English Email

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Basic Structure of an English Email

Recipients/ To

Subject Request for letter of recommendation

Dear Professor Johnson,

I’m Abby Lin, from your phonetics class. I’m really interested in phonetics, so I’ve
decided to continue my studies in this area. I plan to apply to three schools:
(1) The Australian National University;(2) The University of California, Berkeley
(UCB); and (3) UCL (University College London).
I think you are the teacher who knows my work best, so I’m wondering if you
would be able to write a letter of recommendation for me? If you are unable to help out
on this, I will understand, and please just let me know.
Thank you very much in any case, and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Abby Lin
1. Subject Line 信件主旨
To inform a recipient what the email is about and why they should read it. Try
to make your subject line clear, specific, and to the point.

2. Greeting 開頭稱呼語
At the beginning of your email, greet a person by name. Depending on the
level of formality, your salutations may vary from a simple “Hi” to an official
“Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Professor…”

 寫給朋友、熟悉的同事: Hi / Hello + first name,

(“Hi May,” “Hello Tammy,”)
 寫給主管、長輩等寫正式信件:
Dear + Mr. ∕ Ms. + 對方姓氏(last name/surname)∕ 職位 ∕ 全名,
(“Dear Mr. Trump,” /“Dear Mr. President,”/“Dear Mr. Donald Trump,”)
 如果不知道收件者的性別:
To Whom It May Concern, /Dear Sir / Madam, / Hi there,
3. Identification of Self (Brief Introduction) 介紹自己
If you’re emailing a stranger, briefly introduce yourself and then go straight to
the point.
 寫信給教授:
“I am a student in your(class name).”
“My name is Jessie Chen, Professor Lin gave me your email address.”

4. Reason For Email 解釋寫信目的

比較正式的常用句型為“I am writing to V. …”
 I am writing about∕in reference to∕regarding to…
 I am writing to inform you that∕of…
 I am writing to inquire about…

5. Describe Situation 解釋情況、需求

Try to keep your email short and simple and don’t overload it with extra
details. Remember that email isn’t the best place for a lengthy discussion.
Break your message into paragraphs and take advantage of headings and lists.
 職場商業書信須注意

6. (Action Plan 解釋後續規劃)

 I would be more than happy to meet at your convenience.
 If you’re free, I’m available to meet on Sunday at 7.
 If you have some free time, would you be able to give me a call?

7. Closing Line 結論語句

The formal email closing tells a recipient what’s next.
 Thank you for help and feedback. Let’s keep in touch!
 Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
 I look forward to hearing from you soon. / your reply.
 Thanks in advance. 感謝某人幫你完成了某些事情。

8. Sign-off 結尾用語
Email 的結尾,也代表你如何看待對方。
• 最正式:Sincerely, / Sincerely yours, / Yours sincerely,
• Your faithfully,
(信件一開始並沒有寫收信人名字,如 Dear Hiring Manager, 結尾就選
擇有距離感的 Yours faithfully,)
• Yours respectfully, / Respectfully, / Respectfully yours,
• Yours, / Yours truly, / Truly yours,
• Regards, (問候、致意)/ Best regards, / Kind regards,
• Best, / Best wishes, / All the best,
• Thank you,

• Take care,
• Love,
• Cheers,
• Thanks,
如果信件裡面真的有需要請人幫忙,才用 thanks,如果沒有請避免,
太常用「thanks 家族」會讓人覺得你不真誠,甚至還帶有命令的口氣。
(X)thanks again(X)thanks!!
• Your friend,
• Looking forward,
• Speak with you soon/Talk soon
• TTYL (Talk to you later)/TAFN (That's all for now)
9. Signature 署名
Put in your name, job title, and contact details.



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