed
the ballistic performance increases, after electrical (33,35) or
additionally 5 sets of 8–5 repetition maximum (RM) half squat
voluntary activation under isometric (14,18,35) and dynamic
with 1 30-m sprint after each set. The evaluation took place maximal or close to maximal contraction (11,17). On the
before training and after the 5th and 10th weeks of training. other hand, postactivation potentiation has no effect on the
Apart from the 1RM half squat test, the 10- and 30-m running maximal torque and the unloaded shortening velocity
time was measured using photocells and the jump height (16,35).
(squat, countermovement jump, and drop jump) was estimated The increased motor neuron excitability (14,42) and
taking into account the flight time. The 1RM increased by augmentation in the Ca2+ kinetics and in the light myosin
30.3 6 1.5% at the 10th week of training for the CTP group chain phosphorylation (12,30) are some causes for the
(p , 0.05), whereas the CON group showed no significant existence of postactivation potentiation. Furthermore, it is
increase (1.1 6 1.6%, p . 0.05). In general, all measured influenced by several factors, such as the muscle fiber type
(18), the performance level (17,31), the intensity (33), and
parameters showed a statistically significant increase after the
the volume (3,11) of the resistance training, the exercise
5th and 10th weeks (p , 0.05), in contrast to the CON group
type, and the time interval between the activation and the
(p . 0.05). This suggests that the applied CTP is beneficial for
performance test (22).
the strength, RS, and jump height of young basketball players. The presence of postactivation potentiation has been
The observed adaptations in the CTP group could be attributed more extensively studied on jumps than sprints after a heavy
resistance stimulus. Concerning jumps, the majority of
studies verified the presence of postactivation potentiation
(11,17,22,37) although in some cases this was not very clear
Address correspondence to Kotzamanidis Christos, kotzaman@phed. (11). Regarding sprints, postactivation potentiation has been reported during cycling (38) and running (4,29) sprints.
24(8)/2102–2108 However, a recent study showed that a preceding heavy
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research resistance strength training program or a series of counter-
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association movement jumps did not have any effect on running speed
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(RS [9]), and this was attributed to the lower applied load purpose, junior basketball players were assigned to 2 groups:
volume compared with previous studies. the control (CON) group that performed only technical–
Running speed improves with several types of training tactical preparation and the CTP group that performed
interventions, such as sprint training without external additionally, for 10 weeks the CTP, consisted of a high-
resistance, towing, overspeed (7,8), and specific plyometric intensity resistance training with maximal sprints performed
(speed-bound) exercises (34). However, conflicting results after each set of the resistance program. All participants
have been reported for the effect of heavy resistance strength would be evaluated for their repetition maximum (1RM), RS
training on RS. There are relevant studies, which show no (0–10 and 0–30 m) and jump height (squat jump, counter-
effect independently of the intensity of the strength training movement jump, and drop jump) before the CTP group starts
program (7,19,36), whereas a recent study reports a positive training (Pre), at the fifth week of training (Post-5) and at the
effect on RS (20). The absence of adaptations on RS after end of 10-week program training (Post-10). For familiariza-
strength training has been attributed to learning factors (36), tion purposes, participants learned to perform all tests, before
that is, the nervous system cannot learn to control the first evaluation.
the augmented muscle mass and strength to recruit the
appropriate motor units for the running task to increase the
Twenty-six healthy junior basketball players volunteered to
RS. On the contrary, the positive effect of resistance training
participate in this study and were randomly assigned to either
on RS (20) was attributed to the strength gain per se.
the CON or the CTP group. All participants played in the
After a combined training program (CTP), with sprints
local junior basketball league and had no background in
after a heavy resistance strength training session, the 30-m
resistance or plyometric training (Table 1).
RS increased, whereas the 10-m RS did not change. To our
The experimental procedure was performed according to
knowledge, there are no studies investigating the effect of
the ethic guidelines of the Aristotle University of Thessalo-
a CTP on RS, by performing the running trials between the
niki, Greece. All subjects were informed about the experiment
sets of the strength training program. Such a protocol design
and all possible risks associated with their participation.
could possibly cause a more effective transfer of the strength
Before testing they filled out a medical history questionnaire
gain to RS, possibly by improving all running phases and
and signed the informed consent document. Their parents
other explosive tasks such as jumping. There is evidence that
were also invited before the intervention to be informed about
supports this hypothesis. More specifically when jumps
the study and to give their written consent as well. A physician
were performed among the strength resistance sets, an
examined all participants and classified them to the fifth
enhancement on jumping performance after the sets was
maturation stage, according to Tanner (39).
observed (37).
In particular for jumping, intervention programs have Experimental Procedure
a selective effect. Heavy resistance training basically increases Both CTP and CON groups followed a preparatory training
squat jump but not countermovement and drop jump program for 4 weeks, 3 times per week, including training
performance (24). Moreover, plyometric training (24,28) components that enhance endurance, endurance in strength,
and high resistance combined with plyometric training flexibility, and coordination. This training period served as
increased all types of jumping, whereas high resistance a preparatory phase to prevent injuries (23) that could occur
combined with sprint training affects squat jump only (23). because of the high intensity of the program that the CTP
Considering maximal running performance as an intensive group would follow. During the last week of this period, all
stretch-shortening cycle (10,26) like drop jump, it would be subjects performed all tests to be familiarized to avoid any
important to investigate the hypothesis if a CTP, with the learning effects on their performance (9).
running trials performed between the resistance sets, would During the 10-week experimental period, the CON group
affect all types of jumping performance. Moreover, according performed only technical and tactical preparation and did not
to our knowledge, there is no study investigating the effect of carry out any plyometric exercises or regular running training.
a combined resistance training program on power perfor- In addition to the technical and tactical training, the CTP
mance when stretch-shortening cycle tasks, such as spring, group performed 2 strength training sessions per week with
are performed between resistance sets. a 2-day interval in between. More specifically, in the first 5
weeks the CTP group carried out 5 sets of 8RM half squat, and
METHODS during the last 5 weeks, the intensity was increased to 5RM.
Experimental Approach to the Problem The resistance was adjusted every week. During the training
This study was designed to test if a combined high resistance session of the CTP group, after each half squat set, one
training protocol with sprint trials between the sets improves maximal 30-m sprint was performed (Table 2). A resting
the performance of young basketball players, and more interval of 90 seconds was given before and after the sprint.
specifically their strength level, 30-m sprint performance Only the last sprint was performed immediately after the last
(acceleration phase and maximal RS), and jumping ability weight lifting set. This was required to fulfill the experimental
(squat, countermovement jump and drop jump). For this conditions for another study.

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2010 | 2103

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Combined Training in Young Basketball Players

TABLE 1. Age, anthropometric values, and training background of the participants.*

Groups Age (y) Body mass (kg) Height (m) Training background (y)

Combined training group (n = 13) 18.0 6 1.2 80.9 6 10.2 1.83 6 1.3 5.2 6 2.1
Control group (n = 13) 18.0 6 0.7 82.0 6 5.3 1.86 6 1.1 6.1 6 1.4

*Values are mean 6 SD.

All participants had the same coach and during the training for each subject and was constant in the subsequent testing
period followed a common technical training program, sessions.
without participation in any competitive games.
1Repetition Maximum Estimation. Before testing, participants
executed a specific warming up, including submaximal
Testing Procedures repetitions at intensities of 40–80% of their self-perceived
The tests were carried out in a sport hall, with temperature 1RM. Afterward, each participant estimated according to his
25–30°C. All subjects participated in familiarization sessions experience his 1RM. Starting 5% below the self-estimated
before their evaluation. They performed a general warming 1RM load increased gradually by 2% after each successful
up program (10 minutes cycling on a MONARKTM cycling trial. This procedure was repeated until the participants were
ergometer, Varberg, Sweden) and specific warming-up not able to execute the full range of motion for the selected
exercises. Afterward, they performed the 30-m sprint test, load. The interval between the repetitions was 5 minutes. For
the jump tests, and 1RM half squat test at 90°. the final estimation of 1RM, 3–6 trials were required. All
The half squat was performed according to previous studies testing procedures were supervised and assessed according to
(4,23). Briefly, the Smith machine was used, with adjustable the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines (2).
brackets, which forces the bar to travel over a predefined
straight and vertical path. The participants stepped under the Running Speed. As specific warm-up, the athletes executed
bar, in upright position, looking forward, and grasping firmly running trials of moderate intensity and finally 2 maximal
the bar with both hands to support its load upon their sprints with 5 minutes interval between them. The evaluation
shoulders. They were instructed to flex their knees at 90°, started 5 minutes after the end of the warming up. Intervals
with the trunk tilted slightly forward and the heels on contact included active recovery. Running speed was evaluated with
with the ground. After reaching this position, they returned 3 pairs of photocells and reflectors (TAG HeuerTM, Oberursel,
to the starting position. Knee angle was evaluated with Germany) placed at shoulders height and connected with an
a goniometer, and brackets were placed to prevent knee electronic timer. To evaluate the 0- to 10-m and 0- to 30-m
flexion above 90°. The position of the brackets was registered distances, pairs of photocells were positioned at the start, 10 m,
and 30 m. The 0- to 10-m
distance was selected as indica-
tive of the initial acceleration
TABLE 2. Experimental design of one training session for the group that followed the ability. Sprints were executed
combined training program.* from standing start position.
Verbal encouragement was
Training session
given during the maximal RS
1 First resistance set evaluation. The subjects per-
2 30-m maximal RS trial 90 s after the first resistance set formed 4 maximal trials with
3 Second resistance set 90 s after maximal RS trial a 3-minute interval between
4 30-m maximal RS trial 90 s after the second resistance set
5 Third resistance set 90 s after maximal RS trial them. The best trial was further
6 30-m maximal RS trial 90 s after the third resistance set processed.
7 Fourth resistance set 90 s after maximal RS trial
8 30-m maximal RS trial 90 s after the fourth resistance set Jumping Performance. Before
9 Fifth resistance set 90 s after maximal RS trial evaluation subjects were
10 30-m maximal RS trial immediately after the fifth resistance set. warmed up with submaximal
*RS = running speed. and a few maximal jumps of all
tested types. The following
jump types were executed: (a)
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Squat jump: The participant started from a stationary position

with the knees flexed at 90° and jumped upward as high as
possible. (b) Countermovement jump: The participant started
from an upright standing position, performing a very fast
downward movement flexing ankles, knees, and hip and
immediately after jumping up off the ground. (c) Drop jump:
The participant jumped from a 40-cm high bench and
performed a maximal jump immediately after landing on the
All jumps were performed barefoot, with the hands placed
on the hips. The instructions were to jump as high as possible.
Jump height was evaluated with the ErgoJumpTM Boscosys-
tem apparatus (Jyvaskyla, Finland).
Statistical Analyses
Means and SEs of all dependent variables are presented. All
dependent variables were analyzed using a 2-way analysis of
Figure 1. Evolution of 1RM by group (CTP: combined training program
variance (ANOVA) 2 3 3 statistical model consisted of the group [n = 13], CON: control group [n = 13]) and time of measure (Pre:
factor GROUP (2 levels: CTP and CON groups) and the before, Post-5, and Post-10: during the 5th and 10th weeks of training).
repeated-measures factor TIME (3 levels: Pre, Post-5, and Horizontal arrows indicate significant differences between measurements
for the CTP group and asterisks (*) mark differences between groups for
Post-10 weeks of training). Pairwise comparisons were each measurement (p , 0.05).
assessed with post hoc tests. The level of significance was
set at p # 0.05. Test–retest measurements were assessed
during familiarization and the intraclass correlation co-
efficient (ICC) for all dependent variables was calculated. training period; nevertheless, the measurements 5 and 10
weeks after training showed that the CTP group had
RESULTS significantly lower sprint times compared to the CON group
Results for Repetition Maximum (Figure 2). The subjects of the CON group did not
The ICC between the trials was r = 0.94. The 2-way ANOVA differentiate their performance between measurements. This
revealed a significant interaction effect (F(2,48) = 226.7, p , was not the case with the subjects of CTP group that
0.01). There was no significant difference between groups for performed better after 5 and 10 weeks of training compared
the measurement before the training onset. During the Post-5 to the pretraining values.
and Post-10 measurement, the CTP group performed Regarding the performance for the 0- to 30-m distance, the
significantly better than the CON group (Figure 1). The 2-way ANOVA showed a similar to 0- to 10-m distance
CON group showed no significant difference between the 3 magnitude of interaction effect (F(2,48) = 10.8, p , 0.01).
measurements along time. The subjects included in the CTP Pairwise post hoc comparisons revealed significant difference
group increased their RM sig-
nificantly after the fifth week
compared to the pretraining
values. Further statistically sig-
nificant increase was observed
after 5 weeks of additional
0- to 10-m and 0- to 30-m
Sprint Times
The ICCs between the trials for
0–10 and 0–30 m were 0.90 and
0.93, respectively.
Regarding the initial phase of
speed (0–10 m), a significant
interaction effect was shown
(F(2,48) = 8.47, p , 0.01). Post Figure 2. Ten and 30-m sprint times by group (CTP: combined training program group [n = 13], CON: control
group [n = 13]) and time of measure (Pre: before, Post-5, and Post-10: during the fifth and 10th weeks of training).
hoc analysis revealed no signif- Horizontal arrows indicate significant differences between measurements for the CTP group and asterisks (*) mark
icant difference between differences between groups for each measurement (p , 0.05).
groups before the onset of the

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2010 | 2105

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Combined Training in Young Basketball Players

Figure 3. Squat jump, countermovement jump and drop jump by group (CTP: combined training program group [n = 13], CON: control group [n = 13]) and time
of measure (Pre: before, Post-5, and Post-10: during the 5th and 10th weeks of training). Horizontal arrows indicate significant differences between
measurements for the CTP group and asterisks (*) mark differences between groups for each measurement (p , 0.05).

between the groups after training (Post-5 and Post-10), and Specifically, it caused an increase in their half squat RM, in
this was not the case before training (Pre, Figure 2). No RS and in jumping performance. The training effect for the
significant difference was observed between measurements of CTP group reached the significance level already during the
the CON group. The CTP group performed better after 5 and fifth week. No changes were observed in the CON group.
10 weeks of training compared to the pretraining values and The behavior of the CTP group indicates that the applied
this difference was statistically significant. Furthermore, training protocol can increase the strength even within 5
differences were significant between the 5th and 10th weeks weeks. Generally speaking, the strength can increase even
of training for the CTP group. after 1 week of resistance training and such adaptations are
attributed purely to neuronal factors (6). However, the results
Jump Height obtained after the 5 and 10 weeks could be attributed to both
The ICC between the trials for squat, countermovement, and neuronal and muscular factors (15), but it was beyond our
drop jump was 0.94, 0.96, and 0.94, respectively. Results scope to further analyze which factor contributed more and
showed by all jump measures significant interactions between to what extent.
group and time of measure. Specifically, the F(2,48) values for The effect of combined strength training programs on RS
squat, countermovement jump, and drop jump were 14.3, has been also previously documented (23). The effectiveness
23.4, and 35.2, respectively. of such a program was attributed to postactivation
Regarding squat jump, analysis showed no significant potentiation because the RS program was performed 10
difference between groups in the first test. On the contrary, minutes after the strength program. However, in the
between the 5th and 10th weeks of training the trained group mentioned study, RS increased for the 0–30 m and not
performed significantly better than the CON group (Figure 3). for the 0- to 10-m sprint distance. In the present study,
Between measurements, there was no significant difference improvement in 0- to 10-m distance was evident as well. One
in the CON group. The subjects of the CTP group performed possible explanation for this is that a more direct transfer of
significantly better after 5 and 10 weeks of training compared the strength gain to RS could occur when sprints are
to the pretraining values. The difference between the 5th and performed after each strength training set. This assumption
10th week squat jump performance was significant as well. could be supported by the concept that strength gain per se
Similar results to the squat jump were presented for the cannot be transferred to RS (36). Another explanation could
countermovement and drop jumps as well (Figure 3). be a possible facilitation on RS that occurs because of the
postactivation potentiation effect after each set. Fatigue and
DISCUSSION facilitation coexist during training (32), and in our case, the
The results obtained indicate that the 10-week strength facilitation could be caused by postactivation potentiation. It
training program combined with running sprint trials has been documented that RS is not affected immediately
between the sets of the strength training had a positive effect after a complete a heavy resistance strength training set
on the performance of the young basketball players. because of fatigue, but it is facilitated 5 minutes after (4).
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Although there is no information for the effect of the enhance half squat RM, 10- to 30-m RS, and all types of jumps
postactivation potentiation on RS using intervals between in young male basketball players with no former experience in
0 and 5 minutes, it seems that the 3-minute interval after resistance or plyometric training. Coaches using such training
resistance set of the present study could be possibly programs in young basketball players may expect adaptations
appropriate for postactivation potentiation on RS. This that affect positively both strength and power in a relative
could be supported by the half resynthesis time for short period of 5 weeks. This is important to know for the
phosphocreatine that is approximately 30 seconds (40). training planning and especially when the preparation period
Nonetheless, further studies are required to determine the is short. Further studies may clarify if such adaptations are
optimal rest interval. present in high-level performance athletes as well, and if the
Concerning jumps, studies related to the effect of training suggested training protocol is superior in comparison to
on jumping performance have shown that strength training others.
mainly increases squat jump height (24,25), whereas
plyometrics (24,28) and resistance training programs com- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
bined with jumps, improves all types of jumping (13,41). An The authors would like to thank all players for their decision
explanation for these differences is that pure resistance to participate in this study.
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