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Organization of Teacher Education Curricula


Generally, Teacher Education curricula can be broken down into four major areas:
● foundational knowledge in education-related aspects of
■ philosophy of education,
■ history of education,
■ educational psychology,
■ and sociology of education.
● skills in assessing student learning, supporting English Language learners,using
technology to improve teaching and learning, and supporting students with special
● content-area and methods knowledge and skills—often also including ways of
teaching and assessing a specific subject, in which case this area may overlap with the
first ("foundational") area. Emphasis is placed upon 'transversal' or 'horizontal' skills
(such as 'learning to learn' or 'social competences'), which cut across traditional subject
boundaries, and therefore call into question traditional ways of designing the Teacher
Education curriculum (and traditional school curricula and ways of working in the
● practice at classroom teaching or at some other form of educational practice—usually
supervised and supported in some way, though not always. Practice can take the form of
field observations, student teaching, or internship

The structure of teacher education means the logical arrangement of the units or components of
teacher education which includes teaching skills, perpetuates objectives related to individual as
well as social development, and generates teaching culture.
Teacher education encompasses teaching skills, teaching objectives and teaching culture.
Teacher Education = Teaching Skills + Teaching Objectives + Teaching Culture

● Teaching skills are related to the art of teaching, which includes various teaching
strategies methodologies and techniques.
● Teaching Objectives are related to teaching goals in conformity with national goals and
values. These include various types of courses which serve as the means to attain the
● Teaching Culture is related to social and logical values. It includes the modication of
behaviour, development of human qualities and enrichment of social and ideological
norms in a right direction.

Types of Teacher Education Programmes: At different levels there are specic methods and
strategies for class room transaction; there is no uniformity in the teacher education
programmes in India. The programmes widely vary in content and process from one state to
another state. Following are the major types of teacher education programmes:

1. Pre- Primary Teacher Education: This includes courses are of various types i.e. Montessori,
Kindergarten, Nursery, Pre-basic etc. Minimum qualication for admission to this course is higher
secondary while the duration of the course is one year. Many institutes impart training for two
years. It is a certificate or diploma course conducted by state government.

2. Primary Teacher Education: This course lasts for two years and the minimum qualication for
entrance is matriculation. At present higher secondary has been as the minimum qualication for

3. Secondary Teacher Education: Training colleges trained graduate teachers for secondary
or higher secondary classes. It is now two years course with an emphasis on principles and
Methodology of Teaching leading to B.Ed. degree. The minimum qualication for entrance is

4. Higher Education: Higher education courses in education are of four types:

1. Two-Year M.Ed. Course: It is open to those who have passed B.Ed. examination creditably.
Candidates having Master’s degree in Arts or Science with M.Ed. qualication are eligible for the
appointment of assistant professor in training schools and colleges as well as for various
administrative posts in SCERT’s, NIE’s and NCERT.
2. Two- year M.A. in Education: It is open to graduates and is equivalent to M.Ed in many
respects. Today ‘Education’ has been developed as a discipline of knowledge like Economics or
History. M.Ed. is the applied side of Education, while M.A. (Education) is basic or pure side of
the education.
3. Three- year Ph.D. course after M.Ed. / M.A. (Education): Several Universities in India conrm
Ph.D. in Education open to those who have passed M.Ed. or M.A. in Education in second


Transactional approach for foundation courses -

Transactional approaches for the foundation courses –
peer coaching
and inquiry.

Scope and possibility of organization and evaluation,

Group Discussion,
Use of Multimedia/ICT and E-resources

1. Expository - where the content is transacted by the teacher directly

- Previous knowledge plays an important role
- Deductive method of teaching
- General information is taken and fixed in to the schemata

2. Cooperative learning is a teaching method where students of mixed levels of ability are
arranged into groups and rewarded according to the group's success, rather than the
success of an individual member
- Group of learners/ students come together
- Here also a facilitator is there
- Eg - think share and pair, jigsaw, round robin etc

3. Collaborative teaching, also known as cooperative teaching or team teaching is the

way by which two or more teachers teach, instruct and mentor the same group of
students together.
- It is task based
- Group of teachers come together
- Skill, knowledge and experience of each teacher is taken in to consideration
- The one with the better experience is the facilitator

4. Peer coaching is a confidential process through which two or more colleagues

work together to reflect on current practices; expand, refine, and build new skills;
share ideas; teach one another; conduct classroom research; or solve problems
in the workplace. Conduct action research together

What is the inquiry method of teaching and what are its benefits?
- It is the synthesis, analysis and exploration/evalauation in the HOTS of the topics
Types of inquiry
The 4 forms of inquiry
There are four forms of inquiry that are commonly used in inquiry-based instruction:
● Confirmation inquiry
Learners are given a question, as well as a method, to which the end result is already
known. The goal is to confirm the results. This enables learners to reinforce already
established ideas, and to practice their investigative skills.
● Structured inquiry
Learners are given the question and the method of achieving the result, but the goal is to
provide an explanation that is already supported by the evidence gathered during and
through the investigative process.
● Guided inquiry
Learners are only given a question. The main goal is to design the method of
investigation and then test the question itself. This type of inquiry is not typically as
structured as the previously mentioned forms.
● Open inquiry
Learners must form their own questions, design investigative methods, and then carry
out the inquiry itself. They must present their results at the end of the process.

Characteristics of Competency Based Education Mode


● To follow a more practical and professional approach where first of all predefined, real life
based, application-oriented competencies are defined.
● To ensure attainment of competencies through precise measurable learning outcomes in
behavioural terms.
● To go beyond mere accumulation of knowledge from textbooks and tests to enable students
to practice acquired competencies in their daily life.


● Competency based education focuses on minimum required core content.

● It specifically defines competencies to be attained after a certain time interval in which a
specific part of the curriculum has been covered.

It is contrary to traditional learning approach which keeps increasing the content by following the
inconsistent principle ‘greater the content, greater the achievement of students.

● Pedagogical processes are child centric and inclusive in nature as the focus is on individual
● Interdisciplinary Instruction (including scholastic as well as coscholastic areas such as Arts,
Story Telling, Sports, Work Education and SEWA etc.), Collaborative Learning, Cooperative
Learning, Reciprocal Teaching, Discussions, Group Projects, Peer Tutoring, Blended
learning with integration of ICT (Flipped Classrooms), Computational learning based on
logical reasoning, decomposition, patterns, Experiential Learning, Problem Based Learning,
Case Studies, Simulations, Portfolios, Presentations, Projects are the main teaching-learning
processes under this approach.
○ The idea is to support student’s ability to become an independent/selfreliant and
lifelong learner by using a variety of interactive methods.
○ Pedagogies also take care of individual differences of students, issues of social
nature of learning and present challenges in a graded manner
to make learning child-centered.


● Criterion reference assessments that measure the attainment of Learning Outcomes are
essential feature of CBE.
● It involves Objective as well as Performance Assessments.
● Objective Assessment have predetermined, correct responses items like MCQs, oral
responses to questions, and short-answer written responses based on what students know
and know how to do.
● In performance assessments, focus remains on what learners can do with their knowledge
involving assessments of critical thinking, synthesis and affective and psychomotor skills.
● Reporting of Assessment result is done on the basis of rubrics and students must be able to
demonstrate required level of competency in order to progress to higher grades.

What Is Competency-Based Learning?

While this learning approach has numerous benefits, only a few instructors and
designers can properly implement the concept into their online training. Because
of that, we've come up with this article to show you the key concepts of
competency-based learning (CBL). In this article, we'll be looking at what
competency-based learning is all about, its key concepts, and how implementing
it can benefit your online training.

To start with, what is competence? Competence is a person's ability to practice

the knowledge acquired over time. Competency is measurable as you can
compare the skills and knowledge of two or more individuals based on their
performance at a specific job. Being competent means you don't only have the
knowledge to perform a task, but likewise possess the skills to provide solutions
that matter to real-life problems.

Competency-based learning is a learning approach where learners move from

one learning level to a higher one based on their demonstration of knowledge
rather than based on time spent on a specific course. This learning approach
ensures that learners learn at their own pace and focus more on mastery of
knowledge and valuable skills. It's not about dumping and forcing knowledge
onto learners. Rather, it ensures that learners retain knowledge and attain a
specific degree of mastery of a particular subject before moving onto the next
level of learning.

Practical Benefits Of Implementing CBL Into Your Online Training

Focus On Mastery

The main aim of competency-based learning is that learners are not allowed to
move to the next level of training unless they demonstrate mastery of some
specific skills. To ensure the best results, you should set a clear desired learning
outcome right from the beginning of the course modules. By doing so, learners
are able to understand what needs to be done to attain mastery of the skills.
Also, ensure you provide them with quality feedback when needed to help them
progress and acquire the right knowledge.

Integrated Development

One of the benefits of competency-based learning is that it focuses on the

holistic development of learners. With this learning approach, learners can learn
how to acquire knowledge and skills and apply them to real-life problems. It also
helps them to develop the attitude of wanting to learn more and build their skills.

Relevance To Real-World
Without a doubt, competency-based learning helps learners become relevant in
the real world. That's because it focuses more on the practical application of
acquired knowledge. So, to enable your employees to become relevant with your
competency-based learning, ensure you create effective instructional modules.
However, ensure the modules don't just state facts but also utilize case studies
and scenarios that trigger the practical application of knowledge.

Concepts Of Competency-Based Learning

The concept of competency-based learning focuses on 3 key characteristics:

learner-centric, differentiation, and learning outcomes.

1. Learner-Centric

Firstly, competency-based learning is centered on individual learners. It offers

each learner the opportunity to develop skills and acquire knowledge at their
pace. Apart from that, it also promotes collaborative learning as learners can
work together to become successful.

Competency-based learning empowers learners to progress through learning

processes without time restrictions. Besides that, it also helps them to explore
diverse opportunities in learning and to reflect on their own learning

2. Outcome-Based

Apart from being learner-centric, the concept of competency-based learning

always starts with clearly defining the learning outcomes. By focusing on the
learning outcomes, organizations are empowered to develop top-notch sharable
resources and assessments to support the clearly defined learning outcomes.
Also, instructors can identify risks in learners' progress toward attaining success
and provide them with preventive measures to mitigate it.

3. Differentiated

Differentiation in competency-based learning refers to learning practices that

identify and modify to meet the overall needs of each learner. It's all-round and
applies to a lot of things, including learners' communications, interventions, and
● Interventions
Providing learners with quality feedback and guidance will help them
progress along their learning paths and become better in the skills
● Diagnostic
Offering learners assessments and different learning materials based
on the skills already mastered.
● Choice of learning
Learners can select learning resources based on their choices and
● Affiliation
Learners can receive different online training materials based on their
relationship with the programs in groups.
● Personalized message
Learners get relevant and timely communication that's tailored to their
individual needs.

How Is Competency-Based Learning Different From The Traditional


To explain the difference between the two learning approaches, you must look at
the structure, focus, and content of the training. In the case of traditional
time-based models, Instructional Design is driven by textbooks and standards.
However, in competency-based learning, Instructional Design is driven by

In the traditional model, instructional planning is based on an infrequent

feedback loop, while in competency-based learning, it's based on a continuous
feedback loop.

Also, interventions and personalization are generic and sporadic in traditional

time-based models. However, they are timely, differentiated, and based on
learners' needs in competency-based learning.

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