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1.Define MAXIM

- Based on what we have discussed Kant believed and said that MAXIM are sets of rules or
principles that can be universalized but if it can’t, then don’t. This is usually a set of words or
phrases that can express and portray a certain idea of truth that can be associated to universal
law. Maxim came from a certain categorical imperative that is broken down by Kant into a
smaller set of words of rules.

2. The first formulation of the categorical imperative is the “Universal Law.” It states that we must
always act on the maxim whereby we can at the same time will that it become a universal law. Restate
this formulation in your own words. How does this formulation differ from the Golden Rule (Do unto
others as you would have done unto you)?

- Based on the discussion we can say that this idea is that we get different categorical
imperative based on different Universal Law then we broke down this law to smaller rules that
sooner will also be an idea or even a whole rule that can be included to the Universal Law.
This formulation differ from the golden rule because the categorical imperative usually helps
law to create more laws while the Golden Rule guides people to become morally good and
make them a moral person that they can distinguish what is right from wrong. Categorical
Imperative should be obeyed of rational people since its universal while the Golden Rule is
just a guide or reminder that there are cause and effect reaction based on our action that we
have done.

3. What is the difference between acting in ACCORD WITH DUTY and ACTING FROM DUTY?
Which one has moral worth according to Kant?

- We can say that the difference of the two ideas is that ACCORD WITH DUTY possesses the idea
that we do a certain task, that we are boosted and be active on participating the activity or
perform a duty because of our free will or we have the ability to perform that based on our free
will. While ACTING FROM DUTY is the idea where we do and perform a certain task, activity
or duty because it is just our duty that we need to do or perform even it is very far from our
interests we will just do the said task because it is our duty that we need to fulfil.

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