DOM105 2022 Session 5

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Uniform distribution

Finite number of outcomes, all outcomes have the same probabiltiy.

Eg: Rolling a dice
When rolling a 6-sided dice:
Average probability of each outcome p = 0.166667
Average value = u = (a+b)/2;
a = Min value = 1
b = Max value = 6
Average = 3.5

Variance = ((b-a)^2)/12 = 2.083333

Stdev = Var^0.5 = 1.443376

Note: There are no gaps in the values of a uniform distriubtion

Binomial distribution

When rolling a six sided dice, does the dice roll 5 or higher?

p= 0.333333 which is probability of rolling 5 or higher

1-p = 0.666667 which is probability of not rolling 5 or higher

Each roll is statistically independent, and p is fixed, so this question is a Bernoulli process
resulting in a Binomial distribution

When rolling a 6-sided dice, what is the probability that 4 out of 8 rolls will be 5 or higher?

p and 1-p are given above.

No of trials n = 8
Required success r = 4
P(x = 4) = nCr * (p^r) * (1-p)^(n-r) = 0.170706 (You can find nCr using the command COMBIN(n,r))

Solution using BINOM.DIST command = 0.170706

When rolling a 6 sided dice, what is the probability of rolling 3 or higher more than 6 times, out of 10 rolls?

Probability of rolling 3 or higher = p = 0.666667

Numer of trials n = 10
Successes = More than 6, so P(x>=7)

P(x>=7) = 1 - P(x<=6) = 1 - binom.dist(6,10,p,1) = 0.559264

When rolling a 6-sided dice 20 times, what is the probability of rolling 6, three to seven times?

Probability of rolling 6 = p = 0.166667

Number of trials n = 20

Successes = 3 to 7, so P(3 <= x <= 7) = P(x<=7) - P(x<=2) = binom.dist(7,20,p,1) - binom.dist(2,20,p,1) =

alternate method:
P(3<=x<=7) = binom.dist.range(20,p,3,7) = 0.660088

Hypergeometric distribution

Hypergeometric distribution occurs when you there are 2 outcomes, but the trials take place
from a finite population, without replacement of selections.

Eg: Drawing cards without replacing, from a standard deck of 52 cards.

In this distriubtion, the probability of success p changes as we progress

If we draw 10 cards from a stadard deck of 52 without replacement, what is the probability that there
are 4 face cards. (Face cards: jack, queen, king, ace)

Population size N = 52
No of face cards A = 16
Sample size n = 10
P(x = 4) = ACx * (N-A)C(n-x) / NCn = 0.224082

Using hygeom.dist(4,10,16,52,0) = 0.224082 hypgeom.dist(x,n,A,N,cumulative)

Same conditions as above, what is probability of less than 4 face cards?

P(x<4) = P(x<=3) = hypgeom.dist(3,10,16,52,1) = 0.636309

mmand COMBIN(n,r))

6 times, out of 10 rolls?

.dist(2,20,p,1) = 0.660088

bability that there


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