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“The intelligent use of science and technology are the tools with which to
achieve a new direction.”, a quote coming from an American Futurist, Jacques
Fresco. This quote is true and powerful since the use of science and technology
helped humankind thrive in this world and created new directions and answers to our
daily questions and problems since then. In the 21st century today, The world and its
countries like Japan, Israel, America and other developing countries started to
revolutionize and innovate its science and technology intensively to solve arising
major problems they face in this world like global warming, disease pandemic and
intense weather catastrophes to their country. Which is why, they invest a lot of
support and funding to address and solve this problems.

According to the study of Dutta, Lanvin, Leon & Vincent (2021), Philippines is
a developing country that ranked 51th amid the 131 countries economy showcased in
the GII 2021, which is a one-step lower compared to 2020.

Moving on to the budget allotted to different sectors in the Philippine

government in 2022, the proposed Philippine national budget in 2022 is Php5.024
trillion , this budget was divided into many different sectors including the science and
technology sector-mainly DOST-of the country to improve the lives of Filipinos and
boost the development of the country this year and the next 5 years. And yet the
proposed budget to the science and technology sector is Php 24.3 billion, which is
0.48% percent of the total proposed budget in 2022 of the country. One of the
country’s sector that has the lowest proposed budget in 2022 allotted by the
Philippine government, which is little compared to the budget allotted by the
Philippine government to the other sectors in 2022 (DBM, 2021). Which in return,
raised issues and concerns about the proposed budget and the advancement of the
country’s science and technology sector coming from Filipino students, Filipino
scientists and Filipinos living in the country, questioning the Philippine government’s
performance and priorities since other unpopular countries like Bangladesh, Nigeria
and South Africa started investing a lot of support and funding to their Science and
Technology sector to address their country’s problem and improve the living of their
people. As a result of the Philippine Government’s decision, it will make the country
and the Filipinos unaware of what problems they may face in the future and how to
avoid this problem effectively before it happens. In addition to that, Aspiring Filipino
scientists and other science-related professionals would migrate to other developing

countries to pursue better career opportunities. Thus, slowing down the development
of the Philippines and worsen the living condition of Filipinos living in the country in
the near future.

This paper focuses on giving the readers plenty and reliable information about
the effect and impact of the science and technology sector to the other sectors of the
Philippines, If the government allotted a huge support and funding to the Science
and Technology sector of the country. It also gives the readers a handful information
about the function of several departments to the different sectors of the country.

The researcher collected the information from various relevant and reliable
sources such as books, news and educational articles, reports and statistical websites
coming from the internet. These sources are a huge help and jumpstart for the
researchers since this paper focuses on describing the impact of Science and
technology sector to the other sectors of the Philippines and to the Filipinos, If
supported by the Philippine government intensively.

Furthermore, The conclusions enunciated in this paper are based on the gathered
data by the researchers.

Introduction to the Science and Technology Sector of the Country.

The Science and Technology sector is under the administration of the

Philippine Department of Science and Technology. This department is the major
science and technology body in the country that handles the provision of the central
direction, leadership and coordination of all scientific and technological activities,
and the planning and implementation of policies, programs and projects to support
the national development of the country. In addition, The DOST is divided into four
subsectors: the Sectoral Planning Council, Research and Development Institute,
Scientific and Technological Services Institute, and Advisory Body (DOST, n.d.).

First, the Sectoral Planning Council is responsible for creating and

implementing policies, plans, projects and strategies for the development of Science
and Technology. It is also responsible for the programming and distribution of funds

to different subsectors of the department. In addition, it is in-charge of the
monitoring of its research and development projects; and for producing external
funds. Furthermore, this subsector is composed of three agencies that are: Philippine
Council For Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development
(PCAARRD), Philippine Council For Health Research and Development (PCHRD) and
Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and
Development (PCIEERD) (NCBP, n.d.).

Second, the Research and Development Institutes supervise the basic and
applied researches on various fields in Science that supports the development of the
country. Furthermore, it is formed by 7 different institution that conducts scientific
research in different fields of science, these are: Advance Science and Technology
Institute (ASTI), Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), Forest Products
Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), Industrial Technology Development
Institute (ITDI), Metal Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC),
Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), and Philippine Textile Research
Institute (PTRI) (NCBP, n.d.).

Thirdly, Scientific and Technological Service Institutes provides science and

technology-related services to the Filipinos. It is composed of 8 different institutions
that gives scientific and technology-related services, these are: Information and
Communications Technology Office (ICTO), Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical,
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Philippine Science High School (PSHS), Science
Education Institute (SEI), Science and Technology Information Institute (STII),
Technology Application and Promotion Institute (TAPI), and Technology Resource
Center (TRC) (NCBP, n.d.).

Lastly, the Advisory Bodies is responsible on giving assistances to research of

the researchers, recognition to the great achievements in science and technology,
and advise to the problems and issues of the country. It is made up of National
Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) and National Research Council of the
Philippines (NRCP) (NCBP, n.d.).

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Energy sector of the Country

The energy sector of the Philippines is mainly controlled by the Department of
Energy (DOE). This department is in charge for creating and conducting of the
country’s plans, programs, projects and activities of the country, related to the
energy conservation, operation and development of the country (DOE, n.d.).

Moreover, according to the Philippines Department of Energy (DOE), The

country’s energy in 2019-2020 mostly came from coal-fired power, which
represented more than 48% of the country’s energy. Second, oil and natural gas
which contributed another 28%. Finally, the renewable energy which also contributed
24%, the 90% share from the renewable came from hydropower and 10% share
came from solar and other renewables. On the other hand, the country’s
development face hard challenges. Operational difficulties and lack of foreign
investment were the major challenges that the country is facing today. The power
outages that affected major areas in Luzon in May and June were a critical reminder
of the country’s lack of foreign investment to its present power generation grid.
Also, Luzon is considered the heart of the nation’s economy and one of the three
power grids of the country, it also provides around two-thirds of the country’s 23 GW
of installed generation capacity and represents more than 72% of peak demand in
energy supply in 2019-2020 (Adler, 2021).

The challenges currently facing by the energy sector of the country,

specifically the Philippines Department of Energy (DOE), can be addressed with the
help coming from the advancement in Science and Technology sector of the country,
mainly coming from the Philippines Department of Science and Technology, through
collaborations and programs that is focused mainly to fill the loopholes coming from
the energy sector of the country. For instance, the science and technology sector
may solve the operational difficulties faced by workers and officials working from a
power grid by conducting a training program-funded by the DOST-PCIEERD, that will
send the workers and officials to overseas to study and gained experiences from
training overseas or will hire professional and experts in the field of energy coming
from other successful countries like United States of America and Japan, to train and
educate them here in the Philippines about solving these kinds of difficulties and
future problems that they will face. After going to that training, the workers and
officials will be well-trained enough to solve the operational difficulties they had
faced from the past few years and future problems that they will face while operating

the energy sector of the country. However, the training program will probably take
more 1 to 2 years for the trainees to finish the course but it will be worth because of
the experience they have gained while attending the DOST-PCIEERD funded training
program since it will make their country more developed than before.

Furthermore, the Science and Technology sector of the Philippines could

innovate new ideas on how to produce renewable energy that is much safer, more
powerful and easy to use compared to the present one. In this way. It will attract
foreign investors that will invest in the development of this renewable energy-
producing instrument of the energy sector of the country. Hence, It will increase the
contributions of renewable energy to the country’s energy supply. Furthermore, it
will help the Philippines develop faster than it is now.

With that being said, The Science and Technology sector of the Philippines
may support and benefit the energy sector of the country through its various
programs and initiatives conducted by itself for the purpose of improving the
country’s development.

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Agricultural sector of the Country

The Agricultural sector of the country is under the supervision of the

Philippines Department of Agriculture (DA). This department handles the promotion
of the country’s agricultural development by providing policy framework, managing
public investment, and giving special assistance needed for domestic and export-
oriented business (“Department of Agriculture”, n.d.).

The Philippines is mainly an agricultural country with the majority of Filipinos

living in the rural areas support themselves through agricultural activities like
farming and fishing. According to the recent study (Statista Research Department,
2021), there are about a quarter of employed Filipinos work in the agricultural sector
which is composed of four sub-sectors: farming, fisheries, livestock and forestry. In
2020, the agricultural sector of the Philippines produced a gross value added (GVA)
of about Php 1.78 trillion, which is 10.2% share of the country’s gross domestic
product (GDP). However, due to the lengthy lockdowns imposed because of the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, along with the natural catastrophes that

happened in the country. The agricultural sector’s gross output decreased by 1.2%
in that year.

Also, the slow growth of the Philippines’ agricultural sector had been
associated with the rampant conversion of farming land to residential subdivisions,
parks, and resorts. In addition to that, out of 30 million hectares of land area, only
one-third is used for agricultural activities in the Philippines. Furthermore, the
country’s geographical location is contributing to the decreased in production since it
is more prone to natural disaster such as flooding and drought (Statista Research
Department, 2021).

Moving forward, the investments in technology and innovation are vital steps
in diversifying and transforming the country’s agricultural output, alongside with
increased production support and enhanced policies that prioritize the farmer’s need
for their agricultural activities in the Philippines (Statista Research Department,

The impact of the advancement in science and technology sector to the

agricultural sector of the Philippines is beneficial and a long term solution. The
agricultural sector of the Philippines will benefit and improve through the DOST-
PCAARRD funded research and development programs and the training programs. It
will also benefit through the collaborations of DOST-ITDI and Department of Public
Welfare and Highways (DPWH) and other agencies. For instance, The DOST funded
by the Science and Technology sector may help increased the production of the four
sub-sectors: farming, livestock, fisheries and forestry, by formulating effective
fertilizers for farming, feeds and medicines for livestock and fisheries and finally,
newer techniques and methods for forestry through DOST-PCAARRD programs.
Moreover, farmers, fishermen, livestock raisers and foresters will undergo DOST-
funded training programs that will educate and improve their technical knowledge
and skills supervised by experts and professionals in the country. In return, they will
utilize this knowledges and skills they have learned, to their agricultural activities in
the country, thus, improving the production of the agricultural sector of the country.
Therefore, contributes to the overall development of the country.

Of course, it will take a year or a two before it is to be opened for commercial

use but when that time comes, it will be all worth it and useful to the agricultural
sector of the country and the country’s development itself.

Similarly, the collaboration of DOST-ITDI and DPWH and other agencies will
help decreased the farming land conversion to houses, subdivision and such through
proper housing program that will create a residential building capable of many
people living inside with less-utilized land area that is strong and comfortable to the
people living in the building. In this way, more farming land will be utilized by the
farmers. But it will take around 2-3 years of planning and the construction of the
residential building. After that, this will further improve the agricultural sector of the
country and its development.

Furthermore, the collaboration of DOST-ITDI and DPWH and other agencies

will also help mitigate and solve the problem of flooding in low-level farming land
areas by building an underground water passage systems that will help control the
water above the surface during a flood on the farming land and drought in farming
land areas that have an extreme hot weather conditions also by building
underground water storage and passage systems that will store water that will be
use in times of drought. In this way, it would maintain a stable production of crops
whole year round and will also improve and contribute the country’s agricultural
sector and gross domestic product. Because of this it will also enhance the country’s
development. In contrary, planning and building this kinds of systems take around 1-
2 years before it can be used by the farmers. Afterwards, all of the systems will be
addressing and solving the flooding and drought problems in the farming land and
will later on contribute to the improvements of the Philippines’ agricultural sector and

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Education sector of the country

The education sector of the country is under the ruling of the Philippine
Department of Education (DepEd). This department is in charge of the process of
creating, implementing, and coordinating policies, plans, programs that is in the
areas of both formal and non-formal basic education of the Philippines. It administers
all elementary and secondary education institutions that includes the alternative
learning system from both public and private. Furthermore, it supplies the
establishment and help maintains a complete, good and fixed system of basic
education that relevant to the goals of the country’s development in this sector
(“Philippines-Department of Education, DEPED”, n.d.)

Moving on, in the recent study in 2021, The education sector of the
Philippines is ranked 55th out of 76 countries featured all around the world. This is
little lower compared to 2020. The Philippines is a developing country and yet the
overall education output of the country is bad. As a result, this is pretty alarming to
the future of the country’s development since the education sector of the country
plays a major role in this development (

Due to the current pandemic ravaging the world, problems in education in the
Philippines have escalated and received new challenges brought by the pandemic
that worsened the current state of the country. For these reasons, the education
sector in the Philippines had opened and implemented new ways on teaching and
learning of both teachers and students in 2020. Moreover, the blended learning
program of DepEd was launched in October 2020, which includes online classes,
printouts, and lessons broadcast on TV and special platform. As a result, most of the
Filipino students and teachers had to rely on having access to the internet as their
learning and teaching pathways. Ironically, it brought another problem in the current
system of the country. Majority of the Filipinos don’t have access to computers and
other digital tools at home to make their blended learning program worthwhile.
Hence, the importance of technology in learning impacted the Filipino students and
teachers. Parent’s and guardians’ top five concerns with this were: money for mobile
load, lack of gadget, slow internet connectivity, struggles of the Filipino students to
concentrate and learn during an online class and finally, parents’ lack of wisdom of
their kids’ lessons and activities in school (Childhope Organization, 2021).

Moving forward, it’s important to note that well-equipped schools have higher
chance to properly utilize various ways to deal with the new challenges for remote
learning. This distinguishes the differences in resources and training for both K-12
and tertiary level for both private and public school institutions in the Philippines
(Childhope Organization, 2021).

The problems and issues faced by the education sector of the Philippines can
be properly addressed and provided with solutions with the help coming from the
advancement in Science and Technology sector of the country. For example, The
slow internet connectivity problem of the country can be answered through the
collaborations of DOST-ASTI and Department of Information and Communications
technology through programs that focus on speeding up the internet connectivity of

the country. Hence, it will improve the blended learning and teaching of both Filipino
students and teachers in the country and solve one of the problems of the country.

Another example is that, The Science and Technology sector can promote
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) course of the education
sector of the country through scholarship programs and opportunities funded by
DOST-SEI and other science and technology related agencies in the Philippine
government. Hence, it will attract more and more Filipino students on studying the
STEM-related courses in college. Therefore, it will increase stem-related graduates
and professionals in the country. Finally, contribute to the development of the
country’s education sector and development.

Overall, The education sector-mainly DepEd- will benefit and improve with the
help coming from the advancement in Science and Technology sector-mainly DOST-
of the country in terms of addressing and solving the issues that involves the
education sector of the country. On the other hand, it will take a long time and a
hefty sum of money to support and fund the programs to properly work and address
the problems from the education sector.

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Public Health sector of the country

The Public Health sector of the Philippines is managed by the Philippine

Department of Health (DOH). It is responsible for guaranteeing all of the Filipinos in
the Philippines have access to basic public health services through the provided
quality health care and operations coming from the providers of health goods and
services (DOH, n.d.).

Based on the data from the study (Ireland, 2021), which highlighted countries
who had the best health care systems in 2021. It shows that Philippine ranks 38 th
out of 89 countries in terms of overall Health Care Index (HCI) in 2021 Ireland
(2021). which describes the overall healthcare of the Philippines a mediocre one.

The Universal Health Care Act Republic Act (RA) 11223 was signed into law
by the Philippine government. The goal of this Act is to provide cheap and quality
health care services to the Filipino citizens living in the Philippines, along with the
out-of-pocket expenses. Through the UHC, Every Filipinos would be directly
registered to the National Health Insurance Program operated by a government
corporation known as PhilHealth. This initiative would also connect the agency’s

enrolment process with the proposed National ID system, enhances the premium
collection, deliver comprehensive primary care benefits and establish healthcare
provider networks in the country. The Philippine government funds this program by
boosting its health expenditures to over 6% of the country’s gross domestic product.
In addition, additional Hospitals are expected to contribute to the present healthcare
facilities, alongside with the increasing of medical professionals to the number ratio
of the population in a community of the country (Statista Research Department,

In spite of this, there are concerns about the unequal access to health care
happens mostly in rural-areas and among low-income earners in the Philippines. The
provided quality of healthcare in private hospitals is much more expensive and yet
consistent compared to the public ones. Moreover, private hospitals are far more
well-equipped compared to the public hospitals. Another issue is that, municipalities
that are far away from a city had limited-access to health facilities and medical
professionals. Hence, it adversely affects the detection of illness and health
degeneration as some patient would tend to seek alternative cures to their illness
instead of professional help since the professional help is limited to their municipality
(Statista Research Department, 2022).

Overall, speeding on curative care was accounted for over half of the
country’s health expenses, whereas spending on preventive care was just merely
9% of the country’s total health expenses this year. Furthermore, low salaries and
insufficient benefits had been increasing the desire of the medical professional like
nurses to work overseas to provide better condition to their families living in the
country (Statista Research Department, 2022).

The impact of the advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Public Health sector of the Philippine is positive and effective. To illustrate the
impact, the issue about the shortage of medical equipment to the less- equipped
public hospital in the Philippines can be addressed and solved through the
technological innovations of the DOST. From the past years till, Philippines mostly
buys medical equipment coming from other foreign companies that offers them,
which is expensive and takes a huge amount of time to procure. On the other hand,
through the collaboration of DOST-ITDI and globally-competitive local tech
companies or such could work together and build and innovate medical equipment-
that functions the same as the foreign one-that is made locally in the Philippines.

Which is much cheaper, effective and easy to procure compared to the foreign one.
By doing this, the Philippine government will now only buy locally-made medical
equipment to supply to all of the public hospitals in the country since it is much more
cheaper, effective and easy to procure compared to the foreign one. Of course,
innovating and creating medical equipment locally takes a huge amount of funding
and time that would take years before it is use. But after that, the locally made
medical equipment will outshine the foreign one once it is ready to procure. As a
result, It will contribute to the country’s public health sectors and its development.

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Transportation sector of the country

The transportation of the country is mainly controlled by the Philippines

Department of Transportation (DOTr). This department is primarily responsible for
the development and implementation of regulation of transportation and
communications systems. It also ensures safety and reliability of the service
provided to speed up economic development and to address the transport and
communications need of the citizenry (“Department of Transportation and
Communication”, n.d.)

The geographical location of the Philippines, alongside with the rising share of
the population of Filipinos in the country who takes different modes of
transportation, contributes to the diversity of the passenger transport system in the
country. In addition, Road transport is the most popular mode of travel, although
water-based transport is only available for travelling across island regions locate in
the country. Also, Road travel is primarily done by public utility jeepneys (PUJs),
SUVs, buses, railways, private cars, taxis, and ride-hailing services. Although , as an
alternative o crowded and sometimes unreliable public transportation, private vehicle
ownership like passenger cars and motorcycles is pretty common in the Philippines.
Moreover, in a 2020 study, the Philippines is ranked 11 th among the countries in the
Asia pacific region in terms of passenger cars sold, summing up to 153,830 vehicles.
Conversely, this resulted in higher traffic congestion rates as the volume of vehicles
traveling on the road kept increasing. As a matter of fact, a study in 2020 suggests
that, commuters in Manila City wasted approximately 188 hours driving in the
highway during rush hour (Statista Research Department, 2021).

In a recent controversial development to the world in 2022, The price of Oil in
the world has immensely increased until now, which affected the development of the
countries all over the world. The oil price surge is mainly due to the ongoing conflict
between Russia and Ukraine. Since Russia is one of Europe’s biggest oil and gas
suppliers. Moreover, with Russia continuing its occupation into Ukraine. The US
imposes Russia with intense sanction that may include banning the purchase of
Russian oil and gas. Therefore, the world market is in chaos mode in stocking up oil
or look for new suppliers. In the end, the combination of high demand and low
supply increases the oil and gas prices in the world market. Even though the
Philippines is not directly trading with Ukraine or Russia, we are still part of the
greater world market. Hence, making the Philippines affected from the ongoing
conflict (

In addition to that, the impact of oil price hikes in Philippine households

includes: lower purchasing of goods, higher cost of goods in the market, changes in
SRPs of essential goods and higher fares on any modes of transportation.
Furthermore, the impact of oil price hikes on the Philippines’ economy is higher
inflation of prices of goods and services and economic slowdown to the country’s
economy (

In any case, the country’s economy and its sectors especially the
transportation sector , are severely affected by the ongoing oil price surge due to the
conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

The problems such as land traffic congestions and oil price surges undergone
by the country’s transportation sector can be properly handled and resolved by the
Science and Technology sector of the country. Like for example, The traffic
congestions can be resolved through projects and programs conducted by DOST-
Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO) and DPWH. The
purpose of DOST-ICTO here is to upgrade and improve the traffic monitoring
systems of the traffic management centers in the country. With this in mind, it will
improve the monitoring management of land traffic congestion of the country. Also,
with the help coming from the DOST-ICTO, The DPWH will able to create an effective
and better road networks of the country. Hence, the land traffic congestions will
decrease significantly and improve the transportation sector of the country. Still, the
planning and completing of the projects will take years and would need a huge sum
of funding to be completed and utilized by the Filipinos in the country. In this case,

the impact of the science and technology sector to the transportation sector of the
country is significant and beneficial.

The Impact of the Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Environmental sector of the country

The Environmental sector of Philippine is under the management of The

Philippine Department Of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This
department manages the planning and implementation of policies, guidelines, and
rules relative to environmental management and conservation and management of
the country’s natural resources. Of equal importance, it also enforces rule and
regulation controlling the exploration, development, and extraction, disposition, and
use of forests, minerals, wildlife, and other natural resources. (“Department of
Environment and Natural Resources”, n.d.)

According to the 2022 Climate Change Performance Index, Philippines ranked

23th, with a medium rating to the overall performance. Moreover, based on the four
main categories of CCPI, the Philippines scored low in terms of Climate Policy,
medium in renewable energy and lastly, High in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Energy Use (Germanwatch, 2022).In addition, the Philippines ranked 17 th in the
world in terms of the most affected country from extreme weather events in the
Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) in 2021 (“FF-2021-09: GLOBAL CLIMATE RISK
INDEX”, n.d.).

Moving on to the challenges, the Philippines is one of the fastest growing

countries in Asia and one of the world’s most vulnerable country to the impacts of
environment disaster. In addition, the Philippine biodiversity is threaten by
environmental problems caused by human activities. Some of the threats comes
from: pollution to the environment that, global warming, Food shortage due to
overpopulation, waste disposal to the oceans that leads to ocean acidification, loss of
biodiversity due to human activity, and deforestation due to illegal logging. Also,
these issues grow overtime and severely affect not only humans but also the animals
residing in the environment. hence, it could turn into a national crisis that the
Philippines could hardly address.

Moving forward, the environmental problems encountered by the Philippines

environmental sector can be resolved properly with the help coming from the
advancement in science and technology sector-mainly DOST. For instance, the

impact of plastic pollution to the environment can be mitigated through the
collaboration of the environmental sector-mainly DENR- and the science and
technology sector that is DOST-FPRDI by developing products that are more-
environmentally friendly and biodegradable that can replace plastics and other
harmful products that harms environment that is being used currently, by the
Filipinos. Hence, when the said products are used frequently by the Filipinos in their
daily lives, the rates of plastic pollution to the environment will decrease
significantly, making the environment more suitable for the Filipinos in the
Philippines. Therefore, it will solve one environmental issue of the country’s
environmental sector and contributes to the development of the country. Of course,
the process of creating the products would take a lot of time and money but the
impact of the products to the environment will be positive and favorable to the
country’s development.

The Impact of Advancement in Science and Technology sector to the

Filipinos in the Country.

Filipino students

The impact of advancement in science and technology to the Filipino students

who are studying in the country, are positive and life-changing. Some of the benefits
includes: First, the Filipino student will benefit to the scholarships and programs
funded by DOST-SEI. In this way, it will attract many Filipino students to pursue
stem-related courses in college with the given assistance coming from the
department. Second, by giving advanced teaching equipment to schools around the
country, it will lessen their struggles in learning during their classes and will help
them learn more. Finally, it will make the living conditions of the Filipino students
better and easier.

Filipino workers

The impact of advancement in science and technology to the Filipino workers

in the country are tremendously positive and helpful. Some of the positive impacts
are: First, due to the improvements to the country’s transportation sector, it will help
the Filipino workers get to work on time and leave on time. Second, it will help
lessen the workload of the Filipino workers. Third, It will help the Filipino workers
buy affordable and effective medicines in times of need and get access to more
affordable healthcare services in the country.

Filipino citizens

The impact of advancement in Science and Technology sector to the Filipino

citizens in the country are super advantageous and favorable. The positive impacts
includes: First, it will improve the living conditions of the Filipino citizens living in the
country. Secondly, it will give Filipino citizens access to inexpensive and effective
healthcare services in the country. Finally, It will lessen their struggle when
travelling across the regions of the country.

In summary, Filipino students, workers and citizens can positively benefit

from the advancement in science and technology of the country.


In conclusion, the impact of the advancement in Science and Technology

sector to some sectors in the Philippines, such as the agricultural, energy, education
and health sector, are mostly positive and good since the science and technology
sector may help address and solve issues and problems of some sectors of the
country . In addition to that, It is also positive and beneficial to the Filipinos living in
the Philippines since it helps the Filipinos lessen their daily struggles and problems
while living in the country. However, it will take a lot of support and funding coming
from the Philippine government and a huge amount time to complete the programs
and projects of the science and technology sector for the different sectors and
Filipinos of the country. Furthermore, The advancement in science and technology
sector will tremendously contribute to the development of the country.

On the other hand, if the Philippine government will not prioritize the
advancement of The science and technology of the country, then the overall
development of the country and living conditions of Filipinos in the country will slow
down and worsen as other countries continues to develop.

Therefore, prioritizing the advancement of Science and Technology of the country will
not only boost the development of country but also improve the living conditions of
Filipinos living in the country. And That is why, It should be prioritize first.

To do this, first and foremost, the Philippine government should invest a lot
support and attention to the advancement in science and technology sector of the
country including its projects and programs that have positive impacts to the overall
development of country and living conditions of the Filipinos. Second, the Philippine
government should promote the achievements, discoveries and innovations of the
sector and apply this in solving issues and problems experienced by Filipinos all
over the country and boosting the overall development of the country. Finally, Both
the Philippine Government and the Filipinos living in the country should listen and
follow the scientific advises coming from the professionals and experts working in the
sector to solve problems and issues of the country.


Adler, K. (2021, August 9). Energy transition accelerates in the Philippines.

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