Andre Kuipers Otolith Responses in Man During Parabolic Flight

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Exp Brain Res (1993) 96:328-334

9 Springer-Verlag1993

Otolith responses in man during parabolic flight

J.T. Marcus 1, A. Kuipers 2, G.F. Smoorenburg 1,3
i TNO Institute for Human Factors IZF, Kampweg 5, 3769 DE Soesterberg, The Netherlands
2 Netherlands Aerospace Medical Centre, Soesterberg, The Netherlands
3 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Received: 28 February 1992 / Accepted: 14 May 1993

Summary. The influence of the varying gravito-inertial which is expressed in g units, g denoting the specific force
(Gz) force during parabolic flight on human otolith func- of the gravitational field on earth, which is 9.8 m/s 2. The
tion was investigated experimentally. It was hypothesised subscript z refers to the subject's longitudinal head-to-
that a varying Gz force profile initiates an otolith-ocular foot axis. 1 Gz and 1.8 Gz are abbreviations for Gz = 1 g
response that manifests itself in modulation of optokinet- and G z = 1.8 g.
ic nystagmus slow-phase eye velocity (OKN-SPV). Six In a centrifuge we observed that a 3 G z gravito-inertial
subjects were seated in the ESA-Caravelle, facing perpen- force induced a sustained vertical nystagmus with slow
dicular to the aircraft's longitudinal axis. The G z profile phase down (Marcus and Van Holten, 1990). In the cen-
was subsequently 1.8 G z pull-up, 0 G z microgravity, and trifuge, however, fast Gz transitions are always inherently
1.8 G z recovery, each phase lasting about 20 s. Vertical coupled with high angular accelerations in the subject's
eye movements were recorded with electro-nystagmogra- sagittal plane. These angular accelerations are not repre-
phy throughout the parabolic manoeuvre. Conditions sentative of normal flight patterns and induce responses
were: (1) visual fixation, (2) darkness and (3) optokinetic of the semicircular canals confounded with otolith re-
stimulation of 50 deg/s in an upward or downward direc- sponses.
tion, projected on a cylindrical screen at 0.6 m viewing The parabolic flight manoeuvre provides conditions
distance. No consistent nystagmus or gaze shift was mea- of fast Gz transitions, without a dominant vestibular
sured in darkness. With optokinetic stimulation, howev- canal stimulation. In this manoeuvre, even minor canal
er, A N O V A revealed downward enhancement of OKN- responses can be separated from otolith responses by po-
SPV by 5~ in 1.8 G z hypergravity, as compared with the sitioning the subject such that the angular acceleration
0 Gz condition and the 1 Gz condition. It is concluded and the potential Gz influence are effective in mutually
that an otolith-ocular pathway modulates optokinetic orthogonal planes. In the centrifuge, the amplitude of
eye movements in parabolic flight. vestibular nystagmus slow phase velocity (SPV) has been
found to increase by 5 deg/s per g unit increase from the
Key words: Parabolic flight - Gravito-inertial force 1 G z gravitational force (Marcus and Van Holten 1990).
Microgravity - Vestibulo-ocular responses - Man In parabolic flight, the G z value ranges between 0 g and
1.8 g; the maximum vestibular SPV amplitude evoked by
parabolas might thus be expected to be 4 deg/s.

Introduction Optokinetic nystagmus as a tool for measuring otolith

Previous research
Additional optokinetic stimulation might provide a t o o l
The present study was undertaken as part of a research
for obtaining a more sensitive indicator of dynamic
programme on the influence of linear accelerations on the otolith function. When the visual field moves with a ve-
human vestibular system, especially on the otoliths. locity greater than about 20~ the tracking eye velocity
Gravito-inertial otolith input is defined as will lag behind the stimulus. This means that the gain of
G = Specific force = resulting force per unit mass optokinetic nystagmus (OKN), defined as the ratio of eye
velocity to stimulus velocity, will be smaller than unity
Correspondence to: J.T. Marcus (Van de Berg and Collewijn 1988; Murasugi and Howard

1989). In that case OKN gain may be sensitive to other

inputs, such as an input from the otolith system. 130Kt
Using a linear track, Buizza et al. (1980) showed that
the influence of linear acceleration on the otoliths reveals 32000
itself as a modulation of the OKN. Clement et al. (1989)
studied OKN stimulation in man during parabolic flight, 29000
and observed a downward shift in the beating field upon aircraft
entering microgravity. An otolithic effect on human 300Kt
OKN was also manifested in the effects of static tilt on 25000 300 K ~ ~ , :
level pull-up [recovery
OKN (Clement and Lathan 1991). In monkeys, Raphan I
and Cohen (1988) showed that otolith responses to grav-
ity can become manifest in the alignment of OKN to- G~lg) I !_#?Z'-__
wards the gravity vector. I
50 I
eye velocityup
Hypothesised effect in parabolic flight (deg.s 1)

The vertical upbeat nystagmus induced by + Gz, as ob- I I

served in the centrifuge, might appear in the form of a 1 i

I 20s 25s 20s
change in optokinetically induced eye movement veloci- start time
ty. The driving force of the otoliths on eye movement optokinetic
might thus be demonstrated by simultaneous application stimulusup
of vertical optokinetic stimulation during a complete Fig. 1. The parabolic aircraft trajectory (upper trace) is plotted over
parabolic flight manoeuvre. It is hypothesised that the time (from ESA documentation, modified). 1 Kt = 1.852 k/h. The
optokinetic nystagmus slow-phase velocity (OKN-SPV) resultant G force vector, shown in the middle trace, is continuously
aligned with the aircraft's z-axis. The predicted modulation of verti-
will be modulated by the G z load varying between 0 and cal optokinetic eye velocity implies a downward drive to A1.8 in
1.8 Gz. The predicted modulation is presented in Fig. 1. 1.8 Gz hypergravity and an upward drive to Ao in 0 G microgravity.
The amplitude A1.8 is the mean OKN-SPV value from the 1.8 Gz
pull up and the 1.8 Gz recovery phases

Materials and m e t h o d s

Parabolic manoeuvres

Parabolas were flown with the ESA "zero G" Caravelle, based at
the Centre d'Essay en Vol in Bretigny, France. Microgravity in the
aircraft is obtained by entering a free-fall curve. This curve is a
parabola because it spans a small range over which the earth's
gravitational field can be treated as uniform. During parabolic
flight, the aircraft pulls up from straight and level flight, entering a o
1.8 G~ hypergravity phase lasting 20 s. At 50 deg nose-up the pilot
starts the microgravity phase. This moment is indicated as "injec-
tion", because at this point the aircraft is "injected" into a purely
parabolic flight path. After about 20 s, at 50 deg nose-down, the
aircraft enters the recovery phase with, again, 1.8 Gz hypergravity
during 20 s.

Orientation of the resultant force vector

This vector is defined within the aircraft's orthogonal reference

frame x (aft-forward), y (lateral) and z (up-down). During pull-up
and recovery, the pilot keeps the resultant force vector oriented in
the z-direction by careful manipulation of the aircraft's forward
acceleration, velocity and altitude. The G z value at each subject's
location was continuously recorded with a z-axis accelerometer
type Entran Egax-5, range _+5 G, frequency range 0-100 Hz. longitudinal axis
The z-orientation of the G vector was verified by continuous Fig. 2. The subject is sitting in front of a half-cylindrical projection
measurement. The a z vector was registered on our data-recorder screen, with 0.6 m radius of curvature. The number 100 refers to a
simultaneously with the eye movement data. In addition, the x, y length of 100 cm. Viewing distance is 0.6 m. The combination of
and z vector components were continuously measured throughout chair, screen and projection cylinder has been fixed to the bottom of
the parabolic manoeuvres by the flight engineer. The Gx vector had the aircraft. The subject is facing perpendicular to the aircraft's
a maximum value of + 0.1 g, and this value was reached only longitudinal axis: the angular velocity of the aircraft during parabo-
during the 1.8 Gz pull-up phase. The Gy vector was always less than las is effectively in the subject's frontal plane, and is not expected to
0.02 g. Thus, the resultant gravito-inertial vector is aligned with the influence the nystagmus in the subject's sagittal plane

z-axis of the aircraft during the entire parabolic manoeuvre, within Subjects
an error range of about 3~. It follows that the subject, strapped in
the chair and with his head supported, did not experience any swing Six male subjects (aged 2 6 4 7 years) underwent medical tests and
of the resultant vector direction. Horizontal eye movements were hypobaric chamber training according to ESA requirements. They
continuously measured during all parabolas, in order to check for signed informed-consent forms of the experiment protocol and did
any horizontal gaze shift or nystagmus. not use any medication. They were trained to perform a steady state
optokinetic nystagmus lasting 60 s in the stimulus setting that was
to be applied in flight. Their instructions were to look at as many
black bars as possible, not to pursue any missed bar, and to keep
Method of optokinetic stimulation their gaze in the middle of the screen within deviations of 15~

The projection screen was homogeneous, white, and cylindrically

curved subtending a visual angle of 80~ horizontally and 95 ~ verti- Eye movement analysis
cally (see Fig. 2). The bar pattern was generated by means of an
Osram 8.5 V DC, 6A tungsten bulb (type Wi 9) with a 5 cm linear Vertical and horizontal eye movements were measured with electro-
filament, inside a rotating cylinder. The wall of the cylinder con- nystagmography (frequency range of amplifiers 0.04 Hz-100 Hz),
tained 15 slits parallel to its main axis, enabling projection of dark and recorded on an F M data-recorder. Calibration of the eye-
and light bars (12 ~ each) by shadow casting. The luminances of the movement signals was performed before take-off. The FM recorded
light and dark bars were 10 and 0.5 cd/m 2, respectively. The applied (0-1 kHz) signals were low-pass filtered with a cutoff at 50 Hz, and
angular velocity of the cylinder was 50 deg/s upward or downward. subsequently sampled at 100 Hz. The optokinetic nystagmus slow
The stimulus projector above the head was off axis with respect to phase velocity (OKN-SPV) was analysed off line in the following
the axis of the cylindrical screen, implying a slight non-uniformity of steps:
pattern velocity vertically across the screen. It is estimated that the
pattern velocity increased with about 1 deg/s for an upward gaze 1. Differentiation of eye position.
shift of 4 ~ across the screen. The chair-screen combination was 2. Removal of fast phases in eye velocity and interpolation of SPV
surrounded by non-reflecting black curtains. during fast phases. This was performed by an interactive computer
program that recognises fast phases whenever threshold limits in
eye velocity are exceeded (Barnes 1982; Bos and Kistemaker, per-
sonal communication). In this way, a continuous SPV curve over
time was obtained throughout each parabola, for each subject. Fig-
Protocol ure 3 shows an example of eye position and velocity during the
transition to microgravity.
In one flight, two sets of 15 parabolas each were flown. On board 3. The SPV curves from different parabolas were synchronised at
were a subject and an operator, who exchanged roles after the first the time of "injection". Subsequently these curves were averaged
set. Stimulus conditions besides the O K N stimulation were: visual across parabolas, by subject and O K N direction. The number of
fixation of the stationary bar pattern and darkness. separate measures was thus equal to the number of these parabolas.
The fixation condition was applied in parabolas 1 and 10 in Figure 4 illustrates the effect of averaging for the upward OKN-SPV
order to measure a possible drift in the E N G eye position signal, for traces: the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced.
example due to electrode offset shift or vasovegetative reactions of 4. Calculation of mean SPV value ( • SD) over time during each Gz
the subject. The projection lamp was switched on, the rotor condition: 1 Gz, 1.8 Gz pull-up, 0 Gz, 1.8 Gz recovery. The averaged
switched off and the subject fixated at the edge in front of him SPV response within each G condition was calculated over the time
during the complete parabola. In the darkness condition the projec- interval starting at least 5 s after the G transition, and for as long as
tion lamp was switched off and an additional black curtain was the G value was in a steady state (_+0.1 g).
placed in front of the subject's eyes, which were kept open. This
condition was applied to measure the gaze shift and a potential
vertical vestibular nystagmus, which could both influence the l i I I I I I
OKN-SPV. The planned sequence for each subject was as follows (g) 2 G,z
(ok = optokinetic stimulus):

Parabola number Condition

1 fixation (dUpg)'O[~aeye posjtionA ^ A . ~
2 dark
3 dark
4 ok up
5 ok down
6 ok up
7 ok down
8 ok up
9 ok down
10 fixation
11 dark ~ ............ ; .............. i. . . . . . . .
12 dark 0 I 2 3 4 5 6
time (s)
13 ok up
14 ok down Fig. 3. Example of eye movement analysis during the transition
15 ok up from 1.8 Gz to 0 G. The eye position signal is differentiated in order
to obtain the velocity signal. The outliers of fast phase velocity are
The optokinetic stimulus started 10 s before pull-up and was then removed, and the slow phase velocity (SPV) is interpolated
kept constant during the complete G~ profile. Between two subse- over the time intervals of fast phases. In microgravity the SPV is
quent parabolas there was an interval of straight and level flight enhanced in the upward direction, when compared with the SPV
lasting for 2 min. during 1.8 G z hypergravity

1 I I I I I
P4 Oz )5,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: I I "~" I~ I I I

OKNSPV - .'~ '~-." .". ~~'-"' " "~ " . . . . I, ' ~

(=/s} 0 ......................................T .................................. i............... L..' ............................ "~< ......
9f I i I I I
2 1 ~ I I ~ ----'.1
01 ........ i~,-J . ~. I
i f 1...................... -tl. . . . . . . . . . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I [ ^ I I
OKNSPV 40 ~.~.. . . . . . . " "i "~-', "-----~--J"~ ~-- .4", I "

(*/s} 0 ......... I ....................... ~ .................................. l ................ i.... : ....... i .................... :':':".....

2[ ~ i I i I 1
0~; ........ t .............................?~--| ....................... 4 .4 ............l............... 1...........................
Fig. 4. Averaging of upward OKN-SPV traces
over parabolas 4, 6 and 8 for subject 2. For
OKNSPV [" '"," - "v'--J~ .~., I- " '~I ; ' ". . . . '~ ~'" " ~';'~"-I'-' ;'~" i~ ~ --
each separate parabola the G z profile and the
(~ O~ ..........i.................................... i .........................
[ ........................ i................ ................I"
SPV response are shown. The traces were syn-
89 [ ' , I, I I I , 10S , chronised at the time of injection. The vertical
4hi --- I
u ~'~..,,..~..,,/,..~,=..
/ I
i /
x,i, "~'-"'~'--'-~'~]'-"
I . I
-I "
dashed lines delineate the time intervals in which
O~ ........... I .................................... t ........................ ~ ............................... I ..............................
the response was calculated for each G condi-
tion on the averaged trace 1/3(P4 + P6 + P8)
" u' ' 'L ' 3 'L 'J ' '
time P

Table 1. OKN-SPV and standard deviation in degrees per second, Table 2. OKN-SPV (~ values derived from Table 1, averaged
by subject, averaged over n parabolas across subjects

Subject Upward OKN 1 Gz 1.8 G z , pull_up 0 Gz 1.8 G . . . . . . . ,-y

1 Gz 1.8 G z , pull.u p 0 Gz 1.8 G z , recovery gt Upward +33.8 +24.8 +27.7 +21.7

Downward - 38.8 - 44.0 - 37.7 - 41.5
1 35-+3 30___5 36__.6 21-+5 3 i/2 (U+D) -2.5 -9.6 -5.0 -9.9
2 36+1 24_+3 28_+3 21-t-_3 3
3 42_+4 45_+3 40+4 46_+3 4
4 30_+3 18_-t-5 19_+5 10-+5 1
5 31-+5 16-+5 23_+4 18_+4 4 e q u i v a l e n t to 20 ~ eye position. H o w e v e r , these changes
6 29-+6 16_+4 20_+4 14_+5 3 were n o t s y s t e m a t i c in a n y one direction.
Subject Downward OKN

1 Gz 1.8 G z , pull_u p 0 Gz 1.8 G ......... y n The darkness condition

1 -45_+8 -55+2 -51• -52+4 2 A g a i n , offset shifts e q u i v a l e n t to 20 ~ were observed, m o s t

2 -44-+4 -49_+3 -44__3 -50_+2 2 m a r k e d l y d u r i n g G~ transitions. These shifts, however,
3 -46-+3 -45-+3 -52-+3 -53_+2 4 were n o t s y s t e m a t i c in the u p o r d o w n direction, except
4 -19_+4 -22_4 -15_+2 -15_+5 3
for subject 4 w h o s h o w e d a s y s t e m a t i c 20 ~ d o w n w a r d
5 -43+_1 -52_+5 -34_+5 -46-+5 4
6 -36_+2 -41_+4 -30-+3 -33_+3 3 gaze shift after injection to 0 G~. V e s t i b u l a r n y s t a g m u s
was o b s e r v e d o n l y in subject 2 d u r i n g p u l l - u p a n d recov-
ery, with a SPV of 4 deg/s d o w n w a r d .

5. Performance of an analysis of variance on these mean SPV values,

obtained from six subjects, two OKN conditions and four different The optokinetic condition
G conditions. If there was any significant effect of G level, the
post-hoc Newman-Keuls test (Wirier 1962) was applied to examine
which two G levels produced a significant difference between the The h o r i z o n t a l eye m o v e m e n t r e c o r d i n g s d i d n o t reveal
SPV values. a n y c o n s i s t e n t gaze shift o r n y s t a g m u s . This finding is in
6. From the SPV curves obtained in step 2, the modulation index a g r e e m e n t with the a b s e n c e of a n y v e c t o r tilt. T h e verti-
was calculated for each subject in each separate parabola. This was cal O K N - S P V of each subject was a v e r a g e d o v e r p a r a b o -
done in order to investigate the consistency of modulation within las, a n d s u b s e q u e n t l y time a v e r a g e d within each G c o n d i -
tion. T h e resulting SPV values are given in Table 1 for the
G c o n d i t i o n s : 1 Gz j u s t before e n t e r i n g the p a r a b o l a ,
Results 1.8 G z pull-up, 0 Gz, a n d 1.8 Gz recovery. T h e m e a n value
a n d s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n were c a l c u l a t e d over the time in-
The fixation condition terval of each G level.
So far, responses to b o t h of the o p t o k i n e t i c stimulus
C h a n g e s in E N G offset o c c a s i o n a l l y o c c u r r e d after the d i r e c t i o n s have been a n a l y s e d separately. T h e h y p o t h e -
m o m e n t s of i n j e c t i o n a n d recovery, with a m p l i t u d e s sised SPV m o d u l a t i o n , however, s h o u l d manifest itself

Table 3. SPV modulation indices for sepa-

rate parabolas Subject Upward OKN stimulation Downward OKN stimulation

1 0.16 0.16 0.21 -0.01 -0.07

2 0.16 0.09 0.07 -0.07 -0.04
3 -0.03 -0.04 -0.11 -0.13 0 0.04 0.04 0.06
4 0.19 -0.10 -0.08 -0.10
5 0.03 0.08 0.18 0.19 -0.06 -0.12 -0.40 -0.11
6 0.16 0.19 0.14 -0.19 -0.10 -0.16

equally for both optokinetic directions; downward dur- O K N responses were not obtained from all scheduled
ing 1.8 G~, and upward during 0 G z. Linear addition of parabolas with O K N stimulation, the main reason being
vestibular and optokinetic signals is assumed here, as was motion sickness (subjects 2, 4, 6). No difference in re-
proposed by Robinson (1977) for angular acceleration sponse was found between these subjects and the three
input. The modulation effect should therefore be inde- other subjects resistant to motion sickness. For subject 1,
pendent of the direction of the optokinetic stimulus. the sequence of parabolas was interrupted and discontin-
Following this reasoning, an analysis of variance was ued because the aircraft had insufficient fuel. For the sub-
performed on the combined set of up and down respons- jects three and five, the whole series of parabolas was not
es, resulting in a main effect due to G level (F3.15 = 9.4, completed, because at the end of the sequence they were
P < 0.01, 0.7% variance explained). 1 2 Post-hoc Newman- fatigued which caused interrupted O K N responses dur-
Keuls analysis (Winer 1962) revealed significant differ- ing the final parabolas.
ences (P<0.05): the SPV values at 1.8 G z (both during
pull-up and recovery) are downward enhanced when
compared with those at 1 G z and 0 Gz. However, no sig- Discussion
nificant difference was observed between 1 Gz and 0 Gz.
Table 2 presents the mean SPV values. Potential artefacts of arousal, fatigue and gaze shifts

Arousal and fatigue are known to influence the nystag-

G modulation indices from separate parabola responses mus response. Therefore, these factors should be separat-
ed from the presumed Gz effect. Since five of the six sub-
In the analysis so far, the responses have been averaged jects were undergoing their first parabolic flight, arousal
across parabolas. The question remains of whether, for might have occurred when entering the 0 G phase, result-
each subject, the modulation in SPV is constant over ing in the observed increase in amplitude of upward SPV.
separate parabolas. We did not observe a systematic However, the same arousal effect should cause an in-
change of OKN-SPV over the course of each individual crease in the downward SPV when entering 0 Gz, which
parabolic manoeuvre, and thus we will focus on the aver- was not the case. A subject's oculomotor system might
age SPV response at each G level of an individual ma- become fatigued by the long duration of sustained op-
noeuvre. In order to quantify the modulation in SPV, an tokinetic eye movements, extending over more than 60 s.
index is defined as follows. The mean SPV response am- Such fatigue may cause a continuous decline in SPV am-
plitudes at 0 Gz and 1.8 Gz are denoted A0 and A1.8, with plitude during a parabolic manoeuvre; it cannot, howev-
A1.8 determined by the mean of the 1.8 Gz,pull_up and er, explain the increased upward SPV during 0 G z (com-
1.8 G z , r e c . . . . y responses. The index of SPV modulation is pared with 1.8 Gz pull-up), nor the increased downward
defined as (A0-A1.8)/(A0 +A1.8) The values for each ma- SPV during 1.8 Gz recovery (compared with 0 Gz).
noeuvre are given in Table 3. A systematic gaze shift during the G z profile might
The index values in Table 3 show that the sign of the influence the results, because of the deviation in pattern
modulation is highly consistent for each subject. As was velocity across the screen (it was estimated that pattern
hypothesised in Fig. 1, the value of A 0 is larger than A1.8 velocity increases with l~ for an upward gaze shift of
during upward OKN, resulting in a positive index; the 4~ This potential artefact, however, should cause the
reverse holds true during downward OKN. Only for sub- same amplitude effect on up (positive) and down (nega-
ject 3 is the sign of modulation contrary to the prediction, tive) SPV, which would thus cancel itself out in the com-
as already may have been apparent from Table 1. Be- bined up/down dataset.
cause of the consistency of the effect in the other five
subjects, the overall effect remains significant.
Potential artefacts due to the ENG technique
The salience of this G effect is not apparent from the percentage
explained variance, because the difference between upward and E N G electrode artefacts might have influenced the offset
downward OKN already accounts for 89% of variance of the E N G signal during a parabola. The "fixation" con-
2 In the combined up/down dataset we did not find a significant dition was included to check for any E N G offset arte-
interaction between the effect of Gz and upward or downward OK facts. The eye position data showed some shifts, but these
direction. This finding supports the assumption of linear addition of
the vestibular and optokinetic signals, and justifies the approach of were unsystematic in terms of their direction as com-
combining the up and down responses pared to the direction of the change in G. Admittedly, the

measurements of ocular position drift were limited to the 90~ roll position. In terms of vectors, the otolith-induced
frequency-bandwidth of the ENG amplifiers (0.04- SPV is opposed to OKN-SPV in the upright subject, and
100 Hz). The time constant corresponding with the lower orthogonal to OKN-SPV in the 90~ roll position. The
corner frequency is 4 s, and thus long-term offset shifts increased upward gain in roll can be explained by the
may have been underestimated. Also, the ENG calibra- release of the downward otolith-induced SPV component
tion factor of eye position might have changed during with respect to the subject's head.
parabolas. However, any calibration shifts would have DiZio and Lackner (1992) found that, in parabolic
caused the same change in absolute value of eye velocity flight, vertical vestibular nystagmus (induced by angular
in both the upward and downward OKN direction. The acceleration on a rotating platform) showed no effect of
'modulation', induced by this calibration shift, would be G level on peak SPV amplitude. In their experiment,
opposed in amplitude, and be cancelled out when taking however, the subject was lying on his side, with the right
up and down responses together. ear down to the floor of the aircraft. The subject therefore
In summary, it is unlikely that any artefact can ac- must have experienced the G force along his lateral axis,
count for the observed effect. Artefacts would potentially orthogonal to the vertical SPV direction, which probably
induce an amplitude-effect on OKN-SPV, while the com- explains the lack of a significant G effect on vertical SPV
bined set of up and down OKN responses, as shown in amplitude.
Table 2, exhibits a directional effect on OKN-SPV, in- It has been shown in electrophysiological studies in
duced by the Gz vector. cats that responses to vertical linear acceleration are ini-
tiated by the otoliths (Xerri et al. 1987). Fukushima and
Fukushima (1991) reported on cats that otolith-induced
Role of semicircular canal stimulation SPV responses are in phase with specific force G.
Raphan and Cohen (1988) have described another
It is unlikely that any semicircular canal response could mechanism in which velocity storage plays a role in the
have influenced our results. We already mentioned the orientation of optokinetic following with respect to the
positioning of the subject in the aircraft (shown in Fig. 2): earth's 1 g gravity. This mechanism, however, cannot ac-
during parabolic manoeuvres the axis of aircraft rotation count for the hypergravity effect in our conditions. Ex-
is parallel to the roll axis of the head, such that the pitch tended studies on the three-dimensional nature of the
movement of the aircraft would only cause torsional otolith-ocular reflex and its influence on velocity storage
rather than vertical ocular responses of the subject. 3 Also, are continuing (De Jong and Oosterveld 1987; Angelaki
the angular acceleration of the aircraft's pitch manoeuvre et al. 1991; Gizzi et al. 1991; DiZio and Lackner 1992).
was restricted to a few degrees per second per second,
which would only cause a low amplitude of canal re-
sponses. However, only rigorous three-dimensional anal- Comparison between 1 Gz and 0 Gz responses
ysis of eye movements can give complete experimental
evidence of absence of any canal responses. At this point in time, an explanation for the apparent
lack of a difference in SPV between the 0 Gz and the 1 Gz
condition is still missing. It may be due to the absence of
Reference to related observations an immediate transition between 1 G z and 0 G z. The
"high-G barrier" between the two conditions may offset
The Gz effect in the centrifuge was revealed in a vestibular the system. Perhaps a difference between 1 Gz and 0 Gz
downwards SPV at a mean amplitude of 5 deg/s per g might indeed be found if the transitions between 1 G z and
(Marcus et al. 1989; Marcus and Van Holten 1990). The 0 Gz were made more direct. This approach would, how-
vestibular nystagmus of 4 ~ observed in "darkness" ever, require another flight manoeuvre.
parabolas for one subject (number 2), is quantitatively
quite consistent with the centrifuge SPV. The mean G
modulation of OKN in parabolas amounts to 2.8 deg/s ConcLusion
per g, indicating that the OKN modulation per g unit in
flight is lower than the vestibular nystagmus amplitude in During parabolic flight, the otolith responses to the Gz
the centrifuge. The direction of modulation however is profile were measured by analysing the vertical slow-
consistent with the centrifuge data. phase eye velocity. In darkness, vertical vestibular nys-
The directional effect is also consistent with data of tagmus was observed in only one of six subjects. With
Clement et al. (1989) in a study on two subjects in vertical optokinetic stimulation, however, the otolith re-
parabolic flight. He observed a decrease of SPV down sponses were manifest in modulation of the vertical op-
and an increase of SPV up during the transition to tokinetic slow-phase velocity.
freefall. Clement and Lathan (1991) applied the method
of static tilt about the roll axis. They observed in man Statistical analysis revealed (1) In 1.8 G z hypergravity, the
that the gain of upward vertical OKN was increased in amplitude of upward OKN-SPV is decreased, and the
amplitude of downward OKN-SPV is increased. This
3 The fact that the axis of aircraft rotation was not exactlythrough holds true for the comparison between 1.8 Gz and 1 Gz,
the roll axis of the head does not mean that the semicircularcanals and between 1.8 Gz and 0 Gz. (2) No significant differ-
in the sagittal plane of the subject were simulated ence, however, was found between the 1 Gz and 0 G z con-

dition. (3) N o significant i n t e r a c t i o n was f o u n d b e t w e e n De Jong HAA, Oosterveld WJ (1987) Rotation test in the weightless
the O K s t i m u l u s d i r e c t i o n (up o r down), a n d the G level. phase of parabolic flight. Aviat Space Environ Med 58 [Suppl 9]:
This s u p p o r t s the a s s u m p t i o n of linear a d d i t i o n of the A253-6
o t o l i t h i c a n d o p t o k i n e t i c eye velocity signals. DiZio P, Lackner JR (1992) Influence of gravitoinertial force level
on vestibular and visual velocity storage in yaw and pitch. Vi-
sion Res 32:111-120
Acknowledgements. The parabolic flight facility was kindly provided Fukushima K, Fukushima J (1991) Otolith-visual interaction in the
to us by the European Space Agency (ESA). Additional financial control of eye movement produced by sinusoidal vertical linear
support was given by the Space Research Organization Netherlands acceleration in alert cats. Exp Brain Res 85:36-44
(SRON). The technical support of the staff of the Department of Gizzi MS, Rudolph SH, Cohen B, Raphan Th (1991) Gravitational
Medical Physics, Free University Amsterdam, is highly appreciated. influences on human optokinetic nystagmus. Investig Ophthal-
Dr. Mathew Sandor (ESTEC, The Netherlands) made helpful sug- tool Vis Sci 32(4): 895
gestions for improving the text. Marcus JT, Bles W, Van Holten CR (1989) Influence of gravitoiner-
tial force on vestibular nystagmus in man, observed in a cen-
trifuge. Adv Space Res 9(11): 213-222
Marcus JT, Van Holten CR (1990) Vestibulo-ocular responses in
man to + Gz hypergravity. Aviat Space Environm Med 61:631-
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