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Tecnet F€rum

The 2012 Samsung TV & Panel Certification Course is designed to assist in technical
understanding and troubleshooting the new 2012 LED, LED Hybrid & LCD, as well as Plasma

The UN EH 4000 & 5000 Series includes The new Jog Function Control with a built in
Power/IR Indicator & Remote Control Sensor for these models

Rear View

NOTE: It’s really important to first disconnect the function Assy Cable by removing the
cover jack with one screw and then disconnecting the cable. Taking the rear cover off
without doing so has resulted in damage to the function Assy and cable connection.

Pictured on right is an actual damaged PC Connector from not first removing the Jog
Function connector before removing the back panel.

The Layout for the UN EH TV Models include the Main Board & IP/SMPS Board shown here
with its two important connectors going to the Main Board and Back Light LEDS. The T-CON
Board is now part of the panel assembly pictured on the bottom left.

The LED Hybrid Models utilizes LED Direct Backlight placed in similar Backlight horizontal
rear panel position as the CCFL LCD Backlights this makes the panel to have a thicker rear
section as compared to Slim LED with edge lit LEDs..….
- LCD panels are made up of rows and columns of red green and blue sub pixels. The TCON
board selects the specific sub pixel (each LCD) and controls the amount of light produced
for that area.
-The panel resolution determines the number of pixels. For example a 720P panel has 1280
horizontal pixels and 768 vertical rows. A 1080P panel has 1920 horizontal pixels and 1080
rows. Obviously the higher resolution requires that many more control lines.
-The video data signal outputs from the Main Board thru an LVDS Cable to the FRC/TCON
- The TCON Board provides the Row and Column Drive to the LCDs in time with the Scan
- The Main Board supplies PS ON & BL ON signals to the SMPS Board which turns on the
LED Backlight while providing supply voltages to the other Board Assemblies.

A sample of the Wiring Diagram is shown here… The Main Board connector 201 to the IP or
SMPS Board. The ip Board to the LEDs on the Panel… The Main Board to the Jog
Function/IR/LED ASSY… the Main Board to the Speakers and also through the LVDS Cable to
the T-Con Board now part of the panel.

The power on sequence is shown:
-The 5V standby is supplied to the Main Board from the power supply
- The Power On/Off command is sent from the Main Board to the Power Supply via CN 803-
14 in this example providing 0V to 3.5V when activated.
-The Power Supply then provides all low voltages. The former Booting Melody is triggered
for this model.
-- The Main Board sends Blu ON -Back Light On command to the Power Supply 0V to 4,9V
after approx a 5 sec delay.

-The Main Board also supplies a PWM Back Light Dim Control Command to the Power
Supply .5V to 4.0V DC effective that can be measures as the dim changes from a 0 setting
to a 20 auto or user setting for back light control.
- Finally the Power Supply sends two D1 Dim Control output signals to the LEDS. D1
negative changing from 1.3V to 32.8V effective DC voltage while the D positive stays fixed
at approx 110V .

The 2012 LCD Layout & Circuitry is very similar to 2011 LCD Models & includes: Main
Board; SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) Board/IP (Inverter Power) Board; IP Buffer
Board; T-Con Board; L&R Speakers

Typical wiring Diagram of the 2011 LCD Models and now 2012 is shown. The Main Board
again providing Power ON to the IP Power Supply Board after receiving it’s command from
the Function/IR Assembly. The Power Supply in turn providing Supply Voltages to the Main
Board and IP Buffer Board for Back Light CCFL Control Operation. The Main Board also
providing Digital Video Data Signal to the T-CON Board via the LVDS Cable and also audio
to the speakers.

Typical to the 2011 and 2012 is the LCD’s Power ON Sequence that begins at the Power
Supply Connection to/from the Main Board. The 5V standby is first supplied to the Main
Board & can be seen on pin 12 “A5V” (always 5V);
PS_On from the Main Board is sent to the Power supply changing from 0V to 3.5V. The
Back Light on command BLU_ON from the Main to the supply on pin 6, 0V to 5V; The Main
Boards Dim Control Signal, P_Dim found on Pin 2 will range from .5V to 1.5V depending on
Back Light Dimming.. and finally switched voltages “B5V” & “B13V” can be found on their
associated pins

Drive Signals between the LCD Power Supply and IP Buffer Board are now seen here.
In this example High and Low Pin Drive Voltages are found on
-“Pin 1 and Pin 3 … Be extra careful when troubleshooting since these voltages can run very
high, up to 4000V P-P in some previous models, in order to drive the CCFLs
-The 0VP protection and CCFL Power operation verification on pin 9 will change from near
0v DC when back light is lowest dim to .1V at max bright.
-13V should be measured at “VCC” Pin 11 as well as at Pin 10. 12 V should be measured at
LD pin 12 when troubleshooting.

The 2012 LED Hybrid Main Board Layout is shown here. New for 2012 is the MSTAR X9
2 HDMI and USB connectors on the upper left, Monitor & Optical Out are seen near
bottom center, as well as component & Composite connectors at center and Power Supply
connection CN201 and LVDS Connector on the upper right

Main Board Diagram includes the SEMS23 (MSTAR X9)
Processor. A one chip design, it receives and processes the Tuner, Audio, HDMI and other
input signals just discussed. It also receives IR. Keyboard and other info for processing and
control and outputs the final 10Bit Video Data Signal to the FRC/T-CON Board which in turn
controls the Panel LCDs. A troubleshooting note is the return of the “Melody” heard during
start up and only used for this series.

The LCD’s SEMS20 Mstar X5 Processor is the same used for 2011 LCD and is also a one chip
design and processes similar to the X9 discussed. A troubleshooting note is the On Screen
Booting Logo that is used during start up with no melody introduced in 2011.

Troubleshooting T-Con/Panel can begin by measuring the operating voltage in from the
Main Board LVDS Cable at both sides of FP1.
-If the 12V supply appears on both sides of the fuse (with meter reference to chassis
ground), a correct supply is given and used by the T-Con.
-If the 12V only appears at the LVDS Cable End of the Fuse. The fuse is open and T-
Con/Panel needs to be replaced. Sometime replacing a fuse will correct the failure,
however, before proceeding, check for any bulletins related to this condition.
-If the 12V does not appear on either end of the fuse, the LVDS Cable and Main Board feeds
need to be checked and LVDS Cable or Main board replaced. ALSO: check that the 12V
supply feed from the Power Supply to the Main board is present.

Troubleshooting the T-CON Board in the 2012 LCD Models is similar by locating and
checking F1 Fuse condition. If the supply voltage does not appear on either end of the fuse
check the LVDS Cable & Main Board. If the fuse is open, check & replace the T-CON Board.
Troubleshooting T-Con can begin by measuring the operating voltage in from the Main
Board LVDS Cable at both sides of F1 (Fuse 1).
-If the 13V supply appears on both sides (with meter reference to chassis ground) of the
fuse correct supply is given and used by the T-Con.
-If the 13V only appears at the LVDS Cable End of the Fuse. The fuse is open and T-Con
needs to be replaced.
-If the 13V does not appear on either end of the fuse, the LVDS Cable and Main Board fees
need to be checked and LVDS Cable or Main board replaced. ALSO: check the 13V supply
feed from SMPS to Main board is present, if not, replace the SMPS Board.

New to Option Bytes shown here is Local Set. Other model TVs have other additional info
new to 2012.

Activating Test Patterns in Factory Mode are very important to troubleshooting..Seen here
the Mstar Test Patterns that are generated from the Main Board can be observed by
selecting SVC, than Test Pattern, than Mstar Test Pattern, and finally activating and
scrolling through the patterns provided. Also use the Customer Picture Test and the Display
to help isolate Video noise problems.

Every service should include a software check and upgrade performed.
-The Main SW (SoftWare) Firmware version is listed at the top right of the first Factory
Mode Screen.
-The Sub Micom version is listed in the second item down on the right hand side.

-The Main Firmware can be changed by “Over The Network”, on TVs with a WiFi connection
or with an external USB Memory Stick. Disrupting the download to the TVs internal
memory before transfer will not cause any problems or failures.

-However, when directed to upgrade the Sub Micom, It will required an upgrade with an
external memory stick. Follow the procedures provided with the upgrade carefully.
Disrupting power or download to the TV will result in a Main Board failure.

Front Cover Cautions: When just replacing the Front Cover (due to damage or scratches)
simply cut the top of the Cover This will prevent the removal process from Damaging the
connections on the side of the panel. New panels come with the Front Cover.


The UNEH4000 will be used as an example of the 5 Directional Function Control
The five commands: Press for Power/ & Menu Enter, Left & Right for Volume & Menu
Select , Up & Down for Channel & Menu Select are all functions that can be tested in TV
standby mode.
Some models include a built in IR Sensor as in this example.

The Main Board monitors IR, Key 1 and Key 2 for function control command changes. It
also supplies a 3.3V standby to the Function Control.
Key 1 shown on pin 6 in this example is dedicated to the center “Press” command.
The other functions Left, Right, Up, & Down are all monitored by the Main Board for
corresponding voltage changes on Key 2.

-First check the 3.3 Standby Voltage found on pin 3 of the function connector in this example.
-For models with an IR sensor on the Jog Function Control, You can then check the IR voltages
found on pin 1. Each press of the remote control will produce the data shown here on the scope,
and also an effective 2.5V DC from 3.3V that can be measured with a volt meter.
- Pushing the center “Press” Switch will change Key1’s 3.3V to 0V found on pin 6 in this example.
-Check “Left” Key 2 on pin 7 for a change of 3.3v to 1.6VDC
-Check “Right” also Key 2 for a change from 3.3V to 2.5VDC
-Check Up on Key 2 for 3.3V to 0VDC
-And Down also on Key 2 for 3.3v to .8VDC
-Note that all voltages should begin at 3.3V … Any voltages less than that on IR or Key1 or Key 2
indicate a stuck command.

5 Directional Function Control Test: Verify DC Signals:

1. Check Standby 3.3V on Function Connector, Pin 3
2. Check Customer Remote Control Functions at IR, Pin 1
3. Check Press, at Key 1, Pin 6
4. Check Left, Right, Up, Down at Key 2, Pin 7

The 2012 LED TVs include models with the new built in Camera/Mic called the moIP
Module for Interactive Smart TV, Also shown are models with 3D Bluetooth, Built in WiFi,
Smart Web Browsing, Micro Dimming, those with 240 or 120Hz refresh rate, and those
with Full High Depth and other specifications.

The specifications for the ES8000 46inch and 55 inch models are shown and compared with
the 2011 models.
It includes the moIP Module and all the top new features just described as well as the new
Echo-P Micro Processor we will examine later.

The UNES8000 series Front View and accessories are shown. The new Camera/Mic Module
and IR Sensor are located at top center and the new jog function control is located at the
right rear bottom back of the TV that might make it more of a challenge to access for
Accessories include the new Smart Touch Control Remote, Standard Remote, and IR Blaster
as well as an AV Adapter.

Once again we will be focusing on the top of the line LED ES8000 Series TVs… Lets look at
important repair Preparations and Disassembly procedure

Remove the rear cover screws
-Lift and remove the rear cover while being cautious of its sharp edges.
-Remove the screws of the Middle Cover which is actually the outer edge cover.
-Carefully and SLOWLY lift the Middle Cover while locating the Cables still attached.

Caution: Remove the - Function Cable,- Bluetooth Cable,- Deco Cable before
removing The Middle Cover.

The internal Layout includes the new moIP Camera/Mic Module located at the center top
with connection cable over to the Main Board. The Main Board shown with the LVDS Cable
to the T-Con Board. also seen is The Power Supply ip smps Board, and the Speakers. Not
pictured is the WiFi Module and the new Jog Function Control.

- LCD panels are made up of rows and columns of red green and blue sub pixels. The TCON
board selects the specific sub pixel (each LCD) and controls the amount of light produced
from that area.
-The panel resolution determines the number of pixels. For example a 720P panel has 1280
horizontal pixels and 768 vertical rows. A 1080P panel has 1920 horizontal pixels and 1080
rows. Obviously the higher resolution requires that many more control lines.
-The video data signal outputs from the Main Board thru an LVDS Cable to the FRC/TCON
- The TCON Board provides the Row and Column Drive to the LCDs in time with the Scan
- The Main Board supplies PS ON & BL ON signals to the SMPS Board which turns on the
LED Backlight while providing supply voltages to the other Board Assemblies.

The Wiring Diagram of the UE8000 Series TVs includes
The moIP Camera/Mic Module connection cable to the Main Board. The Main Board LVDS
Cable to the T-Con Board Main Board cables to the Power Supply Board, WiFi Module,
Bluetooth Module, Jog Function Control Assy as well as the Speakers. The Power Supply
cables are also connected the Panel LEDs & Power cord and finally the T-Con Board
Connection Cables to the Panel.

The SMPS Power Supply Board is shown here with it’s Connector to the Main Board.
Key items such as
-A5V Standby to the Main Board
-Power On/Off from the Main Board turning on the Supply
-Blu On/Off from the Main turning on & off the Back Light
-P-Dim 1 thru 4 from the Main controlling the Back Light

This slide shows the SMPS Power Supply Connections to the 8 sets of Edge Lit LEDs.
CNL802A shows the designated left L1 thru L4 +/- Connections and CNL802B shows the
designated right LED +/- connections… each are controlled by the Main Board and driven
by the Power Supply separately.

Understanding & Testing the Start Up Sequence is important to Troubleshooting

1. First check A5V (Always 5V) Standby found on pin 18 in this example that goes
to the Main board
2. Next Measure Power ON/OFF command (0V – 3.3V) found on pin 20 coming
from the Main Board
3. Check Switched voltages B13V on pins 7,9 & B5V on pins 17,19
4. Now Measure BLU_ON/OFF command, pin 12 (0V – 5.2V) coming from the
Main Board after about a 1 sec delay.

5. Next measure P-DIM1, 2,3,4 (Dim Control Signals from Main Board) ranging
from .1V to 2.6V with min to max back light changes. This is the effective DC
Voltages that can be measured with a volt meter, actual PWM signal is seen on
the scope signals below when the Back Light is increased from a minimum to
maximum condition either by the user controls or auto ECO sensor during
room lighting changes.
6. In Step 6 The Drive Control Signals, sent to the LEDs are L1+/- through L4+/-
and R1+/- through R4+/- . The - return voltages are max when Backlight is
minimum, Measured Voltages are seen on the next slide.

Seen in this slide are the Left LEDs 1 thru 4 plus and minus drive voltages.
Left is only a designation and does not represent just the Left side of the edge lit LEDs.
The DC effective voltage is shown here that you can measure with a standard volt meter.

Seen in the top chart, Measured across the L– negatives and the L positives have an approx
range of 28V to 46V effective DC voltage to the LEDs corresponding from a Min Backlight
Level to a Maximum Level.

The bottom chart are voltages referenced to ground where the L- signals change from
approx 24V to 4.5 V with min to max brightness change while the L plus side only changes
slightly from 60V to 51V effective DC voltage.

On the 4 right Drives to the LEDs the measured right connector voltages are similar to the
Left readings when measured across the R negatives (returns) and R positive (sends).
Measuing 33V with min brightness to 46V DC effective at max. seen here on the top chart.

The bottom chart, however shows the right side to be different from the left when voltages
are reference to ground… R- changes from 59V at minimum brightness to 50V at maximum
backlight, while R positive stays fixed at 96V DC supply voltage.

Because of these differences and Left/Right configurations, removing either drive

connector will prevent Backlight from operating!, This is a very important troubleshooting
note to remember. Unlike some previous years models they cannot operate independently
or be swapped.

Verify the E8000 LEDs DC Supply voltage conditions, in this example for the 46 inch model,
63V & 96V Supply Voltages can be checked at the plus end of the Electrolytic Capacitors
located and listed in this example.

The Main Board Layout for the ES8000/7500 Models is seen here
At Center is the new Echo-P Processor

On the Left are 3 USB & 3 HDMI Connectors, AV Audio, EX Link , at the bottom RF AV
INPUTS & LAN and on the right The new moIP connector, Power to the SMPS Board, LVDS
Cable, & new Jog Control Function Cable and L/R Speakers

Shown in the Block Diagram is the Echo A Decoder and Echo P Processor, it’s input/output
feeds just mentioned, plus Video & Audio Processing, Wi-Fi & Network , 3D, moIP -
Motion/Voice Control Processing, IR, Bluetooth & Touch Control Remote, & Smart
Evolution Kit, outputting Data Signal to the T-CON Board with FRC Fame Rate Control 240
HZ refresh rate and finally to the Panel…. Isolating and Troubleshooting the Main Board will
be examined later with the T-CON Board discussion.

Before Removing the Main Board first remove the connectors, being extra careful when
removing or replacing the sensitive LVDS Cable.
Troubleshooting notes:
An LVDS Cable miss connection or failure often has the same Error Symptoms as a
Defective T-CON or Main Board.
It should be checked and replaced before replacing these boards.
Isolating and Troubleshooting the Main Board will be examined later with the T-CON Board

It is very important to check and set all the Option Bytes in Service Mode whenever
replacing the Main Board. New to Option Bytes shown here for this model is “Basic Model”
& “SVC Model”. Other model TVs have other additional info also new to 2012.
Always check Tips in GSPN for latest option Byte Charts & Settings, since the Service
Manual info may be dated and no longer valid.

Another important item after every repair is to check and perform the latest
firmware upgrade… The list of latest firmware are located on the first service
mode screen seen on the top left of this slide. Specific Upgrades for the new
models are seen by selecting SVC, including MIC, Camera, BT (Bluetooth),
Function, and Sub Micom called “Micom Upgrade”. Follow the upgrade
procedures carefully.

IMPORTANT!!!: Never power the TV off when you see “Wait” which appears on screen
during Sub Micom or some other upgrades, doing so will require a Main Board

The main board also provides the operating system. This means all operation functions are
controlled by this board.
Main board failures can be specific to a single input or all sources. Access the Onscreen
display to generate a reference picture that can be used to verify the operation of the
Video processor. If the OSD image is correct in all aspects the source video is suspected.
Main board problems can often be disguised by a defective or improperly connected LVDS
cable. This cable transfers the video in digital format to the T-CON board. Improper
connections here can cause missing data bits which will show a wide range of symptoms.
Use the specific Factory Mode test patterns will help to verify the problem is either after
or before the main board.

Use the specific Factory Mode test patterns will help to verify the problem is either after
or before the main board.

Models like the E8000 that use 240Hz or 120Hz refresh rates use a combination TCON and
FRC Board. FRC or frame rate conversion is where the extra frames are created or
interpolated. Video in LVDS format is applied to the FRC/T-CON board. The FRC section
creates the additional frames by reading two adjacent original frames then calculating the
luminance and chrominance data that then outputs the additional signals to the Panel.

The new T-CON/FRC Board Block Diagram for 2012 is shown here. The internal Test
Patterns we will see later for troubleshooting for 2012 models are actually labeled “T-CON”
and can be accessed in Factory Test Mode.
2011 Models labeled the Test Patterns after the internal FRC IC called Napoli.

T-Con Boards are often located behind the Stand Bracket. This also serves to provide
shielding to eliminate any noise potential to the FRC/T-Con Board.

-This slide shows the video signal path beginning at the inputs to the Main Board through
the LVDS Cable to the T-CON Board and then to the Panel. Understanding this is very
important to troubleshooting.
-To troubleshoot video problems there are internal test patterns that can be accessed in
Factory mode for both the Main board, called Echo-P and the T-Con board, simply called T-
CON as seen here.
-If the T-CON Test Pattern are Noisy the T-CON Board or Panel is defective.
-If the T-CON Test Patterns are good but the Echo-P Test Patterns are noisy, the Main Board
or LVDS Cable is defective. Always check the LVDS Cable first.
-If the Echo-P Test Patterns are good.. Look for a source failure…
-The Boot Logo, OSD and customer picture test are all generated on the Main Board and
can also be used for testing….
-If these signals are OK and the source picture is not, suspect and test the source. The
problem will be caused by a defective source or a bad cable or a defective input to the
Main Board. Swap inputs & source and cabling to determine the exact failure.

To access the Test Patterns
1. Access Factory Mode & Select SVC
2. Select Test Pattern
3. Select EchoP Pattern Set Use the right arrow key to Scroll through patterns
4.Select SOC T-CON Test Pattern Use the right arrow key to scroll through the

The same signal Path Troubleshooting holds true for the 2011 Models
The exception is the Genoa P Processor on the Main Board and its Test Patterns for
referencing as well as the Napoli FRC Processor on the T-CON Board, simply use its Test
Patterns for reference and testing.

To troubleshoot video problems or to make sure every board after the main board is
working properly, the internal test patterns can be accessed in the T-Con board then moved
back to the main board test patterns. The Boot Logo, OSD and customer picture test
should also be used for testing.

- Main board has the test pattern (Genoa-P) generator On the 2nd IC available in service
-SVC > test pattern > Genoa-P (ahead of the LVDS CABLE)
- “Napoli” PATTERNs (Located at FRC) available on units that have FRC circuitry.

The Service Mode Screens for 2011 shown here are also very similar to 2012.
For the Test procedure the 2011’s Genoa-P Test Patterns from the Main Board and
Napoli Test Patterns from the T-CON Board are the Test references.

Test Procedure:
1. Access Service Mode & Select SVC
2. Select Test Pattern
3. Select GenoaP Pattern Set Use the right arrow key to Scroll through patterns
4.Select Logic Pattern Sel Use the right arrow key to scroll through the patterns.
• If Logic is OK and GenoaP is OK the problem is normally the source or input
• If the Logic is OK and GenoaP is not OK, problem is normally LVDS Cable or Main
• If Log is not OK then the problem is normally the Logic Board (or X or Y Boards)

To troubleshoot video problems or to make sure every board after the main board is
working properly, the internal test patterns can be accessed in the T-Con board then moved
back to the main board test patterns. The Boot Logo, OSD and customer picture test
should also be used for testing.

- Main board has the test pattern (FBE) generator On the 2nd IC available in service mode
-SVC > test pattern > Echo-P (ahead of the LVDS CABLE)
- “FRC” PATTERNs (Located at FRC) available on units that have FRC circuitry.

The FRC board can be tested by accessing the FRC Test pattern under the control submenu
of the service mode. Both of the FRC patterns are generated on the FRC board. If the test
patterns are displayed without error the problem is before the FRC board, either the Main
board or the source.

T-Con board failures can be all over the screen or localized (because it is responsible for
which cell to light and how much intensity). TCON board failures can cause half the screen
to go black or full white (since it handles each half of the screen, one side could be good
and other bad).
TCON Board defects do not go away with content or connection. If the problem disappears
when the input is changed it is not the TCON board. If the problem completely disappears
with a darker or brighter scene the problem is not the TCON board.
If the screen defect appears after a period of time the TCON board can be suspected (after
is heats up).

Remember Defective LVDS Cables can also look like T-CON or PANEL Failures. Always test
and replace the LVDS Cable first.

- Vertical or horizontal lines that are present with all inputs and all types of content can be
a defective panels, but may also be a defective T-Con Board, LVDS, or Main Board. Use the
Test Patterns in Service Mode to Verify.
- Backlight errors can usually be identified by an area that is always noticeably darker.
-Smaller lines or imperfections in the image that are present in all modes is called de-
lamination which requires replacing the panel.

LCD panels use a flexible polarizer on the outside edge of the panel. If the unit is hit by a
object the flexible polarizer may not show damage but the inside LCD glass will break.
Panels showing a center point and cracks radiating from that point is impact damage.
Corner cracks are usually the result of rough handling. Panels do not crack on their own,
panel damage has been tied to flying objects or transportation damage.

•Built-in Camera / MIC Module includes:
• - 1.3 megapixel camera.
• - that Make it possible to perform Motion Control & Face
• Bi-directional (L&R)MIC for noise reduction makes it
possible for Voice Control.
• - It is Skype compatible.
• - and a Core module for many apps for SmartHub.

Follow procedure

Follow procedure

The Moip Camera Mic Module seen here can easily be replaced by first removing the cable
connector and then it’s 3 mounting screws.

In this section we will look at the new 2012 Plasma TV with a focus on the new E8000 60
inch model with the Logic and Logic Buffer Board combination; The 60 inch E550 with the
new Pentile Panel and also combined Logic and Logic Buffer Board and the E490 plasma
model representing the E450/490 models with the new combined X & Y Main Boards along
with some references to last year’s PN51D8000.

Plasma Model Features are listed here including E8000 series with moIP Camera/ Mic
Module and Voice/motion control, those with built in Wi-Fi, 3D Bluetooth, Smart TV, those
with full FHD Panels, Pentile Panels, as well as the number and types of inputs

Specifications for the 51 inch & 60 inch E8000 and last year’s 64 inch D8000 are seen here,
including size, their Inputs & Outputs and Features.

The new 2012 PN E8000 front is shown… it includes the new Built in Camera mi module
located in the top center of the front cover or bezel… The new 5 directional Jog Shuttle is
located on the bottom left of the frame…

The back of the 2012 E8000 is seen here with the new pictured Jog Function Control along
with an External Kit called Evolution that is projected to be available in 2013 expanding
E8000 LED & Plasma TV capabilities

Disassembly begins with placing the TV in its face down position on a protected table. Be
extra extra cautious when handling, since Plasma TVs utilize Glass Screens which will not
bend and are very susceptible to cracking. Most models can be serviced in their upright
position and the rear cover removed without removing the stand or stand screws,
depending on the failure.

New Logic Board & Logic Buffer Board combined (behind stand) for 60 inch models.

The E8000 60 inch plasma model Wiring Diagram is shown…. The Main Board connection
to the SMPS for power on control as in the past, the SMPS now routes the same Pwr on
command through the X Main on its way to the Logic board, while the Logic Board sends
its VS On command back to the Power supply also back through the X-Main Board… new
for 2012. This is done through a ribbon cable highlighted here between the X Main Board
CN4006 and CN 2002… The new combined Logic Board also takes the duties of the center
F-Buffer Board.

The typical Wiring Diagram for the 51 and 64 inch E8000 models is shown. The standard
type set layout includes the SMPS Switching Mode Power Supply feeding the Main Board,
Logic Board, and Y-Main Board. The Y-Main Board relaying Power to the X Main Board and
Logic Buffers. The Main Board supplying commands to the SMPS & Logic Board and data
thru LVDS to the Logic Board. and the Logic board controlling High voltage switching and
Data drive to the Y Boards and X Boards and Logic Buffer Board.

PDP Layout 2012 E550 60”
Logic/Buffer Board combined & located partially behind Stand.

Since the new combined Logic Board/Logic Buffer Board is only mounted partially behind
the stand, both the important Logic Status LED and Logic Test Jig are accessible as seen

The E550 60 inch plasma model Wiring Diagram is shown…. The Main Board connection to
the SMPS for power on control as in the past, the SMPS now routes the same Pwr on
command through the X Main on its way to the Logic board, while the Logic Board sends
its VS On command back to the Power supply also back through the X-Main Board… new
for 2012. This is done through a ribbon cable highlighted here between the X Main Board
CN4004 and CN 2002… The new combined Logic Board also takes the duties of the center
F-Buffer Board.

PDP Layout 2012 E490
New combined X/Y Main Board

The X/Y Main Board is the obvious new item to the Wiring Diagram of the E490. The signal
path has also had important changes. The Main Board’s Power on command is again sent
to the Power Supply which now routes the Power On command through the X Buffer Board
via CN4007 down to the Logic Buffer Board via CN4006 to CN2600 and finally up to the
Logic Board. The reverse process occurs for the Logic Board to send the VS ON command to
the Power Supply …. The VA address voltage is also processed down this path from the
power supply to the Logic Buffer Boards….while the VS Supply voltage passes upward and
out of CN4005 of the X Buffer Board on its way to the new X/Y Main Boards.

The conventional plasma panel cell structure shown here, has Red, Green, & Blue
Cells, of equal size, placed in rows and columns across the screen.

Full HD has 1080 rows by 5,760 columns with approx 6.2 million total cells

1080P Panel Example of Total Cells:1920 (Pixels) x 3 (cells) = 5,760 x 1080 =

6,220,800 CELLS :

The manufacturing of a conventional panel is shown here.
For a full HD Panel the
Back Panel : with the 5,760 vertical Address Electrodes
Front Plate: with the 1080 X/Y Bus Electrodes

Non toxic Helium Neon Zenon gas is then inserted while the two panels are combined &

A 1/3 reduction of the number of physical Panel cells is performed across the new Pentile
Seen here Instead of Blue/Green/Red and equal sized cells, the new Pentile structure is
Double Sized Red, then single sized Green, then next line starts with double sized Blue
then single sized Green.

This results in 1/3 less address lines from 1920 X 3 = 5, 760 address lines across the screen
to 1920 X 2 = 3,840 address lines. The number of rows of cells remain the same. 1080 for a
Full HD Panel.

The two types of panels are seen here… Traditional Panel and the new Pentile Panel that is
only used for the new 60 inch E550 models. With 1/3 reduction in cells, cell drive efficiency
is increased and necessary cell addressing by the Logic Board is reduced.

Cell Drive:

Y Side drives individual Horizontal Lines (via Scan ICs on Y Buffer Board)
X Side drives all Horizontal lines simultaneously. (all lines tied together)

Panel Drive Operation seen here does not change.
The Main Board (bottom left) feeds a 10 Bit video data signal thru the LVDS Cable to the
Logic Board. The Logic Board sends data to the Logic Buffer Boards, to the Panel… Logic
Board also sends data drive signals to Y-Drive Main Board thru the Y Scan Buffer Boards to
the Panel. The Logic Board as sends data drive signals to the X-Drive Main Board, to the X
Buffer, to the panel & finally the SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) supplies power to all

A description of each board is given:

1: Erase Panel (X-Board)
2: Set Cells Wall Charge (Y-Board)
3: Address each cell to light with (Address (logic) Buffer Boards) during Scan Operation (10
4: Sustain (X & Y Boards) to light the cells that were addressed.

1: Erase (X-Board Ve)
2. Set (Y-Board Vset)
3. Scan (Y-Board Vscan)
3: Address (Address (logic) Buffer Boards)
4: Sustain (X & Y Boards)
IMPORTANT Vadress, Vscan, Vsustain, and Verase set for each panel.

Key Points to remember…

Now lets first take a look at the Switching Mode Power Supply various operations

Once again the Layout for the E8000 60 inch models is seen here with the SMPS
Highlighted. It’s two power connections also highlighted are sent to both the Main Board
and the X-Main Drive Board.

Seen here highlighted in red… the bottom right 12 pin connector CN801 is sent to and from
the Main Board & includes important signals such as standby power, PS On and switched
voltages… The upper right 13 Pin connector CN4004 feeds the X Board with important VS &
VA supply Voltages plus PS ON Command.
Important VS sustain and VA address TPs and ther Power Supply Adjustments are also

- The X-Board seen on the upper right then relays supply voltages Vs and Ve plus 15V to
the Y-Main Board thru CN 4608.

- The X-Main also relays VA address and PS ON down thru Ribbon Connector CN 4006 to
the Logic Board that sends back the important VS ON Command thru the X Main to the
Power Supply.

The Power On sequence for the E8000 60” begins with
1. 5V STBY SMPS to Main
2. PS_ON Main to SMPS (all Low Voltages on)
3. PS_ON SMPS thru X-Board to Logic Board
4. VS_ON Logic Board thru X-Board to SMPS
(VS & VA voltages turned on)

Checking the Vs Va Vsc & Ve sometimes known as the “Vital Signs” is shown here…. In step
by step fashion

The wiring diagram for the new E490 is again shown here with the Power Supply SMPS
Board Highlighted.….
The Power supply cabling down to the Main Board and also over to the X Buffer Board
which will be used in this Model to relay power command signals down thru the Logic
Buffer Board and over and up to the Logic Board with the same return path back to the
Power Supply… Also the X Buffer relaying the Power Supply VS voltage up and over to the
new X/Y Main Drive Board seen on the upper left. …Details on the next slides….

- The important connections and Connector pin outs are now seen here.
- The Power Supplies 12 pin CN801 connector to and from the Main Board with signals like
5V Standby to the Main and PS ON Command back to the Supply.
-Next the Power Supply 12 pin connector CN804 to/from the X Buffer Board with important
signals like PS On relayed down to and through CN4006 to/From the Logic Board with VS
On coming back to the Power Supply.
- VS Voltage also seen going up and out of the X Buffer Board CN 4005 to the Y Board.

The Power sequence is detailed in the next two slides:

Next the 4. The same PS ON signal, (3.3V- 0V) is sent from the SMPS
CN804 connector to the X- Buffer Board and down to the Logic Buffer
Boards to the Logic Board.
5. When the Logic Board sees the PS ON command it sends The VS_ON command
that then returns from the Logic Board back thru this same pathway turning on
the VS Sustain & VA Address
on the SMPS.
6. SMPS then sends VS Sustain Voltage through the same CN804 connector thru
the X-Buffer
Board up and out to the X/Y Main
& the VA Address Voltage through the X-
Buffer Board down to the Logic Buffer Boards for their operating Address

Checking the “Vital Signs” of a Plasma TV is one of the 1st key steps in troubleshooting and
checking for proper operation. It requires less than 5 minutes and will determine and pin
point areas of failure. First locate and record the voltage readings on the Panel Label. Each
setting is recorded specifically for the characteristics of that given panel. Chassis ground
used as reference , 2nd Locate the VS Test Point Measure on the SMPS and Verify/Adjust
the VSustain voltage on the SMPS. 3rd locate the VA Test Point on the SMPS and
verify/adjust the VAddress voltage on the SMPS.

Since the Y & X Main Boards are combined both the Vsc an Ve adjustments & their test
points are located on the same X/Y Main Board.
5. Go to X/Y Board
6. Measure/Adjust Ve Voltage
7. Measure/Adjust Vsc Voltage.

Seen here is the Booting Logo… Although the Melody Sound boot up has retuned to the
2012 LED Hybrid Models, the Power On “Booting” Logo, that began in 2011 continues for
all other models. The Booting Logo will also differ in appearance pending on the model
and related features.

Read Power Supply Troubleshooting Notes provided.

Read Power Supply Troubleshooting Notes provided.

Read Power Supply Troubleshooting Notes provided.

• The diffusion problem, miss-firing cells, can be seen using the sweeping test pattern
located in the customer menu under the burn protection selection or accessing test
patterns in test mode.
Diffusion is naturally caused by an aging panel.
If the panel is new this would be an error that has to be addressed by first
checking bulletins. In this case a combination of Firmware Upgrade to the Logic
Board and/or voltage adjustments may be necessary. If no bulletins exist, check
with Samsung Tech Support.

SMPS adjustments to eliminate the normal diffusion problems.

Key Points:

2012 & 2011 Y-Board configurations are shown with the new 2012 X & Y Main Board
combination at center.

The timing sequence for the Y Drive Signal is shown here:
The Y Board is responsible for setting the charge on the cells of the panel for every frame
with a set pulse. It also provides the important Scan Drive Signal across the screen left to
right and top to bottom line by line. And for the important sustain drive that is timed with
the X Drive sustain signal.

1. RESET PERIOD: Set Pulse (Y-Board Vset) follows Ve Erase Pulse from the X-Board that
first erases the panel. the Y Set pulse re-charges the cells on the panel , if the set pulse is
missing from the Y-Board, the panel would not light. An important troubleshooting note.
2. SCAN & ADDRESS :Scan Signal (Y-Board Vscan) is then timed with the Address Pulses
(Address (logic) Buffer Boards) The Y-Buffer Board Scan ICs feeds each Horizontal line
with the important scan signal.
3: The Y Sustain Drive Signal is then timed with the sustain drive signal from the X-Board
(equal & opposite in polarity) to light the cells on the panel. If Vs is missing, the sustain
could not occur and the panel would not light.

The 2012 Scan Drive signals are seen here with auto or customer settings changing the Cell
Drive from a dark screen “0” setting to a maximum bright 20 setting.
The individual 10 sets of scan pulses per frame will increase in duration as the Picture
becomes brighter.. again as seen here.
This allows the TV to reduce cell drive power for lowering contrast settings on the TV. The
effect is longer panel life and less power consumption.

The 2012 60 inch E8000 TV Y-Board is shown here….
-Important Vs sustain voltage is delivered by the power supply
- The Y-Board then produces the Vsc Scan voltage from the Vs voltage for its use.
The Vscan Test Point and adjustment are shown that need to be verified with the Vsc
voltage on the panel label.
Each panel has its own label and specific settings for that particular panel.

Troubleshooting the Y-Main Board should begin by verifying the important Vsc voltage. If Vs
is present and Vsc is missing the Y-Main Board is defective.

These examples show on screen Y board errors, because the Y electrodes run horizontally,
errors can often be seen across the screen and have a horizontal related error. Y-Board
Failures on the 2012/11/10 models often cause the Logic Board to detect the error and
Power the TV off, VS ON to off condition, usually within 2 seconds.
The FETs on the Y-Main can also overheat and should be inspected for cracks and measured
for shorts when determining failures. FET failures often cause VS to short to ground from
the SMPS. Testing the source of the short can be verified by disconnecting the SMPS VS
feed. If the Y-Board feeds Vs to the X-Board, also be sure to test the VS feed to the X-Board
as well.
When failure exists on either the Y-Board or the Y-Buffer Boards, be sure to test and
if necessary replace both assemblies. A failure on either Board can create a failure
on both assemblies .

Each Scan IC located, on the Y-Buffer Boards is responsible for a specific section of
horizontal lines on the panel. In this illustration the full HD Panel utilizes 12 Scan ICs total.
Since there are 1080 Horizontal line on the 1080P Panel, each Scan IC is responsible for 90
Horizontal Lines. In larger panel sizes there may be two Y-Buffer Boards. It’s important to
replace them both when either one is determined to be defective.

Typical Buffer Board related failures are illustrated and include Horizontal Lines or sections.
When a Scan IC fails it often cracks, so the physical condition of each IC should be
inspected. After replacing the related Y-Buffer Board, It is important to test the ICs for
proper operating temperature. A Digital Laser Temperature Meter is ideal. If any IC is
operating unusually hot and remains hot after replacing that Y-Buffer Board, the panel has
an internal short and requires replacement. Full Top half and bottom half failures is often
the Y-Buffer Board. If either one has failed it is highly recommended to replace both, along
with the Y-Board, to prevent future failures “Redo”. A single line across the screen,
although can be caused by one missing output on the related Scan IC, is often caused by
either the connector at the Logic Buffer Board not being secured completely or the
connection at the panel. First try re-connecting the related connector at the Logic Buffer
Board. If it is the connection at the panel the panel would have to be replaced. A white bar
effecting the bottom 1/6th of the Video is caused by two open fuse resistors on that
particular Logic Buffer Board. The resistors opened due to circuit malfunction, in this case
replacing the Y-Buffer board will repair the TV. Black bars of similar nature are more
common and created by defective Y-Buffer Boards.

Key Points:

The 2012 PN60E8000 and 2011 PN59D8000 shows both the separate X-Main Board and a
X-Buffer Board.
The new 2012 Combination X/Y Board is also shown.

1: RESET PERIOD: Erase (X-Board Ve) starts the process. Set (Y-Board Vset) is next.
2. SCAN & ADDRESS PERIOD: Scan (Y-Board Vscan) occur with Address Pulses to Logic
Buffer Boards while the X-Board is in a waiting period.
3: SUSTAIN PERIOD: The X VSustain Signal is timed with Vsus on the Y Board (equal and
opposite in polarity)

If Ve erase is missing the panel will continue to overlap incoming video images creating
multiple images on screen.
If X sustain is loaded down, a darkened picture will result.

the X Main Board and X Buffer Board for the 2012 60E8000 are shown here.
The power supply connection to the X Board shows the important Vs voltage that the X
Board required for its operation. The Vs sustain power supply voltage is converted by the X
Board for Ve erase Voltage. The important test point is checked against the Panel Ve
voltage Label seen here and the adjustment is made with Ve Adjust.

If Ve erase is missing the panel will continue to overlap incoming video images creating
multiple images on screen.
If X sustain is loaded down, a darkened picture will result.

X Board failures are shown on the next slide.,,,

- On the Left the X- Vsus Drive Signal is loaded down creating a very dark image
On the right the Ve initialize signal is low or missing creating image retention.
No Erasing.
Troubleshoot the X Board by verifying that the Ve Voltage is correct with the
label on the Panel.
The FETs on the X-Main can also overheat and should be inspected for cracks and
measured for shorts when determining failures. FET failures often cause VS to short to
ground from the SMPS. Creating a no picture or power on condition for 2012/11/10
models. Testing the source of the short can be verified by disconnecting the SMPS VS feed.
If the Y-Board feeds Vs to the X-Board, be sure to test the VS feed to the Y-Board as well.

New for 2012 on the E450 and E490 models is the combined X & Y Main Board

The new X & Y Main Board seen here includes the both the X & Y circuitry.
The important X & Y FETS are housed in their respective Heat sinks highlighted here. The Y’s
Vscan circuit is seen on the bottom with its test point and Vscan adjustment while the X
Erase circuit is also seen slightly above that with its VE erase Test Pont and VE Adj.

Important Vs sustain voltage is supplied from the SMPS Board, coming from the X Buffer
Board CN5006, also shown. The X-Drive signals are sent through the same connector to
the X Buffer Board. Final X Drive Scope Signal displayed.
The Y Buffer Board connects directly to the X/Y Main Board. The final Y-Drive Signal on the
Y-Buffer Board also displayed.
Troubleshooting the combined X/Y Main Board by following the troubleshooting for each
of the separate X & Y Main Boards. Begin by checking status of the Vs , Vsc and Ve

The new X/Y Main Board Block Diagram Circuitry is shown here with it’s connections to
both the Y-Buffer Board and X Buffer Board.

Key Points:

Lets take a look at troubleshooting the Logic Board

-1st Main turns on Power Supply. Power supply turns on low voltage signals and PS ON is
sent to the logic PCB.
-2nd When Logic Board sees PS ON, it sends Vs ON command to the Power Supply and stays
on if no failures in the circuit are detected (1 second delay).
-VIDEO Processing:
- 1st The LVDS Cable 10 Bit Digital Video information from the Main Board is processed by
the logic board. The LVDS receiver translates the video data from the Main Board.
-2nd The Logic Board produces the Set, Scan, & Sustain signals and send it to the Y Board
- 3rd The Logic Board produces the Erase & Sustain Signals to the X-Board
- 4th The Logic Board produces the Address Pulses to the Logic Buffer Boards determining
which cells to light. during the 10 sweeps of Scan operation per frame.
-Blinks once per second: When Normal Operation
-Blinks Slower than once per second: When a Circuit Error is Detected due to a defective y
or X Boards or Address Boards)

The Logic Board, seen here on the 60 inch E8000 is located behind the Stand. Accessing the
Logic Board in this model for troubleshooting and observing the important Logic Board’s
LED status indicator will be more of a challenge during repair. The Logic Board has also
been combined with the center “F” Buffer Board in the 60 inch plasma models.

Special Note: Logic Test Jig has been removed on PN60E8000
Use clips on pads 3&4 to activate Logic Test Mode Patterns.

Follow Step by Step…

The operating Logic Board LED Status on the PNE490 is a good troubleshooting tool as in
previous models.
-The operation of the plasma servos and Logic Board are normal if the LED is Blinking 1 per
½ second. This is slightly faster than the 1 per second of previous models.

-- If the LED is blinking 1 every 5 seconds there is a problem with a drive board (X/Y Board
and/or Y Buffer Board)
- If the LED is Blinking 1 every 8 seconds., there is a problem with the Logic Board.

Key Notes:

Logic Board failure samples are shown… Pictured on the left the Logic board failure may
show vertical noise errors in multiple locations. Pictured on the right are Logic Errors that
can appear as Main Board Errors.
For Troubleshooting
View the Logic Board Test patterns. If they are normal, the Main Board or LVDS Cable is
suspect. If the Logic Test Patterns are still noisy, as on the right the failure is with the Logic
Board or Y or X Boards. Care to trouble shoot the Y-Board and X-Board needs to be made
to eliminate these Boards as well. Logic Board Failures are much more rare than Drive

POWER ON failure can also be due to no VS ON to the SMPS from the Logic Board. If
POWER ON and low voltage is provided to the Logic Board and no VS-ON appears, this
would indicate a Logic Board failure.

Logic Buffer (Address) Board failures likely create vertical Black, Red, Green, or Blue Bar
Errors. These errors normally run top to bottom of the screen. The rest of the video is
usually normal.
If there is only a single cell wide vertical line it is most likely the
Connection to the panel and a panel would need replacement. If there are multiple lines or
a bar, try replacing the Logic Buffer Board in that area.

Key Notes:

New for 2012 is the Echo-P Processor for the E7000 & E8000 series plasma
as well as the X10 ands X9 for the other models listed.

The Main Board for the 2012 60E8000 Plasma TV is shown here. The Echo-P Processor
underneath the heat sink and other processing ICs, . The “TV 4.0 Connector" (Evolution Kit
for future use)… The new moIP Camera Mic Module Connector, New Jog Function
Connector as well as AV, HDMI, USB, LAN, and other Connectors

Shown in the Block Diagram is the Echo A Decoder and Echo P Processor, it’s input/output
feeds, plus Video & Audio Processing, Wi-Fi & Network , 3D, moIP - Motion/Voice Control
Processing, IR, Bluetooth & Touch Control Remote, & Smart Evolution Kit, outputting the 10
Bit Data Signal thru LVDS Cable to the Logic Board to the X & Y Drive Board Assemblies and
finally to the Panel….

To troubleshoot video problems or to make sure every board after the main board is
working properly, the internal test patterns can be accessed in the logic board then move
to the main board test patterns. Even the customer menu's can be used as a test pattern.

-To troubleshoot video problems there are internal test patterns that can be accessed in
Factory mode for both the Main board, called Echo-P and the Logic Board, simply called
Logic as seen here.
-If the Logic Test Pattern are Noisy the Logic Board, X/Y Drive Boards, or Panel is defective.
-If the Logic Test Patterns are good but the Echo-P Test Patterns are noisy, the Main Board
or LVDS Cable is defective. Always check the LVDS Cable first.
-If the Echo-P Test Patterns are good.. Look for a source failure…
-The Boot Logo, OSD and customer picture test are all generated on the Main Board and
can also be used for testing….
-If these signals are OK and the source picture is not, suspect and test the source. The
problem will be caused by a defective source or a bad cable or a defective input to the
Main Board. Swap inputs & source and cabling to determine the exact failure.

Accessing the Test Patterns are seen here:
Simply enter Factory Mode, then select SVC, then
Echo-P Pattern Sel for Echo-P Test Patterns that appear from the Main board
And Logic Pattern Sel for Logic Test Patterns from the Logic Board.

To troubleshoot 2011 Video Noise Problems, follow the same procedure just discussed for
2012 models substituting Geneo-P Test Patterns seen here on the Main Board for the Echo-
P used for 2012 Main Board models

To troubleshoot video problems or to make sure every board after the main board is
working properly, the internal test patterns can be accessed in the logic board then move
to the main board test patterns. Even the customer menu's can be used as a test pattern.

Another important item after every repair is to check and perform the latest
firmware upgrade… The list of latest firmware are located on the first service mode
screen seen on the top left of this slide. Specific Upgrades for the new models are
seen by selecting SVC, including MIC, Camera, BT (Bluetooth), Function, and Sub
Micom called “Micom Upgrade”. Follow the upgrade procedures carefully.

IMPORTANT!!!: Never power the TV off when you see “Wait” which appears on screen
during Sub Micom or some other upgrades, doing so will require a Main Board

IMPORTANT!!!: Never turn TV off when you see “Wait”… doing so will likely require Main
Board replacement.

The main board also provides the operating system. This means all operation functions are
controlled by this board.
Main board failures can be specific to a single input or all sources. Access the Onscreen
display to generate a reference picture that can be used to verify the operation of the
Video processor. If the OSD image is correct in all aspects the source video is suspected.
Main board problems can often be disguised by a defective or improperly connected LVDS
cable. This cable transfers the video in digital format to the Logic board. Improper
connections here can cause missing data bits which will show a wide range of symptoms.

Some main board failure symptoms are seen here:

Main Board errors are similar to logic Board errors but Logic Board failures are more rare.
Use the Test Patterns in Factory Mode and the Plasma Signal Path Troubleshooting
procedure to determine the failure.

Key Points:


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