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Cell Division

About two trillion cells are

by the must
adults cells
human bodydivide?
That is 25 million new cells per

Cell division is also
known ascell
Cell divisionis a basic process in
all living organisms involving
separation of the genetic
Cell Division
The Discovery of Cell Division

• Walther Flemming- a
19th century professor
at the Institute for
Anatomy in Kiel,
Germany, was the first to
document the details of
cellular division.
Why cell division is
Growth and Development

• As life begins with only a single cell from the fusion of th

parents’ sex cells. In about nine months, that single cell
becomes trillion of cells due to the numerous cell
divisions that occur during embryonic development.
Cell Replacement

• Cell replacement occurs when old cells in the body die

and new cells form. At this moment thousands of your
cells are produced, such as red blood cells, intestinal ce
and skin cells.
Asexual Reproduction

• Reproduction is a common process among life forms to

make a new organisms from one or two parent organism
*Chromosomes are thread-like
structures located inside the nucleus of
animal/plant cells.

*Each chromosome is made of protein

and a single molecule of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
“What is DNA?”
*DNA -deoxyribonucleic acid is the
molecule that contains the genetic code of
*This includes animals, plants, protists,
archaea and bacteria.
*DNA is in each cell in the organism and
tells cells what proteins to make.
*DNA is inherited by children from their
What was known about

• It could be found in almost all

• It contained phosphorus in the
form of phosphate.
What was known about
• It contains sugar, deoxyribose.

• It contained 4 forms of nitrogen

bases; purines - adenine and guanine and
pyrimidines - thymine and cytosine.
“What is the structure of DNA?”
nucleotide monomer nucleotide
(sugar, phosphate and nitrogen
base A, T, C orG) polymer
DNA Replication or
• enzymes separate or unzip the
two strands (breaks the H bonds)

• the two unwound strands each

become a template for the new
strands to be built

• the new nucleotides are paired

and inserted

• enzymes “proofread the new

strands and seals the base pair
Types of Mutation
Sickle Cell Anemia
▪ Pain

▪ Anemia

▪ Delayed Growth

▪ Eye problems

▪ Infections

▪ Stroke
Chromosome Mutation

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