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1. Which one is more applicable to choose: target population or accessible population?


2. Why do some researchers need to describe the population & the sample in sufficient detail?

3. Mention one advantage & disadvantage of using random sampling?

4. Mention one advantage & disadvantage of using non-random sampling?

5. Can a researcher justify generalizability from studies in a large urban school environment to be
applied to rural school environment?



1. Who can provide research information/ data?

2. Mention one advantage & disadvantage of using a preexisting instrument.

3. Mention one advantage & disadvantage of using an instrument you plan to develop yourself.


Faisal Januar Mochammad (18510034)


1. Target population. It would be ideal to employ the target population when conducting a study.
This enables conclusions to be made about the population as a whole. Researchers using an
accessible population, where only a portion of the total population is included, attempt to
generalize the results and then apply it to the entire population.

2. Sampling helps a lot in research. It is one of the most important factors which determines the
accuracy of your research/survey result. If anything goes wrong with your sample then it will be
directly reflected in the final result.

3. Advantage
Lack of Bias. Because individuals who make up the subset of the larger group are chosen at
random, each individual in the large population set has the same probability of being selected.
This creates, in most cases, a balanced subset that carries the greatest potential for representing
the larger group as a whole.

Time Consuming. When a full list of a larger population is not available, individuals attempting to
conduct simple random sampling must gather information from other sources. If publicly
available, smaller subset lists can be used to recreate a full list of a larger population, but this
strategy takes time to complete.

4. Advantages
Getting responses using non-random sampling is faster and more cost-effective than random
sampling because the sample is known to the researcher. The respondents respond quickly as
compared to people randomly selected as they have a high motivation level to participate.

It is some time difficult, or impossible, to know a priori the probability of each unit in the
population to be part of the sample.

5. No, because not every scope of research can be generalized in the same way, where a
researcher must review every scope of the situation in the target area and the size of the sample
or population of the target.


1. There are three sources that can provide research data/information:

-By  themselves, with little or no involvement of other people; 
-Directly from the subjects of the study
-From others who are knowledgeable about the subject, commonly referred to as informants.

2. Advantages.
The use of preexisting instrument such as questionnaire has a big good effect. The questions
would have already been tested at the time of their first use, thus researchers could be fairly
confident that they are good indicators of their concepts of interest.

The use of pre-existing survey questions is unfortunately not free of drawbacks; researchers
ought to be aware of these when undertaking any question ‘recycling’. First, the availability of
information on responses to questions is limited, and in many cases, restricted only to those
that are covered.

3. Advantages
The use of instrument in our daily life such as the measurement is important. if we were to try
to live without measurement for even a single day, then we would quickly see just how vital
measurement is in our everyday lives. A normal day would be impossible without measurement.
Measurement permeates every aspect of human life. Yet, ironically, we tend to take
measurement for granted, and we fail to appreciate just how much we need and depend on our
measurement tools. We overlook the importance of measurement because we are surrounded
by it and have grown accustomed to it. It is only when our measurement tools malfunction or
are unavailable that we begin to appreciate just how important they are.

However, the use of instruments in life can put pressure and burden on us. how can we achieve
the desired target, but when the circumstances are not possible then it is not good if forced.

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