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78-2 For b, use the distance from the bolt centerline to the mid-thickness ofthe angle leg. 5 — 5375-38-58 5 Igein 4+ 4b U8. 2 a= =1.5in. 1.250 = 1.25(2.188) = 2.735 in.> 1.5m, «use a= 1.5 in, ae 1, 4 = 2.188 — = = 1, 938in, ae 1. $ = 15+ = 1.75 in. ed+t-4,1-5 -2- aade pa teer zim pa Fq35in. 2h = 202.188) = 4. 376 > 3.5 + use p = 3.5 in 6 = 1 -d'Ip = 1 ~(5I8)/3.5 = 0.8214 in. Ay = SURE ~ 0.1963 in (a) LRED solution. B= GRy = GF wAv = 0.75(90)(0.1963) = 13. 25 Kips, Total factored load= 20+ 1.6L = 1.2(6) + 1.6(15) = 31.2 kips = 7.8 kips/bolt a - LIS — 9.903 0.0987, 4 = 1.0 ae Te GPF LF 5a) — ¥ 0.90G.5)\(58)[1 + 0.82140.0)) Required 1 = 0.426 in. ‘Actual thickness = 5/8 in.> 0.426 in. (OK) Compute the total bolt force, including prying force (this step not required): a +(e ') ah 8 0.1860 a 0.8214 | 0,90G.5)(5/8)7(58) ince must be between 0 and I inclusive, use « ~ 0 Sa — 0.82140) = 0 paris poet] nsf + a8 (488) ]J-7.8 = 7.8 kips< OR, = 13.25kips (OK) nection is adequate. Required y= 0.476in.< Sf (b) ASD solution ‘The allowable tensile strength of one bolt is Be — Lada _ 90.0(0.1963 a7 8 209 ~ S84 Kips ‘The total applied load is D+ L= 6415 = 21 kips ‘The extemal load per bolt, excluding prying force, is T= 21/4 = 5.25 kips. &£ 3834 6s oth 9 2 - 8834-1 -0.6827, © = 15, - 0.9030 [(siT~ H)a'ih'y 0.6827(0.9030) F-1G- N@ty > VEAL 0.68270.9030)) = 1.96 > 1.0 wea = 1.0 From Equation 7.19, _ aos V ESG8)(1 + 08214(1.0)) = 0.429 in.< 518i (OR) Required 1p to > Determine the toral bolt force, including prying force (this step not required) 4(gtee 1) — pote ( 4) +032 :) gana | SSGasca = 40 Since a must be between 0 and | inclusive, use a = 0 - fab.) 525, 01938 sate piste) salts pty he] 5.25kips< 8834kips (OK) onnection is adequate, Required 1, = 0.429 inc 38 194 ‘Nominal shear strength (assume that the threads are in shear): Ay =H — ACAD _o,013in2 Ry = Fwy = $4(0.6013) = 32. 47 kipvbolt Bearing strength the WT ange comely: hE 4-4 = 0.9875 i, Forthe hole nearest the edge, (= (,- 4 = 2 3 = 1.531 in. Ry = 1. 2caPy = 1.2(1.531)(0.640)(65) = 76. 43 kips 2.Adif, = 2.4(7I8)(0.640)(65) = 87. 36 kips use R, ~ 76.43 kips For the ether bolts, (c= s~ = 3 ~ 0.9375 = 2.063 in. Ry = 1.2LaF, = 1.2(2.063)(0.640)(65) = 103. 0 kips Ded, = 87.36 hips < 1020 hips 2. use Ry = 87.36 hips (2) LRED solution, Py = 1.20 + 1.6L = 1. 2(84) + 1.6(66) = 206. 4 kips: 1 = Tensile force = 206.460830° = 178.7 hips. or 182 — 22. 34 kipstote V, = Shear/besring force 206.4sin30° = 103.2 kips, oF kipstbolt ‘The design shear strength is 6R,, ~ 0.75(32.47) = 24. 35 kips> 12.9 kips (OK) For the design bearing strength. conservatively use the smaller of the two strengths computed: GR, ~ 0.75(76.43) = 57.3 kips> 129 kips (OK) ‘Tensile strength: Fy Fg BF pe Sin SF foo = Ase = 2 AS ksi oo 90 (21.45) - 69, 33 ksi < 90 ksi Fu = 1.3000) — Fraley (21-45) = 69. 35 ksi < 90k WR, = OF ),An = 0.75(69.33)(0,6013) = 31.3 hipVbolt > 22.3 kipvbolt (OK) ‘The connection is adequate. (b) ASD solution 2. = D+ L = 84+ 66 = 150 kips T. Tense fare 150030! ~ 120.9 ips or 12222 — 16,26 kip V. = Shearfbearing force= 1508in30° = 75.00 kips. or F500 = 9, 375 172391 kipsvbolt ‘The aowable sear sengin is S - ABAT — 16,23kips> 938hipS (OK) For the allowable bearing strength, conservatively use the smaller of the two strengths computed: Ry — 26.43 i Pa — 16.43 _ ips > 9.375 ki By — 2643 — 38.2 kips> 9375 kips (OK) ‘Tensile strength: < 9.315, dn sFa to 6013 ~ 15 =1,3(00) 2.001801 (15,59) = 65,08 bs < 90s Py — Fade — 65.03(0.6013) _ aot 2.00 9.6 kips/bolt 16.2 kips/bolt (OK) ‘The connection is adequate. 192 ‘Nominal shear strength: = 208 9.448 Aye Ry = Fy = 54(0.4418) = 23. 86 kipsfbolt Bearing strength (1, = 0.605 in. for both W and WT): Ry = 2.4dil, = 2.4(3/4)(0.605)(65) = 70. 79 kips (a) LRED solution P, = 1.204 1.0L = 1.2(30) + 1.6070) = 148.0 kips T,, = Tensile foree = 148| +) 132. 4 kips, or 132.4 — 22.1 kips/bolt (4 Peer 6 ” 1 66,19 Vy, ~Shearbeating forse ~ 148( L-) ~ 66,19 hips, or $6419 — 11,03 ( 8 ) mors ipvbott ‘The design shear strength is @R. = 0.75(23.86) = 17. 90 kips> 1].0kips (OK) “The design hearing siren is (i, ~ 0.75(70.79) = 53.1 kips> 1LOKipS (OK) Tensile strengta: ~ ary Fey, 7453 hips (OK) The allowable bearing strength is Ry. — 2079. _ 35.4 kips> 7453 Kips (OK) ‘Tensile strength: = 13Fy- Shep, 16.0 kipsbolk (OK) trength (the WT flange thickness controls): OAc.) = 0.75(2.4) 18) (0.345)(65) = 35. 3kipsolt> 16.0 kipsitolt (OK) Use 6 bolts, (b) ASD solution To = 3(80) = 48 hips, Va = $(80) = 64 kipy Assume that tension controls: Fe 1 ita MEaey sh = 1,3(00)~ 200005, < 00 = 117 3.3337, $90 Fy GIT 3 336) © oy < o 200 = 20g ~ 85> 19M = 45 fu an - Me Sy where YA) is the total bolt area. Substituting and solving for Ay, we get fh —sus-100( 8) 48 = 58.5¥Ay ~ 106.7, Solution Dy =2.644in’} Try 2 -in, diameter bolts, with Ay ~ x(7/8)/4 = 0.6013 in? ‘The number of bolts required is Ny = An = 644 _ 4. 39 ay a.o0rs 397 ‘Try six bolts for symmetry. First, check the upper limit on Fj, fu = OL = 04 EA, @@.o0ra) 14S Fig = 117 = 3.333fm = 117 = 3.333(17.74) = 57.87 ksi < 90 ksi (OK), Check shear. V,ibolt = 646 = 10.7 kips Re Buds _ S4(0.6013) _ = Be so0 16, 24 kips/bolt > 10.7 kipvbolt (OK) Bearing strength (the WT flange thickness controls): = 24OBNOMNED. _ 93 6 ipolt> 107 tipvhol OK) Ade Use 6 bol 194 (a) LRED solution ‘Tension member-to-gusset plate connection: Pu = 12D 1.6L = 1.2(0.25 120) + 1.6(0.75 « 120) = 180 kips. Bolt shear strength: An = 0214 = n(TI8)714 = 0.6013 i Ra ~ GF Av ~ 0.75(68)(0.6013) x 2 shear planes ~ 61. 33 kips/bolt (Check bearing on the gusset plate assuming upper limit controls, Ra ~ $(2-4diFu) = 0.75(2.4)(7I8)(718)(58) = 79.9 kips/bolt Slip-critical strength: From AISC Table J5. Ty =49 kips Ry = pDshyTon, = 0.30(1.13)(1.0)(49)(2) = 33. 22 kipsibolt OK, = 1.0(33.22) = 33. 22 kips/bolt (controls) ‘Gusset plate-to-column angles connection: 3 searing on the angles will control, because 2» @ in. < L in. Bearing on the angles will contol, because 2« 8 OR, = AO.AdIF.) = 0.752.4)TB)2 « 3Y(58) = 68. 5 kips/bolt Shear strength and slip-crtical strength are same as for tension member-to-gusset plate connection, .. use 6 bolts, Connection angles-to-column Mange connection: assume thatthe slip-critieal strength will control, Select the number of bolts based on slip-critical strength, then check tension, Ys AeA) 127.3 is Reduction factor= ke = 1 terns nf sere soi fs = Thtim)] Use 6 rows of 2 bolts for symmetry and io match the arrangement of gusset plate-to-connection angle bolts. Caeck tension, ‘Shearitension load per bolt = 127.3/12 = 10. 61 Kips. 9R,, ~ $F Ay ~ 0.75(00)(0.6013) = 40.6 kipsibolt > 10.61 kips/bolt (OK) Minimum spacing = 24. = 2.667(7/8) Minimum edge distance from AISC Table J3.4~ 1+ in Try. = 1 ands = 2+ in. forall connection elements and check hearing. For the angles-to-column connection. the angle thickness will control (3/8 in.< 0.695, in): Zoek nade = 0.9975 in. For the hole nearest the edge, 1, = (¢~-4 = 1.5 ~ 0.9375 — 1.031 in, OR, = §(1.2etF,) = 0.75(1.2)(1.031)(318)58) = 20.2 kips> 1061 kips (OK) (2 ate.) ~ 0.75(2.4)T/R)3IR)(58) — 34.3 Kipybolt For the other bolts, (. = §— = 2.5 ~ 0.9375 = 1. $63 in. Ry = G(1.2eAFy) = 0.75(1.2)(1.563)(38)(58) = 30. 6 kips > 1061 kips (OK) For the tension member connection, the gusset plate thickness will control For the hole nearest the edge, Ry = G(1.2eAF,) = 0.75(1.2)(1.031)(7/8)(58) 47.1 kips> 18/6 = 30 kips (OK) (2 Ad.) = 0.75(2.4)GIS)CTI8)(58) = 79. 9 Kipsbolt For the other bolts, Ry = G12 AF) = 0.75(1.2)(1.563)(7/8)(58) = 71-4 kips> 30 kips (OK) For the gusset plate-to-column connection angles, te, = 20D 47.1 = 4.4 Kips’ YORI OK) Summary: Use 6 bolts for tension member-to-gusset plate connection: use 6 bolts for gusset-plate-to connection angles connection; use 12 bolts for connection angles to column flange connection; use edge distances of I in, and bol spacings of 24 in, throughout (b) ASD solution ‘Tension member-to-gusset plate connection: Py = D+ L= 120 kips Bolt shear strength: Ay = nd?ld = 2(7/8)74 = 0.6013 in? Re a FFAs = 547 (68)(0.6013) x 2 shear planes = 40.89 kips/bolt Check bearing on the gusset plate assuming upper limit controls, Be = Sate) = 2.4)(7/8)(7/8)(58) = 53.3 kips/bolt Q 1 7.00 lip-crtical strength: From AISC Table 13.1. 7, = 49 kips Ry = pDadyTon, = 0.30(1.13)(1-0)(49)(2) = 33.22 kipwboit Re _ 33.22 _ 9, (controls! Re — 33:22 22. 15 kipsibolt (controls) Number required = 120/22. 15 = 5. 42 bolts. Use 6. set plate-to-column angles connection’ 3 inc 2 Z in

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