The L&D Guide To Democratising Learning Content Production-1

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The L&D

guide to
learning content
How to harness the smarts of your subject matter experts to
make creating learning content faster and more affordable

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L&D teams are overwhelmed We’ve seen user generated learning content be a
huge success for some of the progressive businesses
with content demands and we work with. So, we asked our team of learning
designers, coaches and consultants for their advice on
harnessing the smarts of empowering subject matter experts to create content.

your in house subject matter They came up with six top tips.
experts to create user 1. Teach basic learning design principles
generated learning content 2. Have a clear process for content creation

is the buzz du jour. 3. Provide templates and examples

4. Have a kick off briefing

5. Take charge of QA

6. Give people the right tools for the job

We’re going to dig into each of these topics, before

sharing learnings from some pioneering New Zealand
organisations who are walking the talk and putting UGC
at the heart of their earning content creation strategy.

Let’s get amongst.

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How have the last few years
been for you?
If the answer is hella hectic, you’re not alone …
because two things have led to a vast increase in
demand for online learning content.

Covid 19 accelerated remote working and in-person

training became harder to organise. Training flipped
from being led by in-person experiences, to digital
first. Cue clamouring for L&D teams to make every
single training course digital, all at once.

Secondly, demands from digital natives who expect

to be able to do everything on the go from their
phone are syncing with a growing realisation that
one-and-done training doesn’t cut the mustard.
Research indicates we forget 50% of what we learn
within an hour and 80% within the month if learning
isn’t reinforced. Learning resources people can refer
back to whenever and wherever they need simply
make good business sense.

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Is User Generated Content So subject matter experts have been sharing learning for
years. It’s just that no one has given them the guidance
the future for learning? they need to do it well, or the tools to make their learning
more engaging.
Progressive organizations are responding to the
increase in content demand by empowering their
team to create learning content.
Here’s a vision for you
User Generated Content, or UGC, is a smoking hot Imagine L&D are no longer solely responsible for learning
topic in learning. Our team are talking about it with L&D content creation. Instead, you empower everyone in your
managers every week. UGC can be a real win for L&D organisation to create learning.
because you get more content for less money and it Basic learning design becomes a core skill and your team
takes pressure off your team. guide people and equip them with tools to make their
learning content more engaging.
But when L&D teams first hear about UGC they can
get nervous. And we get it. If you’re an experienced Think how much your organisation could outperform
learning designer, someone saying, “Hey, we’re gonna your competition if everyone who’s good at their job
get an absolute novice to create learning content,” shared their knowledge with others. In a few years,
might feel confronting. You might even feel a bit you’d have an organisation with a 360° learning culture,
threatened because you’ve spent 10 years learning a hugely talented workforce sharing knowledge, skill,
your trade. and experience so effectively you outperform your
competitors effortlessly.
But here’s the thing. Experts in your organisation
are already creating learning content. How many What could empowering everyone to create learning
content do for your organisation?
managers make PowerPoint decks to present to
their teams? Terrible presentations, sure. But terrible
presentations full of valuable knowledge. And it doesn’t
matter if you’re using PowerPoint, Chameleon, or a
string and two cups. If you’re communicating ideas,
theory or experience, you’re creating learning.

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How to harness the power of Typically, L&D teams produce two types of content.

your subject matter experts 1. Learning content that changes the way that people
think, feel, and behave.
Inviting your subject matter experts to create 2. Reference content that improves performance by
learning content to share with their colleagues giving people info when they need it.
is a win, win, win.
Subject matter experts aren’t learning experts, so most
Inviting your subject matter experts to create learning of the content they produce is informational. We’re
content to share with their colleagues is a win, win, win. talking quick reference guides, how-to job aids, and SOPs.
Embrace their specialist knowledge and channel it to
• You engage your whole team in learning, create rich reference resources, while your team focus
encouraging a learning culture. your specialist expertise on changing the way people
• You take pressure off your L&D team. think, feel, and behave.

• And you maximise return on your investment in your Every organisation serious about L&D should have a
e-learning platform by training more people to use it knowledgebase. A rich reference resource is the gift that
to create learning content. keeps on giving. This is the ideal task for your subject
matter experts. Tool them up and set them free.
Chameleon’s so user friendly, anyone can create
e-learning. So, you can invite your whole team to use
it, knowing it’ll work for all. But making User Generated
Content work for your organisation takes a bit more
thought than simply training people up to use an
e-learning platform and letting them run wild.

It helps to understand where your subject matter

experts fit in the big L&D scheme.

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Six tips for nailing • Do you want people to do something new or behave in a
different way?

user generated
• Do you want people to think and feel differently?

2. Then work backwards from the outcome you want.

content What do people need to know to achieve this outcome?

• List all the info you need to share with them.

• Don’t get carried away and overwhelm people with too
Teach basic learning much. Remember, they don’t need to be an expert like you,

design principles
they just need to know enough to achieve the outcome.

What do they need to do to achieve this outcome?

Creating engaging learning material is different to • Outline the steps people need to take.
writing a report or creating a presentation. So, it’s
• How can you help them take these actions?
worth familiarising your team with a few basic learning
design principles before you ask them to start • Do they need knowledge before they can act?
making learning content. • Can you give them tools to help them, like a template
or a checklist?
Give your team a process to follow, show them what
good learning content looks like, give them guidelines • Can you share real life examples they can emulate?
to refer to, and reassure them you’ve got their back to How do they need to think and feel to achieve this
set them up for success. outcome?
Basic learning design principles • Do they need to adopt a particular mindset?
1. Start by asking yourself what you want the • Can you encourage them with advice and affirmations?
outcomes from your learning to be. • Can you inspire them with stories of success?
• Do you want people to know something new?

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5. Good learning is blended learning

People learn in different ways. Some like lots of pictures.

Some like video. Some like to read detailed instructions.
So good learning content uses the full learning tool
3. Good learning is active not passive
kit from video, animations and audio to graphics and
People learn by doing. Don’t throw a bunch of info graphs.
at people and expect it to stick.
Chameleon makes it easy to include everything from
Active learning: images to audio in your learning.
• Uses interactive elements to engage people with content. This free module on e-learning design basics might be
• Deploys gamification techniques such as quizzes to helpful too.
engage people, evaluate their understanding, and
Excellent learning experiences
reward progress.
• Includes opportunities to roleplay learnings in risk It can also be useful to consider the phases of an ideal
free scenarios. learning experience.

4. Good learning uses stories 1. Present: Introduce information.

2. Understand: Test understanding.
Real-life stories help people understand the point you’re
trying to make. 3. Apply: Roleplay new learnings in a risk-free environment.

If you’re trying to teach people how to do something, 4. Practise: Test new learnings in real life situations.
gather real-life stories of people doing that thing. 5. Analyse: Find ways to improve the way new skill
Stories from work are best because they’re most is executed.
relevant to your colleagues. And stories of fails are just 6. Consolidate: Provide reference resource
as helpful as successes because they show people to support new skill.
what to watch out for.
7. Elevate: Create opportunities to elevate
Chameleon makes it easy to include stories in new skill with additional learning.
your learning.

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Horrible learning horrors create learning content. Here’s a draft process for you
to use as a starting point.
Just as helpful as understanding basic learning design
principles is knowing what things to watch out for. Here 1. Intro learning design principles: An e-learning module
are a few culprits we see derailing learning on the regular. introduces people to basic learning design principles.

• Trying to cram everything into one slide. White space is 2. Complete content planner. This form helps people plan
your friend and less is more. content by walking them through the elements of a good
learning experience.
• Trying to give people all the info. Subject matter experts
are shockers for this. They know all the things and think 3. Kick off brief. Meeting with L&D team to discuss desired
everyone else has to know all the things too. But when it outcomes from learning content, topics covered, and
comes to learning, more can easily be overwhelming and types of content planned.
indigestible. Keep it short and sweet. 4. Intro learning design platform. An e-learning module
• Boring people silly. Don’t send folks to sleep. Instead use introduces people to the tool they’ll use to create learning
stories, keep learning short and digestible, and mix it up content. Chameleon is so intuitive to use it requires little
with different types of content, even the driest topic can training.
come to life. And it’s ok to have fun, make jokes, and be 5. Create draft content: We recommend L&D create a
silly. Learning doesn’t have to be dull. reference resource for content creators to refer to for
• Lots and lots and lots and lots of text. Mix up your content refreshers on learning design as they create.
types. Use images, illustrations, videos, and interactive 6. Content review: Debrief session with L&D team to review
elements. People learn in different ways. content and identify opportunities for improvement.

7. Content approved: L&D review final version of content
Have a clear process and approve for launch.

for content creation 8. Content launched: Support the launch of new learning
content with a comms plan to make sure your
organisation knows there’s a new learning resource for
Outline a clear process to walk your subject matter them to use.
experts step by step through what they need to do to

Page 8 Save Time & Money | Chameleon Creator

3 Provide templates
and examples 4 Have a kick off
Branded templates Remember the seven steps of an excellent learning
experience? So, you’ve introduced your team to the
Learning content is a key manifestation of your brand, so
principles of learning design. But that doesn’t make
it should always be visually consistent with your brand
them learning design experts. Now it’s time to test
because branding your learning content creates a sense
their understanding in a supportive way and help them
of trust and familiarity for your team.
role-play with their new knowledge in a risk free, friendly
But your subject matter experts aren’t branding or design environment, aka a meeting with you.
experts. Which is why creating a suite of branded learning
A great way to do this is to make the first step in learning
templates to make life easy for them is a great idea. That
content production a kick off briefing meeting with your
way they can focus their time and energy on creating
L&D team. When someone decides they want to make
great content, knowing that they’re not going to mess up
some learning content, they come and sit down with L&D,
when it comes to making it look good.
talk about the outcomes they want to achieve, the topics
Best practise examples they’d like to cover, and the kinds of content they’d like
to create. You can give them advice and feedback and
You’ve all heard of the power of showing, not telling.
steer them in the right direction.
Sharing examples of great learning content with your
team gives them something to aspire to. For best results, You can even help people prepare for this briefing
make those examples as relatable and relevant as meeting by creating a content planning form that
possible. Why not work with closely with a few experts in walks them through the elements of a good learning
your team to create exemplars of learning content for experience and prompts them to consider what they
everyone else. might include to make their learning content a success.
There’s a draft content planning form on the next page
for you to use for inspiration.

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Draft content planner The L&D buck stops with you, so even after you’ve had
your debrief, and the content has been improved, you
Here’s a draft content still get the final say over launching it to the whole
planning form for you to Click Here organisation. That keeps QA consistent and makes sure
use as a starting point. your learners are getting good quality content.

5 Take charge
of QA
6 Give people the right
tools for the job
Whether it’s a training video, a content planner, an
You’re the learning design experts. So, after your team e-learning module or a quick reference guide, make
have created their learning material, make sure it comes sure your team have the tools they need to set them up
back to you for quality control before it goes live so you for learning content creation success.
can check it follows sound learning principles, and the
And invest in Chameleon.
quality is up to scratch.
Yeah we know that’s a shameless plug … but seriously.
This is a learning opportunity for your colleagues too.
If you’re still using clunky, slow design software, you’re
They’ve tested their new learning design skills in a real life
not going to be able to keep up with content demands.
situation by creating some learning content. Now they
Chameleon’s so easy to use, everyone in your
get to analyse that content with you and look for ways to
organisation can create e-learning content.
improve. Maximise learnings for everyone by scheduling
a debrief session when people have completed their So, invest in the tools you need, empower everyone in
content, where you review their work together and show your organisation to create learning content, take the
them opportunities for improvement. pressure off your team and share the load.

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From day one, KPMG New Zealand’s L&D team got
excited about Chameleon’s potential to empower their
whole team to share knowledge and expertise. We sat
down with Ilana Kramer, Assistant Manager of Learning
& Development at KPMG New Zealand and asked what
they’ve learned through inspiring and empowering their
Tips from KPMG New Zealand team to create learning content.

on empowering your team to Make sure you’ve got the

create learning content right tools
Ilana explains, “Before we started using Chameleon
our learning content was almost all PowerPoint
based, which is quite boring. People hate sitting,
clicking through slides, so we needed something more

“We didn’t have a user friendly system to create our

own e-learning and we identified that as a gap. But
a lot of e-learning systems out there, no one can use
them, and when they spit out your content at the end,
it’s not quite what you want. We wanted something
easy enough to use, so anyone at KPMG can make
e-learning content. And that’s exactly what
Chameleon is. Anyone can use it.”

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Encouraging knowledge Lead by example
sharing Demand for Chameleon spread through word of mouth.
Ilana explains, “Our national learning and development
Ilana and her L&D colleagues have been using team doesn’t always manage technical training for our
Chameleon to create smaller content modules like their various departments. But once we started rolling out
Welcome to KPMG induction program and for introducing training made with Chameleon and people saw how
new software. amazing the system is, demand spread. For example, our
Ilana says, “We’re finding it really helpful for knowledge auditing team contacted us saying, “What did you use to
sharing. We have several diversity and inclusion teams, create that? Can we use it for our training content?”
and those groups have been using Chameleon to create “We also went out and approached each division,
content. For example, we’ve just got our accessibility tick, introduced them to Chameleon, showed them what
and introduced a training module around what you can they could do with the tool, and offered them a license.
do to be an ally for someone with accessibility issues.” We bought 10 licenses so we could offer different teams
their own login. And two of the divisions are already using
Chameleon for their own training.”

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Engaging subject matter Guidance on what makes
experts good learning content
The KPMG L&D team encourage subject matter experts The KPMG L&D team supports their colleagues to
to share their knowledge and make learning content. produce content by sharing guidance on what makes
Ilana says, “The biggest hurdle is they don’t always good learning content.
have time. But that’s what makes Chameleon so great.
Ilana says, “We actually use the resources and
It’s so easy and self-explanatory to use, they don’t have
blog posts Chameleon has created to show our team
to do a training course. You just click and drag things
best practice and how to use interactivity to make
into place, add some pictures and voila, you’ve got
content more engaging.
beautiful training.”
“We give simple tips like insert a quiz in between pieces
“When it comes to inspiring subject matter experts
of information or get people to answer a question to
to make learning content, the content we’re already
make sure they’ve understood. Make it visually engaging,
making using Chameleon is encouragement enough
add imagery or show a video. Don’t have too many
because it looks amazing and it’s so interactive.
words on the slide …”
For example, recently we did a risk road show. Risk
management isn’t the most exciting subject, but we “For the first modules we created using Chameleon,
made it more exciting using Chameleon’s interactive Chameleon gave us feedback. That input was
elements. And the moment people see that content extremely valuable because it was very focused on user
they start thinking, maybe I can use this tool to create experience. Now whenever we create trainings, we ask
content for our team.” ourselves, ‘As a user what is the information I really need
to take away from this?’ We started seeing learning
“If subject matter experts are too busy to design their
through a different lens, from a user’s perspective
own e-learning modules they can provide the L&D
instead of as e-learning creators.”
team with their content, and we can design e-learning
content for them. We’ve had quite a few people create
content in partnership with us that way.”

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Book a demo today
Discover how Chameleon Creator can get you
started on your user generated content strategy

• Some beautiful example modules

• How to use the intuitive editor

• The built in image library

• How to publish your finished modules

• How to show off your brand

Book a demo 14 Day free trial

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