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Re aa ree n considering which ee eros Senta) and ultimately the environment co eee en ny a eter ee cena S prec? ee ee ct eg een ees eet a Fon, power Pee een Cece Ser eae te eet a PS eee Nicholson and Carlisle discovered eae ete one eee ee teak eee en ran emer ese eee Reyes the global consumption today is for both ‘new’ and ‘non-traditional players thus establishing the forerunner of Ses to this space, bringing a variety cee eer een ae or Pe eee ene Pr Ont eee eee sy Pe Se eee ee eam a driven by the starting with humble beginnings inthe organizations saw the potential o Peeters ee ene eee ee ee) a% tL ee > | ia a een opens Ahearn anette cg gic aids, However, due to bomb Ree ed Peemeeen eens hydrogen’s use gradually diminished. Sie eincira Seen ety eer) eee neten rs) rete ners tag ewe ta pepe iste ee eee) eer cr rere es ese nines being explored and developed. a ees ec) cere ee ea Cer Ronen ten Ce teen ery eee gos eee neers or ee ee ete Fast forward to the 1970s, countries started to seriously look at fuel conservation and reducing their SNe eee cece Ren Rn ne ren Cron te ee a eee nan ay used in those vehicles. This tightening Seem eer Prien mrt tit sts sulfur and nitrogen contaminants te eee ee eee en een es Reon Peete Doty Usenet ster ‘Climate Change in 1989, followed by the first Earth Sumit in 1992, Then in 1997, the first UN conferenc See ere ee rece ee eee from countries around the worl It then took 18 years and multiple Rxceo eects ns Paris Climate Accord (PCA), which brought things together in 2015, The See eens! eters eared ‘moved several countries forward to Pee ee their PCA commitments. One ofthe eee aes een errs Rene eer eee ee ay bing credited as developing the Sn Seen eng eo erry In late 2021, COP26 grabbed pene Set Seon eee en ae eee ers Pees ern eee ned er ees Pee er eed Perea eee een ee eee SS ete ee ee ec) eee eens Sree ccna ans role in assisting the achievement eee eames) cents Penrith tray eRe) eee ny erences en Reena cs Pees eens Se en mee ee eee nna) ee un ea Sd een! ‘opportunities including a variety of feedstock uses (ammonia synthesis for fertilizer production and iron reduction eon cree (especially for heavy duty vehicles al ‘maritime and aviation), residential industrial building heating, and power applications such as seasonal balancing ant ee ers erators, Consequently Pee aes Dene Pest new energy applications of hydrogen Freer etn eet nt te Peet en enon Peete nearer eee een See ee ry Peet er rns tee Pea en ee er oe Pee ee ees Zero carbon commitments, and over en tty Poon ears Sec eee nate private partnerships to help driveand eee eee eee ener nee eae eee een Poe et See ge mY dependence on imported fossil fuels erent eer eee een cen om mae nara a funding allocated to them. Despite ere reese ean eee tobeachieved and remain on-track > SPECIAL FEATURE Pero ens picture - we are behind schedule een es cerns Errante solutions, collaboration has become Pee ere eo! feet a Oa ee) Comte Visible examples being the Hydrogen Cre ec the Gr ete eats Sc project developers and partners, while eee ee een public-private partnerships such as the EU's Clean Hydrogen Alliance and Hydrogen Europe, the California Fuel Cell Partnership inthe US, and many ee een et ee es eee eee et Reon ae etn eee een es Peer ee as een eee ten erence td Pree eres tnt BUSINESS OF HYDROGEN ee oe eect Pee ort! Burns, Vice-President of Clean Ene Pee rae eens ta) eae a seen makin new value chain to enable the Sree near The oll and gas industry has ee ers er ene ransiton, Nearly to years ago, eee en ener ce ud ere one ea Se et eee ere ers ee cee sty Sree ne enna? Pe ed the year the US oil and gas majors che eae ee es ee ee thatthe oil and gas industry is nov ee ant ee ere rans tively uild Ua ens Reet eer ec However, the share of CAPEX going eee eect tc ees eet en arbon capture is expected tobe inthe 20-25% range Pete as ‘imply pat, we cannot achieve PSS erect eri penn eee eee eat tes There will be no sing ere emery eee eee eee care eens oe Pen ae private funders, publi policymakers eee eater) erence and is involved in several projects SPECIAL FEATURE | THE BUSINESS OF HYDROGEN t's not enough to have the technology ready to be put to use. thas to be accéssible and affordable to the iS) eee eee ee en eee Asa result the key topics POU te Perret) lobal forecast and assumptions, critical sucess factors necessary to drive growth, and key challenges Pence esse The forecast for hydrogen a een ee eer che cs and others) grows from approximately Pua RED oe) 60-80% produced from fossil fuels to Pe ee ie Per ee Reaching these goals, however will require that installed electrolyzer Seca ees tes eerie artes Peo eee Petes eer ee sg Senet eee eee eer (green) and fossil fuel with CCS- Pere eno) ees ee eee eee for producing renewable hydrogén, availabilty of hydrogen where itis Pee eer cee effective solutions for hard-to. abate eres eee ety about how big the market is goin oes en a eee er re Bere en ee ene ees pee ny ee ee he ee SS ae ae To achieve these aggressive milestones, there area fow key CSF. Tee nee Pees Cee ae een ney ac The strategy should clearly translate eee reece frameworks, establish collaboration ‘with public/private entities on targets teens plans to best execute that strategy ee ne Pea encompassing production, distribut ere ore, Due to anticipated cost reductions ene seer ee eee re ty eee ee eee et eat a this decade for dispensing hyde ren ee ed cost reduction, due to continued and innovative improvements, PSs ecto eee eet eT oR A successful future with hydrogen energy will draw upon its inherent ieee seen ay that allow for a broad use of both production methods and usage Sees eerent eee ey eee ee is eect Seen en Pe ee remy ee “distribution, logistics and storage on ees Ee cone a valleys or hubs’ where the core hydrogen production occurs and serves Perret rennet Pree eee) See oer eee enor at Peer ee oes eee eect eee This price tag will necessitate that the build-out be synchronized with Det ee neat PUI ace Pe ee eee) cee eet ee eset in demonstrating these capabilities in ee eT eee eer eee and the one with the biggest risk, is the growth and uptake ofthe renewable Cae edstock, hydrogen is irreplaceable, and its just a matter of blue/green ieee) eet onsen) em rae cy Rete eet eet Paes eet ect eee rs) ee ect) sa) etiam ees? pee on ee eet chains cannot be underestimated Pens eetanecns the potential of hydrogen across Arar See eee res it's not enough to have the technology realy to be put to use thas to be accessible and affordable to the ee arene es ae its fuel cell technology, electrolysis Sete ae co) ee ne Se eee ee harnessing the power of chemistry ee ee ay Seen sa eee Pe een

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