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Samples of Investigation Report Format


SUBJECT: (on this space - Indicate here whether the report you will be preparing is an
initial investigation report about a case, progress report or final investigation report)

TO: (Write the designation of the person/or authority who assigned the case)


1. This portion should contain a brief statement of when, where and by whom the
investigation was made and should cite the authority for making it.

If the investigation was made on the basis of oral orders, this should be stated naming
the individual issuing the order and the date thereof.

If made pursuant to written orders, specific reference to the document, stating date and
the original directing authority, whether local or higher authority).


2. (This part of the report contains all relevant investigation activities conducted by the
investigator in his search for final answers to the 5W's and 1 H in solving the case it
constitutes the narration of work done on a case.

It is the story of everything done on the matter in making the report writing are followed.
Accuracy, completeness, brevity, style and form, and fairness should be observed. It
enumerates sources of information presented and including actions taken by
investigator and the facts gathered during the investigation.)

3. (Details should be presented in a logical chronological arrangement, that is, which

one should be presented first, and the next, etc.)


4. (This part of the report contains appropriate recommended actions to be taken E the
one authorized to make decision regarding disposition of all phases of the case
depending on whether report is initial investigation report, progress investigation report,
and final investigation report.)

(Investigating Officer)

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