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The NEW ENGLAND JOURN ALG MEDIEENE, PERSPECTIVE The Mediterranean Diet and Mortality — Olive Oil and Beyond Trane RH, The concept ofthe Meterinean cet igiatd fro the Sven Couies Sidi by Ane eps inthe 1950 The sy showed that ep high oak the poplationo hella of inGreee a ery ater corona at di case acer pes fener nd had oie expecta Theta dietary pater pica of Crete sich ofthe rest of reece, ar seem Italy ntceaty 18s wer considered belay responsible rhe gone obsewedn eee fons. The main cnrceristes ofthe Meiers nea di (ce gurl incndeanabudaner plan Too vit, vegetables, whole grat eel te, an legumes) ole ail x tie pital soe of ft ih and poly ansaid fo eerate amount; reli eonsumpon oe et ‘Over the eas, the Meterranea det ha een prorioed ata mol for healthy etn The et however, ha been snunded by sch tha scintiicidence Thetis rage "Meter tcl Mote ha Seon er the Med iteranen Sen, and thi cea habs he peso fool priced and ier entreseary consider Moree, the dlfenees that Keys absered in totaly fry coronary ease among sent populations coldwell beatae eof: Inghy other Hsteeated toe hae pg tala the it clinical evidence in spor ofthe hich bene ofthe Medleateay tt exe Frm the Lyon Dit Heat Sy in wih 08 a tents wha had ads myocardial infarton were randy assigned ta "Mederaneaneste det ta cal diet rescming the America Heat Aesolton Step die. Paents in the Meters nearsyle~et group were encouraged (0 co Sue tore rit, vegetables, sl ay oe es teen andto pace biter and ctenm witha patine tich in a-tinolenie acid (to mimic the 1-3. MD. PhD, content of the traditional Cretan diet). After a ‘mean follow-up 027 months, the rate of coronary ‘events was reduced by 73 percent, and total martal- ity was reduced by 79 percent in the intervention row. More recently, Singh etal. ested an “indo-Med- iterranean diet” in 1000 patients in tla with ex: isting coronary disease or at high risk for coronary disease. As compared with the control det, the fn tevvention diet — characterized by inereased intake ‘of mustard or soybesa oil, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains — reduced the rae of fatal myo: cardial infaretion by one third and the rate of st den death from cardiac causes by to th In this iste ofthe Joursal, Trichopaitlon etal (pages 2599-2608) report ihe results of a popula tion-hased study involving 22,043, apparently Ties ate ex caves, pole SE isi pte tl pes Daly Phys nay Food yeni Reeling the Taian Helly Md leranesn ie -dapled wth permission, fom OldwaysPeservalion and Exchange fst Pat +03 Dr. RAULO. SUAREZ, con MEDI uorinny ap euaumurdag sconpwisr)d scuriosdor St] agos & sseuraiosdady stj A soy 10} 810s sosesS SopIor s 661 sostaB sopise ap $9) sope ‘sa[PIoUasa SOstIE SOPIDE $0] 2p B 10 VOD UOHDEIUdWOD A sost: LD ap a2130T Jap sostI SOpIOE Sopiog ap o1paw. p ugiaisoduzoa saiuapaoaiuy @jour ap anaoe | evan as epugp aa? “uf-sad atuajaaxa woo aqtaow up) ‘moun sse16 eH NGERNIICT zravns OTE 2a pet ager ee PTT og HTS opur JOP SOmBIUaULYY SONGV So] Opunigu visa anb aqupryvs of v mi2uap: vy opuvlayfes ‘soup sown Ud JULPUNUL [ANU Y afUaUeMSOULst SPU 019249 OWNSUOD OANI aNAID Ja “sospa sop. ap ugioisoduoo jo1zadsa 40g jouoILnU n1SIA ap ojund ja ap. sasaqun uva8 asia. anb pypaiou v “pjouns ap oand %b anlaov onanu ja sivd Ja ua AZINpOd ap oyn&40 ja auaty ‘soind sayjaov wIaIGuoy sPUi VIAVUL DI *1]OZ ap tigpriedas ‘owo> ‘scHoy [> us sojedpuud 5 } | PIOUED Sp B1/S5e ap SOSEIS SOp|DE op OPS Ted aUsD¥ 790 sost9 SOM TION 3a BGKODISOSWOD THIAdSS fT BNALLHO 36 ONOG EUMUAUTE wx sopemmesurjo :sopeimpsui0u9} sopeimar sop sopion sturanc ‘onmig819U2 10) “Gi yt-apaiod 10d) vpeurxoade [ruoprnny voDEMLOP “QI st] op wo: | Anumuisip v a4nquiuo> sod sop) eS SuStIH ap ozejdu 12) soprunaes se nua2u03 veg SPU O'Nd %001 VIONVO PiOZeWy P susts8 sopiDy 2p sosunzexd ootu ‘OoIRIOUT] OIE us vIpowai oo19]0 OpIse ep ugHENuS.UOD sopeinaesut sosts8 $0} 2p upIonUaDuOD mE SEW ey ms “sost8 sopoe ap uopisodwon jer ns Jod opep ise feuorsInny JOP sounua8se so} ap voromus “vjours ap a1 joppeypa Eun Oprsas “O;UYIOTW 30 OLYVIND 3 ODINTIONTTD OGIDY on ‘on opeavots Ur $0! “aan sk sopranaes Sogta OPE ‘p oun epeo ap [FMI yp Ua sieme soacw _puuain=suaisos ojos ‘soptsrars SVT A SODULVRSY Id SOGIATT ‘$01 TUBOS SOSYHD SOTIOY S01 3G TYNGIAIGST 019353 °9 (g) vrwayox | seoyrpow 9p seiueipu: soussursou ajpap $2 '7099} vt bp tisandsau solow 4) magandsa 20u9u! pigesauSe s0uau! sod of aruaurayqisod 3212980 pepawsajus ap abseu uo> TDORE 9¢ “ODIOUTSDU ‘Somovanva ‘G40 au96 5 AP sopiop vausnuon anb sor ‘pp olbnsueD ja dnb Opes ‘uny soIpnuse sosc so] ap ores squosinoaud 0102 “CUEIC oping sp ajgnasap risa HG6T “SH ‘SOCYMALLYSNITIOd SOSHHD. SOGID¥ 30 SFTYNOLTLLAN SBNODVOXAWOITY “€ r t \ i jad aua|zoNa un THU: soandaye UN Uos sopraTaRRUIOvOU SopISE So] anb ap py anb apeuasqa ty 3s “SVOLLYWS¥ 1d S¥NTELOWAOATT SVT NG ¥ATIO A ZIV VIONYD ad ALraov aq OWSNOD ‘1G OALLYSVaWOD 0193-3 sjous> =p aulsor ye be opousd un

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