A News Article. Community Partners

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Module 3 Lesson 2

Teacher’s name: Mendibayeva Zh.B.

Grade: 8Ә, 8Б, 8В Number of people present Number of people absent
The Theme of the lesson A news article. Community partners
Objectives according to the Curriculum deduce meaning from context in short texts and some extended texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; use some abstract nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;
Objectives of the lesson • read an article about community partners.
• learn how to build compound adjectives.
• talk about taking part in entertainment for other people.
Evaluation criteria Discuss a problem in groups and suggest a solution for a problem
Give feedback to others orally
Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting
Level of thinking skills Low order thinking
During the lesson:
The stage of the Actions of the teacher: Actions of the pupils: Student actions with special Assessment Resources
lesson/timing educational needs
The beginning of Greetings (1 min)
the lesson/ The teacher greets students; students respond to greeting students respond to greeting and take their students respond to greeting
min and take their places. places. and take their places.
Hello, boys and girls! How are you?
Warm up (4 min)
• Books closed. Write the following on the board: How can
you help with something? This ‘something’ could refer to
anything from helping around the house to helping with
problems at school.
• Elicit answers from the class, e.g. I can help the
environment by recycling or I can help my classmates with
their homework.
The middle of Introduction (5 min)
the lesson – 35 Ask students to open their books at page 32. Students describe the photos and compare Students describe the photos 1 point for each Book
min • Ask students to look at the headline and the photo. their answers and compare their answers correct answer
They should then describe what the older man and the
teenager are doing.
• Students can compare their descriptions with a partner.

Practice (10 min) Students guess the meaning of 1 point for each
2 • Write the phrase community partners on the board. the word and read the text correct answer
Students guess the meaning of the word
Elicit or introduce the meaning of the phrase (volunteers
and read the text Book, slide
who help people in need within a community or
• Ask students to read the text to check their answers to
Exercise 1.
• Refer students to the information in the FACT! box. Ask
students if they have ever helped someone use the internet.

Reading (5 min) 1 point for each

Put students into pairs and ask them to complete the Students read the text and correct answer
exercise by scanning the magazine article for the words Students read the text and complete the complete the sentences Book, slide
which they should use to complete the sentences. sentences
• Check answers.

Explore compound adjectives (5 min)

4 • Write the words hard and working on the board. Elicit
that hard is an adjective and working is a participle. Ask
students if they combine the two words to turn them into Students work in pairs and find four more Students work in pairs and Students
an adjective (hard-working). compound adjectives in the text find four more compound evaluate each Book, slide
• Refer students to the examples and explain that they are adjectives in the text other
going to look at how one adjective can be built from two
other words.
• Put students into pairs and ask them to find four more
compound adjectives in the text.
• Check answers.

Pair work (10 min)

Check understanding of the compound adjectives listed.
• Read out the example.
• Ask students to work alone to write examples of their Students work in pairs and 1 point for each
Students work in pairs and complete the Book, slide
own about each category.
sentences complete the sentences correct answer
• Students can compare their ideas in pairs before you ask
some students to read their examples out to the class.
• To extend the work on the vocabulary, you could ask
students to turn to the Vocabulary bank on page 124 and
do the exercises for Compound adjectives.
The end of the Your turn (5 min)
lesson – 5 min 6 • Ask a student to read out the question. students make notes and response to the students make notes and Students Book, slide
• Give students time to make notes in response to the question. stronger students develop response to the question. evaluate each
question. conversations beyond the questions on the other
7 • Put students into pairs to ask and answer the questions page by asking one another questions that
from Exercise 6. arise in the course of their discussion.
• Encourage stronger students to develop conversations
beyond the questions on the page by asking one another
questions that arise in the course of their discussion.
• Ask some students to report back to the class on what
their partner said.

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