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Don’t look up essay

Sjoerd Pieters

The movie “don’t look up” is about two scientists who find out a comet is going to hit earth in six
months. They try and tell the government but they get ignored because the president is only worried
about the election. They try to tell the media but they want to keep it light and they are not taken
seriously. Later the president does listen to them because it benefits her as she was put into bad light
because of her past. They come up with a plan to stop the comet, but this plan is stopped by a
company, which is very similar to apple, because they want to harvest it for the raw materials in it.
the company’s plan fails and the comet is now clearly visible in the sky. This causes two movements
to rise up, the just look up movement which tells everyone they are going to die. And the don’t look
up movement which is run by the president hoping to keep everyone from panicking.

In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting two articles about the movie “don’t look up”. This
first article is written by George Monbiot. He is a scientist who thinks the movie is very realistic and
he says that he experienced similar things. The second article is written by Zeeshan Aleem, who is an
opinion columnist for MSNBC. He writes about how the movie portrays the media and how it shows
the real world problems.

In the first article by George Monbiot he says that media put this movie in a negative light because it
portrays the media in a negative way. He says the way the media is portrayed is realistic because in
the real world the media likes to stop serious matters form being seen by the people. “just like it is
done in the movie. George Monbiot later talks about how he experienced almost exactly the same
treatment when he wanted to warn people about climate change. In the movie the two scientists try
to tell people a comet is headed towards earth, they try to do this by media but they do not get taken
seriously, this is also what happened to George Monbiot when he tried to warn people about climate
change which is very frustrating for him. It is also interesting as it shows how similar the movie is to
the real world. Where the media likes to put more focus on actors and celebrities rather than actual
important news.

The second article written by Zeeshan Aleem is focused on how the media in the real world is flawed,
journalists are thought to tell stories about celebrities and actors rather than actually showing the
real world problems. This is because stories about celebrities get more views and are more popular
than stories about climate change, if the news system is not changed in any way all there will be to
see is stories about celebrities.
Zeeshan Aleem also talks about how the two political movements in the movie are very similar to
politics in the real world where the side of the politicians tries to hide the problems and say they are
already dealt with, while the side of the scientist say the problem is not at al dealt with and need
serious attention.

The two articles are different because George Monbiot talks about his own experiences while
Zeeshan Aleem talks about observations. George Monbiot also focuses on how climate change is a
real problem, while Zeeshan Aleem talks focusses on how our news system is flawed at last Zeeshan
Aleem talks about how the rich people have to much power while George Monbiot does not talk
about this at all.

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