Field Study 1 - Episode 6 - Featuring An Observed Class

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Mykee C.

Field Study 1- Episode 6( The school Curriculum)

1.Observe a Ct in a synchronous class

2.Determine the types of curriculum being implemented.
3.Feature an observe class in terms of the type/s of curriculum.

Recommended curriculum
FSUU basic education follows the recommended curriculum
prescribed by the Department of Education.

Written curriculum
Lesson plan made up of objectives and planned activities. It is the
instructors road map of what students need to learned and how it
will be done effectively during the class time.

Taught curriculum Ms. Andie give a lecture on the topic “set of operations” and
the use of Venn diagram. The set operation being discussed

Supported curriculum
The materials that support presenting the lessons during the
synchronous class are Google meet, internet, laptop,
presentation tools like PowerPoint presentation, and google
for additional information.

Assessed Curriculum
Lessons on set of operations were already posted in the FSUU
Learn before the synchronous class was conducted. Also,
quizzes to assess students learning is posted there and the
students are given ample of time to answer the given
Learned curriculum
For the learned curriculum, the Ms. Andie uses Q and A
strategy to know if the students process the lesson. Students
participate and share what they know in the chat box or
through opening their mic to speak .

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