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Scene 1:

(*At home)

Mother: Water bill, electricity, groceries! Oh? It gives me headache. Why did I got pregnant so young, if
only I listened to my mom and focused on my studying I should be in college by now.

Daughter: (baby cries out)

Mother: Don’t worry, sweetheart. Papa will arrive soon from work.

Scene 2:

(*knocking on the door)

Mother: come in!

(*Father arrives at home)

Father: Ugh, I am very tired.

Mother: Go upstairs and rest.

Father: (holds hands of the mother and smiles) Let’s go, let’s go

Mother: Stop it, I’m going to get pregnant again.

Father: why?

Mother: We are experiencing financial problems and I don’t want to get pregnant again. I’m just 18, I
don’t want to have two children that soon.

Father: so?!!!

Mother: this is not good; we are quarrelling again. Tomorrow, we will go to my mom’s house to seek some

Scene 3:

(*visitation at grandmother’s house)

Mother and Father enters grandmother’s house and greets grandmother.

Grandmother: Oh? Good afternoon!

Father: Good afternoon, Ma!

Mother: Good afternoon, Ma!

Grandmother: I’m glad that you visited me, you know that I’m alone here but you never came.
Father: I am sorry, Mom. We have been busy these past few months because of work.

Grandmother: Oh? I understand son, but please make time and visit more often I don’t want miss my
grandchild grow up. Why are here by the way?

Mother: It’s a little problem that I want to seek for your advice, Mom. About this thing..

Grandmother: Oh? What it is?

Let’s seat first, and then tell me what it is my child?

Mother: Ahm, I don’t want to get pregnant again, mom. Because we are currently are having problems
surviving and budgeting our money for food and house bills.

Grandmother: So, you have a financial problem right now? And you don’t want to get pregnant again?

Mother: Yes, Mom.

Grandmother: You know, during our time, Me and your father used pills as a contraceptive method. You
can also use that as a contraceptive method, you know. It was advised by a friend and I also asked the
doctor in the community hospital if I can use this method.

Mother: Really, Mom?

Grandmother: Yes, you can go to the community hospital and ask on pills as a contraceptive method to
the doctor. Just like what I did before.

Father: that’s a good idea, mom.

Grandmother: But it is still your decision if you want to follow my advice or not.

Mother: Thank you, Mom.

Father: Thank you, Mom. For the advice. We will go now, since it is already getting dark already.

Mother: We promise that we will going to visit you more often.

Scene 4

(Doctor consultation)

Doctor: Come in!

Mother: Good morning, doc!

Father: Good morning, doc!

Doctor: Good morning! How can I help you?

Mother: My Mom, advised me to visit the doctor and seek for consultation regarding pills as a
contraceptive method.

Doctor: Oh? Yes, Ma’am. Please do seat down first. Yes, Ma’am pills as a contraceptive method. You want
to have more knowledge about it.
Mother: Yes, doc. We would like to know more about it.

Doctor: Pills Ma’am, Sir , Is a birth control method that you can take orally to prevent fertilization and
getting pregnant. It is a combination of female hormones such as estrogen and progestin that would
prevent ovulation by thickening of the cervical mucus which stops the sperm from entering the uterus.

Father: how about the side effects, doc? It is safe for my wife for long term use?

Doctor: The most common side effects are spotting or bleeding between periods, sore breasts, nausea, or
headaches. But these usually go away after 2 or 3 months, and they don’t happen to everyone who take
the pill. Ahm, birth control shouldn’t make your feel sick or uncomfortable.

Mother: how about using it for a long term, doc? Is it safe?

Doctor: The long-term use of birth control pills also slightly raises your risk for blood clots and heart attack
after the age of 35. The risk is higher if you also have: High blood pressure. A history of heart disease.

Mother: Good to know, that is helpful.

Father: How about its effectivity, doc?

Doctor: Pills are typically 91% effective, or fewer than 1 in 100 women will get pregnant in a year when
using the combine pill correctly.

Mother: Is it affordable, doc?

Doctor: Yes, ma’am. There are brands that is good for one month and costs less than P100. Do you
anymore questions?

Mother: That would be all for now, doc. Thank you.

Doctor: If you have more concerns or questions, don’t think twice of getting consultation. Ma’am and Sir.

Father: Thank you doc!


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