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Student Teacher: Jesseca Mae N.

Lumoya BSE- M IV

Cooperating Teacher: Andie Angelika Beltran, LPT. Date: September 29, 2021

PED 412 – Field Study

Accomplish the H Chart. Interview a Cooperating Teacher. Get his/her ideas or views of the
curriculum. Write his/her thoughts on both sides. Think of the similarities of those
thoughts and write it in the center.

Traditional Curriculum Progressive Curriculum

Traditional curriculum Progressive curriculum also

focuses on core subjects highlights subjects such as
such as Math, English and Math, English and Sciences
Science. These subjects are but the approach in teaching
taught in a manner where Similarities these subjects is grounded
teachers teach mostly from on discovery approach and
textbooks, with little direct experience, where
participation from students. students play an active role
This type of curriculum also in their learning. Developing
values “Testing” as means to critical thinking skills, social
measure the progress of the skills and other skills
students, hence the necessary for future careers
infamous “teach to test” is also emphasized in this
concept, where students are type of curriculum. This
basically taught in order to allows the students to value
score well in standardized the application of the
examinations. concepts that they learned
beyond the four walls of the

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