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Reflection (FINALS (MODULE 4)

1. Give three reasons why the Bill of Rights in your country’s constitution is important to social

-As we all know the Bill of Rights serves a major role in implementing rules, laws and
restrictions to different mode of right to every citizen of a certain country or nation, Bill of rights
provides an equal distribution of rights as well limiting the law powers of the state and its leaders
to avoid misuse and excessive use of authority, so this serves a major role and it is very
important to a certain country or state and to its social justice since this will help everyone to
have the right amount of privilege or rights like what other people have this removes any
boundaries that even poor or rich will attain the same amount of rights in a certain state. Second,
the Bill of Rights serves as a guide for a Social Justice to properly implemented since the Bill of
Rights serves as a important instrument for equality which is the main purpose of Social Justice,
this gives every fellowmen the equal rights they deserve and attain the same treatment as just and
fair to other individuals in the society whatever race, gender, and life status all of the citizen of a
single state receives the exact amount of freedom just like other people. As well the Bill of rights
serve as a court of justice or a certain congress where maintain, develops and preserves each and
everyone’s basic rights, which helps them to attain the guarantee to experience different rights
which some of this is entitle to us since we are born in that state such of this freedom are the
rights to speak or the freedom of speech, to believe or to be part of a certain religion, it also
develop its country since the Bill of Rights engages its citizen to take part more in its state that
they can use their power to limits those leaders who is very abusive in its powers in the state that
they belong to.

2. Identify groups in your society whose rights are violated or not defended. Suggest reasons
why. Suggest ways of correcting this problem.

-As we continue to live in the state we belong to we can see different individuals, groups,
and even association whose their rights are being violated and even not defended, we can easily
say that the poor people or the lower class families who can’t avail any private service from
different kinds of businesses as well this lower class family’s rights as well their freedom is
violated since they can’t experience the rights to have proper and permanent shelter lack of
resources and financial wealth can easily make them very vulnerable to every abusive things that
other people or even the government can do, other people discriminate them just because of their
life status that leads them not to experience public freedom and rights that they should be
experiencing since they are born in this state. Also there are many cases of many women that
their rights is being violated and not defended because of their gender that we also known that
we experience gender discrimination, which there are times that their rights is violated since
many people see them as lower individuals than men so many individuals, groups of people even
many organization discriminate them. We can also say that people with disabilities, elderly,
street people, HIV victims and different minorities experience different discrimination specially
Reflection (FINALS (MODULE 4)

that other people don’t give enough rights to them because of various factors, because people
think that they are part of the lower class of the society and because they think that they don’t
deserve certain rights the nation gives to everyone, we can only address and stop this kind of
action if we can get a leader who can make laws who can protect each and every citizen in the a
certain nation whether what life status you have, we also make laws where public servants and
other people should be engaged to different community engagements so they can see how hard is
life to others so they can understand that being thankful in what you have and just being kind to
others can help them even not financially but they can support them socially and emotionally, we
can also strict on implementing laws specially on giving or providing right to every people and
put punishments for those who will violate others rights, by being strict in implementing rules we
can train our fellowmen to be more sensitive on each other’s emotion and to help them be more
kind to each other which is a big step to have a greater nation.

3. How does social justice affect the development of a country?

-As what we have discussed before and based on what we have read in the lesson
supplements there are many positive effects and importance the Social Justice on the continuous
development of a country, Social Justice implements equal distribution and experience of rights
as well individual’s freedom, Social Justice helps a certain nation to develop its laws and gives
an equal opportunities for its fellowmen, this grants equality and equity so that all citizens and
individuals from different race, religion, gender, and age can experience the same benefit and
rights just what others experience which this help the country’s development through uniting its
people so they can all work with unity for the good of their nation. By the help of Social Justice
this also utilize the use of the Bill of Rights as a medium or and instrument to help the
government to apply and provide fairness, equality and equity to each and every individuals who
is part of a certain society. This help the government to develop laws which can give fair and just
judgement so they can provide things that all people will share equally so the society can also
benefits from it by promoting equal economic opportunities that can develop economic growth
of our society, it can also grant the rights to all individual to experience the rights on education
so we can train our people to serve and will be a role model to everyone, it can also gather all the
efforts of each individuals on redistributing wealth which can provide new set of opportunities
for future individuals. By this, this also develop citizen’s participation ad engagements to
different community participation as well solidarity that will be a and effective promotion to
address different community and national issues, this will sooner train people to adopt social
justice where they will treat other people with dignity and respect whether what power you have,
this will develop people’s awareness to be more engaged with different issues in the community
so they can help each other rather than criticizing and humiliating each other, they can just
provide and equal, fair and just treatment to other people that will sooner lead to social change
and development.

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