Essays Fce

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Essay nr.

Emailing vs Telephoning

Email has become many people’s favourite way of

communicating, but are we sure it’s the right option? It
depends, certain things are best discussed through email, and
some are best left for a phone.

First, the telephone saves an enormous amount of time. We

use it for urgent situations because some adults or teenagers
may not have time to lose with writing an email and waiting
for a reply. Phone calls usually provide more clarity. Written
communications only provide words towards the receptor;
the tone and the emotions are missing. Thus, the email is a
useless and a time wasting way to communicate in this case.

Although there are plenty of other people who prefer

emailing, and consider it more convenient, because it leaves
them with more control over the conversation. Society
usually uses email for when they want to use a more formal
and academic language, an accurate example being applying
for a job. It is definitely easier to write in these cases. Emails
are accesible replacements for facing your own discomfort,
but it is not the professionally appropriate medium of
communication for sensitive topics. 

All in all, these are two amazing ways of communicating.

Everyone has different preferences, so they choose for
themselves whether they desire emailing or telephoning
Essay nr 2

Traffic Problems

Traffic jams are one of worst issues being faced all across the
world in big cities. A heavy rush of vehicles on roads - usually
near bus stops, railway crossings or schools - during morning
or noon time, is called a traffic jam. It has become a very
common problem in our daily lives, and unfortunately it has a
tremendous impact on peoples lives.

Something we should consider if we want to stop this

blockage, is installing bike lanes. They improve safety and it
encourages people to travel more, also having an effect on
everybodys lifestyle, making it instantly healthier. On the
other hand, adding bike lanes to streets that are already close
to or at capacity during rush-hour can worsen congestion by
pushing it over the limits. 

What about banning cars? That sounds absurd to even think

about. As much as they polute and conceive an extensive
amount of traffic, it would be impossible for people to travel,
get to work, drive their children to school, etc. In my
perspective, this shouldn’t be taken into consideration as an
achievable target.

The most beneficial solution for traffic jams is to have ample

and spacious roads which comfortably accommodate
vehicles. There must be well planned vast lanes in big cities
where there is too much population or an excessive number
of cars. Also, you can always find public transport as another
option to travel: it saves both time and space.

Thus, traffic jams are a serious issue in every big city, causing
several problems for common people. They consume so much
time and energy unnecessarily and hence they heavily impact
mental health. Therefore, serious measures have to be taken
by the authorities in order to control traffic and promote the
use of public transport. 

Essay nr 3

Teenagers and technology today

Everywhere we go teens seem to be constantly stuck to their phones,

tablets, or computers. Technology is involved in every aspect of our
lives. Whether it stirs someone’s interest to become a professional
gamer or a computer hacker, it has modified the generation we live in
today. In fact, researchers say that the youth today spend more time
on gadgets than sleeping, but what apeals most? What are the things
that captivate them so much?

The advancement in devices has been brisk, that is something we

cant deny. One of the technologies that has a great impact on the
lives of the youth is the media player, also known as the MP3. With
the invention of the MP3, people are now able to enjoy the music of
their choice wherever they are. The main advantage of the device is
that it is capable of storing a large volume of data. Even with that
being said, do teenagers still spend money on such a device, when
they already have a mobile that provides unlimited music at all
times? If we think about it, MP3s are pretty much obsolete.

Mobiles have become an essential part in every human being’s life,

but who can we blame? They offer numerous services and
efficiensies, so no wonder a smartphone is a need. Teenagers get to
play games, have conversations with their friends, and study at the
same time with one small device. Although it has many pros, it also
comes with just as many cons- maybe even more. Mobiles create an
addiction, an it’s affecting the education of teenagers in a negative
way. We use phones extensively, so in my opinion, it’s the worst type
of technology to exist, but at the same time it is the most attractive
device. It would be hard to live without them, after years and years of
development an getting used to the imense changes in electronics.

Let’s not forget about laptops and computers. One of the things
teenagers do most is play video games, and it also gives them a
possibilty to access certain platforms, such as social media, music
websites, streaming services and the list goes on and on. In addition,
laptops are needed nowadays for educational purposes, namely in
order to work on their assignments. A disadvantage though would be
the extremely bad posture that it makes kids stay in.

In conclusion, teenagers of our generation are mostly attracted by

the telephone. It provides almost everything when we talk about
academic necesities and fun activities as well.

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