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Q1 Can you please introduce yourself and tell us about What

are your acheivments and work undertaken by you?
Ans Myself Joseph Thomas working as junior bucks manager
ministry of defence, I am basically on administration site
there are different sections in administration, one of them is
game I did all the official correspondences that we get from
our heads such as member of parliament or parliament
which we try to perculate to other officers dealing with other
production activities and other things . We are basically a
production unit and what all targets we get we have to
achieve we get incentives from Indian army, airforce and
navy so accordingly we used to plan our manufacturing
things and there are different setups in our factory
Q2 How many junior employees are working under you and
how do you manage them?
Ans There are 7 people working under me which have
different roles in the organization. There are some sectional
balances and I have also cleared many departments exams to
come over here and I know the working style of all these
employees and from where we have started. There is no
sense of abstract like that and if they make any mistakes or
sins and if they are not able to maintain any time limit they
use to get scolding for that as such there is any afraid or such
that atmosphere in my office
Q3 How do you manage crisis in your organization?
Ans We have got smelter and
Q4 How do you deal with politics within your organization?
Ans These type of politics is very minimal in our organization
because everything is properly maintained, one thing is
there that is annual confidential report every year I give
annual confidential report to my employees and I assess
them according to their productivity, behaviour and
according to the time limits they have maintained so if
he is behaving well they will be given reference for
promotion we cannot favour any employees in public
Q4 What are the difficulties/ challenges and restrictions
faced by you as a government official? Which a person
working in same field but in private sector would never
Ans As such there are no restriction but there are some like
we cannot carry cellphones during work but one thing I
would like to say that everything is aged in public sector
for everything there is statement of purpose. When you
work in a government organization you have to use
government things only like BSNL, IRCTC
Q5 How is your work different from a person working in a
private firm?
Ans One basic difference I would like to say in private sector
managers can take their own decisions according to the
profitability of the business. Private sectors are working for
profit and public sector are working to provide services to the
organization so in public sector manager cannot take their
own decision they have to take permission from their

Q6 How do you plan or organize your things?

Ans Basically we are given a task for whole year in the month
for example you have to make this number of missiles so
accordingly we have to plan how we will do maintainence
how we have to manage the labour and other things.

Q7 Would you prefer working in private organization or

public organization?
Ans I don’t have an option but I will still prefer to work in a
public sector as it is always a proud feeling to represent
government of india

Q8 Any sort of guidance and motivation you want to address

to the youth of the country?
Ans First you have to plan the thing. Second you have to
create discipline in your life and lessen your distractions you
have to create a milestone for yourself and do not hop from
one thing to another. Time management is another
important aspect to achieve your goal

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