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Classroom application. - Write a reference for a colleague who has applied for a job.

a. Read your colleague's job application e- mail. Select the questions the
employer asked.
___ How many years of experience do you have?
___ Do you respect people?
___ Do you fulfill your duties?
___ Where is it?
___ What kind of music do you listen to?
___ What studies have you done?
b. Look at the highlighted expressions. How would you they be different in an
informal e-mail?
Formal e-mail Informal e-mail
Sir _____________
I know and recommend _____________
The experience is certified _____________

c. Write a reference for a colleague who has applied for a job.

Explain why you are writing the reference and give some information about your
d. Check your e-mail mistakes (grammar, punctuation, and spelling).

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