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Unit-1: Need, nature, functions and purpose of schooling in its origin

Animal instincts, we natural protect and nourish the young ones because the baby
should not fall prey (protection-survival).

There some elders in group who takes care about the young ones many animals like
elephants move in group. If a group of adult animals go for hunting then the old or
sick animals take care nourish younger ones.

The man has got these instincts from animals. Man is always social animal and
always happy if he is social. When man got the power over elements of nature, the
nomadic people has clashes with other clans or tribes. To keep the customs,
traditions, nourishing and protecting. There were passed to the younger ones
because during the wars if the adults die the younger ones have to take the tribe

Slowly these lead to religion practice and then communication has started.
Schooling has fundamental started to pass on traditions, customs, nourishing and

25-02-2021- Summova author

Nurturing includes nutrition and food, hygiene. Transmission of knowledge is

simply birds teaching younger ones to fly. Instinctively we are teachers- Elder sister
teaches the younger brother. What child needs at that time- More practical aspect?
The system is not standardized. Functions – what is to be done to achieve. Purpose-
the need. Schooling was for living experiences so it is knowledge. Continuing of
progeny is also a function of schooling then.



Essential things: Hunting - Protection, survival, make things to survive. Mainly in

pre-historic times. In historic times the population has increased and people became
specialized in forms of knowledge this mostly agrarian society. Dignity of labor
started slowly. Cerebral function is also politicized like some brains think more and
some less. Superiority of cerebral functioning is also instinctive.

It was also to keep the crafts alive, the number of specialized skills increased.

Functioning of schooling changed with economic stratification. Function of

schooling is social enterprise. Schooling was funded by kings; slowly the function
has changed to trade and exchange. Instinctively man believes power and status
depends on economic status.


Functions: Three functions of schooling

Cognitive: The aspect of promoting thinking in individuals, since the schooling

origin it is imperative that schools function is teaching child to solve problem.
Economic problem solving. Most of the tribes are intact- to remain without any
change, they don’t want to share their secrets to others, they want to keep their
indigenous knowledge with themselves.

Man instinctively wants to establish hegemony over others. The distinctiveness of a

community provides socio-economic power/ identity. The more distinct the more
powerful. One of functions of schooling is to make the child distinct by passing on
socio-cultural practices.

Normative function and ideological functioning go together, sex education was

thought to be taught in schools but ideologically India system didn’t accept this
thought. So what is to be taught is decided by the society. Then it was included as
life skills or adolescent education.

Normative means to keep it ethical. There is always a clash between ethical and
popular. We knew it is good but we cannot give because it is not acceptable.

Education has to balance between ideological and normative functions. There is

always a war between ideological and normative functions this happens

Political economy: cost and benefits, when we are investing in something,

sometimes the cost and benefits don’t match- like we pay for a course and don’t get
a job/ we invest on reading something we like and it don’t fetch us a job.

In economics we have four types of costs and benefits

High cost High benefit

High cost low benefit

Low cost low benefit

Low cost High benefit

Political means the person in the authority decides. Political is the person who has
power to decide. Why the political decisions are are taken carefully, because it
affects lot of people and expenditure.

There are certain determinants (factors that influence the decision) that decide the
formula. 1. Expanding economy/ income 2. Social good 3.sources of income- for
example if an international loan is taken then they thinks twice about benefit
4. Requirement – it is to be done even if it has low benefit e.g. Security of individuals
in power, we protect them by tax payer’s money and suddenly they die. Left with no
benefits. These determinants play a key role in political economy.

Sources of cost: tax payer’s money, profits from other projects, philanthropists and

The road of political decisions and economy is a rough patch


Education as a social necessity: We want to pass on the info in organized way and
put the child in the necessary skills. If they don’t pass on those skills child won’t be
useful to the society.
Education as a social good: philosophically expecting not only personal benefit but
also make something good to society, make money to nation. Produce goods pay
taxes. Tangible- measurable

Education as a social fulfillment: When individuals are trained or keep them

engaged we are enabling them to develop. “If you don’t feed intellect positively, the
intellect gets fed by the other sources may cause bad”. “If we don’t feed intellect
with appropriately then intellect gets fed inappropriately” Intangible- not
measurable. We do something for our fulfillment like social service.

Society has to be capable of enabling these three forms of education.

- Many focus groups are formed before NCF, one of the focus issue was child’s
right for education
“If the child don’t go to school what is the use of textbooks, schools,
infrastructure. This was seed to Right to education. Every child who doesn’t go
to school is involved in child labor”.


Education is multi facet – philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogical, historical

political economy aspects of education.

We want an individual to development in manner such that they contribute of

development of themselves and the others. In a classroom during learning we also
helps development of others by asking questions along with self development. Self
development happens along with development of others.

When we are endowed with rights politically, someday has to ensure that rights are
fulfilled – courts, political system. When rights are fulfilled we have to follow duties.
If duties are fulfilled others rights are fulfilled. Education is received to fulfill our
rights then we discharge our duties to ensure others right. To fulfill the rights in
broader way there is a need for political system.

Political will – Right to safety is given by the govt, when you are going to college and
your safety is jeopardized, someone has stolen things. Then you go to the police
station to complain and police there are careless you get disappointed. Your right to
safety is not ensured. When you go to court and police are called there comes
political will- that is police rights have to be taken care by providing force and

Having everything in curriculum is not sufficient we should have means to reach

that, resources, economy, and investment.


Education when considered as a state good, educated people are setup as

commission and they make a report and present to the elected representatives.
Political decisions of education are taken by a certain political process. Educational
decisions cannot be taken unilaterally.

Various resources are required to enforce the laws like material, economic, research
evidences, man power etc sources. When a political decision is made some amount
of money is spent by the center and some amount is passed to states. So we have
monetary bodies to see that the funds reach and utilize properly.

We have separate allocations for education. It also involves how to generate

resources – 1. Man power 2. Establishment of Institutions 3. Material infrastructure
then comes allocation to these resources. In India we have two types of expenditure
– public and private.

Major expenditure lies in the school education because we have large population in
that age group and also free and compulsory education.

Economic of education involves sources of that income, this included education

cess- this concept was taken from international convent. When free and compulsory
education was taken there was need for some source of constant income and that is
our education cess.


In 2015 the actual work for NEP was started, Dr.kasthuri rangan headed the
commission for NEP 2020. 33-Focus groups were made and each group has
committee representing each state. Inter ministerial discussion of report had
happen around 2016-17.
Educational policies are not bills and do not become act. Educational policies need
not be passed in parliament. The policies can be revised. SSA, RMSA and Samgra
shiksha abhiyan are acts. Policies are frameworks and the states can enact.

Politics, political are different.


Karl mark- political economy

Socialism- Everyone in the society is equal. Man has to take care of the other.
Equality for all. It is threat that runs in both capitalism and communism. It is
considered as mother of both capitalism and communism.


Communism – equity, income is shared by all. Man is under the state, mans freedom
belongs to state


Policy is like a blue print. It cannot be executed or enforced. A bill is specific and
passed through the house, for example a compulsory primary education is to be
added then we need money to make it act. A policy becomes into number of bills.
When bill gets discussed in both the houses then it becomes an act. When the act
becomes a law it is enforced and written- it has so many rules and regulations.
There are many statures that make one law.


Socialism is considered as mother of political economy, social good as man are born
same all men are considered to be equal. All the men has to get equal (quality and
quantum) education, no one is discriminated on the basis of caste, creed, religion or
any social status in society. This has brought a philosophy of equity. Society has to
ensure all to get equitable education. In socialism they are not concerned with low
cost- high profit. It does not talk about private or public sectors but there should not
be discrimination.
Capitalism has come earlier to communism and it is an offshoot of drawbacks of
capitalism. Everyone has to afford for their education, business model. Education
also has business model to get returns like high cost- high benefit. Capitalism does
not talk about completely take away from society, public funding is given from the
taxes of high benefit category. There is some discrimination.

Communism provides equal education for all and state provides the education.
When there was less population in communist countries everyone are provided
education, but late merit, sensory, personality are taken into consideration. This
does not follow business model or social equity. Taxes are collected equally so
everything is given back to state. Many communist countries are able to provide
high quality education. This education improves development index because they
invest in industry, agrarian. State controls and provides education as a welfare
scheme; health and welfare are also taken care as they are developed.

There are some countries that follow both models business model and state control
model, these are developing nations. These are not developed because may be due
to population, unrest in society – social cohesion, plenty of resources but no man
power to channelize. Even if the state is providing education there is no accessibility
to all because of lack funds. Low cost-low profit. Funds are used to bring peace in

In context of India. We have huge population, and resources. We rely on

international funds for education because we believe we can repay the debts after
we make profit of education. In India education is not a social welfare. Our budget
also has to take care food and health. Only taxation cannot be sufficient in India
because there are many without jobs. We have privatization and philanthropy in
the education and not controlled by state. Funds are used for national security and
schools are closed due to lack of funds, we are not able to provide free and
compulsory education for all. All the models are allowed in some countries.

Education as any other commodity need resources- human resources and economic

Politically means- government giving education as a service or constitutionally

given as right

Political economy influencing education- ideological foundations

Bare economy- four models of cost and benefit

Political aspect- socialism, capitalism and communism

Consumerism- people are consuming education.

High cost – low benefit

High cost benefit model, 1. Business model like many are not affording education
because private sector 2. Sometimes even if govt funded higher education if the
consumer cannot afford education it is low benefit. 3. Low benefit- we paid high cost
for education but didn’t get job.

In school education it is mostly low cost- high benefit model, because education is
provided free by government. In private schools we have two models business
model and philanthropic model. Low cost for consumer and high benefit because
child labor is reduced and many children are at safe contours. If many people get
education they can contribute much to society.

Low cost- low benefit model, we have schools established but they are not
accessible to consumer and teachers are supported so the consumers don’t get
benefited. Why does state invest in such model?


High cost- high benefit- this model is largely capitalist model, cost falls on the
consumer who can afford. The consumer is highly benefited due to quality of
education; because of the product that is produced has global demand.

This education may be costly for state, for example the higher education in India is
costly both the government and consumer spends but has a benefit.
The education in IIT, social disadvantaged groups, JNV etc have huge cost for state
but benefit is high for particular group.

High cost- low benefit model:

The government does this to fulfill the constitutional rights. Cost-benefit ratio varies
from blocks in different regions. Schools in block A and B. Investment in higher
education is high and we don’t have a model for using their work - Brain drain

In young nations a huge amount is spent on school education but it needs at least
15-20 years get back the economy.

Low cost-low benefit model:

We have multi grade schools in our nation because we have very less students in a
class we cannot appoint many teachers so the benefit is low in terms of strength of
class, quality, infrastructure.

Philanthropic model looks as a social responsibility, they cover a large sector of

society and they take care of high cost-high benefit model like any other private
organizations. Most of the low cost-low benefit models are taken care by

Each model has to be looked in three dimensions – cost- state, consumer

Education also comes under social welfare good, any social welfare pointers are
interchangeable- political economy influences the pointer and vice versa. In national
development, Political economy influenced by education.


How education is influenced by political economy- discussed so far

How education influences the economy

Civics and political science- civics was only came to India with British the purpose
was to make people civil. Britshers wanted to have ranks and brought in the Indian
administrative services.

How education influences the political economy-

All the education institutes before British education has a goal of

British education has a goal of servitude,

Post independence – we didn’t have people those are highly educated


Education as instrument of political change/ political economy

We need to bring up some changes in political economy of a country, and then we

put some seeds in the curriculum.

Wherever education index is high- economic stability is high, political stability is


For education to be a game changer we need country to be educated, everyone

should be working and contributing to the economy, Entrepreneurship needs to be

We are spending much on education, but we are not getting it back and brain drain
is a negative impact. Education is not always positive game changer for the provider.

Are the masses ready to be parliamentarians, do they know what are government
policies and their goodness or bad. There are group of people who believe education
is to be not given to all because it is a political game changer.

When we spend on education – we like to see whether it is contributing to per

capita, political stability.

The evils like corruption, nepotism etc has to be ideally curbed by education.

How educated people affect political decisions –

 Voting for correct leaders

 Standing against something wrong happening in society
 Illiterates are also sometimes educated
Educated and literates are different. Policies are made by educated people like
burecartes and officers but there ideologies are influenced by the parties and has to
fall in line with political party in power.

How educated people contribute to economy’

 Multi nationalism
 Education cess
 Tax payers
 Innovation and entrepreneurship
 National growth


Relationship between political economy and education

Political economy is influenced by any social index; all the differences in society can
be ironed out with education. Education is something which gives us power to
contribute to society. Education is a instrument that can bring a social and political

The political economy influenced education during British period, they want to
educate to people and contribute to their nation. After independence we realized
education has to influence political economy.

Why education is not bringing changes (political and social) that are supposed to be

 Corruption
 Evil practices

Social instruments are very powerful in society, the broader the diversities the
difficult it is to bring change.

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