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st) TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 1 ~Time Out Name No. Class Date 1s You will hear a report about unusual hobbies. Read the questions and tasks before you start listening. Then listen and answer each question. You will hear the information twice. PART 1 1. Complete the text with a word according to what you hear. People discover or invent the oddest to occupy their time never wondering if what they're doing is actually a waste of time or not. |”? plain, glossy wrappers, but only because | have a major @ project on my mind — so it’s not so weird, right? Some people do the ® things, and somehow get others involved as well. Have you ever wanted to step out of the crowd and do something ? Are you the kind of person who likes the 7 side of life? PART 2 1. Which hobbies are described in the report? Circle the right answers. a) jogging e) fishing b) UFO spotting f) starting a fan club €) body painting 9) tea/coffee/chocolate packaging collection 4) cooking h) stamp or coin collecting 2, For each sentence circle the right answer (a, b or c). 1. When UFO spotting, get a good pair of binoculars and a video camera to record a) anything interesting you see b) space shuttles ©) little green men 2. If you start a fan club, don't forget a) your t-shirt ¢) to invite your best friend to join b) your cameras and autograph books 3. If you decide to collect tea/coffee/chocolate packaging, you can a) offer the content as a present b) add details like when and where you got them ¢) throw them away when you finish your project 3. Match the following ntences according to what you hear. 1. Alot of people claim to a) study their collection and write about it 2. Ina fan club you can by have seen aliens. 3, Teaicoffee/chocolate packaging collectors should ©) celebrate the birthdays of your idols, 96 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta i ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 1 Time Out Name: No. Class Date___f__s Evaluation Teacher PART 1 1. Put the following words into the most suitable column. * travel guide * goggles + *museumpass * tent _* portable stove * sunscreen * insect powder or spray * swimming suit * city map ') Beach holidays: I 1) Cultural holidays I camping 2. ies with the most suitable place. 1 sunbathing a) ski resort 2. sightseeing. by seaside 3. skiing 6) town centre 3, Read the paragraph and circle the best answer (A, B or C). Good morning, Vietnam Looking to discover a new “ with a little added luxury? Then let us introduce you to Vietnam: a land of jungles, beaches and incredible natural beauty on the South China Sea. From the monuments of Hanoi to the dreamlike waters of Nha Trang, we've combined the perfect trip for you to ® the length and breadth of this understated gem. Touch down in Vietnam's ouzzing capital Hanoi, where we'll take you to the Sofitel Legend Metropole for some rest and recreation. But if you're keen on « this monument-riddled city, we'll arrange a chauffeur-driven vintage classic just for you. Take in the sites, stopping off at the magical HoanKiem Lake, then marvel at a ® performance of the famous Vietnamese water puppets, In the mood for a truly local take on this great city? Ask anyone in Hanoi, and they'll tell you the only way to slow the pace and © the heart of the city is by cyclo ttp:siwwvw blacktomato, micountry/vietnamivietnamn-north-soutl (slightly abridged) This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 7 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta Rr TEACHER'S Fl UNIT 1 ~Time Out 1. a) destination —_b) destiny ¢) fate 2. a) ancestor bb) ancient ©) ancestry 3. a) expert b) experience ©) experiment 4, a) explore b) exploring ©) explored 5. a) general bb) traditional ¢) commonly 6. a) get down b) get around ©) get up PART 2 98 Read the following text. Family holidays Everyone knows Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a deep admiration for family. Fans also know that the couple’s parenting obligations are taken quite seriously, and their demanding work schedules are coordinated around the kids. So, it comes as no surprise that the celebrity ‘couple decided to pack up their six children and jet-set to another continent for the Christmas holiday. This time around, the Jolie- Pitt family spent the holiday in Queensland, Australia, The Hollywood couple spent the day with their children at the Currumbin Wildlife Park. The Jolie-Pitt family received a VIP tour of an exclusive area of the park that is normally restricted to specialist visitors. The Australian media also reported that the couple visited the beach on the Gold Coast with their six children. The family also went on a boating excursion down the Coomera River. Then, of course, there was definitely Christmas shopping. With six children, its only normal for doting parents to buy toys and Christmas gifts. So, Jolie and Pitt hit up Target. Elated with the store's celebrity guests, Target Australia CEO, Stuart Machin tweeted his sentiments of Jolie and Pitt's presence in the store. The source shared the couple’s perspective of balancing work and family time. “They're used to celebrating wherever they're working,” the source said. "They meet as often as they can. They don't want to spend too much time apart!” Brad Pitt has actually been travelling back and forth to Australia as he’s been filming World War \|-set Fury in London. Ironically, both of them are working on WWIl- related projects at the moment. ‘ttp:/ivorn.webpronews,com/angelina-jolie-brad-pit-enjoy-holidays-in-australa-2013-12/ (slighty abridged) Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 1 Time Out 1. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? If there is not enough inform: say (DS). In, choose doesn't T Fs a) Fans know Angelina and Brad are fully committed to their parenting role, ooo b) Only four of their children went on the trip. ooo ¢) They stayed at a well-known five star hotel in Queensland. ooo 4) They visited restricted areas at Currumbin Wildlife Park Q00 €) The whole family visited the seaside, o00 ) Brad went on a boating excursion down the Coomera alone, o00 9) They usually celebrate events wherever they are working at the moment. 000 h) They try to spend as litle time apart as possible. 000 PART 3 1. Fill in the blanks with the right question word. a) do you leave for France? | leave next week. b) are you spending your holidays this year? 'm going to Canada °) are those people? | have never seen them before. a) do you spend your free time working? | don't understand it! e) hobbies do you have? | have quite a few. 2. Complete the sentences with the most suitable personal pronoun or possessive determiner/ pronoun. a) We think hobbies are quite interesting, but the teacher didn't want to hear about (they) b) (Mary) enjoys social activities but (she) mother doesn't ¢) (Dr John Smith's) study found that most 15-year-old teens had favourite hobbies. d) Where are (you) headphones? (!) are here 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous. a) They usually (play) football at weekends because they (like) it very much, b) She (be) very busy at the moment because she (study) ©) We (not watch) television now, we (do) an English test a) you (enjoy) staying home at weekends? e) She (love) jogging, but she (be) at home at the moment. This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 99 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta ee UNIT 1 ~Time Out 4. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. al (move) to London in 2014. b) How you (spend) your birthday last year? ¢) Last month | (have) no holidays. | (stay) home all month doing paperwork, @it_____(be) a great trip, but|_ (not have) time to see anything PART 4 | rm 5 Lak This is part of an email you have just received from a friend. Write a reply in about 50-60 words. The Summer holidays are almost here and I don't know what to do. Are you starting a new hobby? | love sports; we could do something together. What do you think? 100 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 1 Time Out Name: No, Class Date Evaluation Teacher PART 1 Write three different words related to the topic “hobbies” in each column. Sports: Indoor activities Your favourite activities a) @) @ b) 2) h) a A i 2. Match the hobbies with the most suitable place. a) b) 9 1field 2.library 3. swimming pool __4. tennis court 3. Read the paragraph and circle the best answer (A,B or C). We know all Taylor Swift's songs, but how much do you know about the singer herself? In addition to writing and recording some of the best country songs of the decade, the superstar has two or three other '" she keeps sharp ~ some she even had early a with. When she was just 12 years old, Taylor Swift spent a summer a novel. At 350 pages, the story is finished and ready for @ . not that the singer has indicated she's going to do so anytime soon. She has said that she'd like to write her own biography. “Years from now it would be cool to write a © about all the crazy stuff and the insane things I've gotten to do,” Swift says. “My life moves so fast, | have to write it all down, otherwise | can't remember where | was yesterday. | will write my biography for sure.” Swift is also a painter. hitp:/nasteofcountry.comfaylor-swit-things/?trackback=tsmclip (abridged) This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 101 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmiaiicom) TEACHER'S FLETFEN UNIT Time out 1. a)hobbies b) chores ¢) routi 2. a) happiness b) success ¢) joy 3. a) building b) writing ¢) constructing 4, a)start b) beginning ¢) print 5. a) book b) notebook ¢) notepad 6. a) with talent b) talented ¢) singer PART 2 Read the following text. Typical teenager hobbies © A study found that most 15-year-old teens had a ~ s hobby or something that sparked their interests. ¥ Hobbies might seem like small potatoes next to , larger teen issues, but teens’ interests say a lot about them and the way they spend their time. Teens should be encouraged to find a hobby that suits their personality. id Sports Among all of the interests listed in the study, the one to come out on top was sports or other athletic activities. Whether team or individual, competitive or just for fun, teens’ interest in sports offers a variety of benefits including building confidence, developing a sense of teamwork and the ability to fit in the 60 minutes of physical activity required each day by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Technology Texting, watching TV, social networking and playing video games can all be considered hobbies for teens. They're ideal hobbies for those teens who always want to stay connected. Of course, too much technology isn’t a good thing, especially when it interrupts family time or school work. Work Some teens love to work. In fact, a group of statistics found that teens make anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 per year with part-time work. Work gives teens a sense of pride and accomplishment, along with the independence that comes with having to spend. Social Activities Some teens might not play the guitar or be in the basketball team, but count social time as their hobby. Social teens prefer to spend time with their friends, at social events, just hanging out or even talking on the phone. hitleveryaayite gota post coniypca-eenagerhobes-6919 hm (abridged and adapted) 102 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 1 Time Out 1. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? If there is not enough inform: say (DS). In, choose doesn't T Fs a) Only a few teenagers have a hobby. 000 b) Playing video games can be considered a hobby for teens. 000 C ¢) Teens usually prefer texting over other technological acti tios. 4) Technology may interrupt family time, €) Every single teen loves to work f) Work gives teens a sense of accomplishment. 9) Work deprives teenagers of their independence. oOo00000 0000 ooo oo oo h) Social teens prefer to spend time with their families at home. PART 3 1. Fillin the blanks with the right question word from the box. Use each question word only ‘once. * When * Why * How many * Where * Who a) do you keep your swimsuit? Mine's inside the drawer. b) are you free? I'm free this Friday. °) don't you join us? You will love running with us. 4) hobbies do you have at the moment? I have three. e) ate they? Strangers are not allowed in our team. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. a) | usually (watch) TV after dinner. b) You (play) handball every Tuesday. ©) She (do) what she (want) in her free time. d)He (not go) out in the evening e) you (enjoy) running? 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. a)! (learn) English at the moment. b) She (text) her best friend now. ¢) Your mobile phone (ing). Answer it d)He (not work) at the moment, He's on holiday. e) Where you (spend) your Summer holidays? This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 103 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta eS UNIT 1~ Time Out 4, Putthe verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. a) They (see) the Tower of London and they (love) it! b) Yesterday | (go) to San Francisco instead. ) He (be) there for the surfing competition. al (not do) anything last week, e) it (rain) last week? PART 4 This is part of an email you have just received from a friend. In about 50-60 words tell him about your favourite hobbies as well. | i From 7 te oe Suet 1 ‘My favourite hobby is going to the cinema because you can be with friends and always have a good time. Jove the popcorn as well... 104 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta ‘SPEAKING TEST UNIT 1 Time Out MESS The speaking test is divided into two parts and there will be two students. PART 1 5-6 minutes In this part of the Speaking test, each student will be asked personal questions: name, place of origin, kes, interests, family, school, daily life, etc. Suggested questions a) What is your favourite hobby? b) How often do you do it? ©) With whom do you do it? d) What other hobbies do you have? e) If you could start another hobby, what would you choose? PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) One of you is Student A and the other is Student B. After you have asked and answered the questions, change roles. Student A, there is some information about a cross-stitch workshop. ‘Student B, you don't know anything about the workshop, so ask A some questions about it. Look at the card on the next page. Now B, ask A your questions about the cross-stitch workshop and A, you answer them, STUDENT A CARDS Student A - your answers Student A — your questions: Cross-stitch workshop Photography Course for beginners only * For whom? 36 hour workshop held at ORME? Arts & Crafts School * Where? 16, Uxbridge Road * Price? Hampstead Heath fampstead Heat © Website? Pri = £100 Call Ms Gauttior: 99890342 This documents avaiate tes ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 105 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER’ = UNIT 1 Time Out PART 2 106 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) Student B, here is some information about a photography course. Student A, you don't know anything about the course, so ask B some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the photography course and B, you answer them. STUDENT B CARDS Student B - your answers Student B = your questions I Photography course eae ee Loma for students © For whom? Every Sunday morning at 10 a.m.! * Duration? Meeting point: * Address? Victoria Coach Station * Price? FREE Admittance Phone? We supply cameras and film! Enrol at OY ; Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta a UNIT 1 ~Time Out CRITERIOS ESPECIFICOS DE CLASSIFICAGAO_ LISTENING TEST ~ PART 1 READING AND WRITING ~ TEST A ~ PART 1 (compreensao de texto em termos de corretas. Pode escrever com incorregaes areas lexicais). Pode escrever com linguisticas nao impeditivas da 1. activities: 5, strangest /b) feavel guide: museum pass chy mop 2. collect 6. different rene ‘portable stove; insect powder or Fe 5S 4. crafts N& 8 Indica 5 ou 4 informacGes corretas 24 NB | incorreges linguisticas nao impeditivas (compreensao de texto em termos de da compreensao. emeeate a eon tres N1 | ncorecbeslingustcas nao impealtvas 2. |_| Fae coresponder as 5 opebes 5 PART 2 N2 | Faz corresponder 2 op¢6es corretamente. | 3 a Eee oe Cave: b). 8. 9) da compreensao. NZ. 20 Chave: ‘Identifica 1 opgao correta 10 I. a); 2. b); 3. bj; 4. b); 5. b); 6b) 11 |[Compreenséo de textorase em termos Ne 7 de areas lexicais}. Nao indica outra(s) opgao/opcées incorreta(s). Indica 4 informacées corretas 14 (compte geome NB CCaFSsTnas. me ems eres ngs na moet Identifica 1 op¢ao correta 5 Indica | ou 2 informacées corretas 6 'N1 | (compreensdo de texto/frase em termos (compreensdo de texto em termos de es wr [SEO aren cae 'N3 | frase em termos de areas lexicais). informagées, cme 1 DF? eh) v2 a EET, at Pe oe ate we Se a tet eects oes ote This documents aval ee of charge on SEUDOCU.COM 107 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmiaiicom) SS TEACHER'S FILET UNIT 1 -Time Out PART 2 PART 4& T] [Stasi os 8 Frases coretamente [18 Competéncia Pragmatica (compreensio de textotrase em termos Revel compreensdo dos delahes do | 15 NS /conteddo do formulario, fornecendo as Chave: jinformagdes solicitadas {indicac3o e ATF. a TIEN ENT ustncarSo da preferenl} de forma Na 2 us |Uiliza mecanismos de coeséo, como, por Gassiica 5 ou 4 frases correamente | © fexemplo, conectores econcordancra | (Compreensso de textotrase em terms ommral@ verbal com aun enc, de context) Erra ou omite as outras, construndo um texto simples que informagoes. orresponde a una sequencia near de a 3 ntormagoes Respelts 0s limites de palavas indicados. Gassfica | frase coretamente 5 = =z jut |[Compreenséo de textotrase em termos| de contexto)Erra ou omite as outas, Revea compreensGo dos detahes do | 9 inormagbes onteado do formula, forecendo as informacées solicitadas (indicagao e PART 3 scab da prefer ear T. | [completa as 5 frases covretamente. | 5 Ctizasiguns mecanismos de costo, cone V3 |eomo, por exemplo,conectores simples NB (‘and", “but” e “because"), de forma nem 2} When: b) Where: c) Who; a) Why; Sempre efcaz,construndo um texto |e) How many/What /simples que corresponde ainda a uma up |Completa 4 ou 3 frases corretamente. | 3 'sequencia linear de informacoes. Erra.ou omite as cutras ivormagses, Ponte nao respeltar os mits de palavras 1 [Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente, [1 indicados. Erra.ou omite os outras ivormagses, Na é 2. [| completa as 4 frases corretamente. | 5 Revel compreenslo dos delahes do che eonteddo de formule, fonecendo as Ns nvoragbes solctadas Gndiearto Ja} our, them: bj She, her; ¢) His; their justificagao da preferéncia) de forma cl your, Mine wy [Pou coerent No [Completa 5 ou 2 frases corretamente. | 3 Escreve expressoes e frases simples, Erra ou omite as outras informagoes. eS cae ake tera e N1 [Completa 1 frase corretamente. Erra ou] 1 Pode nao respeitar os limites de palavras mite as outras informagoes Ingicados Completa as 5 tases corretamente, | 5 Competandia Linguistica” Chawe: Utiliza recursos linguisticos suficientes e, | 15. 8 |) play tke ) sis studying fectaimente, adequados 20 tipo ¢8 Ghare not watching, are doing: fematiea do texto que Ine permitem 3) Do." enjoy) foves, 2 transmit informagao com lguma Na |Gompleta 4 ou 3 frases coretamente, | 3 Boca revelar alguna infnia da ra ou ote es outiss iformetbes E te a5 out : ingua materna, por exemplo, na Nr | Completa 2ou | frases corretamente, | 1 organizaae sntatea, na esotha de Errau onite as outras ivormagses otabulerio, na grafia ou na pontuaceo, ue nao causa icompreensao 4 Completa as S frases corretamente. 5 Utiliza vocabulario simples mas suficiente ws shave: ns |e: eeralmente, adequad para se exprimi, 2} moved: b) did. spend: ¢ had, odendo supiralgumas ecunas com 2. Stayed) was, crt have Suda de creunocugBes. Revela bom Na | Sempleta 4 ou 5 frases corretamente, | 3 eometendo eros graves apenas quando ra ou omite as outras informagoes. exprime um pensamento mais complexo. wi [Sempleta 2 ou 1 frases corretamente, | 1 tien, com correqa, estruturas staples Eran ofita as outas ivormattes, no cometend d& formasistematica Eros gramaticiselementares, que eausam incompreensdo. Nortograna €sufctentemente precisa para no afetar a intelgbildsde do texto Fpontuacdo ¢geralmente adequada Na 2B 108 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta LLL UNIT 1 ~Time Out NI informacoes corretas, Pode escrever ‘com incorrecbes linguisticas nao Impeditivas da compreensao, Erra ou omite as outras informacGes. Utiiza recursos lingusticos ainda] 8 2] _ [Faz corresponder as & opgbes 5 lmitadose, por vees, pouco corretamente{compreensio de texto! adequados,recorrendo a padroes a {fase em termos de areas lexical) frasicos elementares erevelando Chave digas itealdades na nami de Fe aks dray) Uuiizavocabularioelementarlimitado, Faz corresponder 5 ou 2 opgbes 10 ‘mas ainda suficiente, para se exprimir, N2 | corretamente (compreensdo de texto! odendo cometer eros, frase em termos de areas leicals) IN |Uutiza, com coresto,estrutiras Faz corresponder 1 opcio 5 . N1 |corrtamente(compreensdo de texto! erros gfamaticais elementares de forma : ge ‘sistematica, sem que isso impega, na frase em termos de areas lexicais) generalidade. a compreensao. 3] [Indica as 6 informacses corretas | 10 Revela algum conhecimento das (Compreensdo de texto em termos de convengoes ortogratcas, mas podem reas lexcas). Pode escrever com ocorrer, por vezes,imprecisoes que Ns |incorrecdes linguistics nao impeditivas aetam a intligiiidade do texto, da compreensio ‘A pontuacdo ¢ geralmente adequada, Chave ND 6 1. ah; 2. bl: $b): 4.0): 5. 6.8) Utiiza recursos ingusticos basicase, | 5 Na 8 geralmente, insuficientes ou Indica 4 informagoes corretas 6 esadequados a tno e a temstica do (Compreensao de texto em termos de texto , Ng | teas lexicais). Pode escrever com tiiza, com pouso contro, um incorregbeslinguisticas no mpeditivas Tepertro de paavras ou expressbes da compreensio, Erra ou omite as ‘memoriado. Utiliza estruturas elementares, cutras Informagbes. Ni | cometendo erro gramaticals de forma NB a sistematica que causam, Indica | ou 2 informagoes corretas 2 frequentemente, incompreensao. (compreensao de texto em termos de Revela algum conhecimento das yy [es lexicals, Pode escrever com convencGes ortograficas, mas as incorrecbes linguisticas nao impeditivas IncorregBes que causam incompreensdo da compreenséo. Erra ou omite as so frequentes, ‘A pontuacao é, frequentemente, outras informagoes. desadequada ou nsuiiente PART 2 1] [Slassfca as 6 frases corretamente —_]15 (Compreensdo de textotrase em termos ns de context}, READING AND WRITING — TEST B — PART 1 ‘Chaves a) Fb) T 6) DS; d) Te) FT g) Fh) F Completa a tabela com as 8 70 Ne a Informagdes corretas. Pode escrover com incorrecoeslinguisticas nao Classifica 5 ou 4 frases coretamente | 8 us| mpedltvas da compreensao. ws |[fompreensao de textofrase em termos| Exemplo de contexto)Erra ou omite as outras a) fencing; b) jogging: ¢) basketball informagoes. 4) surfing the net; ¢) knitting: reading ND 6 1) singing: dancing: drawing 5 Classifia 1 frase corretamente 5 Na 1 |(Compreensao de textolfrase em termos Completa a tabela com 5 ou 6 6 de contexte). Erra ou omite as outras InformagBes correlas. Pode escrever informagoes. INS | com incorregdeslinguisticas no Impesltivas da compreensao. Erra ou omite as outrasinformagbes. N2 a Completa a tabela com T ou 2 2 * A competéncia linguistica so sera avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no nivel 1 da competéncia pragmatica, This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmiaiicom) 109 TEACHER'S FILE TERNS UNIT 1 -Time Out PART 3 NB Completa as 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoifrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto e funcionais) Chave: ) Where; b) When; c) Why; d) How ‘many ¢) Who N2 (Completa 4 ou 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de texto'frase em termos ide areas lexicais, de contexto e funcionais). Erra ou omite as outras informagées. N2 Completa 4 ou 3 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoifrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra'ou omite as outras informacoes, NI (Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente (compreensdo de textoffrase em termos ide areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra'ou omite as outras informacoes. NI Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente (compreensdo de textoffrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra'ou omite as outras Informagoes, PART 4 (ver Test A) Competéncia Pragmatica Competéncia Linguistica® NB Completa as 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoffrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionals), Chave: 4 watch; b) play; ¢) does, wants; d) doesn't go; ¢} Do... enjoy PEAKING (suggestions) ~ PART 1 N2 Completa 4 ou 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoffrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra'ou omite as outras informacoes, Ni NB Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoifrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais), Erra ou omite as outras informacoes, Completa as 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoffrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais) have; 4) am learning; bis texting: ¢) is ringing: 4) is not working: e) are ... spending fa) My favourite hobby is (drawing joeeingl..) 'b} Ido it (twice a week/once a month’. ‘Ido it (aloneiwith my bestfriend.) 6) | also play (footballbasketball.). e} | would start (parachuting/fencing)..) PART 2 N2 Completa 4 ou 3 frases corretamente (compreensao de texto'frase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra ou omite as outras Informacoes, NI ‘Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoifrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcionais). Erra ou omite as outras informagoes, NB Completa as 5 frases corretamente (compreensao de textoifrase em termos de areas lexicais, de contexto & funcional) have; 4) saw, loved; b) went; c) was; d) didn't do; e) Did... rain (Cross stitch workshop (Who is it for/For whom is it? = Its for beginners only ‘What is the duration of the workshop? = Itis 36 hours. Is there an address? ~ Yes, there is: 15, Uxbridge Road, Hampstead Heath’ What is the price? = itis £100. Is the a phone number? = Ves, there is: 99890342, Lomography course For whom is the course? = Itis for students, When is it? = Itis every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Where is it? The meeting point is at Victoria Coach Station, What is the price? = Itis free Is there a website? Yes, there is;wnwlomocourse.ore. * A competéncia linguistica so sera avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado 0 tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo menos, no nivel 1 da competéncia pragmatica, 110 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta LISTENING TEST UNIT 2~ Food and Health Name: No. Class Date f__f Evaluation Teacher ‘You will hear a piece of news about the eating habits of a famous band. Read the questions before you start listening. Then listen and answer each question. You will hear the information twice. PART 1 1. Which band is portrayed in the text? Circle the right answer (A, B or C). a) FUN b) One Direction ¢) Maroon 5 2. For each sentence, circle the most suitable answer (A, B or C). 1. The band's personal chef is called a) Nicholas Reveall b) Sandra Nicholas ¢) Sara Nicholas 2. Harry thinks he looks a) older than he is b) like someone his age ) younger than he really is 3. One Direction a) drink alchol only when they are not working b) don't drink alcohol ©) drink alcohol, but prefer tea PART 2 1. Match the band member to the food he likes. Band member Food/drink preferences Harry 1 ‘a) bacon, steak and vegetables Liam 2. b) a bowl of special K Louis 3. ©) pasta with spicy chicken Niall 4, 4d) sausage and mash, pies, creamy chicken pasta Zayn 5. ©) choosy 2. What do they all usually drink? 3. What do they drink occasionally? 4. Who likes tea? This documents alate te tchaseon SEUDOCU.COM TT Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 2— Food and Health Name No. Class Date 1s PART1 1. Fill in the following table. Healthy food Fast food Dairy Products Drinks a) @ 9 h) ») 2 2 a a 2. These people are talking about restaurants. What type of restaurants are they talking about? a) She doesn't eat any meat or fish, and sometimes she doesn't eat any other animal products either for moral reasons. When she eats out she has to go to restaurant. b) Last night he brought food home from a Chinese restaurant. €) This is the last time we come to a ! I'm fed up of eating pizzas all the time! 3. Read the paragraphs and circle the best answer (A, B or C). British schools ban packed lunches Packed lunches could be banned and pupils barred from leaving school during breaks to buy” food under a government plan to increase the take-up of school meals. The report suggests a range of measures for head teachers to increase take-up of school meals. They include banning ® packed lunches full of a drinks, crisps and , or even a total ban on all packed lunches, Almost a fifth of the UK children are © by the time they leave primary school. The situation is even worse in London, with almost a quarter of children starting primary school and over a third of year six children ® or obese. hitp:sfww theguardian com/education/20 13jul 12/schookmeals-ban-packed-unches (abridged) 2 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta 4. a) rubbish b) junk 2. a) junk b) unhealthy 3. a) sugary b) sugar 4. a) sweets b) sugary 5. a) underweight 6. a) overweight b) malnourished b) underweight PART 2 Read the following text. Seen —— ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 2— Food and Health ©) trash ¢) dangerous ¢) sweets ) sugar-coated ©) obese ¢) malnourished Eating out when you have diabetes Whether it's the local pizza joint after a game, the food court at the mall, or barbecued ribs on your best friend's porch, eating out is probably a part of your social scene. You don’t want to miss out on these activities just because you have to watch what you eat, and the good news is you don't have to. You can pretty much eat the same foods as your friends and family. If you're choosing where to eat, think about the places that offer you the most options — even fast-food places have healthy choices on their menus. Whenever possible, look for nutritional facts on the meal you plan to order. This information is available in many chain restaurants (you may need to ask for it) or online. Don't worry - you're not limited to places that serve only soy burgers and carrot sticks. If you can order a meal that includes a good balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, you're doing OK. But if you find that certain restaurants don't offer many vegetable choices or that they only serve fried food that's covered in cheese, you might want to pick a place that offers more options. Another alternative is to buy something to drink and bring a snack in your backpack that's easy to eat discreetly, like raisins. Some people may be embarrassed or worried that the manager might give them a hard time, though. If you think you may get caught in a situation like this, you can talk about what to do with your doctor. hitp:kidsheath.orghteen(iabetes_centerinutrtion/eating_ out diabetes.him! (abridged) htpufiwrrevention comstes/deteuiiflesimagecachel#1Opx-widtvmenu pg (picture) This documents aval ee of charge on SEUDOCU.COM 113 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmiaiicom) TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 2— Food and Health 4. Tick (y) the things teens with diabetes can/should do when eating out. a) Think about the places that offer the most options oO b) Order pre-cooked meals. oO ¢) Look for nutritional facts on the meal they plan to order. Oo ) Go to a restaurant that doesn't offer many vegetable choices. Oo e) Order a meal that includes a good balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates QO f) Buy something to drink and bring a snack in the backpack. Oo 9) Never eat raisins. a h) Talk about what to do with your doctor. a PART 3 1. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of used to. a) We eat too many sweets and drink too much soda, but not anymore. b) She (neg.) pack tofu sandwiches. 1 (neg.) care about my diet d) There be a huge market with fresh fruit here. e) you play sports before? 2, Complete these sentences with the quantifiers in the box. ‘any many *much =» some_—vallitie. |=» afew a) He ate too cheese yesterday and now he's not feeling wel b) You have bought too pizzas. Nobody's going to eat all of this. ©) There is jam left in the jar, 4) You should eat fresh fruit e) Are there cups left in the cupboard? 1) There are bottles left in the fridge. Could you please bring them to the table? 3. Match the following partitives with the right food/drink. 1. a bottle of a) chocolate 2a glass of ) water 3a carton of ‘wine 4. a bar of eees 114 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 2— Food and Health 4. Fill in the gaps with suitable modal verbs: can, couldn't, would, should, may, might, must. a)| speak five foreign languages but not fluently. b) I think you try a new restaurant, That one is damaging your health, °) you like to go to a new restaurant tonight? 4) She didn't come to my dinner party. She be il eI eat baby food when | was younger. | was allergic to it f) It's rather late. We go now. 9) Bring an umbrella. It rain tonight. PART 4 Imagine one of your friends has diabetes and she’s worried about eating out with you. In about 70-80 words advise her on how to overcome her fear. This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 115 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 2— Food and Health Name No. Class Date 1s PART1 1. Fill in the following table. Hot drinks (Cold drinks ‘Alcoholic beverages ‘Other drinks a) d) 9 b) 2 @ d a 2, These people are talking about jobs related to the food industry. What are they? a) She has been working at that restaurant for two months. | love her dishes, she's a great i b) Last night he was promoted to Now he's the chief cook of the hotel ¢) They don't mind serving customers at their tables. They say get good tips. 3. Read the paragraph and circle the best answer (A, B or C). Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolutio Students head back to a new school year and back to new school food. ‘As new meal standards are implemented in schools starting this fall kids won't be heading back to the @ Schéol Day same school lunch this year. These new schoo! S Just got o standards mean that students will == Healthier have the following on their school lunch e + more wholesome and nutritious lunches JAMIE’S FOOD - REVOLUTIO * double the amount of fruits and © - * more whole * less salt * less unhealthy ® There are new age-based calorie ranges too, ensuring that children are served proper © their age. for hitp:/‘ood-revolution’ ‘news-contenlinew-schoo-year-new-menu-regulations (abridged) ie Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta 1. a) meal 2a) canteen 3. a) food 4, a) stones 5. a) fruits 6. a) portions PART 2 ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 2— Food and Health b) food ©) course by trays ¢) schools: by fries ©) vegetables b) sand ©) grains b) dripping ¢) lunch b) sides ) spoons Read the following text. Waitress: Jamie: Waitress: Sally: Waitress: Sally: Waitress: Jamie: Sally: Waitress: Jamie: Sally: Jamie: Waitress: Jamie: Sally: Waitress: Jamie: Sally: Jamie: Sally: Jamie: Jamie and Sally are co-workers al the same company. They usually eat at the canteen but today they are going to try a new restaurant in town: The Boat Restaurant. They don't know what to expect yet. hitp:iflearnenglshteens.brishcounci|org/skilsistoning-sklls-practice/eating-outdsthash. KFXBQat8.dput Hello, Hi. A table for two, please. Of course. Over here, please Here's the menu. Thank you. (pause) Are you ready to order? Yes, we are. What would you like for your starter? I'd like French onion soup, please. And I'll have a tomato salad, please. ‘And for your main course? Mmm, I'm not sure. | don’t know whether to have the steak or Thai chicken, Oh, I'd like the Thai chicken and rice please. OK, me too. So that's two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink? Vil have a fresh orange juice and. I'd like some mineral water, please. OK, thank you. Now that the waiter is gone | really feel like trying the tomato salad as well. You can always change your order. Just call her. Hmm, it's ok, we can share ours, can't we? Well, | don't think so! Ahah, but if we like the food we'll come back tomorrow and you can order other starters. Great idea, Sally! (adapted) This documents avaiato tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM v7 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmialicom) TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 2— Food and Health 1 Fill in the table in note form with the missing information. Then imagine you joined Jar and Sally at the same restaurant and add your own choices. Jamie Sally You Starter a) ) @ Main course |b) 2 hy) Drink’ o 9 a PART 3 1 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of used to. a) They own a fast-food restaurant. by! drink a lot of diet coke when | was working. Now | drink water. ©) She like onion, but now she does. 4) We buy bio products. Now we buy them because they are healthier. e) you have lunch with Sally? 1) you eat a starter at this restaurant? They don't serve them anymore. Circle the most suitable quantifier in each sentence. a) She drank too some / much water, now she's full b) She's looking for some / much good music. ¢) There are some / any plates on the table. 4) Is there any / many juice left? e) There are much / some cornflakes, but there isn't many / any milk. 1) We have a few /a little apples and we have a few /a litle olive oil, We can still bake a pie! 9) We don't have some / any fish and we don't have some / any chips. Match the following partitives with the right food/drink. 1. aloat oF a) coffee 2. a piece of b) cheese B.aslice of bread 4a cup of ) pizza Complete the following sentences with can, could, would, should, must. Use each verb only once. a) | think you try anew diet b)I speak Spanish but not very well €) You're so late. You hurry! 4) you like to try a new recipe tonight? eI cook pasta, but everyone's on a diet these days. PART 4 118 You are at a restaurant with a friend, It's his first time there but you've been there before and know all the menus well. In about 70-80 words write a dialogue and advise him what to choose. Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta ‘SPEAKING TEST UNIT 2— Food and Health dN cee The speaking test is divided into two parts and there will be two students. PART 1 5-6 minutes In this part of the Speaking test, each student will be asked personal questions: name, place of origin, kes, interests, family, school, daily life, etc. ‘Suggested questions 1a) What is your favourite food? b) How often do you eat it? ¢) What is the best dish you have ever tried? ) Where do you usually buy your food? @) Do you think about the environment before you buy something? PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) One of you is Student A and the other is Student B. After you have asked and answered the questions, change roles. Student A, there is some information about an Asian restaurant ‘Student B, you don't know anything about the restaurant, so ask A some questions about it. Look at the card on the next page. Now B, ask A your questions about the Asian restaurant and A, you answer them, STUDENT A CARDS Student A — your answers Student A — your questions Asian Restaurant Bio Shop TEBAN GARDENS «Where? Asian Food & Beverages * For whom? * Opening times? Free Buffet Lunch: £10 Dinner: £15 * Products? * Phone? Live Music every Friday! Mon-Sat (11 am. 11 p.m) Tube: Tottenham Court Road This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 119 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta TEACHER’ oe UNIT 2—Food and Health PART2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) Student B, here is some information about a bio shop. Student A, you don't know anything about the shop, so ask B some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the bio shop and B, you answer them. STUDENT B CARDS Student B - your answers Student B — your questions l BIO SHOP Asian Restaurant i BIO LIFE + Name? For Nature lovers! * Prices? + Entertainment? + Opening times? Vegan food + Tube? Seeds Organic products And much more! Open every day 9 a. m.—5 p.m. Phone number: 044295788 Oxford Street (in front of Marble Arch) 120 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta LLL UNIT 2—Food and Health CRITERIOS ESPECIFICOS DE CLASSIFICAGAO_ LISTENING TEST ~ PART 1 READING AND WRITING ~ TEST A ~ PART 1 Indica a opeao correta fcompreensto | 15] [1] [Completa atabela com 9 informacées | 10 NS |detextotase em termos de context). conetas. Pode escrever com incorregbes Chave:b) lingusticas nao impeditivas da Tdentifica as 3 opcbes corretas 5 vs | compreensdo. {compreensao de textoifrase em termos | Exemplo: de areas lexicais). a) beans; b) fish; c} lettuce; d) hamburger NB Shave e) pizza; f) milk; g) cheese; h) coffee; i) tea 2.6) Na 8 5.0) Completa a tabela com S ou 6 6 entific 2 opcbes corretas coy informagoes corretas. Pode escrever com N2 |(Compreensao de textofrase em termos 3 lincorregoeslinguisticas nao impeditvas de areas lexical), da compreensdo identifica 1 opcac conta 0 Erra ou omite as outas informagBes. 'N1 | (compreensao de texto/frase em termos | N2 4 de areas lexicais), ‘Completa a tabela com 1 ou 2 2 informagBes correlas, Pode escrever com PART 2 1 |incorrecbestingusticas nao impeditivas da compreensao, Inca as5 prormacces corretas ee 50, Erra ou omite as outras informacées. (Compreensao de texto em termos {reas lexicais). Pode escrever com 2] | Gompleta as 5 frases corretamente 7 NS | ncorrecbes linguisticas no impeditivas (ompreensio de textofrase em termes incorregbestingu de areas lexical). NB |Chave Exemplo ine 2 ah 3.b: 4d 5.) 9} vegetarian (vegan) Indica 4 informagées corretas 40 ©) pizzeria ( texto em termos de 1Né | eas lexicais). Pode escrever com Completa 2 frases corretamente 5 incorregées lingulsticas nao impeditivas N2 (compreens 0 sy rase em termos inorregbes ingulsicas no imped Je areas lexicas). Erra ou omite a outras outrasinformagbes informagbes. Indica informacbes corretas 30 Completa 1 frase corretamente 1 {compreensio de texto em termos de N1 | Gompreensdo de textoifrase em termos ws Stet ones Pose creer com ge eas ea). Era omit as outras incorregdeslinguistcas nao impeditvas nformac da compreensao. Erra ou omite as 3. | indica as 6 informacbes coretas 70 outras informacdes (Gompreensdo de texto em termos de areas lexicais). Pode escrever com Indica 2 informagdes corretas 20 x . nica 2intermagdes corretas Ns increres ingusteas no impedivas {areas lexials) Pode escrever com fa compreensio. N2 | incorregdes linguisticas nao impeditivas Chave: [da compreensao. Erra ou omite as, 1. bj; 2. bj: 3. a); 4. a); 5. ); 6a) outrasinformagoes Na a Indica 1 informacao correta 10 Indica 4 informacdes corretas 6 (Compreensao de texto em termos de (Compreensao de texto em termos de 1 |ateaslexicals) Pode escrever com ys | tea lexcas). Pode escrever com incorregbeslinguisticas nao impeditivas incorreges lingulsticas nao Impeditvas da compreensio. Erra ou omite as da compreensio. Erraou omite as oulras outrasinformagoes informagoes. N2 a indica | ou 2 informagbes corretas 2 (compreensdo de texto em termos de uy |2"eas lexicas). Pode escrever com incorreges linguisticas nao impeditvas da compreensao, Erraou omite a8 outras informagoes. This documents aval ee of charge on SEUDOCU.COM 124 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmiaiicom) TEACHER'S oe UNIT 2—Food and Health informagoes. 122 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta PART 2 T.] [identifica as 5 frases corrtamente [15 [Completa as 7 frases corretaments. [15 (compreensdo de textofrase em termos ws [Chav Jae contexto) 2} can; b) shoutac) Would: a) may; | Chave: |e} couldn't; f) must; g) might Ini abou te paces te oe the Completa 6 00 Bon frases 0 most options. N2 |corretamente. Erra ou omite as outras [ook for nutritional facts on the meal ‘ NS they plan to order. informagoes. Order a mea! that includes a good (Completa 3 ou2 ou | frases 5 balance of proteins, fats, and N1 |cortetamente ra ou omite as outras carbohydrates. nformagses. Buy something to drink and bring a snack inthe Backpack Talk about what to do with your doctor Na 2 Tdentica 3 frases corretamente ° nis [fompreensao de textotase em termos de contexto). Erra ou omite as outras informagoes. ND 3 Identica | fase corretamente 3 ny |fGompreensio de textttase em termos be contexto). Erra ou omite as outras informagoes. PART 3. PART 4& T.] [Completa as 5 frases corretamente, | 5 Competéncia Pragmatica Coe wane caper asa 5 in contetdo do enunciado, NV6 alan use to Uttica mecanismos de coesdo, como, por a) used to wg [exami corectreseconcardanla a) used to nominal e verbal. com alguma efeacia, onstruindo um texto simples que 2 |Gompleta 4 ou 3 frases corretamente. | 3 corresponde a uma sequencia linear de Erra ob omite as outras Informagbes, Informacoes Ni |ombleta 2 out frases coretamente. | 1 Respeita os limites de palavrasindicados. Erra ob omite as outras Informagbes, Na 2 [Completa as 6 frases corretamente | 5 Revela compreensdo dos detalhes do 9 (compreensio de textofrase em termos Conteado do cnunciado, de areas lexicais, de contexto € Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coesao, N3 |funcionas). come, por exemplo,conectores simples Chaves Ng |fand’, "but" e *because’), de forma nem Jo} much; b) many; afte: ) some Sempre efcaz, construlndo um texto 2) any; f] a few ‘simples que corresponde ainda a uma [Completa 5 ou 4 ou 3 frases 3 Sequencia linear de informagoes. N2|corretamente. Erra ou omite as outras Pode nao respeitar os mites de palavras informacbes ngicados. 1 {Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente. 1 N2 6 Erra ou omit as outrasinformagbes Revela compreensdo dos detalhes do | 3 Faz corresponder as“ opgbes 5 contedo do enunciado, us [orretamente. Escreve expressbes e frases simples, have: N1 [estruturando defiientemente 0 texto © Tr eVB): 2. bY): 3d: 4.0) odendo revelar falta de coes30. 5 Pode nao respeitar os limites de palavras Faz corresponder 3 ou 2 opgées 3 Pode nao N2 |coreetamente. Erra ou omite as outras informagoes. Competéncia Linguistica Faz corresponder 1 opeio 1 N1 |corretamente.Erra ou omite as outras LLL UNIT 2—Food and Health READING AND WRITING ~ TEST B ~ PART 1 Usiza recursos ingustios suficientes 15] [1] [Completa a tabela com 9 informacoes | 10 «, geralmente, adequados 20 tipo e & corretas. Pode escrever com incorregoes feomatica do texto que Ie permitem Tngutsticas nao impedttivas da transmit a informagao com alguma ns |compreensso recsao Exempio Pode ainda revelaralguma infuncia 4) coffee; b) tea: «) hot chocolate: da lingua materna, por exemplo, na d) soda; e} orange juice; f) wine; g) beer organizacao sintatica, na escolna de hater) rt voeabularo, na graf ou na pontuacao, Na 3 fue no causa incompreensdo. Utiiza voeabulario simples mas Completa a tabela com 5 ou 6 6 suficiente e, geralmente, adequado informagoes corretas, Pode escrever com ara se exprimir, podendo suprir N3 |incorresbes lingulsticas nao impeditivas NN5| slgumas lacuna com a ajuda de da compreensio, Sircunlocugoes. Revela bom dominio do Era ou omite as outras informacbes. Vocabulario elementar cometend nD a errs graves apenas quando expe ‘um pensamento mais complexo. ‘Completa a tabela com 1 ou 2 2 Utiliza, com corre¢ao, estruturas informacdes corretas. Pode escrever com Simples, nao cometendo de forma N1 fincorrecoes tnguistcas nao mpeditvas ‘sistematica erros gramaticais da compreensao. tlementares, que causam Erra ou omite as outras informacoes. incompreensao. 2. | |Completa as 5 frases corretamente 5 Aortografa € Sufcientemente precisa (Compreeneto da hase em termos de ara nao afelar a intelitbidade do N3| areas lexicais texto. Chave: ‘A pontuacao € geralmente adequada. @) cook; b) chef; cj waiters Na 12 Completa 2 frases corretamente 5 Utiliza recursos linguisticos ainda 9 N2 {compreensao da frase em termos de Iimitadose, por veses pouce reas lexical), Erraou omite as outras adequados, recorrendo a padrées informacoes. frasicos elementares ¢ revelando Completa 1 frase corretamente 1 algumas dificuldades na transmissdo de ua | Gompreensao da frase em termos de informagao precisa, reas lexicais). Erra ou omite as outras ras anda sues paras exp wi i : imi podendo cometer erres. . 3. | Indica as 6 informagbes corretas 10 'N3 | Utiliza, com correcao, estruturas {compreensdo de texto em termos de simples, mas ainda comete alguns NS | areas lexicais) erros gramaticais elementares de forma Chave: sistematica, sem que isso impeca, na Fah 2. Bi 5. 4 8: Bh 6 a) gereraldade 3 compreensd, Ne 3 fevela algum conhecimento das Indica 4 informades corretas 5 ocorrer por were, imoreelsees que” 3 (Compreensdo de texto em termos de aielam a nteligbiidade do texto, areas leicas.Erra ou omite as outras ‘A pontuacao € geralmente adequada. informacoes. N2 6 N2 4 Utiza recursos ingusticos basicos e, | 3 Indica 1 ou 2 informacdes corretas 2 ecramente meufentesou ui |Gempreensa de texto em termos de geraente, su tes tia do areas lexicais). Erra ou omite as outras oe informagces Utliza, com pouco controlo, um repertério de palavras ou expresses Imemoriado. Usizaestraturas elementares, N1 |cometendo ertos gramaticais deforma sistematica que causam, frequentemente, incompreensao. Revelaalgum conhecimento das ConvengBes ortograficas, mas as Incorregdes que causam incompreensao so frequentes. A pontuacdo €. requentemente, desadequada ou insuficiente 1+ Acompeténcia ingustica s6serd avalada se 0 aluno {ver tratado o tema propos, siluando-seo seu texto, E pelo menos, no nivel This documents aval ee of chase on SEUDOCU.COM 123 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmialicom) TEACHER'S FILE TERNS UNIT 2— Food and health PART 2 T.] [Completa atabela com informacdes [10] [4] completa as 5 frases corretamente, Era [10 corretas. Pode escrever com ou omite as outras informacoes, incorregdeslngulstias nao impeditvas ns |enave da compreenséo da compreensio 4) should; b) can; c) mus; ) Would a) French onton soup @) could b) Tha chicken and rice 3 | Completa 4 ou 3 frases coretamente. | 6 Ns | fresh orange juice N2 |frra ou omit as outas Informagbes, tomato salad 3) That chicken ond rice Ny [Completa 2 ou 1 frases corretamente. | 3 8 mineral voter Erra ou omite as outas informagbes, Exempla: tomato soup h vegetable pasta PART 4 (ver Test A) i} Engish Teo Ne 3 Competéncia Pragmatica 15 Completa a tabela com 5 ou 6 6 Competéncia Linguistica” 15 informagBes corretas. Pode escever Ns | com IncoreecBeslingutstieas no impeaitivas da compreensdo. + A competéncialinguistica 50 sera avaiada se o aluno tra ou omite as outas nformacBes. tier tratado tema proposto, situando se o seu texto, ND 7] pelo menos, no nivel" da competencia pragmstica, Completa a tabela com 1 ou 2 2 informagoes corretas. Pode escrever 1 | com ncoreecBeslingutstteas nao impealtivas da compreensao. tra ou omite as outas InformacBes. - SPEAKING (suggestions) ~ PART 1 PART 3 1] |e My favourite food is (ce! pasta.) = eat it once a eek! rice a monty.) | [eompleta as 6 frases corretamente. | 10 + The best dish | have ever tried was Chav: (paella ish and chips!..) Chaves + Husually buy ein (the Supermarket! a b)used to local shop) ns 2] used to [| |eVestt dor/No ont didn use to — 6) Did. use to Did use to PART 2 Completa 5 ou 4 ou 5 frases ©) [i] [Asian restaurant N2| corretamente,Erra ou omite as outras nats the name ofthe restaurant? informacoes. itis Teban Gardens Completa 2 ou | frases corretamente, | 3 Are there any prices avaiable? wr [Sompis 2. 007 fess coeanent See a aaner is £15; both free buffet, 2. | |Seleciona as 7 opcbes corretamente, | 10 Is there any kind of entertainment? Chave ee the ts Phere ive oste every N3 |) much; 6) some; some: ) any ers ) some, any: fa few, ite What are the opening times? avany.any itis open from Monday to Saturday Seleciona 6 ou 5 ou 4 opcbes é {hom 11 am-to 11 pm). N2 |corretamente Era ou omite as outras Whats the nearest tube station? informagbes, “itis Tottenham Court Road Blo sh ‘Seleciona 3 ou 2 ou 1 opoes: 3 Where we the shop? 1 | corretamente, Erra ou omite as outras itis in Oxford Street infront of Marble informacoes. ah 3. | _ | Faz corresponder as 4 opgoes 5 For thom is it? ays [corretamente Erra ou omite as outras ies for nature lovers informagbes. What are the opening times? Chave: Io 2b: 5d): 4.0) “itis open everyday from 9 am. to 5 a Fazcoresponder 3 ou 2opgbes | 3 Hinat products does it sell? Gorretamente. Erre ou omite as outras Tesells vegan food, seeds, organic informacdes. products and much more. Faz corresponder | opclo Isthere a phone number? Ni |corretamente Erra ou omite as outras Yes there i: 044238788, informacoes. 124 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta LISTENING TEST UNIT 3— Teen Time No. Class Date f__f Evaluation Teacher You will hear two short conversations. Choose the ‘You will hear each conversati . PART 1 int answer (A, B or C). 1. What time did Simon wake up to go to the swimming pool? AQ 2. What's Rachel’s favourite sport? AQ BO cO PART 2 Sports week Listen to Peter and his mother talking about his sports week at school. Match the day of the ‘week to the corresponding sport. For questions 1 5, write a letter, A ~ H, next to each day. You will hear the conversation twice. Days of the week Sports A. tennis 4. Monday B. football 2, Tuesday . swimming 3. Wednesday D. horse-riding 4, Thursday E. skateboarding 5. Friday F. basketball G. bungee jumping ‘This documents available re of charge on 125 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta i TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 3 Teen Time Name No. Class Date 1s PART1 1. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B or C. Example:0 (a))about_ by under ¢) of Too little sleep Most teens need nine hours sleep a night and sometimes more ~‘" optimal daytime alertness. But teens actually get that much sleep © thanks to factors such as part-time jobs, early-morning classes, homework, extracurricular activities, social demands, and use of computers and other electronic gadgets. More 4 90 percent of teens in a recent study published ® the Journal of Schoo! Health reported sleeping less than the recommended nine hours a night. In the same study, 10 percent of teens reported sleeping less than six hours a night. o this might seem like no big deal, sleep deprivation have serious consequences. Tired teens can find it difficult concentrate and learn, even stay awake in class. Too little sleep. also“ contribute to mood swings and behavioural problems. hutp:iwww.mayoclinic orgiteens-healtnvar-20046157, 4. a) to maintain b) maintained ©) maintaining 2. a) many b) lots of ©) few 3, a) regular b) regularly ©) irregularly 4, a) than b) then ©) that 5. a)on b) in ©)t0 6. a) Although b) So ¢) Because % a) should b) must ©) can 8a) for b)to ©) on 9 a)so b) but ©) or 10. a) might b) should ©) may not 126 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 3— Teen Time 2. Complete the conversation. Circle the correct answer (A, B or C). 1. How often do you play tennis? A With my brother. B Twice a week. © Atsix o'clock 2. Do you enjoy doing sports? A Yes, Iwill B Yes, | have lots of fun! © Ido gymnastics PART 2 1. Read the text about British teenagers, written by Lisa, and then answer the questions. Mark the sentences ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B). If there’s not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn't Say’ (C). Put a tick (/) in the correct column. What is the life of a teenager like in England? Teenagers in England do much the same as kids in America or other European countries do. They enjoy chatting to and texting friends on their mobiles, hanging out with their mates, listening to the latest music on their MP3 players, shopping for the latest fashions or just watching movies on the television or at the cinema In my free time | go to the swimming pool, go into town, text my mates, do household stuff with my mum and dad, go on the Internet, read science fiction or mystery books, watch TV and play on my Playstation! When it's warm and sunny | ride my BMX or go to the beach at the weekend. | love sunbathing and playing beach volleyball with my friends. | also listen to music all the time! I have an MP8 and a CD player. In Britain, most young people listen to punk, rock and pop, such as Beyoncé, Pink, Britney or Justin Timberlake, hitp: resources woodlands-uniorkent.sch.ukl custorns/questionsiteenagediaryhim (adapted) This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 187 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 3 Teen Time Teenagers in England are not very different from American or other European teens. ‘They lke spending time with their friends. They lke buying fashionable clothes. Lisa helps out at home. ‘She enjoys updating her blog She isn't very fond of reading ‘She always rides her BMX or goes to the beach at the weekend. Her favourite sport is beach volleyball 2) *]=)9] 2) 5] ")9]= ‘Beyoncé, Pink, Britney and Justin Timberlake are well-known among British teens. PARTS 128 Complete the sentences below with so or such a/an. a) You are ‘competitive! b) Sam is active teenager! ©) This is sad story! Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets. a) He (send) me a text message. b) Where (hefbuy) his new sunglasses? ©) We (nov/orget) our history books. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect. a) He (justarrive) at the youth hostel b) Mike and Sue (travel) to London a week ago. oI (not/read) this book yet. Add a prefix or suffix to form an adjective and fill in the gaps. a) Some teens are too anxious and (patient) ) Your plans for the future are very (ambition) Complete the sentences using the correct order of adjectives. a) Ann designed an dress, (short, outstanding, silk, black) b) Ihave a skirt (white, cotton, Italian, stylish) Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 3—Teen Time 6. Fill in the gaps with ana, as, butor so. a) | am keen on science-fiction films, ‘Ann hates them. b) some teens don't get enough sleep, they fee! tired. ©) Jane Nina are very popular at school. 4) Some teens don't do sports, they are not fit. PART 4 Read this email from your friend, Sally. From: Sally To: Hit Would you like to go to the sports centre tomorrow? What time can you be there? Where shall we meet? What would you like to do there? What's your favourite sport? Text and let me know! Write an email to Sally and answer the questions. Write 50-60 words. This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 129 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta ee TEACHER'S Fi UNIT 3~Teen Time Name No, Class Date 1s Evaluation Teacher PART 1 1 2. 130 Complete the text below. Write ONE word for each space. Teen Life Hi Kyle! My name is Maggie. | o thirteen years old and | am from Pretoria, South Africa. | live with my parents and my little brother. We have a dog who is really cute, his name is Star. | usually get up at 7.15 the morning © weekdays. | always go to school “ bus. | don't have to wear a school uniform, but we are not allowed to have tattoos or piercings. | usually wear jeans, comfortable trainers and a sweatshirt. | think designer clothes are cool and stylish, but they are a waste of money. | usually have lunch at school with my friends. My favourite © is fried chicken and | love apple pie. At the weekends | like playing handball, cards, video games and hanging ° with my friends. In the summer | usually go camping with my best friend, Susan. | love camping. It is really fantastic because we do lots of different activities like karaoke, sports, play board games and movies. Sometimes we "? horse-riding and hiking in the mountains and have camp fires night. We have a lot of fun and © new friends. What about music? Who's “ favourite singer? James Arthur is my favourite singer. He is British and he the ninth series of The X Factor ‘) 2012 Complete the conversation. Circle the correct answer (A, B or C). 1. Do you like Tom's new jacket? A He bought it B CanItryiton? © Its smart, isn't it? 2. Have you got this skirt in a smaller size? A Iwill check it. BI didn't see it C _Itisn't very long Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 3— Teen Time PART 2 1. Read the text and decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. I the line. If it is not, write (B). correct, write (A) on Peer Pressure Your peers are the people similar to you in age and status. Peer pressure's when you do something because they've persuaded you to, or because everyone else is doing it and you're afraid you'll look like silly if you don't join in. Often you don't necessarily agree with it. You can learn a lot from your peers. They can help you develop your talents and give you support and motivation to succeed, On the other hand, people often end up doing stuff that’s bad for them because of the influence of peer pressure, like smoking or missing classes. Most people like to fit in and i's hard being the only one doing something different. Sometimes people are worried they'll be picked on if they don't go with the crowd, or they'll lose their friends. Other times people do stuff because they think their friends will ike them more, or because their mates are doing it, so it seems normal You'll experience peer pressure all through life, so you'll be one step ahead if you learn to deal with it now. Choose your friends wisely. Focus on developing firm friendships with people with the same values and ideas as you. Even having one friend who'll back you up when you want to go against the group will help. Be strong: just go with what you know is right. Good friends will respect your individuality and the fact that you have an opinion that may be different. Stand up for what you believe in and you'll respect yourself more too ub/radio Vadviceltactfle_azipeor_pressure (slightly adapteq) 1. Apeer is @ person who is the same age or who has the same social st Your peers can have either a good or a bad influence on you. Most people like to be different Peer pressure is a problem that only affects adolescents, True friends will not disrespect your personality, ‘The writer is trying to explain there's no way to survive peer pressure, This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 131 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta ura Tee Tine PART 3 1. Complete the sentences below with so or such a/an, a) Daisy is friendly person! b) This sweater is expensive! 1) You are independent learner! 2. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets. a) Bryan (atready/arrive) ») (youfeverifoe!) stressed out? 1 ) They (never/wear) school uniforms. * 3. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect. a) Carol (never/change) her hairstyle since she martied. b) Jane and Tim (sell) some old clothes last week. °! (lose) some weight recently. 4, Add a prefix or suffix to form an adjective and fill in the gaps. a) It's becoming to have long hair again. (fashion) b) Her behaviour was totally She offended a lot of customers. (adequate) 5. Complete the sentences using the correct order of adjectives. a) Ann bought an dress. (cotton, unusual, short, pink) b) My brother has a bracelet. (black, leather, Indian, modern) 6. Fill in the gaps with and, as, but or so. 1a) Michael loves sunglasses divers' watches, b) some teens don't get good marks, they feel unhappy. ¢) lam fond of reading, ‘Sue hates it. 4) She was tired, she went to bed early, 132 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 3— Teen Time PART 4 Read this email from your friend, David. From: David To: Hil Sorry | couldn't go to your birthday party last night, but | had a Maths test today. You know | get stressed out... Who did you invite? What did you do? What did you have to eat? And most important of all, what presents did you get? Send me some photos! Write an email to David and answer the questions. Write 60-70 words. This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 133 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 3 Teen Time MESS PART 1 5-6 minutes Suggested questions a) Do you like shopping for new clothes? b) How often do you go shopping? 6) Do you read fashion magazines? Why/why not? 4) What kind of clothes do you usually wear? €) Do you spend a lot of money on clothes? f) What colours do you think look good on you? 8) Do you have to wear a school uniform? fh) Do you think wearing uniforms is a good idea? ’) Would you like to be a fashion model? Can you give a reason? PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) One of you is Student A and the other is Student B. After you have asked and answered the questions, change roles. Student A, here is some information about a modelling school. Student B, you don't know anything about the modelling school, so ask A some questions about it. Look at the card on the next page. Now B, ask A your questions about the modelling school and A, you answer them, STUDENT A CARDS Student A - your answers Student A - your questions Modelling School FACE OF THE MONTH COMPETITION © Where? * For everyone? * Date? © What / win? Learn how to pose, walk, move * Website? and look like a professional mode! For teens 14-18 Weekdays 9 a.m, ~ 12 o'clock £100 To apply please CALL: 0308 761 2950 134 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta ‘SPEAKING TEST UNIT 3— Teen Time PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) ‘Student B, here is some information about a photography competition. Student A, you don't know anything about the photography competition, so ask student 8 some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the photography competition and 8, you answer them, STUDENT B CARDS Student A — your answers Student A - your questions FACE OF THE MONTH Modelling school COMPETITION * Where? ‘ * For teens? * What / learn? * Course /£ * Phone number? Are you a photogenic teen? Then this is the competition for you! For teens 13-17 ‘At Dublin Shopping Centre 23 July 1st prize Anew camera Visit www for more information This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 195 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S oe UNIT 3-Teen Time CRITERIOS ESPECIFICOS DE CLASSIFICAGAO LISTENING TEST ~ PART 1 T. | JIndica as 2 informagbes corretas 30 (Classifica 5 ou 4 frases corretamente | 10 (Compreensao de textoiassociaga0 a us |{Comoreensio de textolfrase em termos N2 |representagoes visuals e graficas). Nao de contexte). Erra ou omite as outras indica outra(s) opcSoion¢bes, intormagoes [Chaves 1¢; 2 ND é Indica 1 informagao correta, Nao indica | 15 NI [Classifica | frase corretamente 3 outrals opcsovopaoes 11 | Gomoreenséo de textortrase em termos {de contexto). Erra ou omite as outras PART 2 informacées. 1 Identifica as 5 opcdes corretas 70 PART 3 (compreensao de textolirase em termos 1N4 |de areas lexicals). NBo indica outra(s) [Completa as 3 frases corretamente. 3 Jopcaoiopcces. N3 |Chave [Chaves 16:2 F: 3B: 40:56 ) so; b) such an; ¢) such a identifica 4 opgdes corretas 60 2 [Completa 2 frases corretamente Erraou | 2 us |(Compreensio de textortrase em termos| omite as outras informagoes. [de areas lexicais). Nao indica outrals) Ny [Completa 1 frase corretamente.Erraou | 1 Jepcdolopces. omite as outras informagoes. Identifca 3 opgdes corretas 40 [Completa as 3 frases corretamente. 3 No | compreensao de textolirase em termos have [de areas lexicais). Nao indica outrats) 3 lo} nas sent Jepcaoiopcaes. Dy has he bought Identiica 1 ou 2 opgdes corretas 20 ) haven't forgotten {compreensao de textofrase em termos| [Completa 2 frases corvelamente Evra ou | 2 Nl eas eras), Naina otal N2 | omite as outrasinformages Beelces ni [Completa | frase corretamente. Erraou | 1 READING AND WRITING ~ TEST A ~ PART 1 omite as outras informagbes. [Completa as 3 frases corretamente. 3 T] _ [Completa o texto selecionando 10 ou 9] 15 Chave copcaes corretas (compreensao de N3 |a) has just arrived textoffrase em termos de relagbes de >) travelledtraveled INS |contexto}. Nao indica outra(s) op¢ao! jc] haven't read opcoes incorretals) [Completa 2 frases corretamente Erra ou | Chave:l 2.5 dl: 4. a; 5. Bh N2 | omite as outrasinformacoes. 6.4) 7-0):8. 0}: 9. 10.0) Teh 8.6 10 Ni [Completa | frase corretamente. Erraou | 1 N4& 12 lomite as outras informagdes. Completa o texto com 6 ou 5 opgbes | 8 (Completa as 2 frases corretamente. 4 N3 |corretas. NBo indica outrals) opcao! a |Chave: opcoes incorreta() a) impatient ND b) ambitious Completa o texto com 2 ou F opgbes Ni [Completa 1 frase corretamente.Erra ou | 2 1 |eorretas. Nao indica outrals) opcao! lomite as outras informacdes. opgbes incorretals), (Completa as 2 frases corretamente 4 - chave: 2. | |Seleciona as 2 opcdes correzamente. | @ N2 N2| Nao indica outra(s) opcaolopcoes outstanding short black, ik incorreta(s). Chave: 1. B; 2.8 b) stylish, white, Italian, cotton Completa 1 frase corretamente, Erra ou | 2 Seleciona 1 opgao corretamente, Nao | 4 NI IN1 Jindica outra(s) opgaoiopcoes lomite as outras informagbes. incorretals) (Completa 5 ou 4 frases corretamente, | 8 have: PART 2 ws egeue T.] _ [Glassiica 8 ou frases corretamente [22 vd an (Compreensao de textotfrase em termos so de contexto ns ce comexto} Na [Completa 2 frases corretamente Erra ou | 4 Oe SAAS. COBB omite as outras informagoes EOS EM 7 a hy [Completa | frase corretamente. Evra ou | 2 AG mite as outras informagbes Na 15 136 Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta LLL LISTENING TEST UNIT 3—Teen Time PART 4 Competindia Pragmatics Ula recrsos nguistios aaa 3 a = Iniadose por ves pouco adequades, fornecendo as nformagoes sltadas teveando agumas dfeadades na titareeansmes de rato, como tansmisste de inermars prec . tea vocbulro cement mado, ys |avezemple conectorese mmas ands sents paras expan, alguma eficacia, construindo um texto eee eee uturas simples, Stiles qe corresponde a uma ws | Ula, com oreo, ; : ee alguns eros Saquenas incor de ivoracoes ete oo Emam cree ane indicados. generalidade, a compreensao. Na 2 Rela sigur connetimento das convengdesortografies, mas podem Revlaconpreenato do onal, $ fornecendo as informacées solicitadas ceorrer, por vezes, imprecistes que fomecendo asin ffeil gldade do texto, Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coesao, A pontuagao € geralmente adequada, como, por exemplo, conecores simples @ j NS deforma ner sempre fea, Cilia recursnetnguisios basicose, | 3 Scere ae anetcsque iz euro gusts basco comesponde ainda a una sequeci Sesadequados ao po © & tematic do Fede nao respetaro limites de TEs, com pouco contol, um repetio alavras indicados. Lt tr P P de palavras ou expressoes memorizado 2 6 tls course tementares cometendo fea deforma seiemasa Revela compreensao do emal 10 nt ]e*79s gramaticais forecendo as informacoes solictadas ue causam frequentemente, de forma pouco coerente incompreensio. Escreve expresses e frases simples, Revelaalgum conhecimento das N1 | estruturando defcientemente 0 texto € convengdes ortograficas, mas as estuturando deficentemento incorregdes que causam incompreensao epee borreqentes oe nfo repel ontucfo é requentemente desadequaa Ou nsufcent, Competéncia Linguistica” Ua reausosinguiscos sufcentes [15 f.germemadesuados a0 poe ‘sais ao eta que ne perce transmit a formacdo com gua precio, Fede ainda revelar alguna intutnca atngua matera, por exemple na reanagso simatic, na escola de Yocabulao, na gai ou na pontuago, {ue no cain nompreenéo Bctasscabatars sites as sufcentee,geramenteadequado para se exprmir podendosuprit ns figunasncunas coma uaa de Gieniocuges Revel bom dominio do focabulrselmentarcomtardo trvos graves apenas quando expe tin peneamento mas complexe. Utes, com coreg, extrturas Simpl, na cometeid de forma Sutera eros gramaticas slementares que eas Ineompreneao ortograia sufcentemente prea para no aftr a ntlgbindage 60 ae FA pontuacao¢ geralmente adequada Ne 2 * A competéncia lingutstica so sera avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se 0 seu texto, hain manne. na niuat Ya romeneténcia pragmatics, This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM Downloades by Patricia Costa (patciacosta apge@gmialicom) 137 TEACHER'S FILE TERNS UNIT 3—Teen Time READING AND WRITING ~ TEST B ~ PART 1 respostas corretas (compreensdo de N3 | Chave: a) has never changed; b) sold; NS | contexto} rretamente. Erra ou Che a2) 3 ano va cone iauomaaa em |? Ss Jt it Bi Boke : Nao indica cutra(s) opgSatopries: Completa | frase corretamente. Erraou | 2 incorretas). N1 | omite as outras informacoes. N3 | corretas, Nao indica outra(s) op¢ao! 5 Epmplete as 2 Frases corretamente, Lopgbes Incorretats). N? |<) unusual, short, pink, cotton wa haere ee Chave: 1 C2 A 1 [Completa 1 frase corretamente. Erra ou | T incorretals). PART 2 PART 4 (ver Test A) NS. {(ompreensto de textoffrase em termos ‘Competéncia Linguistica” 15 Chave: 1) A; 2) A; 3) B; 4) B; 5) A: 6) B Conia sora ioeeortonee |e SPEAKING 6UCGESTIONS) No |(Compreensao de textortrase em termos informacoes. |b) | usually go shopping once a week. / | de contexto). Erra ou omite as outras ‘want to be a fashion designer. / No, | Classifica 2 frases corretamente 6 Dt asually ia y {compreensao de texto/frase em termos| de contexto). Erra ou omite as outras f) | like to wear (pink, blue, black, brown, informagées. )) clothes. / | think blue suits me. Classifica 1 frase corretamente 3 12) Yes, | do. / No, | don't, u1 |(Compreensao de textovfrase em termos| hh) Yes, 1 do. J No, I don't PARTS 7] Titsalne shee Chave: @) such a; b) so; ¢) such an Is the school for ‘teens? 2 | cu omite as outras informacoes. ee ees cee Jomite as outras informagdes. ‘Where will the competition take place? compu amo are a a N2| Completa 2 frases corretamente. Erra_ | 2 Is there a website address? 1 {Completa 1 frase corretamente, Erra ou) 1 ‘iver tratado 0 tema proposto, situando-se 0 seu texto, Jomite as outras informagoes. 138 pelo menos, no nivel 1 da competéncia pragmatica Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta © LISTENING TEST UNIT 4—Teens & Media Name No. Class Date f__f Evaluation Teacher You will hear a letter written by a celebrity. Read the questions before you start listening. Then listen and answer each question. You will hear the information twice. PART 1 1. Which celebrity wrote the letter? ht answer (A, B, C). a) Melissa Benoist b) Taylor Swift ¢) Zooey Deschanel 2. For each sentence, circle the most suitable answer (A, B, C). 1. She wrote a letter to a) Marie Claire b) Vogue ) Harpers Bazaar 2.When she wrote the letter, the actress was a) 27 years old b)7 years old ¢) 17 years old 3. She thinks the magazine should a) expand the idea of beauty, not limit itto an “ideal” b) make people follow an “ideal” of beauty ¢) not sell magazines to young girls 4, For her, beauty should be something a) enjoyable b) difficult to achieve ©) rare PART 2 1. Complete the following paragraph with the right word. Most of the , and certainly most of the girls, in the United States do not fee! completely ® about themselves, especially about their “ jis © something you want to 2 As American women, we don't need discouragement, but ” Los Angeles, “? This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 139 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 4 Teens & Media Name No. Class Date 1s PART1 140 Circle the odd one out. Which of these words or abbreviations are not related to television? a) soap opera ¢ sitcom * cartoons * publisher b) commercials « variety show tabloid « presenter ¢) news-stand * prime ti ne * documentary * newscast d) cable TV + quality paper film » dub €) pay TV * editor * TV guide * broadcast f) BBCI + CBS # Channel 4 « WWW 9) radio station * sports programme * talk show * drama series Fill in the following table with the odd one outs from the previous exercise. a) Radio bb) Newspapers internet Read the paragraph and circle the best answer (A, B or C). Radio 1 Teen Awards recognises heroes at Wembley Arena The event, now in its fourth year, celebrates the achievements of inspirational teenagers as well giving awards to stars from the world of , sport and They were nominated by friends and family and then chosen by a panel of celebrities, journalists and Radio 1 staff The event also gives prizes to ® as well as stars of film and TV. One Direction picked up two awards for best British group and best British single for Best Song Ever. There were special ‘on hand to give out some of the awards. Taylor Swift joined Fearne Cotton on stage to the best British TV show award, which went to Doctor Who. The winners were voted for by Radio 1 https be. ukinewsbeat/24800390 (abridged) Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 4—Teens & Media a) music b) lyrics ¢) songs a) fun by funny ) entertainment a) musicians b) music, ¢) musicality a) guesses b) quests ©) guessing a) show b) present c) say a) listen b) listening ¢) listeners ad the following text. My favourite TV channel Watching television is a major part of the culture of modern society. It is a favourite pastime of many people, cutting across boundaries of race, religion, gender and age. | must admit that | too enjoy “sitting glued” to the TV, as mum often laments. Since | sometimes. watch TV all day long, I don't blame mum. However, whenever | watch my favourite TV programmes she doesn't complain. In fact, she often sits with me to watch them on the ‘National Geographic’. The ‘National Geographic’ is well-known for its fine documentary programmes, focusing mainly on the ever-changing world, on Mother Earth and on nature, peoples and creatures | like this channel because it is very educational. It is a ‘window to the world’. By watching it, | can ‘travel to’, ‘explore’ and ‘discover’ the four corners of the world. | have trekked up the highest peak and conquered Mt. Everest. | have dived down to the deepest ocean trenches. I have walked through the wilderness and amongst the wild beasts, big and small. Thus, this channel has helped to expand my horizon and improve my knowledge and experience. | can proudly say | am no longer a ‘frog in the well’ | also enjoy watching the ‘National Geographic’ because it is entertaining, interesting and stimulating. | never imagined that such an educational programme could be so enjoyable. | get a chance to enjoy the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and colours of the world and its different peoples, all in the comfort of my own home. http:sfawwe studyrmode. comlessays/Your-Favourite-Tv.Channel-1105746.himi (abridged and adapted) 2 3. 4 5. 6. PART 2 Re: 14 Co mplete the following sentences according to the text. a) Whenever she watches her favourite TV programmes, her mum 'b) The National Geographic focuses mainly ¢) By watching it, she can 4) This chanr ‘This documents avaiate tes ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 141 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 4 Teens & Media e) She can proudly say she is not anymor f) She never imagined that 9) All in the comfort of her own home, PART 3 1. _ Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs from the box using the right tense. ‘tum off *tune into *turnon = login _—_* log off As soon as Judith arrived home she the computer, opened her account and ® Then she checked her Inbox . As there were no new messages, she © aa the computer and C her favourite BBC radio programme 2. Complete the following sentences with the most suitable form of must or have to. a) You're wearing your overcoat. You be crazy! It's 23 °C in here! b) I will check again, but 'm pretty sure I'm right. ©) We watch the flm today. We can always watch it later if we record it. 4) You feed the wildlife at the 200. You may pay a fine if you do. 3. Join the following sentences using a relative pronoun. a) Ms Hawk is very kind. She is the TV presenter. b) My daughter loves watching TV. Her favourite channel is the ‘National Geographic’ ¢) The elephant suddenly ran away. | was staring at it 4, Gerund or to-Infinitive? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the following verbs. *go suse swatch = * forget. = * save a) She avoided the remote control during the show. b) Don't worry, | don't mind another TV show. ©) They keep to change the channel at the right time. d) We hope enough money to explore the whole island, e) After the tsunami, the survivors decided away and abandon the vilage PART 4 Imagine you have the opportunity to interview your favourite TV star. In about 70-80 words write some questions and possible answers. 142 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 4—Teens & Media Name No. Class Date f__f Evaluation Teacher PART 1 1 eae ep a Fill in the table with words related to the following media. Television Newspapers / Magazines Radio Internet a) 2) h) D ») 9 a " a @ 4) Read the paragraph and circle the best answer (A, B or C). Beat Your Television Addiction Tired of wasting the equivalent of two months of your life every year‘ to TV? Spending more than an hour sitting @ the television each evening? Here are specific ® ‘on beating your television addiction 1. Give your extra TV sets to charity, 2. Only turn on the TV to watch a“ show. Then turn it off 3. Eat ® . especially dinner, with the television OFF. 4, Make a TV-watching plan each week. 5. Seta rule that you must read 30 pages of a book or do your homework before you can © the TV, hitpifwwerd comhealth/17-ways-to-beat-your-television-addlction/tixzz2p@ 1rU06G, (abridged and adapted) a) glued b) pasted e) held a) opposite b) in front of ¢) behind a) conclusions b) money ©) tips a) random b) particular ©) reality a) meals b) dishes ©) food a) turn on RY torn in ¥en town This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 143 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 4 Teens & Media 144 Girl team swims the Channel to raise money for school swimming across the English A team of girls, aged 13 and 14, are celebrating Channel. The group, who call themselves Six Girls No Buoys, decided to take up the challenge as a way to raise money for school equipment and for charity Ella, Maddy, Lily, Felicity, Millie and Minnie took to the seas very early on Sunday 1 September. They completed the 21-mile swim in 13 hours 6 minutes and 9 seconds They did itin a relay with each gitl swimming for an hour at a time. Millie and her friends swam from Dover in England to France. All of the girls, except Lily, swam for two one-hour sessions, but Lily ended up swimming three sessions because she started the race. Lily said: “I's so amazing that we did it, it actually feels like a dream.” But it wasn't easy, she added: “At the end the wind was really strong causing big swells in the water and the boat was really rocking.” The girls have been training hard since March and Millie said all that hard work together has brought them really close. She also said: "My brother was desperate to join the team but we said no boys!" The girls hope they will inspire other young people to get out and do something different for a good cause. in the information in the journalist's notes as in the example. Journalist's notes People involved A team of girls, aged 13 and 14 a) Team's name 'b) What did they do? Why did they do it? ‘@) When di it happen? ©) How far did they swim? £) How long di it take them? €@) Which girl swam the farthest? Why? hh) What were their main difficulties? ) What do they hope for the future? Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavclacosta i ‘READING/WRITING TEST UNIT 4—Teens & Media PART 3 1. Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning. a) to turn on 1. to complete the actions that allow you to begin using a computer bb) to tune into 2. to start the flow of electricity, gas, water (etc.) by moving a switch or button ©) to log in '3. to adjust the controls on a radio or TV set so that you can get a particular programme or channel Complete the sentences with the most suitable relative pronoun. Omit the pronoun if possible. a) This is the girl swam across the English Channel b) Lily, parents were proud, has blonde hair. €) This is the piece of news have heard on the radi is morning d) The gir was standing next to the finishing line was Ella's sister. e) Minnie didn't go to school the day after, made her classmates upset. ‘Complete the following sentences with the most suitable form of must or have to. a) The heating is off. You be freezing! b) She's been swimming since 2 p.m. Her body temperature be above average. ©) You do that again! I's dangerous for you and the environment 4d) I don't know how many miles we are going to swim, I'l get back to you on that after | check that. e) You ome to class today if you don't want to. The teacher said you could stay home resting PART 4 Write a short text about your favourite TV programmes. This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 145 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 4 Teens & Media cai ‘The speaking test is divided into two parts and there will be two students. PART 1 5-6 minutes In this part of the speaking test, each student wil be asked personal questions: name, place of origin, likes, interests, family, school, daily life, etc. Suggested questions a) Do you usually listen to the radio? b) What is your favourite music genre? ©) How often do you read newspapers? 4d) Do you pret to read the hard copy or the digital version? Why? PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card activity) One of you is Student A and the other is Student B. After you have asked and answered the questions, exchange roles. Student A - thore is some information about a newspaper. Student B — you don't know anything about the newspaper, so ask A some questions about it. Look at the card on the next page. Now B, ask A your questions about the newspaper and A, you answer them, STUDENT A CARDS Student A - your answers Student A - your questions Newspaper Radi ‘adio Station THE EVENING NEWS Sport, Politics, Culture * Name? and much more! © For whorn? #1 * Decades? Monday - Friday * When? Evening issue: 6 p.m. «Website? Find us {underground stations! Sree eaten 146 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta ‘SPEAKING TEST UNIT 4—Teens & Media PART 2 3-4 minutes (Prompt card acti 'y) Student B — here is some information about a radio station Student A — you don't know anything about the station, so ask B some questions about it. Now A, ask B your questions about the radio station and B, you answer them STUDENT B CARDS Student B ~ your answers Student B ~ your questions Fabulous Radio Newspaper For Pop, Rock & Jazz lovers Music from the 60s,70s and 80s * Title? Every day * Topics? from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. GMT * Days? Britain’s No.1 Radio Station! * Time? * Price? Find us at 119.13 FM or at * Where/on sale? www This documents avaiate tee ofchageon SEYDOCU.COM 147 Downloaded by Patricia Costa (pavciacosta TEACHER'S FILE TEEN UNIT 4 Teens & Media Ni Na CRITERIOS ESPECIFICOS DE CLASSIFICAGAO LISTENING TEST ~ PART 1 Indica informagao correta. Nao indica Joutra(s} op¢ao/opcoes. Chave: I.) Identifica as 4 opcodes corretas (compreensao de textovfrase em termos de areas lexicais) Chave: 1b): 2. di 5.0): 4.4) 20 40 NB Identifica 3 opgdes corretas compreensao de texto'frase em termos de areas lexicais) 30 N2 NI Identifica 2 opcbes corretas [compreensao de textorfrase em termos de areas lexicais) Identitica | opcao correta ([compreensao de texto'frase em termos de areas lexicals) 10 No PART 2 Indica as & informagdes corretas, [compreensao de texto em termos de Areas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorrecGes linguisticas nao impecitivas da compreensao. Chave: 1) women; 2) adolescent; 5) secure 4) appearance; 5) insecurity; 6) advocate; 7} inspiration; 8) California 40 NB Indica 7 ou 6 informagbes corretas (compreensao de texto em termos de reas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorreg6es linguisticas nao impeditivas da compreensao. Erra ou omite as Joutras informagoes, 30, N2 Indica § ou 4 ou 3 informacoes corretas [compreensio de texto em [terms de areas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorregoes linguisticas nao impeditivas da compreensao. Erra Jou omite as outras informagoes. 20 Ni Indica 2 ou 1 informagbes corretas (compreensao de texto em termos de Areas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorrecoes lingufsticas nao impeditivas, da compreensdo. Erra ou omite as Joutras informacées, 148, READING AND WRITING ~ TEST A ~ PART 1 T Na Identifica as 7 opcodes corretas Chave: /a} publisher; b) tabloid; c) news-stand /d} quality paper; e) editor; ) WWW 9g) radio station 10 NB N2 Identifica 6 ou 5 opsdes corretas. Identifica 4 ou 3 opgdes corretas. Ni Identifica 2 ou 1 opgdes corretas. NS Completa a tabela com as 7 informag6es corretas. Pode escrever com incorrecées linguisticas no impeditivas da compreensio. Chave: a} radio station |b) publisher; tabloid; newsstand; quality paper; editor awww Na NB Completa a tabela com 5 ou 4 informasoes corretas. Pode escrever com incorrecGes linguisticas no impeditivas da compreensao. Era ou omite as outras informacoes. N2 Ni Completa a tabela com 1 informacao correta, Pode escrever com incorrecdes lingutsticas nao impeditivas da compreensao. Erra ou omite as outras informacoes, NS Indica as 6 informagdes corretas (compreensao de texto em termos de reas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorrecées linguisticas nao Impeditivas [da compreensao, Chave: 1a); 2. d; 5a); 4b}: 5. bh: 6.0) 10 Na NB N2 Indica 4 informacbes corretas (compreensao de texto em termos de reas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorrecdes linguisticas nao impeditivas Jda compreensao. Erra ou omite as Joutras informacées, Ni Indica 1 ou 2 informagoes corretas (compreensao de texto em termos de reas lexicais). Pode escrever com incorreg6es linguisticas nao impeditivas Jda compreensao. Erra ou omite as, Joutras informacées, Downloaded by Patricia Costa (patriciacosta

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