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Present Continuous.


Add the –ing.

1. Camp camping

2. swim swimming

3. travel traveling

4. walk walking

5. have haveing

6. write writing

7. cook cooking

8. shop shopping

Complete the sentences.

1. His dad and brother are cycling (cycle) to the shops.

2. We are not traveling (not travel) in Japan.

3. I am sunbathing (sunbathe) on the beach.

4. She is not watching (not watch) TV.

5. They are not swimming (not swim) in the sea.

6. Sue is staying (stay) at home today.

Write the questions and the short answers.

1. your dad / work / today /?

is your dad working today?

Yes, he is

2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?

Did you have a good time on holiday?

Yes, I did

3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?

is your mum cooking dinner now?

Yes, she is

4. your friends / play football / ?

are your friends playing football?

Yes, they are

Complete the dialogues.

1. a. I´m going on holiday.

b. Where are you going ?

2. a. He´s cooking dinner.

b. What´s he cooking ?

3. a. My sister is going to England.

b. Who is going to england ?

4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.

b. Where are you staying then ?

Present continuous.

1. I am watching (watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favourite team is winning (win)!

3. Someone is swimming (swim) in the sea.

4. Two people are cooking (cook) dinner on the beach.

5. We are not watching (not watch) a soap opera.

6. I am not doing (not do) my homework.

7. Mum is reading (read) a magazine.

8. My brother is not listenning (not listen) to the radio.

9. Dad is not cooking (not cook) dinner.

10. Tara is talking (talk) by phone.

11. Joe is playing (play) on the computer.

12. Who is watching (watch) TV?

13. Tina is doing her (do) grammar exercises.

14. I am eating (eat) a pizza.

15. We are sitting (sit) in the classroom.

16. I am not writing (not write) an email.

17. Amy is not going (not go) to school today.

18. We are not having (not have) fun today.

19. My team is not winning (not win) the match.

20. My parents are driving (drive) to work now.

21. are they reading (read) magazines?

Yes, they are.

22. are you learning (learn) English? Yes I am.

23. is Helen writing (write) a letter? No, she isn´t.

24. is Sarah playing (play) the guitar? Yes, she is.

25. We are not (not play) basketball.

Present continuous.

1. Trina is walking (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We are waiting (wait) for you!

3. I´m on a bus and it is not moving (not move).

4. When are you coming (come) to see me?

5. Iam sitting (sit) on a bus.

Is not having
6. Pete´s mother (not have) a burger.

7. John´s friends _ is playing (play) football at the Sports Centre.

8. My best friend is sitting dowm (sit) next to me.

9. I am wearning (not wear) something blue.

10. My teacher is not standing (not stand) behind me.

11. I am not writing (not write) with a pencil.

12. Irama is having (have) a shower.

13. Montse is leaving (leave) the room.

14. Marcelo is making (make) a phone call.

15. Rosa is opening (open) the door.

16. Olga is brushing (brush) her teeth.

17. Eva is singging (sing).

18. Mati is listening (listen) to the radio.

19. Jose is walking (walk) to school.

20. Javi is writing (write) a letter.

21. What are the boys doing (do) now?

22. Angela is eating (eat) spaghetti.

23. What is your teacher saying (say)?

24. Juanma is playing (play) with the dog.

25. Where are Eva and Mar _ sitting (sit)?

Present continuous.

1. I am learning (learn) how to swim.

2. I am eatting (eat) my lunch.

3. I am watch (watch) television.

4. She is readding (read) a book.

5. Dad is baking (bake) a cake.

6. My sister is listening (listen) to music.

7. Peter is cleaning (clean) his car.

8. The dog is barking (bark) in the garden.

9. We are singging (sing) our favourite song.

Are playing
10. My brother and I (play) a computer game.

11. The teachers is showing (show) us a film.

12. They are bringging (bring) a TV in the classroom.

13. She´s bored. Her friend is watching (watch) TV again.

14. Martin´s excited. Chelsea is winning (win) the match.

15. I´m scared. A big dog is standing (stand) in front of me.

16. She´s happy. She is not working (not work) today.

17. I´m worried. It is rainning (rain) and I haven´t got

an umbrella.

18. The teacher is annoyed. We are not listenning (not listen).

19. What are you waitting (wait) for?

I´m waitting (wait) for John.

20. is it snowing (snow)?

No, it is rainning (rain).

21. What are you doing (do) today?

We are going (go) to the park.

22. are you listenning (listen) to me?

No, I am listenning (listen) to the radio.

23. are you watching (watch) TV?

No, we are studding (study).

24. What are you doing (do)?

I am doing (do) my homework.

25. are they sleepping (sleep)? Yes, they are.

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