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2.1 Tez

Una persona puede tener la tez: morena, gruesa/fina, angular/fornida:

“Features (rasgos) can be swarthy, coarse/fine, angular/thickset”

Una persona puede tener la tez pálida, roja, rosa, o bronceada:

Complexión can be pallid/pasty, rosy/flushed and bronzed.

2.2 Pelo

*Si se carece del mismo: bald, balding, bald patch, a receiding hairline.

“You are entering the fourties, sooner or later you´ll be balding”

“Despite the stiffling heat he put on his hat to disguise the bald patch in his neck”

“The receiding hairline is becoming a bald, indeed”-said Taylor.

*Si se tiene; puede estar grasiento, ralo o tener caspa.

“They took out the prisioner whose face was covered in the silver grey thining hair he had”

“Your greasy hair shines at night”

“I´ll be soon drown in dandroff unless you stop scratching your head”

*Peinado o no

“Even though he´s torie his hair have a parting on the right”

“He´s wig indeed. Even so his hair has a part on the left”

“His fringe defies gravity”


“His shoulder-lenght hair is now worn in a pony tail”

“As long as I don´t have hair enough to wear a pig-tail I´ll wear plaits”

“ere I to a latin country I´d brush my hair straight back”

2.3 Orejas

*OREJAS de soplillo:

Mr spock has rather sticking out eras.

2.4. Ojos, cejas y pestañas

Eyes, eyebrows, eyelash.

“His sunken blue eyes look so deep..”

“After the crash she gave him a startled look”

“The grass, the people, the noise... and even so i could perfectly distinguish a furious twinkle in his eyes”

“I wonder wether you can see with that disgusting bushy eyebrows”

“There´s even someone on the tv whose eyes are somewhat more close-set.”

“Should there be any comment abaout our squint director, you would be inmediately sacken”

2.5. NARIZ; respingona, aquilina

“Pluto has a nerverend snub nose.”

“Mr Carmona, have you ever been mistaken with a shark owing to your acquiline nose?”

2.6. Boca, labios, barbilla y papada:

*LABIOS: sobresalidos, fruncidos

“I really love those protruding liups she has.”

“Don´t purse your lips, temptation doesn´t captivate me.”

*BARBILLA: firme, partida/granuda, papada

“I´m astonished with his firm chin”

“The cleft chin makes a sharp division of his face”

“You´d better taken some tablets for that dimpled chin you have”

“In addition to his fleshy lips, the double chin emphazise his flabby features”

2.7. Barba, bigote, patillas.

*BARBA: Bien afeitado, de tres días, tupida

“Clean shaven men have a fresh air, do they not?”

“You look naughty with that five o´clock shadow on your face”

“He has a three days stubble.”

“Tangled/matted beards give a mature aspect.”

*BIGOTE: caído

“If only he didn´t have that nasty droopy moustache, he wouldn´t look so lazy.”

*PATILLAS: sideburns.

2.8.Arrugas, pecas y lunares: warts, freckles and moles.


·To be adj.+ish. “to be tallish, fattish, shortish” (ish = a litle)

·To be on the adj side. Meaning rather. He´s on the elderly side.
2.9 Adjetivos calificativos de

Activo, ambicioso, agresivo, ágil, enervante/irritante:

Bravo, audaz, bullicioso, demasiado desparpajo, engreido

Cauto, astuto, listo, elegante, sereno, superficial, variable, comprometido:

Demacrado, diabolico, dominante, aburrido, dinámico, temerario, resuelto

Relajado, energético, excéntrico, maligno, entretenido, encantador:

Flexible, franco, asustado, fatalista, firme, fascinante, gozador:

Generoso, agradecido, avaricioso, torpe, crédulo :

Histérico, demacrado, altanero,

trabajador, esperanzado, honesto, abatido:

Impetuoso, inteligente, ingenioso, inquisitivo, intelectual:

Celoso, jovial, alegre:

Interesado, de bondadoso corazón, leido:

Leal, amador, solitario, liberal, repugnante, agradable

Mórbido, tacaño, miserable, monstruoso, malhumorado:

Intolerante, asqueroso, notorio(bad), nervioso, cascarrabias, neurotico, de noble mentalidad, inconformista, pulcro, no
enérgico, indiferente:

Tolerante, oportunista, obstinado, extrovertido, optimista:

Orgulloso, práctico, valeroso, prepotente


Active,ambitious, agressive, agile, aggravating

Brave, bold, boisterous, brash and bumptious

Cautious, cunning, clever, charming, cool, casual, changeable and committed

Drawn, diabolical, domineering, dull

dynamic, daring and decisive

Easygoing, energetic, eccentric, evil, entertaining and enchanting.

Flexible, frank, frightful, fatalistic, firm fascinating and fun-loving

Generous, grateful, greedy, gauche, gullible

Hysterical, haggard, haughty, hardworking, hopeful, honest and hang-dog.

Impetuous, intelligent, ingenious, inquisitive and intellectual

Jealous, jovial and jolly

Keen and kind-hearted, knowledgeable

Loyal, loving, lonely, liberal, loathsome and lik(e)able

Morbid, mean, miserable monstruous, and moody

Narrrow-minded, nasty, notorious, nervous, nagging, neurotic,noble-minded, non-conformist, neat, non-assertive


Open-minded, opportunistic, obstinate, outgoing and optimistic

Proud, practical, plucky and pushy

Chapado a la antigua, callado/tranquilo, mariquita, ingenioso, peleón:

Reservado, de fiar, imprudente, inquieto, retraido, recto/justo:

Timido, sociable, despreciable, escéptico, servil, confiado, (auto)seguro, escrupuloso, sofisticado, escuálido, astuto,
egoísta, tímido, modesto, seguro de sí, atolondrado, sagaz, malicioso, de hermana, pretensiones de super. moral

Con tacto, sin tacto, tenaz, taciturno, moderno:

No de fiar, sin escrúpulos, comprensivo, insensible, irracional, servicial, empalagoso, inaguantable, inabordable,
discreto, feo, fino/cortés, zafio/burdo:

Violento, cruel, vano, virtuoso, vivaz, vociferante, volatil, vulnerable, vulgar, venerable, despistado, virulento:

Cálido, sabio, voluntarioso, ingenioso, salvaje, bien informado, bien educado, libertino, testarudo, retraido, adinerado:


Lleno de juventud, anhelante, complaciente:

Ferviente, vigoroso
Quaint, quiet, queer, quick-witted, quarrelsome

Reserved, reliable, reckless, restless, retiring and righteous.

Shy, sociable, scornful, sceptical, servile, self-reliant, self assured, scrupulous, sophisticated, scraggy, sly, selfish, self-
conscious, self-effacing, self-confident, scatter-brained, shrewd, spiteful, sisterly, self-righteous

Tactful, tactless, tenacious, taciturn and trendy

Unreliable, unscrupulous, understanding, unfeeling, unreasonable, up-and-coming, unctuous, unbearable,


unobstrusive, unsightly, urbane and uncouth.

Violent, vicious, vain, virtuous, vivacious, vociferous, volatile, vulnerable, vulgar, venerable, vague and vitriolic.

Warm, wise,willing, witty, wild, web-informed, well-bred, wanton, wilful, withdraw, well-off


Youthful, yearning and yielding

Zealous and zestful.

Aspecto fisico: wavy(ondulado,), blonde( rubio), attractive, shoulder-length(hasta el hombro), plump(gordo),
curly(rizado), pale(palido), short(corto), spiky(puntiagudo), petite(pekeño), pretty, tall, denim(vakero), woollen(lana),
dark, bald(oscuro), slim, well-built, red, flowery, modern, cotton, striped(rayado).

Personality: self-assured,(seguro de sí mismo) absent-minded (distraído), open-minded(de mente abierta), self-centred(

egocentrico) easy-going(buen trato) bad-tempered.(mal genio).

Expression: La expresión:

Gesture: El gesto:

Impression: La impresión:

Psychology: La psicología:

Sign: La señal:

Tone of voice: El tono de voz:

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