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Physical effort in footbal-tennis – scientific grounding



National University of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Physical Education

and Sport, Bucharest, Romania


Human society evolution of recent decades is deeply marked by the rise of the sports worldwide. That’s
why football-tennis can be named on the list of the biggest sports disciplines. It is a relatively young sport, with
its origins in the 40’s and nationally in the 70’s, but practiced with different name, such as labtennis in
Transylvania area and tennis in the area of Muntenia.By effort we mean the action of overcoming the demands
for physical optimization but also the increase of mental and intellectual factor whose results will increase,
consciously the level of sport performance and adaptation of the body. Therefore, football-tennis it can be a
sport game with complex characteristics, which is interesting by its dynamics, harmonies combination of motric
qualities, but also by its ability to educate young people involved in sports.The most important thing in football-
tennis workout is an intense training, wich its optimization is urged using specific methods of directing the
effort. That’s why , the present paper is ment to be a research of several solution for optimizing physical traning
of senior men category, in football-tennis by determining and assessing of specific area of effort, the
development of anaerobic, aerobic and mixed threshold, determination of VO2 max by blood tests with specific
devices which determines the alactacid anaerobic threshold of lactate tolerance and aerobic compensation.
Also, we will asses the motor content of senior men in football-tennis by performing tests on the OptoJump
battery, as well as the content of the technical- tactical trainings performed on the national masculine place
during the training camp.

Keywords: directing, football-tennis, effort, analysis


The game of football-tennis is a relatively young sport, which has grown since the

80's and which attracts by speed, dynamics, harmonious combination of motor qualities but

also by the ability to educate young people involved in sports.

The importance of this theme is due to physical activities and performance sports

that are in a continuous decline in Romanian society at almost every age category. That is

why it is necessary to implement new trends and activities in order to highlight the pleasure

of practicing physical exercise at the level of performance, where we will focus in this paper.

Therefore, we will develop a study through football-tennis in order to determine the level of

effort of seniors in football-tennis.

This sport is a sports game with complex characteristics from a technical and

tactical point of view, requiring a very intense training aimed at streamlining motor skills and

effort capacity among seniors.

The training effort is the process of consciously overcoming, by the athlete, the

training requests for physical improvement, for reaching a higher technical and tactical level,

as well as for accentuating the psychic and intellectual factors, the results of which

voluntarily produce capacity changes. performance and adaptation of the organs and

functional systems involved, according to G. Marinescu (2003).

The term of effort is very closely related to the capacity of effort, given the fact that

in the process of training in performance sports the aim is to continuously increase the

capacity of effort to ensure on the one hand the possibility of withstanding a good amount of

work. mechanic in training and on the other hand to allow the achievement and maintenance

of the highest possible level of effort during competitions. We also use the word capacity to

define the maximum capacity of energy or matter contained in a body, or rather, we define

the maximum capacity of the individual.

The process of training in performance sports aims to improve the capacity for

effort that influences sports success. Bota, C. (2002) clearly defines the capacity of effort as

"the possibilities of the active muscle system to release by anaerobic glycolysis or oxidative

phosphorylation the energy needed to produce as much mechanical work as possible and

maintain it for as long as possible."

Depending on the energy substrate used and the way in which intracytoplasmic

(anaerobic) and intramitochondrial (aerobic) biochemical reactions take place, we have two

types of effort capacity: anaerobic capacity and aerobic capacity, according to V. Tudor


In view of our research which is based on the zoning of the effort in football-tennis,

we will define the following notions about the main areas of effort according to Vasile L.


Zone Type of training Reps Number of Pause Mmoli of Cardiac

duration reps lactate Frequency
1 anaerobic-alactacid 2 – 8 sec 6 – 12 2 – 3 min 1–2 170
2 Lactic acid tolerance 20 – 90 sec 4 – 10 4 – 6 min 12 – 20 > 180
3 VO2 max 4 – 6 min 3–5 2 – 3 min 6 – 12 170 - 190
4 anaerobic threshold 3 – 7 min 4–8 3 – 5 min 3–6 160 – 170
5 aerobic threshold > 10 min 1–6 2 – 3 min 2–3 150 – 160
6 Aerobic > 10 min 1–4 2 130 - 140
Figure nr. 1.1. Effort zones Vasile L.(2007)

1. The anaerobic-alactacid zone or the ATP-CP zone. The purpose of training in this
area is the development of strength (speed - strength). The ability to accelerate, decelerate,
change direction, jump, sudden turns, hitting the ball, fighting with the opponent are
expressions of quality combined speed - force. The intensity of the exercise is 95 - 100%. The
duration of its repetition does not exceed 8 seconds, according to some authors 10 -12,
because exceeding it causes an increase in blood lactate and the effect of training is different.
The same risk exists in case of too short breaks; CP needs at least 2 minutes to recover in
proportion of 85%. It is good that the number of repetitions is divided into series by 3-4
repetitions, with active breaks of 4-5 minutes between sets, thus avoiding the intervention of

the lactic acid anaerobic system. The appearance of any burns in the muscles is proof of the
appearance of lactic acid and the effort must be stopped.
2. Lactic acid tolerance. The aim of this area is to adapt to the effects of lactic acid.
It is an area with high concentrations of lactate 12 - 20 mmol, the goal being to increase the
athlete's ability to tolerate lactic acid. The optimal duration of repetition is 30 - 60 seconds,
but efforts can be trained around 2 - 3 minutes, provided a lactate concentration of 12 - 16
mmol. Training in this area requires special attention, because too severe acidosis leads to
fatigue and ultimately overtraining. The recommendation is one, maximum two workouts in
this area of effort per week, with a minimum of 72 hours before the competition.
3.VO2 max, or maximum aerobic power training (PAM), with a lactate
concentration of 6 - 12 mmol, results in improved oxygen transport and utilization. The high
intensity and high concentration of lactate does not allow long training efforts or large
number of repetitions. Because of this, the training volume often does not produce the
maximum adaptations of the aerobic metabolism. Due to the high concentration of blood
lactate, it is not indicated to train this effort zone with that of lactate tolerance, in the same
training session. 2/1 or 1/1, grouped in 2-3 series of 10 - 12 minutes each.
4. The area of the anaerobic threshold is the most beneficial for the development of
aerobic exercise capacity. balance. Some authors consider the concentration of 4 mmol
corresponding to the anaerobic threshold, others rightly prefer the term individual anaerobic
threshold (PANI) with values between 3-6 mmol. The methods used for anaerobic threshold
training are based on both continuous and intermittent efforts. The adaptive effect of this
training area is reflected both on the increase in VO2 max and in the shift of the lactate curve
to the right.
5. The aerobic threshold area is intended to increase the aerobic capacity, by using a
large volume of effort. It is an area attacked mainly during the preparatory period, for
readjustment to effort, specific to long and low intensity efforts. It can be trained by the
method of continuous effort, but also by the method of repetitions, much more specific and
accepted in football-tennis.
6. Aerobic compensation, aims to recover after exertion. This type of effort is
applied at the end of the training lesson (10-15 minutes), after a training cycle with high
intensity or whenever necessary to avoid fatigue and ensure overcompensation. During the
competition period this training is used after the competition, immediately or the next day.

The general characteristics of the effort are related to its nature and are the
following: volume of effort, duration of the stimulus, amplitude of stimuli, density of stimuli,
frequency of application of the stimulus, character of breaks, intensity of effort and
complexity of effort. The volume of effort is the total amount of effort that is counted by the
distances covered, the working time, the number of repetitions of some partial or complete
exercises, high weights, the number of training lessons and the number of rounds, starts or
competitions. The duration of the stimulus is represented by the time it acts singly or in
series, within some training structures, as Mrs. C. Țifrea (2002) said.

Therefore, for the transition from the state of rest to that of intense physical
exertion, the body needs a certain time of adaptation, so that at the moment of effective entry
into the actual effort, it is at an optimal capacity for functioning. From this point of view, the
importance and need for warm-up before exercise is unanimously recognized, as it aims to
increase circulation and respiration in muscles, tendons and the nervous system.

Particular attention was paid to the dynamics of training efforts, rightly considering
that at the current stage as well as at the next stage, the largest and most efficient resources to
be exploited in order to continuously increase performance result from studying, knowing
and applying the dynamics. as close as possible to the specific requirements of this sport.
Throughout the world, efforts are directed towards determining the appropriate efforts for an
ideal combination of them, in order to find the best application of them in different situations
in order to achieve maximum sports performance, as Miron A. (2009) said.
The great sports performances are directly related to the quantitative and qualitative
increase of the trainings, respectively to the number of training hours, to the volume and
intensity of the effort. The growing demand on the body requires the rapid recovery of
exercise capacity, so that the athlete can cope with the many training lessons and to
successfully respond to the many competitive demands. The restoration aims at restoring the
equilibrium state of the internal environment and the functional parameters, had before the
effort and even exceeding them, in the sense of their optimization within the phenomenon of
overcompensation, in the conception of Neferu F. (2015).
The great sports performances are directly related to the quantitative and qualitative
increase of the trainings, respectively to the number of training hours, to the volume and
intensity of the effort. The growing demand on the body requires the rapid recovery of
exercise capacity, so that the athlete can cope with the many training lessons and to

successfully respond to the many competitive demands. The restoration aims at restoring the
equilibrium state of the internal environment and the functional parameters, had before the
effort and even exceeding them, in the sense of their optimization within the phenomenon of
overcompensation, in the conception of Neferu F. (2015).

Developing a performance routine continues to be an intuitively appealing and

widely accepted method to improve preparation for performance in sports. However, the
actual understanding is slightly less than that needed to confidently recommend developing a
performance routine. At a fundamental level, it is still not clear what functions routines
perform, in what they should define or the most effective way to learn them. This analysis
aims to clarify the current understanding and highlight areas that need further attention. A
better understanding is needed to be able to delimit the psychological components of routines,
as well as to understand the process by which a routine is developed / taught, said Coterill S.

Related to directing the effort in sports training, we have a close connection with
the term sports form, which leads the effort to reach the highest possible levels, in order to
obtain exceptional results in competitions.
Regarding the modern football-tennis player, we can associate, as Untea G. (1984)
said, the modern player is required due to the new requirements imposed by this sport, it must
correspond to a certain biotype, which in turn corresponds to and the physiological
requirements of the modern game.
He also talks in football, about the needs and requirements of the biomechanics of
executions, from here we can say that in football-tennis, biomechanics is largely based on the
lower train, with mobility accents, both on the lower train and the column vertebral, not
having a good relaxation, and a motor skills materialized by ambidexterity, having the
possibility to play the ball very well with both feet.
Physical activity and participation in sports expose young people to situations that
create optimal challenges, moments of uncertainty or even great frustration and
disappointment. What distinguishes sport and physical activity from other areas of
achievement is that the learning and performance of a skill is physical and thus performance
markers are observable for others. In addition, in competitive sports, performance markers
are also often normative. For example, how well they perform in a tennis match in relation to
the opponent's performance.

With physical ability and the consequences of easy competition on the poster, the
likelihood of teenagers continuing their involvement and enjoyment depends largely on how
they navigate the peaks and lows of these sporting and physical activity experiences. A
central belief in navigating positive and negative experiences in sports and physical activity is
self-efficacy, which is the belief in one's ability to learn or perform motor skills and / or
sports tasks to achieve a certain result, according to Pajares F. (2005 ).

Through our research we can talk about studies and research, such as the concept of
physical development expressed by Caracaleanu SG (2009), which represents the sum of
morphofunctional changes, induced by the processes of growth - maturation, which occur in
different stages of age, - throughout the life of each organism, corresponding to the specifics
and limits of variation of the evolution of the human species, under the action of hereditary
factors, external physical environment factors and socio-economic, cultural, sports
environment factors. Physical development is a qualitative component of the biological
process of development of the human body and is in balance with the process of growth of
the body.
The phenomenon of growth means the process of quantitative accumulation, at the
level of tissues, organs and systems, of segmental and global values, which correspond to
biological laws, with stages according to sex, age and some internal and external factors. It is
considered that the qualitative element of physical development is the maturation process,
which materializes by reaching some stages of relative somato-functional stability, at the
level of different structures and systems of the body. Physical development, through the two
complementary processes - growth and maturation, has a specific dynamic and, while, at
some point, the growth phenomenon ceases, biological maturation continues to manifest
another significant period in the ontogenesis of the human being. In the field of directed
motor skills, what is interesting about human physical development is the dynamics of this
process in the age range that includes childhood - adolescence.

Also, studies and research were done based on the zoning of effort in swimming
training, in which Bădescu V. (2009) reported that one of the fundamental problems of
contemporary training is monitoring training in all aspects, especially high-level
performance. The importance of the comprehensive evaluation of athletes and the training
process increases with their level of performance. , making the training selection accessible.
methods and means based on a unitary vision and the realization of reference time

predictions, based on linear extrapolation and standard correction. Such a research model will
also have to be tested in our topic.
The management of sports effort refers to a series of investigations at training or
competition, which consists in recording physical, functional or biochemical indices, in basal
conditions and after specific effort, on the basis of which an assessment can be made of
functional status and ability to effort. From these data an objective evaluation of the training
degree can be made.

Investigațiile la locul de antrenament urmăresc:

evaluarea stării de sănătate

evaluarea dezvoltării fizice

evaluarea stării funcționale cardio-vasculare,respiratorii,neuro-


evaluarea capacității de efort

investigarea unor indici comportamentali

evaluarea refacerii intra și post-efort

Figura 2.1.Principalele evaluări ale efortului din antrenament după Predescu C.(2011)

As in any activity that requires physical effort, and before the lesson / session of
physical education or sports training, as well as before sports and application-military
competitions, the body must be prepared in order to raise the functional level of large somatic
and vegetative systems, Pelmuș A. (2020).
Therefore, for the transition from the state of rest to that of intense physical
exertion, the body needs a certain time of adaptation, so that at the moment of effective entry

into the actual effort, it is at an optimal capacity for functioning. From this point of view, the
importance and need for warm-up before exercise is unanimously recognized, as it aims to
increase circulation and respiration in muscles, tendons and the nervous system.
Particular attention was paid to the dynamics of training efforts, rightly considering
that at the current stage as well as at the next stage, the largest and most efficient resources to
be exploited in order to continuously increase performance result from studying, knowing
and applying the dynamics. as close as possible to the specific requirements of this sport.
Throughout the world, efforts are directed towards determining the appropriate efforts for an
ideal combination of them, in order to find the best application of them in different situations
in order to achieve maximum sports performance, as Miron A. (2009) said.
Continuous effort can be defined as the activity of each muscle, given the impulses
of any intentional movement aimed at implementing a certain goal that will lead to an
increase in heart muscle contractions beyond the heart rate until the end of a given activity,
according to Roman Maciej Kalina (2012).
Developing a performance routine continues to be an intuitively appealing and
widely accepted method to improve preparation for performance in sports. However, the
actual understanding is slightly less than that needed to confidently recommend developing a
performance routine. At a fundamental level, it is still not clear what functions routines
perform, in what they should define or the most effective way to learn them. This analysis
aims to clarify the current understanding and highlight areas that need further attention. A
better understanding is needed to be able to delimit the psychological components of routines,
as well as to understand the process by which a routine is developed / taught, said Coterill S.
Physical activity and participation in sports expose young people to situations that
create optimal challenges, moments of uncertainty or even great frustration and
disappointment. What distinguishes sport and physical activity from other areas of
achievement is that the learning and performance of a skill is physical and thus performance
markers are observable for others. In addition, in competitive sports, performance markers
are also often normative. For example, how well they perform in a tennis match in relation to
the opponent's performance. With physical ability and the consequences of easy competition
on the poster, the likelihood of teenagers continuing their involvement and enjoyment
depends largely on how they navigate the peaks and lows of these sporting and physical
activity experiences. A central belief in navigating positive and negative experiences in sports

and physical activity is self-efficacy, which is the belief in one's ability to learn or perform
motor skills and / or sports tasks to achieve a certain result, according to Pajares F. (2005 ).

The effort-rest relationship is fundamental in performance sports, and its regulation

is called effort dosing. The effort dynamics represents the effort curve in graphical
representation according to the sequence of structural sequences.

The research carried out revealed:

a) in the first three links, the dynamics of the effort registers a continuously ascending curve;
it starts in the effort, from F.C. values. of 70-80 pulses / minute and F.R. of 16-18 breaths /
minute, reaching 120-130 pulses / minute and 20-22 breaths / minute.
b) in the thematic links, the effort curve registers a plateau with oscillations depending on the
number of themes and the specifics of the operational objectives (increases when the motor
qualities are developed or the motor skills and / or abilities are consolidated, especially when
dynamic games, relays are used , application courses, bilateral sports games.
c) in the last two links, there is a decrease of the effort curve; usually never returns to F.C.
values. and F.R. from the beginning of the lesson.

Looking for solutions in performing the problem of physical effort in training, we

show according to studies conducted in swimming, Erhan E. et al. (2017), states that physical
effort plays an important role in forming the body's functional endurance. The formation of
resistance to swimmers is one of the global tasks of the contemporary training process and
from a physiological point of view, the resistance of swimmers presents a complex of
functional possibilities, which provide the body with the necessary duration of work under
training conditions. As a functional aspect, endurance will be determined by the ability to
resist fatigue, being analyzed as a process, which occurs and develops during exertion and is
followed by a chain of changes in the body, which leads to decreased work capacity. Thus,
when it comes to endurance, the emphasis is on the possibility of continuing to work, but
when it comes to fatigue, the emphasis is on decreasing work capacity. Sports training
presents a process, which aims at the long-term adaptation of the body to intense muscle
activities and allows the development of considerable muscular effort through physical effort
of high intensity and duration. The specificity of adaptation in sports is determined by the
typology of physical activities, sports experience and qualification, the age and sex of

athletes, as well as by the conditions of sports training. The cardiovascular and respiratory
systems play a decisive role in all hierarchical levels of adaptation to physical effort. Due to
the high lability of the physiological regulatory mechanisms, these systems are among the
first to be included in the compensatory-adaptive activities, which tend to provide, according
to the requirements, the necessary amount of oxygen to the tissues. From the above, it
appears that the study of the peculiarities of adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system to the
specific physical effort, as well as the adaptation reserves presents one of the current
problems of physiology. The juvenile period of ontogenesis remains under the attention of
specialists in various fields. At this age, morphological and functional changes of the body
can still be observed, the stabilization of pubertal characters takes place, the phenotype and
genotype of the body of junior athletes is already clearly manifested.


Following the theoretical considerations regarding the zoning of the effort in

football-tennis, we can develop new methods and means of optimizing the physical training
among seniors, emphasizing the idea that this research has not been developed in this sport.
Due to the research activities, we want the training models used to be taken over by other
teams, as well as a large participation in the training organized for the training of coaches,
where they can observe the models used and even their application among their athletes.
Through the theoretical research of football-tennis we aim at capturing and permanently
highlighting the applicative character and the contents of the training both in free time and as
a performance sport.
Regarding the management of the football-tennis effort, it will be achieved through planning
documents and through the activities within the general and specific training trainings carried
out during the research.
Within the training methods used, we want them to be taken over by other teams, as well as a
participation in large numbers in the training organized for the training of coaches, where
they can see the methods and means used in determining areas of effort in football. tennis.
Taking into account the theoretical aspects of directing the effort in football-tennis,
we will focus on both qualitative and quantitative aspects in terms of studying the content of

physical training training specific to football-tennis, within the national team and certain club
teams in Romania.


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15. Vasile l
16. Marinescu


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