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Assignment – I


SEM & SEC : III / A & B START DATE: 16/12/2021
SUBJECT : Data Structures and its Applications END DATE: 24/12/2021
FACULTY : `Dr. Ramakrishna M / Ashwini M MAX. MARKS: 10

Question CO PO/ PSO
No. CL

1 Define data structures. List and explain the different operations CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
that can be carried on data structures. PO12 PSO1

2 Define strings. List and explain any 5 operations on string with CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
an example. PO12 PSO1
3 Differentiate between structures and unions with an example. CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5

4 Write second pattern matching algorithm and find the table and CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
corresponding graph for second pattern matching algorithm PO12 PSO1
where pattern P=ababab.
5 Write the Knuth Morris Pratt pattern matching algorithm and CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
apply the same to search the pattern ‘abcdabcy’ in the text PO12 PSO1
6 What is structure? Explain different types of structure CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
declaration with examples and give differences between PO12 PSO1
structure and Union.
7 What is polynomial? Write ADT for polynomial and C CO 1 L2 PO1, PO5
function to add 2 polynomials A and B and store the result in PO12 PSO1
polynomial C.
8 Define stack. Implement push and pop functions for stack CO 2 L2 PO1, PO2,
using arrays with StackFull and StackEmpty conditions. PO3, PO4,

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PO5, PO12

9 Write the algorithm for conversion of infix to postfix expression CO 2 L2 PO1, PO2,
and write the postfix form of the following using stack: PO3, PO4,
1) (a+b)*d+e/(f+a*d)+c PO5, PO12
2) ((a/(b-c+d))*(e-a)*c) PSO1
3) A-B/(C*D$E)
4) ((A-(B+C))*D)$(E+F)
5) (a*b)+c/d
6) (((a/b)-c)+(d*e))-(a*c)

10 Write the algorithm and function to evaluate postfix expression CO 2 L2 PO1, PO2,
and also evaluate the following postfix expression: PO3, PO4,
1) a/b-c+d*e-a*c where a=6, b=3, c=1, d=2, e=4 PO5, PO12
2) ab/c-de*+ac* where a=6, b=3, c=1, d=2, e=4 PSO1
3) 3574-2^*+
4) 62/3-42*+
5) abc*+de*f+g*+ where a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6
6) ABC-D*+E$F


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