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baa SBI CLERK MAINS MOCK TEST -1 | BEST QUESTIONS | NEW PATTERN iSetrefel Rae Re ee eet] Perfection Batch Direction(1-3): In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. You are provided with three fragments I, Il and Ill. You have to identify which statement/statements can carry forward the given sentence in the most logical way so as to make the sentence coherent and contextually correct. lec eel cles aac fou can do it and you will do 1. Kerala's development achievements are largely A. Both | and II attributed to progressive social and political 8B Only I movements, but_ C. Only Ill ce Cotbvest = ¢-¥e) D. Both Il and III |. none of them took the gender question _.(—ve)__E. All|, Il and Ill seriously, though poor women were central to many of these struggles. ll. the state has a better sex ratio compared to most states. — () < Ill. they have gained international attention and are widely accepted as a model of women’s empowerment. — Gve a Ate qnak = Str on Ne 2. With the entire Opposition in jail and A. Only Il the media gagged, governancé fhrough B. Both | and Ill arrest, Ge C. Both II and Ill ~ Br Only Ill |. the people and their faith in E. All, Il and Ill democracy emerged as the true winners. II. all the loopholes were plugged. (ve) lll. persecution and terrorizing became the norm. os With = Ag deo 3. Last year, as the lockdown restrictions A. Only Ill were gradually lifted in India, —B-Both | and il ) oe C. Only Il o_o D. Only | |. the build-up in savings provided a fillip E. None of |, Il and Ill to household demand. ll. household savings, both forced and - precautionary, began to unwind. Ill. a@eclination)in activities was expected to be sooner rather than later. 4 Directions(4-5): Four statements are given below, labelled A, B, C and D, among these, three statements are logically connected. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the passage. _ ene eaeeo Mase he" 4. A. Though girls are allowed to pursue their education, A.A marriage prospects are given priority over economic B.B independence. cot c.c B. Women may not face much discrimination as children, but B-D )) the process of preparing them to graduate to the role of a wife E. No begins early statement is C. Even when women earn, they rarely have an equal role in odd decision- |-making. D. While basic socio-economic problems of class and caste were witnessed, gender-based exploitation and discrimination remained nonextant. ven

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