M3 Engage

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For this part of the module, the following will be required to be answered for pre-assessment

purposes, your scores however will not be counted as part of your grade:

1. Why should you be concerned in the issue about the how history is written? 

History is what made us who and what we are today. We should continue to be concerned about the issue
of how its written because the past says a lot about us in more ways that we can imagine. One must create
a sense of self in order to grasp who you are. Learning where you fit within the story of your country or
the global community in the grand scheme of things is a big part of that. History tells the tale of how your
country, city, or community came to be what it is now. It tells you where you come from and who your
forefathers and mothers were. Most importantly, it enables you to recognize and value whatever legacies
you may have acquired from them. And to do that it is also critical that we understand the issues
surrounding how our history is written. Because it assists us in better understanding our past, present, and
future. You can't construct a foundation for your life unless you grasp how things work in the real world.
These issues of how our history was written provides us with a complete picture of how society,
technology, and government functioned in the past so that we can better comprehend how they function
today. It is more than just a way to learn about your own country, ethnic heritage, and ancestors. It's also a
helpful tool for comprehending others who are different from us. Books on global, national, and regional
history assist us in comprehending how other civilizations influence our own. That is why, in addition to
the context, we must be concerned about the manner in which our history was written including the

2. Give a reason why Filipinos need to know the pre-colonial culture of our nation.

The importance of considering one's own culture cannot ever be overstated. Not just for reasons of
national pride, but also to demonstrate the strength and beauty of our culture. It is also, in my opinion, the
best place to seeking new ways inspiration and ideas for challenges. Only by looking within ourselves, as
Filipinos, will we be able to discover what we require to move forward. Pre-Colonial Philippine culture
and literature are important to understand and study because they shed light on the basis of the literary
style used throughout Spanish colonialism. People start to ponder our past, how people lived before
Europeans colonized our land, the experiences of both men and women who lived in the past, how it
spread through time and from generation to generation, and where it all started. You will notice how
practices alter as time goes on. By reflecting oneself, you'll appreciate learning Pre-Colonial Philippine
Literature. Even though it's a difficult experience, you will understand that you must aid to the
preservation of our rapidly vanishing culture(s). Over time, you'll start to wonder about the girls and
whether they were treated in the same way in pre-colonial Philippine literature as they are now or if their
treatment has changed. You'll discover that you go to the past to create your identity and to better
comprehend a way of life. Studying Pre-Colonial Philippine Literature is crucial since they are regarded
as extremely valuable gems.

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