Basket Weaving Craft Activity

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We hope you find the information on our website and resources useful. The activities set out in this
resource are potentially hazardous; it is your responsibility to assess whether the children in your care
are able to safely carry out the activities.
It is your responsibility to note that some of the natural materials might cause allergic reactions or health
problems and to ensure that you are fully aware of the allergies and health conditions of those taking
part. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary insurance and permissions to
carry out the activity. Adult supervision will be required.
You are responsible for carrying out proper risk assessments on the activities and for ensuring they
can be carried out safely. We are not responsible for the health and safety of your group or environment
so, insofar as it is possible under the law, we cannot accept liability for any loss suffered by anyone
undertaking the activity or activities referred to or described in this resource. If you are unsure in any
way, we recommend that you take guidance from a suitably qualified professional.

Basket Weaving
You will need:
• plastic bowl
• red, green, white and black yarn
• scissors

1. Prepare your basket base by cutting between four and six even slits from
the top of the bowl to the base (the flat part), making sure to leave a few
centimetres uncut at the bottom to keep the shape of the bowl.
2. Cut a metre-long piece of yarn for each of the yarn colors.
3. Tie the red yarn piece to one of the sections of the bowl.
4. Begin weaving in and out of the slits, continuing until the red piece
runs out.
5. Once you have finished weaving the first piece, attach the green yarn by
tying it to the red yarn piece and weave on.
6. Continue this process with the white and black yarn until the basket
is complete.


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