281.steps in Strategic Planning

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Steps in Strategic Planning

Corporate strategic planning always precedes marketing strategic planning.

I. Corporate Strategic Planning

Analyze market and environmental opportunities and threats >>

Analyze business strengths and weaknesses (SWOT) >>

Define corporate mission >>

Set company objectives and strategy

Once corporate planning is complete, then marketing planning flows

from the direction corporate planning sets:

II. Strategic Marketing Planning

Develop marketing objectives >>

Set marketing strategy

Note that objectives must precede strategies

Objectives are goals that are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable,

realistic and time-bound)

Strategies are the ways taken to achieve objectives

Example of a sound objective which corresponds to the SMART model:

“To achieve a 25% share of the US cough and cold market by the end of
fiscal 2016.”

Examples of poorly written objectives:

“To become number 1 in the breakfast cereal market” (Number 1 in

sales, profits, growth, market share??? Unclear)

“To achieve a 25% share of the breakfast cereal market” (Time? When?)

“To achieve profitable sales growth during 2016” (how profitable? Sales
of what? Etc.)


Read the case following, “Kellogg’s”, to understand the differences

between corporate strategic planning and marketing strategic planning.
Then enter your observations in the Forum: Kellogg’s.

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